Small bright red bugs in the ground. Red lily beetle

For most people, the bug of the soldier has been familiar since childhood: this insect has a nice color and lives in almost all regions of the former USSR and settles in large colonies. Meanwhile, few people know that the bug of the red soldier is a dangerous pest of garden plants.

What does a firebug look like?

The bug of the soldier (Pyrrhocoris Apterus) belongs to the order “hemiptera”, suborder “shield-like”, body length usually varies from 7 to 12 mm. The color of the soldier bug is very remarkable, so it is almost impossible to confuse it with other insects. As seen in the photo, the back of the bug is decorated with a characteristic black and red ornament:

The larvae of the soldiers are smaller and not so bright chitinous cover. In the photo you can see that they are almost completely red, with a small number of black dots. Nevertheless, the species of the red bug bug is easily guessed:

Oral organs of the bug-soldier are presented with piercing-sucking proboscis, which is located in a restful state horizontally at the bottom of the head. With their help, the bug breaks through the shell of a plant or the chitinous cover of dead insects with which it feeds, and slowly sucks the remaining juices.

The bugs eggs, which can be seen in the photo below, have a pearl-white color and oval shape. Bedbugs, soldiers often lay them right in those plants that eat. Often, bedbugs can be found in old dead trees, rotting stumps and leaky fences:

The firebug is a very common insect that can be seen at any time of the year, except for winter. They live in colonies, collectively occupy plants and all winter. In summer, red bugs love to bask in the sun, being placed on open, well-warmed grounds.

Wintering occurs in a pre-selected warm and dry place. Often in the crevices of the fence, the bark of old trees, wooden buildings, planks. Egg laying also occurs there.

Insect breeding takes place very quickly: in one clutch, the female lays up to 20-30 eggs, of which after a week and a half larvae appear.

Bedbugs mate quite unusual: they are connected to each other by the back of the torso, after which the seed cells of the male fall into the abdomen of the female.

An example of massive accumulations of bedbugs soldiers

What a bug eats a soldier and what harm he brings

In feeding, the soldier bugs are quite unpretentious. For the full existence of them enough juice plants, which they suck, piercing the stem or leaf. After such an invasion of bedbugs, the plant begins to die slowly and ceases to bear fruit. Vegetables, fruits and berries, seriously damaged by soldier bugs, are no longer suitable for food.

The photo shows what the plant looks like when it was destroyed by the soldiers:

Of course, in agriculture there are more dangerous pests, but the bug of the soldier can also cause a lot of trouble. Vineyards especially suffer from its rapid reproduction, where the insect can damage the berries of elite varieties.

In the absence of fresh sap of plants, the red soldier bugs can eat carrion, gathering in groups on the corpses of other insects and even vertebrates.

“At my dacha, some red bugs chose a bench and a tree. I looked on the Internet that this insect is a bug of a soldier. It seems like a harmless and harmless, did not poison them and left as is. After a while, he noticed that the carrots in the garden had a normal growth of the tops - constantly growing curly and not stretching. It is this bed closest to the bench. So I think now, could the soldiers of the carrot do harm, or is it some other pest? ”

Vasily Petrovich, Zhytomyr

It is interesting

Despite the general image of a benevolent insect, soldier bugs often show cannibalistic inclinations. The main food of the bug is nutritious juices, which it extracts not only from plants, but also from dead insects, small animals. If on the way of the bug of the soldier his dead brother falls, he will not disdain even such a meal. Usually these insects feed on a group; one of the cases of similar group cannibalism is clearly seen in the photo:

How to get rid of bedbugs soldiers

Soldier bugs are fairly harmless insects, but their large accumulation can cause some damage to the garden or garden. Therefore, the question of how the soldiers, arises quite often.

If a firebug appears in the field of view of the gardener or the owner of the dacha, it is necessary to bring out their entire population. Even if the harm brought by them does not manifest itself at all, it will be especially noticeable in summer, when fruits ripen and the flowering of ornamental plants is mass.

Besides the fact that the bug of the soldier simply sucks the sap of the plant, condemning it to death, he also lays there eggs, from which larvae will soon appear, which will pose a direct threat to other plants.

To prevent the penetration of red bugs into garden crops, it is recommended to plant them at a considerable distance from perennial legumes and alfalfa. The reason for this recommendation is that it is on these plants that the bugs wait out the cold period of the year, and will move to a more comfortable place of residence after the emergence of new shoots.

If you plan to plant wastelands, where weeds live now (quinoa, wormwood, schiritsa), then it is advisable to burn these wild herbs before planting new crops.

In the case of an infection that has already occurred, the affected plants can be treated with the drug Bankol.   It is convenient because it does not have a sharp smell, is safe for humans, animals, and even beneficial insects. 5-7 mg of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the solution is bottled with a sprayer and processed.

An insect affected by an insecticide, paralysis of the nervous system occurs, and it dies within 1-3 days. Most often, Bankol is used to fight the Colorado potato beetle, but the drug will work fine against the bug bug as well.

A good option for gardeners is to plant black cohosh next to healthy crops.   This is a perennial plant of the buttercup family, which is very effective in its smell.

“About two years ago in the country house there was literally an invasion of soldiers. At first we did not think to poison them, but then we realized that they simply destroy all the flowers in the garden and drink juice from them. Neighbor told about Klopogon, gave her process. We planted, this plant stuck perfectly and even looks quite nice. This summer, the soldiers bypassed our garden by the tenth way, but they still live on the fence. ”

Rimma, Vologda

The firebug, though not recognized by science as a typical pest, can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is desirable to take early action immediately after its detection on the site.

Immediately, we note that this is not dangerous for people; it cannot settle in the house either. Therefore, if an accidental bug of a soldier got into the room, you can just take it out on the street - the bug will not bother you again.

Soldier Bugs: Macro

Many people admire insects, not suspecting at all that some of them inflict tremendous damage on agricultural crops. In total, there are about 760 thousand species of various insects on Earth, among which there are more than 300 thousand beetles.

The order of beetles is subdivided into 3 sub-orders - ancient beetles, carnivorous and multi-eating. In the first, richly presented in the past, there are only a few dozen of the currently existing species, but it is the source for the other two. Among such diversity on the background of green stand out red bugs with black dots and, conversely, black with red spots.

The article provides information on the more common and frequently encountered of them.

General information about beetles

Before we find out what the red bugs with black dots are called, we will find out what the insects are - beetles.

These are the most diverse and numerous types of insects that live in virtually all areas of land and water - in the tundra, deserts, mountains, forests, fresh water bodies, and even in human dwellings.

From each other, beetles are very different in appearance and size. Some are so miserable that they cannot be seen, others, for example, like a goliath beetle, can reach 15 centimeters in length.

Features of the structure of beetles

The red beetle with black dots on the wings (shown in the photo below), like all other species of beetles, has its own structural features. The main distinctive feature of beetles is strong and rigid front wings (or elytra), when folded, forming a chitinous shell that protects a thinner second pair of wings - webbed.

There are so many creatures in the world who want to eat bugs that the second had to acquire such chitinous hard armor to protect the body. Like all have a head, thorax (abdomen) and chest. Their jaws (only three pairs) are distinguished by extreme strength and strength. Most beetles have good eyesight, but they mainly rely on sensitive organs of touch, antennae, located on the sides of their heads.

The heart is placed inside the abdomen, and it is protected by a strong chest plate (pronotum). Also in the belly contains the intestinal tract, stomach and the entire respiratory system.

Many beetles have two pairs of wings, of which the lower ones are used for flight, hidden in a sitting position under chitinous elytra. Before taking off, the beetle raises the elytra, and only then straightens its delicate, thin wings.

In total, like other insects, the beetle has 6 legs attached to the thoracic part of the trunk.

Family of Ladybugs

These cute little bugs are familiar even to small children. They are well known for their lack of fear of people and their bright red color.

The ladybird (red beetle with black dots) is more known, the seven-point, although their species diversity is enormous.

In total, there are 5,200 species in the world in the family of ladybirds, in the Coleoptera squad. So their relatives are numerous species of beetles. Some individuals have a red color with black dots, others instead of dots have irregular-shaped spots, and others are black with red spots. Very rarely, but there are one-colored ladybugs with black color.

Description of a ladybug

These are small red beetles with black dots (the photo can be seen below) with a rounded convex body. The lower part of their torso is completely flat. Their usual color is red, black and yellow contrasting tones. The head is small. thin, black. Body length is 5-8 mm.

In sunny weather, these heat-loving insects are active: crawling hastily, quickly take off and re-sit on the plants in search of food. Their flight is very light, fast and silent.

Usually, the victims of ladybirds are sedentary insects, and therefore the hunt for them is merely eating the victim.

Distribution, features

Distributed ladybugs around the world. They live on all continents of the world, except Antarctica. Ladybugs populate open spaces with grassy vegetation - gardens, meadows, forest edges, steppes, less often - forests. Accumulations form only during the winter, and so live alone. In search of food, they crawl through the leaves and stalks of plants, and can still fly over long distances.

The peculiarity of these beetles is that in danger they emit a rather sharply smelling, poisonous yellowish liquid that scares off enemies. Only a few of these beetles are harmful to crops. The rest (predatory species) destroy the worms, aphids, leaf beetles and other pests of garden and horticultural crops.

Not always a ladybug - a red beetle with black dots (the photo shows it). Some of the varieties have a yellow outfit with dots in black, others are painted black with red dots. There are even white ladybugs! All these are young beetles that have recently emerged from the pupa. Adult, the usual coloring they acquire after a few hours after the birth.


Among the many varieties of ladybirds exist, as noted above, not only red beetles with black dots, but also black and red in color.

Red beetle with black dots

The name of his bug is a soldier. This red insect is known to almost everyone, because it lives near the person.

These beetles with bright black and red colors can grow up to 12 millimeters long. They do not know how to fly, since they have no wings. Although there are exceptions.

The larvae of this beetle are very similar in appearance to adult insects.

The spread and behavior of soldiers

Beetles live on the territory of Eurasia in temperate climatic zones, and are also found in North Africa and North America. The bug can be seen at almost any time of the year, except for winter. Especially there are many of them in spring, when the sun warms well. They sit in small groups in the open.

In the trees, red beetles with black dots pick out the old bark. They are located on loose boards, on bricks, on fences, and even in houses they can be seen in rural settlements. In essence, these insects are completely harmless.

The composition of their diet - the fruits that fell on the ground, seeds, sap of plants. Their main feature is that they sometimes eat their relatives when they live in large colonies.

At the end of autumn, beetles with a red back and black dots occur to hibernate under fallen leaves, under the bark of trees and in other places sheltered from the wind and severe frosts. With the onset of winter, the soldiers enter the stage of an adult insect. Nature has given them an unpleasant smell to scare away natural enemies.

Shrenk's Narva

By the red beetles with black dots can be attributed, and the beetle - Schrenk the burglar. It is easily recognizable by its bright characteristic appearance. His elytra are red or orange, with transverse stripes and black spots. The body has a thick hairiness.

On sunny days, these beetles can be seen sitting on one or several individuals on the flowers. Usually they are slow and sluggish. Their larvae are more mobile than adults. They feed on eggs in the locust cups.

These insects received this name due to the fact that their blood contains poison (cantharidin), which is very irritating to the skin and causes the appearance of water bubbles (boils). It may also happen that an animal that swallows with the grass of this beetle will get sick and die.


Among the vast diversity in the nature of beetles, the ladybirds are the closest for people and pleasant outwardly and cute.

Their childhood is associated with them, when these beetles themselves sat on children's palms without fear, and the little ones asked them to fly to the "small" to feed the children. These beautiful bugs are always a favorite object of children, because they are well accessible for observation.

The British interpret such a color of a ladybug as: the red color is a reminder of the passions of Christ, and the black dots are associated with the 7 sorrows of the Mother of God.

The beetle-soldier belongs to the family of red-flops. This is an insect familiar to everyone from childhood, having a bright red and black coloring with an ornament of triangles and circles. The length of an adult individual reaches 7–12 mm. The larvae of the beetle are noticeably smaller, their color is not so bright, with the least amount of black patches. Eggs of bugs are white and oval, they can be found in the cracks of old trees, stumps, fences, buildings. In the same place insects winter. Soldiers breed very quickly, the female lays 20-30 eggs at a time, so they are often grouped together in colonies. In the early spring and late autumn, clusters of beetles can be seen on the sunny sides of the logs and wooden structures.

What is dangerous soldier beetle?

At first glance, the soldier seems harmless, cute and "cheerful" bug, which does not cause inconvenience to anyone. However, it is quite possible to call the red-flock a pest, because the insects of this species feed on garden crops and weeds, piercing the stem or leaf, sucking the juice. After the invasion of the colony of bedbugs, the plant begins to wither, slowly die, ceases to bear fruit. This is especially true of young shoots that have not yet gained strength. Fruits, vegetables, berries, attacked by beetles, often become unsuitable for food.

The most dangerous pests for vineyards. In this case, elite crop varieties are destroyed.

In addition to sucking the juice, the soldier damages the plants, laying eggs right in their stems. Growing larvae feed on buds and greens, which retards the growth of the plant and gradually leads to its death. In addition, the larvae can become carriers of viral diseases between different representatives of the flora.

Pay attention to signs of damage to garden crops bugs.

  1. Beet sprouts grow slowly, do not give fruit or almost immediately die.
  2. In adult carrot and beetroot plants, dry twisted tops.
  3. Flowers and buds of plants fall off almost immediately after contact with bedbugs.
  4. Umbrella plants, such as dill and coriander, dry up very quickly after the attack of bedbugs.
  5. Yellow spots and black dots on cabbage are traces of insect bites.

In spite of the fact that a colony of beetles may not take up the destruction of cultivated varieties for a long time, eating weeds, it is recommended to resist this insect at this stage. Large accumulations of bedbugs will inevitably lead to damage or destruction of the crop. Having noticed several bugs of characteristic bright colors on the site, immediately think about how to get rid of this species of insects.

If you land on the site Klopogon, the losses from the "soldiers" can be reduced to a minimum

How to get rid of the pest?

The soldier beetle causes irreparable damage to some plants, from which they die almost immediately. To destroy pests should be in the spring, when their number is not so large, and the crop has not yet been harmed. At this time, you can try to just collect bugs manually. This method is effective in small gardens, it requires patience. Repeat the procedure for several days in a row.

In order to avoid the appearance of pest beetles in advance, take some steps that will help protect the crop.

As a precautionary measure, it is recommended to plant cultivated plants away from perennial legumes and alfalfa. It is on them that insects often overwinter. On legumes and weeds, beetles like to lay larvae, therefore periodically mow their bushes. It is advisable to remove alfalfa and wild grasses under the root. If you plan to plant on the place where weeds grew, then it is better to get rid of unnecessary shrubs and grasses by burning them. This will avoid infection of new shoots with bedbugs.

An additional precaution will be the landing of black cohosh (tsimifuga) in the garden or garden. This flower belongs to the family of buttercups, it has leaves of large size, beautiful white inflorescences. This allows you to use it not only as a deterrent for red knuckles, but also as an ornamental plant to decorate the site. The smell of black cohosh will help to get rid of soldiers and some other garden insects from the territory.

A prerequisite for preventing the reproduction of beetles will be the removal from the garden of rotting wood, which often becomes a gathering place for soldiers. On live trees, it is better to install special trap belts, which you can make yourself. To do this, cut corrugated cardboard 25 centimeters wide across across the furrows, grease with glue and apply glass wool up to one and a half centimeters thick on it. Secure the finished product to the tree trunk with a wire.

If the soldier still took a fancy to your beds and began to destroy the crop, then you can resort to spraying the plants. It can be carried out by various special compositions or folk remedies.

  • Insecticide "Bankol"   - Japanese drug in powder form, which is used to combat the Colorado potato beetle. The tool is non-toxic to people, animals, beneficial insects, such as bees. The composition does not have a sharp smell, does not accumulate in the soil, involves the treatment of plants in the heat. Dissolve 5–7 g of powder in 10 l of water and spray the plants according to the instructions.
  • Onion tincture - pour 200-250 g of onion peel 10 liters of water, let it brew for 5 days. Strain the liquid and spray the plants at five-day intervals.
  • Mustard or ash solution   - Dissolve 100 g of dry mustard or ash in 10 liters of water to a thick consistency and spray the crops with the resulting liquid.
  • Soap composition - dissolve 300 g of soap in 10 l of water and spray the seedlings with this solution. You can use liquid soap. Another method involves treating the trimmed area of ​​the garden. Sprinkle the ground with soapy flakes, cover with water, put a thick cloth on top. When the soap begins to dissolve, the soldiers and other insects will try to hide on the fabric, at this moment it can be rolled up with the beetles and destroyed.

In hot weather, plants can be sprayed with natural means abundantly, especially with the method of soap and rag. But remember that in the intervals between spraying the soil should dry out properly.

To get rid of the bug pest, it is enough time to take confident preventive action. Coat the tree trunks with lime solution, dig the ground near them. The soldier beetle does not like shade, so the bushes next to the lawn will scare him away. Do not over-fertilize the soil; if possible, attract birds to the garden area, who will eat bugs with pleasure. Use insecticides as a last resort, give preference to natural remedies. Remember: this type of insect multiplies rapidly, so you need to start the opposition immediately, as soon as the first individuals were noticed.

The red lily beetle has many names, so in the people of this pest lilies are called "lily beetle", "lily rattle". In addition to lilies, pests do not refuse to feast on lilies of the valley, grouse, and bathing.

Harm brought by a red lily beetle

Adults feed on young leaves and buds, not neglecting the scales of bulbs in some cases. As a result, the ovary falls off or the flower blooms damaged, and sometimes there is nothing left of the leaves. An incredible appetite for the larvae, which rapidly and constantly devour the plants on which they appeared.

What does a red lily beetle look like?

It is quite simple to find the red lily beetle, especially adults, which stand out with a red spot against the background of greenery. In adults, the black belly, on the outside color is bright red. In length can reach 10 mm. The greatest activity of adult individuals is observed in the morning or in the evening on lilies and grouse. The red lily beetle flies very well and has an excellent self-preservation instinct. When danger approaches, he falls to the ground and turns his belly up, hiding his bright wings. Insect can lie in this position for a very long time.

The red lily beetle lays eggs mainly on lilies, less often on other plants. A female, capable of laying more than 400 eggs per season, lays orange-brown or red oblong eggs on the underside of the leaf in an unordered line. Eggs ripen from 7 days or more depending on weather conditions.

The eggs appear pale orange or pale yellow larvae, having a disgusting appearance due to the excrement with which they surround themselves. Outwardly, they resemble a clump of dirt, covered with gray-brown mucus. The excreta is toxic to other insects that feed on the larvae, but harmless to humans. The larvae are located on the lower side of the leaf, so it is not always possible to detect them. For 15-25 days, the larvae add in size, and then bury themselves in the ground and pupate. After another 15 days, the larvae become adults. In winter, insects burrow into the soil. They can spend the winter at a very large distance from the place of their feeding. For this reason, it does not make sense to pickle the ground in a flower garden.

Measures to combat the red lily beetle

The number of beetles can be controlled manually in the spring, before they lay eggs, but under the condition that the planting of lilies is not large and there are not very many insects. Otherwise, apply pest control chemicals. But when choosing drugs, it should be borne in mind that the red lily beetle is sufficiently resistant to them. The most effective effect of such drugs as Fufanon, Talstar, Intavir, Kinmiks, preparations based on the extract of the nimovoi tree.


Soldier bugs are beautiful insects with a bright color, often living in the backyard area in all regions of the former Soviet Union.   Many people genuinely admire insects, completely unaware of the harm they cause to crops. Sometimes these bugs move from the garden inside the home, which is also very unsafe. In general, their appearance is a bell to the owner of the house that a set of measures should be taken, aimed at the destruction of harmful insects and preventing their appearance in the future. How to do this correctly will tell our article.

Who are the soldier bugs

The bug of the soldier is a beetle belonging to the order of the half-winged. The length of the body of the insect is from 7 to 12 mm. Amazing color is the difference between the bug of the soldier.

The red clap, a characteristic feature of which is the red-black ornament on the back, likes to dwell in the bark of trees or among garden crops. It sets aside the larvae, which in their appearance do not look like an adult. The larvae of the soldier bug are mostly red in color, but there are sometimes dark spots on the surface of their bodies.

Insect soldiers have a mouth, represented by the form of piercing-sucking proboscis. If the bug is in calm, then this proboscis is located in a horizontal position at the bottom of the head. Using precisely their mouth-proboscis, the bugs of the soldiers pierce through the shell of plant elements or even the chitinous cover of dead insects. Of these, the beetle sucks the remaining juice.

Such an insect as a firebug was widely spread. Prefer to live in groups, colonies. Collectively, these bugs attack garden plants, and are also grouped for wintering. In the summer, red bugs love to bask in the sun, crawling out into open areas.

Life cycle

Red bugs with black dots breed quickly enough, therefore, when even two or three individuals appear, you need to be ready for their mass invasion. The most favorable for living and breeding of bug-soldiers is the Eurasian climate, as well as a moderate European belt. That is, the Russian latitudes are very suitable for the habitat of red bugs.

A beetle soldier lays oval eggs in pearl white color. Ovipositions are more common in plants eaten by these same insects. In just one laying, the female of the red beetle produces from 20 to 30 eggs, and within a week and a half of them the first larvae appear - small red spiders. The process of mating these insects is unusual. The insect soldiers join each other with the rear parts of the body, as a result of which the seed cells from the male move to the abdomen of the female beetle.

The larvae of insects of soldiers appear with the onset of warm spring days, and at the very beginning of their existence they eat young shoots of weeds and alfalfa. When this type of food ends, the red-flops begin to absorb the sap of the cultivated vegetation.

About appearance

Before the beginning of the extermination of the soldiers, it is necessary to better understand what the bug looks like externally. Here are the main characteristics of the appearance of the red-flop:

  • The body of the bugs of this species is painted in bright red shades.
  • The shell has a distinctive black pattern.
  • Sometimes in nature there are other types of soldier bug, in which the shell is painted in yellow shades with the same black pattern on top, on the wings.

Determining the presence of a soldier bug on the backyard is not difficult, because these insects have probably been seen by everyone in the summer hot days.

Many people confuse the soldier's bug with a similar insect - the firefighter beetle. Probably, therefore, soldiers are often called precisely beetles. Although from the outside the difference between insects is noticeable to the naked eye. The firefighter's beetle is oblong in shape, while the soldiers have an oval and slightly flattened shape. The bug of the soldier belongs to the category of pests, and does not know how to fly at all. In addition, the insect with a bright color of the calf leaves behind an unpleasant smell. The fire beetle has the same bright appearance, but at the same time it can fly (albeit slowly) and, unlike the bugs, protects the garden from pests.


Beetles, popularly called soldiers, are most often found on the street or in the garden. They nest in old, rotten wooden decks, in tree trunks, or in wooden fences. Sometimes such surfaces are literally covered with colonies of soldiers.

But in these places the insects just rest, but to get nutrients, they go fishing, planting young growth in the garden and causing irreparable harm to the crop in the garden. Gardeners often find soldiers in the cabbage , carrot or beet tops, on the leaves of garden trees or currant bushes. In any case, if the site owner discovers a colony of beetle-soldiers nearby, he should immediately think about how to drive them away.

Despite the seemingly harmless appearance, the bug causes serious damage to garden crops. An insect makes an egg laying right in the plants (on the leaves or stalks), at the same time sucking out all the juice from them. They are especially dangerous for elite grape varieties. Due to the fact that they feed on the sap of garden crops, they are classified as serious pests.
A gardener must understand that it is not so much the adults of the bug-soldiers who are harmed as their eggs and larvae.And for this reason, should promptly prevent their appearance on the garden plot. Often these garden pests cause damage to young shoots of beets, carrots, dill and other garden vegetation. The plants that have not yet got stronger and have not gained vitality simply die from the effects of the soldiers.

What eats the bug of the soldier

In order to effectively combat garden pests, it is necessary to understand what these insects eat, and where do they live?

The red beetle with black spots, popularly known as the bug of the soldier, is completely unpretentious in food. Few people know that soldier beetles eat, but this information is very important, especially for gardeners who can suffer significant losses from black-and-red pests.

So, to exist fully, the red-black beetle needs only plant sap. He gets it, piercing leaves or stalks with a sharp proboscis. After such an impact, the cultural vegetation ceases to bear fruit and gradually dies off. If the soldier beetles damage vegetable, fruit or berry fruits, then they cease to be fit for human consumption. If there is no fresh juice nearby, then black and red bugs can even eat carrion. On dead insects, bugs are collected in colonies, and sometimes they can be seen even on the corpses of vertebrates. The egg-laying is done by this insect right on the leaves, cuttings and stems of plants. This prevents the risk of food deficiency for juveniles. Young red larvae will always find something to eat, thanks to this placement of egg-laying. Gathering in large colonies, they cause irreparable damage to many garden and vegetable crops:

Ways of deliverance

A garden bug that appeared in private possessions will definitely show itself soon, and not from the best side. And therefore, immediately after the discovery of the insect, look for ways to get rid of the soldiers.

Initially, garden pests living in the ground and called soldiers, did not belong to the category of harmful. This happened for the reason that the bugs ate only fallen seeds and overripe fruits. However, then the garden bug began to be reborn and eat vegetation useful for the garden and humans, as well as attack other insects that live on the site. It was from that moment that the need arose to carry out certain control measures in the garden, where these red-black insects appeared.

In order to remove the soldier's bug, gardeners use many different means. The most famous of them are:

  1. Mechanical destruction of pests through the collection and removal of the garden.
  2. Exposure of the soldiers to scaring or poisoning chemicals.
  3. The use of folk insect fighting soldiers.

In the course are both chemical and artificial means, and useful plants with a strong smell and repellent insect pests. Among the most simple methods of dealing with red-flops, there is a certain recommendation from specialists, which is of a preventive nature. If a colony of insects with a red-black back was seen in the garden, you can simply collect them and take them out. This will prevent the harm done to fruit and berry plants by insecticidal preparations used to bait these bugs. Well, so as not to worry about the fact that the beetles, soldiers return to the site, you can destroy them after making a residential area. This is the so-called mechanical method of fighting with the bug-soldiers, but besides it there is another, involving the use of trapping belts.

They can be purchased at household goods stores, or made by hand. When creating an independent trap belt for soldiers, bugs take a strip of corrugated cardboard about 25 cm wide. It should be cut into two parts across the grooves, then lubricate all the parts with white glue. Further to the prepared cardboard glass wool is fixed with a thickness of about 1.5 cm. Such a product is attached to the tree with wire. Why so? The fact is that the soldiers' bugs are known to many as wood pests, their colonies can often be seen on tree bark, and therefore the first thing to do is to protect the trees. However, other garden plants may suffer from the attacks of these bugs. But they are protected in other ways.

There are more radical measures to address the question of how to get rid of the beetles of soldiers. They begin with the landing in the garden of a special plant that repels bedbugs - black cohosh-tsimitsifuga. Black currant pests, of which the soldiers are soldiers, do not tolerate the smell of this vegetation and simply leave the site. Interestingly, not only the red-flaps will leave the garden, but also other insects that annoy the cultivated plants.

Gardening stores offer customers many different pesticides that facilitate pest control. However, it should be understood that their use harms not only the red knocks, but also the soil, as well as the cultural vegetation. In addition, black-red bugs gradually get used to the constituent components of chemicals, and no longer respond to the poison. One of the most famous chemicals. One of these drugs against bedbugs soldiers is Bankol. It does not have a sharp and unpleasant smell, and besides it is absolutely safe for both people and domestic animals and beneficial insects. In 10 liters of water will need to dilute only 5-7 ml of funds. It is recommended to pour the prepared solution into the sprayer bottle and process it.

Folk remedies

And so the best option would still be the removal of soldiers with the help of folk biological means. Among them is a soap solution prepared from laundry soap diluted in water (approximately 300 grams of soap is taken for 1 bucket of liquid). Spraying this composition will help get rid of many insect pests (not only from the bugs, soldiers).

A high degree of effectiveness demonstrate a variety of tinctures and decoctions. For example, already mentioned above onion decoction. To prepare it for 10 liters, 200 g of husk is taken and all this is infused over a five-day period. Spraying onion plant infusion is recommended no more than 1 time every five days.

You can also save yourself from the invasion of soldiers by bringing birds to the garden. But you need to be careful and observe that the birds along with the bugs do not peck the crop.

Soldier bugs do not tolerate the impact of Sarepta mustard. A solution is prepared from it (only 100 g of the dry composition is dissolved in water to a slurry state). Further this mixture is stirred in a bucket of water. This solution is used for spraying garden plots.

Actually, when creating folk remedies for beetles, soldiers, this factor is fundamental. Natural remedies will not harm the crop, but they will help get rid of unwanted pests from the site. You can also bring out the soldier's bug using:

  • There is another option - to dissolve wood ash in water and also treat the beds with this composition.
  • Another good folk remedy against the redbloods who entered the dwelling is wormwood. It will be enough for the owner of the house to build a good broom from this plant and place it in the house (it is possible even under the bed). For expelling pests suitable for both dry and fresh wormwood.
  • A great way for those who are looking for how to get rid of red-black bugs that have penetrated inside the house will be the processing of baseboards, plinths, bed legs with vinegar or kerosene.
  • One can not forget about camphor oil and turpentine. It is possible to find these drugs in any pharmacy, and it is recommended to process them with the same plinths and legs of the beds (since the toy bugs often move on such surfaces, at the bottom of the room).
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