Speech therapy lesson: “Distinguish between the sounds Z-S. “differentiation “s-z” in words and sentences” Report of the lesson topic

Differentiation of sounds [s]-[z] in words and phrasal speech.

Goal: to develop auditory perception of sounds s, s ;show the difference in articulation and pronunciation; automate the correct pronunciation in your own speech, in isolation, in syllables, words.


1. Development of articulatory and fine and general motor skills;

2. Development of phonemic processes (phonemic perception, phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis and synthesis);

3. Enrichment of vocabulary;

4. Activation of mental processes (perception, attention, memory, spatial perception, self-regulation of one’s behavior, activation of interhemispheric interaction).

Equipment: picture material, handouts, signal cards, subject pictures withsounds:"S,S,Z,Z"; letters S, Z; cards with pictures to determine the place sound , costumes: dragonfly, zebra, hare, elephant.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time.

Greetings. Discussion and determination of the time of year, month, date, day of the week. Finding out the sequence of days of the week (what day of the week is today, yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday; what day of the week occurs between two other days).

1.1Finger gymnastics: “Fingers say hello”, “Bunnies-rings-goats” (perform sequentially on each hand). At the same time, perform “bunnies” and “goats” exercises on both hands and change their position.

1.2 Breathing exercise “Hot tea”

Target : development of strong, smooth and prolonged exhalation.

Equipment : cups made of colored cardboard.

Progress of the game : - Hello, girls and boys! Today you are the guests

I treat everyone to mine and hot tea, and so as not to burn you, I blow

I offer!

2. Repetition of covered material.

What 2 groups are all sounds divided into?

Vowels and consonants.

How do vowels differ from consonants?

Vowels can be sung or shouted. During their formation, only the voice works. But you can’t sing consonants. When forming consonants, lips, teeth, and tongue work. They create a barrier to air in the mouth.

Development of sound-letter analysis.

Listen to the words, determine what vowels are in these words,

Write the letters in your notebook:


How many vowels are in these words;

What are such words called (monosyllabic);


What vowels are in these words;

How many syllables are there in these words;

What are these words (two syllables) called?

How to call in one word the words with which we worked, who is this?


3. Explanation of new material.

Look at the pictures, highlight the initial sounds.

Compare the sounds s and s by articulation.

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference between these sounds?

Select the initial sound from the words. (The speech therapist pronounces the words,

Children name only the first sound.)

Sample. Juice (s), himself, sleigh, tooth, umbrella, sleep, castle, bough, hall.

Development of phonemic hearing.

Game "Slam-stomp"

The speech therapist pronounces words, and the children clap their hands when they hear sound - z, and stomp when they hear - s.

Catfish, fork, horn, scythe, tan, heat, nose, sand, goat, salt.

Dynamic pause. Ball game

Game "Add a syllable"

I will pronounce the beginnings of words, and you add -sa or -za






Task 1. Change the words according to the example.

Eye - eyes belt - ... bus - ....

Nose - …. order -... diver -...

Cargo - ... watermelon - ... state farm - ...

Coward -…. drift - ... locomotive - ....

Task 2. Development of phonemic awareness in sentences

- Take the cards. Guess the riddles.
- What is this?
- Now name the words with the sound [C] from the text of the riddle. And with the sound [Z].

In winter it’s white, if you turn it into a wedge,
In the summer, gray Unfold - damn it
(Hare) (Umbrella)

There is a patch in front, The white blanket is not made by hand.
At the back there is a hook. It was not woven or cut,
In the middle of the back, it fell from the sky to the ground.
And it has bristles on it. (Snow)

The rope lies, you stroke it, it caresses you,
Hisses, you cheat. You tease and he bites.
Taking her is dangerous - (Dog)
It will bite.
Is it clear? (Snake)

Physical education minute. Coordination of speech with movement.

The bunny's ears are long, (extension-flexion of fists)
They stick out from the bushes. (put your palms to your head, back and forth)
Ears jump and jump (clap fist on the table)
The bunnies themselves will have more fun. (circular movements with hands)

Task 3. Developing the ability to think logically and form phrases. Formation of grammatical skills.

Guys, look at the words on the board. Combine words from the 1st column with words from the 2nd column to form phrases. Mark the letters C, Z on the board with a triangle and a square.

Solar holiday
Delicious and healthy table
Festive strawberries
Ripe glade
Juicy water
Different food
Clean and transparent cabbage
Cheerful sweets

Task 4. Differentiation [S] - [Z] in connected speech

- Guys, now we are going to act out a scene: “The animals’ housewarming party.”

Children are given roles and costumes: dragonfly, zebra, hare, elephant, presenter.


Leading:Today is the animals' housewarming party. The dragonfly called all the inhabitants of the forest to a sunny clearing.
Dragonfly: Let everyone bring tasty and healthy food to the holiday table.
Zebra: I'm a zebra, I'll bring ripe strawberries.
Hare: I'm a hare, I'll treat everyone to juicy cabbage.
Elephant: I am an elephant, I will bake various sweets for you.
Dragonfly: And I fly to the lake for clean, clear water.
All in chorus: It will be a fun holiday!

Students act out a skit. Then the speech therapist thanks the children and seats them at their desks.

4. Summary of the lesson

- What sounds did we distinguish during class?
- Why can these sounds be confused?
- What is the difference between the sounds [C] - [Z]?
- What did you like?

Gaibysheva Dinara Rafilievna
Differentiation of sounds [S]-[Z]

Pronounce syllables:

For - sa zo - so zu - su

Zya - xia ze - syo zi - si

Zva - sva zo - svo zvu - svu

Zvi - svi zve - sve evil - sla

Evil - slu evil - sly evil - sli

Zma - sma zmo - smo zmu - smo

Pronounce syllables:

Threat - I know - I know - I sleep

Ze - se asma - asma uzma - uzma

Zvya - svya ozma - osma zmu - smu

Evil - svi yazma - yazma ism - isma

Yozma - yosma ezma - esma yuzma - yusma

Say the words:

Drought, envy, record, bolt, veil, drifts, ambush, fall asleep, record, sow, settle, sweep, bring in, overgrow, throw, curtain, carp, season, gray, say, get down, bring, tie, lubricate, convene, tears, dragonfly, drake

Pronounce words with straight lines syllables:

Hall - salo locked - sapper

Bunny - cod back - garden

Lisa - fox lick - fox

Castle - boot fagot - sled

Fireworks - rose - dew

Goat - braid Zakhar - sugar

Pronounce words with straight lines syllables:

Call - dream vigilantly - hill

Ash - salt umbrella - sleepy

Zoya - soya cart - sock

Ash - owl pattern - litter

Body – golden scoop – nightingale

Pronounce words with straight lines syllables:

Zup – soup zubok – marmot

I’ll take out - I’ll take out the dental - cloth

I'm carrying - I'm carrying below - I'm carrying

Goat - scythe thunderstorm - dew

Fuel oil - graze, gnaw - dancer

Pronounce words with straight lines syllables:

Swell - rash watermelons - beads

Goats - braids music - light brown

Bubble - cheese bubble - cheese

Call - send

Pronounce words smoothly consonants:

dump - dump anger - dump

Animal - angry cricket - layer

Ringing - your hack - break

Platoon - vault of snakes - serpent

Know - tackle heat - sheaf

Say sentences:

Lisa, sit Sonya in the back. Zoya, give Zakhar some sugar. On the green leaves there is dew like a tear. The doll has blue eyes, the doll has a yellow braid. My little sister runs into the garden, and her brother calls her back. The nightingale is not great, but has a golden voice. Senya took the scoop and poured the box. We called the bird Jay Zoya. This girl with a braid in the yard is called "Goat". Vasya carries sand, his cart creaks. Grandma knits a sock that doesn’t measure to measure, by eye. Zina sobbed once and went to play in the sand.

Pronounce lyrics:

Behind the birch appeared a silky birch bush, dark green.

The place here is steppe, deaf. Everywhere the ground was lushly overgrown, but here there was impassable, waist-deep grass. Flowers grew waist-deep. They - white, blue, pink, red - dazzle your eyes. All the glades are filled with them, so beautiful that they grow only in birch forests.

Clouds were gathering, the wind carried the songs of the larks, but they were lost in the incessant rustling. The road was barely visible among the bushes. It smelled sweet of strawberries, bitter - of strawberries, birch, wormwood.

Publications on the topic:

Differentiation of sounds [k]-[t], [d]-[g] The sounds [K], [T], [G], [D] are acquired by children by the age of 2-3 years. These are the sounds of “early ontogenesis”. In the literature, enough attention is paid to staging.

Differentiation of sounds N-M. Preparatory group Tasks: 1. Teach children to give a comparative description of the sounds N, M. 2. Teach children.

Abstract OD “Differentiation of sounds [r]-[l]” Goal: consolidation of correct pronunciation and differentiation of sounds [R]-[L]; Objectives: 1. To develop the ability to characterize the sounds [R]-[L].

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [S]-[W]” I. Organizational information (According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education) 1 Dominant educational area Speech development 2 Type of children's activity Play,.

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [Ш] and [Х]” Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to identify similarities and differences between the sounds [w] and [z]. Continue to develop children’s ability to identify sounds [w].

Abstract of the educational activity for the development of speech of children of the senior group “Journey to the land of sounds. Differentiation of sounds [L], [L’]" Goal: Creating a social situation for the development of children’s speech in the process of familiarizing themselves with V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​Tasks:.

Irina Bondar
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on differentiating sounds [S]-[Z]-[C] in phrasal speech

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic:

« Differentiation of sounds S-Z-C in phrasal speech»

View lessons - individual.

The goal is to teach to distinguish sounds [S] - [Z] - [C] in phrasal speech(by voicedness - deafness, by method of formation).


Correctional educational:

1) Teach differentiate sounds [S] - [Z] - [C] in phrasal speech;

2) Strengthen skills sound analysis of words;

3) Strengthen the skills of analyzing a simple sentence;

4) Strengthen the skills of requesting information, speech ethics, replication.

Correctional and developmental:

1) Develop speech and auditory memory.


2) Foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: a set of pictures on sounds [S], [Z] and [C], doll "Chicky"(monkey, sentence diagrams, chips.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Org. moment.


Listen to the riddle and tell me who will come to visit us class.

Where the vines hang from the trees,

Different people live in the jungle (monkey).

Right! Well done! Sit down on the chair, while I call our friend today.

Comes in "Chicky" and greets the child and offers to play.

II. Main part.

Articulation gymnastics.

Let's start our game with articulation gymnastics to warm up.

1) For lips:

"Smile - tube"- lips stretch into a smile and tighten.

2) For the tongue:

“Punish the naughty tongue”

"Spatula"- stick out your wide tongue, relax it, and place it on your lower lip. Make sure your tongue doesn't tremble. Hold for 10-15 seconds.

“Brushing the bottom teeth”

"Slide"- the doll's mouth is wide open, palm speech therapist lowered down, bent in the form of a slide.

Speech therapist on behalf of the doll enters into dialogue with the child.

Well done, you are very good at doing gymnastics.

Exercise 1. Differentiation of sounds [S] - [Z] - [C]. Articulation refinement sounds"S-Z-C".

– Look at the pictures and determine which is which sound is heard? (Using visual material.)

Dog, wheel, bus; umbrella, goat, vase; hare, mill, chicken.

Which ones are more common? sounds are heard? – (s-z-ts).

Let's remember together how each of sounds are spoken!

[C] – lips slightly stretched into a smile; teeth "fence" brought together; the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth. The back is arched. The vocal cords rest, the throat does not tremble. Characteristics: consonant, hard, voiceless, indicated by a blue square without a bell.

* tongue down.

[Z] – lips are slightly stretched. The teeth are close together. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth. Throat trembles (there is a voice). Characteristic: consonant, hard, voiced, indicated by a blue square with a bell.

[Ts] - the lips are neutral, the teeth are close together, first the tip of the tongue is lowered and touches the lower teeth, and the back is raised, then the back of the tongue rises to the upper teeth and a gap is formed (like in [C], from which a stream of air comes out, and the tip of the tongue remains at the lower teeth. Characteristic: consonant, hard, voiceless, indicated by a blue square without a bell.

What are the differences between sounds [S] and(find commonalities and differences by paying attention to "work of the neck"? What are the similarities and differences between sounds [Ц] and [С]

Task 2. Name the extra word in the series

Now let's play and learn this material about sounds.

"Chicky" asks to name the extra word in the series.

Name the extra word in the series (according to availability sounds [S] - - [C]:

sleigh, circus, soup, juice; cucumber, well done, nose, finger; chicken, mill, fox, face; sled, fence, owl, juice; goat, rose, vase, nose; airplane, bag, dragonfly, soup.

Well done, you completed the task. For completing tasks well, I will give you chips.

Task 3. Pure sayings.

Now repeat for me:

Sa-sa-sa - here comes the wasp.

Su-su-su - I'm not afraid of wasps.

For-for-for - here comes the goat.

Zu-zu-zu - I'm not afraid of a goat.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - here comes the sheep.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - I'm not afraid of the sheep.

Task 4. Complete the sentence with the correct word. Visual material.

Choose a picture and complete the sentence!

A long-legged one lives in the swamp. There is a sharp one hanging on the carpet. A cowardly... hid under a bush. (saber, heron, hare).

Listen to the suggestions. Name the words in them sound [S], [Z] and sound [Ts].

Sonya is walking in the clearing.

Olya's teeth hurt.

Larisa goes outside.

Sonya goes into the forest.

Zakhar saw a goat in a clearing.

Sonya and Zoya have warm mittens.

Hares live in the forest.

What a great guy you are, keep another chip. You're doing very well!

Task 5. Analysis of proposals for sounds [S], [Z] and [C]. Drawing up proposal diagrams.

Let's analyze the proposals together.

Listen to the suggestions and answer my questions.

How many words are there in a sentence? What's the first word? Last thing? Is there a preposition in the sentence? What excuse is this? Find his diagram. How does it count in a sentence?

Here's Zina. Zina has a fox.

Lisa is picking strawberries. Lisa and Sasha are here.

Hares live in the forest.

So we got it for you! You did a good job today, Well done!

III. Summarizing classes.

"Chicky": With which we played with sounds? – (s-z-ts).

How many chips do you have? Oh...so many, well done!


1) Gromova O. E. I say correctly S-Z-C. – M.: TC Sfera, 2011. – 64 pp.: color. ill.

2) Komarova L. A. Automation sound C in game exercises. Preschooler's album. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2013. – 32 p.

3) Spivak E. N. Sounds C, S', Z, Z', Ts. Speech material for automation and differentiation of sounds in children 5-7 years old. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2011. – 40 p.

Exercise 1. Look at the pictures, highlight the initial sounds.

Compare the sounds s and s by articulation.

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference between these sounds?

Task 2. Select the initial sound from the words. The speech therapist pronounces the words, the children name only the first sound.

Sample. Juice (s).

Himself, sleigh, tooth, umbrella, dream, castle, bough, hall.

Task 3. Say the syllables reflectively.


SO - 30 30 - SO ASO - AZO



Game "On the contrary"

The speech therapist pronounces a syllable with the sound s, the children come up with a syllable with the sound z, and vice versa.

Sample, sa - for zu - su for - sa

Task 4. Remember and reproduce syllable sequences.

SA - FOR - SA 3 A - SA - FOR SO - 30 - SO 30 - SO - 30 SU -ZU -SU ZU -SU -ZU

FOR - FOR - SA SO - SO - 30 SA -SA -ZA ZU -ZU -SU 30 - 30 - SO SY - SY - ZY

Task 5. Listen to the words. Highlight: a) initial syllable; b) final syllable.

Sample. Sana (sa).

a) Honeycomb, Zoya, Sonya, teeth, full, bunny, sunset, salad.

b) Spit, goat, carry, carry, noses, goats, roses, braids, scales, carry.

Task 6. Complete the word by adding syllables with the sound s or z using the picture. Say the whole word. The pictures are selected by a speech therapist.

Sample. ta... (speak)

Ko... , wa... , wa... , u... , ro... , ro... , bu... . Pictures: basins, braids, vase, vases, mustaches, rose, roses.

Task 7. Say the words reflected in pairs.

Bunny - polar cod; lock - boot; umbrella - catfish

Knitting - sled; call - look; I'm carrying - I'm carrying.

Music - beads; bubble - cheese; rodent is a dancer.

Task 8. Listen to the words. What sounds do they differ in?

Bunny - polar cod; Lisa - fox; behind - plant; goat - braid.

Make up sentences with pairs of words.

Task 9. Look at the pictures and name them. Answer the question:

How are the names of these pictures different? The pictures are selected by a speech therapist.

goat - braid; soup - tooth; rose - dew. Make up sentences with each pair of words.

Task 10. Say the words in a reflective manner, emphasizing the siz sounds with your voice.

Carp, fall asleep, catch a cold, note, ambush, fall asleep, convene.

The speech therapist finds out whether children understand the meaning of these words.

Task 11. Look at the pictures. Select those in whose names we hear the sound s, then the sound z.

An approximate list of pictures: elephant, bell, forget-me-not, ear of corn, castle, pike perch, catfish, fence, star.

Task 12. Replace the z sound with the s sound. Name the resulting word.

Elderberry, behind, pinch.

Task 13. Add the syllable for to the words. Name the resulting word.






Task 14. a) Remember and name two flowers in whose names we hear the sounds sis.

b) Remember two animals in whose names we hear
siz sounds

c) Remember the parts of the face in whose names we hear the sounds C and 3.

Sample. Astra - forget-me-not. Goat is a dog.

Teeth - nose.

If children find it difficult to complete the exercise, you can offer them pictures on the specified topics. Children choose the one they need.

Consolidating sounds s and z in sentences

Task 15. Complete the phrase with one word. Say it in its entirety.

Sample. Knit a sock. Tie a bow.

Knit.... Tie.... Carry.... Carry.... Carry.... Deliver.... Litter.... Litter....

Task 16. Complete the sentences: a) using subject pictures; b) no pictures. Say the entire sentences. Answer the questions.

Sanya has... (goat). Zoya has... (dog). Sanya is driving

Zoya is calling

Who has a goat? Who has a dog? What is Sanya doing? What is Zoya doing?

Task 17. Say the sentences in reflection. Answer the questions with a phrase.

Sonya fell asleep. Sonya forgot her umbrella.

What did Sonya do? Who forgot an umbrella?
Who fell asleep? What did Sonya forget?

Zoya wrote a note.

Who wrote the note?

What did Zoya write?

Sonya knows a lot of fairy tales. Sonya told a fairy tale

Who knows a lot of fairy tales? in kindergarten.

What does Sonya know a lot? What I told you in the nursery

Sonya's garden? Who told the story in kindergarten?

Task 18. Look at the pictures. Come up with suggestions for them. (The speech therapist selects the pictures.)

If there is difficulty, the speech therapist helps children with guiding questions.

Sounds s and s in connected texts

Task 19. Listen to the stories. Retell using subject pictures.

The speech therapist reads the text of the story in its entirety, then the children retell it using pictures arranged in the required sequence. (The speech therapist selects the pictures.)


There is a pine tree behind the house. There is a jay's nest on a pine tree. The jay fell from the nest. Lisa and Sanya took the jay and brought it home. At home they put the jay in a cage.


Goats were grazing in the meadow. The shepherd fell asleep. A wolf appeared from the forest. He grabbed one goat. The shepherd had an angry dog. The dog chased the wolf. She saved the goat.

Words for explanation: shepherd, chased.

Task 20. Listen to the stories, retell them as you remember.


We have a dog Tuzik. Tuzik is sitting by the fence. Zoya gives Tuzik some bones. Tuzik is gnawing on bones.


Lisa has a goat. Lisa was herding a goat. The goat was gnawing the bark of a birch tree. Lisa chased the goat away and drove it into the barn.


Zoya and Sonya in the forest. A bunny is sitting under a bush. Zoya calls Sonya: “Sonya, there’s a bunny!” The bunny got scared and ran away.


There is a birch tree in the garden. Dry birch. There is a finch's nest on a birch tree. The finch was dragging leaves into the nest.

Task 21. Listen to the story. Answer the questions. Retell it as you remember.

IN zoo

Lisa and Rose were at the zoo. There they saw many different animals: bison, striped zebra, funny monkeys. The bison stood at the fence. The monkeys climbed the tree and grimaced. In kindergarten, Lisa and Rosa talked about everything they saw at the zoo.

Words to explain: grimaced, funny.

Where were Rose and Lisa?

Who did they see at the zoo?

What did the bison do?

What were the monkeys doing?

What did Lisa and Rosa talk about in kindergarten?

Task 22. Retell the story “At the Zoo” in first person.

Task 23. Listen to the story. Answer the questions. Tell me how you remember it.


Zurab has a dog. The dog's name is Brave. Zurab and Bold were walking in the forest. Suddenly a snake crawled out from behind a bush. Zurab got scared, and Bold rushed at the snake and tore it apart. The brave one saved Zurab.

Why was the dog called Brave?

How did Bold save Zurab?

Speech therapy lesson on the topic “Differentiation “S-Z” in words and sentences.”

Target: clarify and compare articulations of sounds “S-Z”;

develop phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

clarify vocabulary, promote the development of memory and logical thinking.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizational moment. There are rows of pictures on the board: hare, goat, zebra, owl; orange, plum, watermelon, beets; chair, mirror, armchair, table.

    Conversation based on the picture

What does an angry mosquito call? (zzzzzz….)

How does the air leave the pump? (sssss...)

Compare the sounds “s - z” according to their articulatory structure.

How similar are the sounds in terms of articulation?

What is the difference?

    Game "Recognize sounds"

(Working with signal cards)

    Work according to the tablet.

Make up a word from the first letters of the names of objects.

WITH womb, To oshka, A ist, h ayats, To from, And ndyuk.

(fairy tales)

Word analysis:

How many syllables are in a word?

What sound is heard at the beginning of a word?

What is the number in the word “z”?

Name the neighbors of the sound “z”.

    Today in class we will learn to distinguish “s - z” during a meeting with fairy-tale characters.

    Guess who?

Evening would soon be approaching,

And the long-awaited hour has come.

So that I, in a gilded carriage,

Go to a fairytale ball.

And only midnight will come,

I'll go back to my attic.

Who am I and what is my name?

(Cinderella) (picture displayed)

Cinderella brought us a crossword puzzle.

    Who scares everyone and escapes under a bush? (hare)

    What grows with its roots up? (tooth)

    The bouquet looks like a queen

It comes in red, tea and white.

We can prick with you

Its prickly thorns. (rose)

    What time of year comes after autumn? (winter)

    Pet, the main character of the fairy tale “The Goat and the Seven Little Goats” (goat)

Replace the voiced “z” in these words with the paired unvoiced consonant “s”, explain how the words have changed.

(Bunny-bunny, tooth-soup, rose-dew, winter-Sima, goat-braid)

    And here is the next fairy-tale hero visiting us. Let's guess who he is?

Calm down, calm down, evil witch.

Don't get your hopes up,

He will meet seven dwarves in the forest.

Ours will be saved…..

(Snow White)

(a picture is displayed)

Snow White loves flowers very much and asks you to fill in the missing letters in the names of the flowers.

Past..a, cornflower, a..tra, clove..dika, ro..a, gladiola.., na..turkey.

(choose definitions)

    Here is our next guest. I hope you will immediately tell me who he is.

At first glance, with a huge propeller,

He seems angry and dangerous

In fact, he is a familiar hero.

Children's favorite - good-natured......


(a picture is displayed)

Carlosson's assignment is completed in a notebook. Complete the sentences with pictures and write them down.




Ina bought it at the store



(Highlight the main members of the sentence, determine the gender of the nouns)

    Physical exercise.

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stamped their feet and clapped their hands.

They spun and spun.

And they sat down quietly at their desks.

And we are waiting for the next fairy-tale hero.

And who will find out?

Lives in a flower town

Together with Donut and Znayka

And his name is...... (Dunno)

You know that a know-nothing person knows little and therefore often makes mistakes. And this time he made a mistake and asks you to correct them.

A) No need for an angry dog With pour

After washing you need water h pour

B) now let’s help Dunno find the hidden hares and tell where they hid from the fox ( according to the picture) (Speak in full answer)

10. Lesson summary: 1.What fairy-tale characters visited our lesson?

2. Name which of the distinguishable sounds is heard in the names of the heroes, determine the place of the sound

Articles on the topic