What to do if you feel heavy after eating. How to treat heaviness in the stomach after eating

What to do? How to treat? Unfortunately, people ask themselves these and similar questions already too late. Stop, listen to what your body wants to say. Perhaps this will save you from serious consequences.

Features of the condition

Seek medical help immediately if, in addition to heaviness in your stomach, you experience:

  • the stool is liquid, mixed with blood, dark;
  • interruptions in breathing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • abdominal pain;
  • fever and dizziness;
  • vomiting dark masses;
  • weakness, increased sweating;
  • chest pain.

Causes of feeling of a full stomach

The emergence of a feeling of early satiety, fullness, distension of the epigastric region, as a result of minor disorders of the digestive system:

  • Lactose intolerance is when the digestive tract cannot digest lactose. The older a person is, the less enzymes are secreted that can digest lactose. Sugar does not break down and begins to ferment, releasing gases. These are the causes of bloating.
  • Food allergy is a condition in which the human body does not accept certain foods. In this case, consultation with a nutritionist is required.
  • A state of rapid satiety and a feeling of a full stomach can occur in heavy smokers. The gastric mucosa is irritated by nicotine and ceases to fully perform its functions.
  • A pregnant woman also complains of feeling similar symptoms. The acidity of gastric juice, as a rule, increases, hence nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, fullness in the abdomen.
  • Functional indigestion, functional dyspepsia, or irritable bowel syndrome is a complex of symptoms that includes pain and discomfort in the stomach. A person feels heaviness, pain, the stomach seems to be bursting, there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, vomiting, belching. Functional dyspepsia is typical for patients with motility disorders and hypersensitivity of gastric receptors to stretching. The reasons for this condition are stress and serious psychological experiences. Relieving the patient's mental state is the best treatment in this situation.

A feeling of fullness in the epigastric region may be a consequence of serious illnesses. Heaviness in the stomach, combined with bloating and increased gas formation, may indicate the presence of serious diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and malignant neoplasms.

Heaviness in the abdomen due to gastritis or ulcers

Gastritis - the inner walls of the stomach become inflamed due to improper, poor-quality nutrition, infection with microorganisms, dysfunction of hydrochloric acid secretions. Symptoms of gastritis:

Ulcer – wounds form on the walls of the stomach. The symptoms of the disease are the same as for gastritis. However, an ulcer is a more dangerous disease due to complications: bleeding, when the wound becomes through.

Bloating due to pancreatitis or stomach cancer

Pancreatitis is the inability of the pancreas to produce enzymes to digest food. Symptoms of pancreatitis:

  • the stomach is full, even if the stomach is not filled with food;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach when eating a small amount of food;
  • nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • pain in the umbilical region;
  • “fat”, light-colored feces.

Stomach cancer. The disease is dangerous because it cannot be recognized immediately. The symptoms are similar to those of gastritis, so many people do not attach much importance to this, and when they consult a doctor, it may already be too late. However, one should suspect a dangerous disease when a person loses weight for no reason, is weak, gets tired quickly, and has a slightly elevated body temperature.

Prevention and treatment


  • Overeating is contraindicated to prevent the disease.

Overeating is contraindicated. You need to eat small portions at the same time 5 times a day. Last meal 2 hours before bedtime.

  • When a stressful situation occurs, try not to eat, but to calm down a little.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Use only high-quality and fresh products. Avoid products containing preservatives, dyes and stabilizers. Drinks should also be without carbonation and sugar.
  • Don't drink alcohol. Alcoholic drinks only harm and aggravate the situation if the disease is already present.
  • No smoking.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, move a lot, do exercises, play sports.
  • Treatment

    Self-medication is dangerous. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The gastroenterologist will prescribe the necessary medications and determine the dosage. It can be:

    • Enveloping drugs, such as suspensions of Phosphalugel, Maalox, Gaviston and others. They envelop the walls of the stomach, preventing gastric juice and acid in it from irritating the stomach.
    • Enzyme preparations: tablets “Pancreatin”, “Creon”, “Mezima” - add enzymes for additional assistance in digesting food.
    • Antispasmodic drugs: pills “No-shpy”, “Papaverine” and others. They relax the stomach muscles, relieve pain and spasms.

    If your stomach problems are related to a psychological state, then you should make an appointment with a psychologist, attend conversations and, if necessary, take a course of medications to calm you down.

    Folk remedies

    • It is recommended to drink a drink made from chamomile flowers.

    If you have a full stomach, you can recommend a drink made from chamomile flowers. The drink can be cold or warm. A cold drink can be made as follows: pour 10 tsp of chamomile flowers with 2 cups of boiled water, naturally cooled. Leave for 8-10 hours. Drink in small portions over two days. To make a hot drink we need 1 tbsp. l. inflorescences. Pour it with 1 tbsp. hot water. Infuse min. Strain one third of the glass and drink within 30 minutes. before meals three times a day.

  • Mix chamomile and tansy, 1 teaspoon each. Grind the mixture. Add 1 tbsp. l. wormwood. Do not chop the wormwood. Mix with honey to obtain a somewhat viscous mass and form into tablets. Roll each tablet into a bread ball. Eat this lump of bread 3-4 times a day.
  • 2 tsp. apple vinegar, pour 1 glass of water (warm), add 2 tsp. honey Drink the product three times a day before meals. The drink turns out to be sour; if the acidity is high, it is better not to use this recipe.
  • Grind the buckwheat. Every morning eat 1 tsp. powder, naturally on an empty stomach. This method also relieves heartburn.
  • Mix yarrow herb, St. John's wort and calendula flowers in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of mixture. boiling water Infuse for minutes. Before meals, drink half a glass of infusion 3 times a day. You can take the cocktail for a month, but no more than 3 months. It is advisable to take a break.
  • The stomach is constantly full, even if you have eaten little, nausea, vomiting, pain are unpleasant sensations. Whatever the reasons for this condition, the body is signaling you about something. It is necessary to consult a doctor and reconsider your lifestyle.

    Why do you feel heaviness and bloating in your stomach after eating?

    For a modern person, busy with a thousand things at the same time, heaviness in the stomach after eating when the stomach swells is not uncommon. Many factors can cause this unpleasant phenomenon. Under their influence, a situation arises that the stomach cannot cope with.

    That is, the organ does not have time to process all the incoming food with enzymes, it accumulates and its passage into the intestines is inhibited. This is where the feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach after eating occurs. In medicine, these symptoms are called dyspepsia.

    Causes of heaviness in the stomach after eating

    Bloating in the stomach, gas, heaviness in the abdomen - many people periodically experience these unpleasant symptoms. Some people experience such symptoms very rarely, while others live with them almost all their lives. However, gastroenterologists strongly advise against leaving such phenomena unattended, because sometimes this may indicate a more serious disorder in the body.

    If heaviness after eating becomes a constant occurrence, these may be symptoms of gastritis or cholecystitis. In this case, the feeling of heaviness is accompanied by nausea, bloating, and heartburn. Alarm signals should also include decreased appetite, excessive gas formation, and attacks of cramping. They talk about dyspepsia or digestive disorders.


    Since the symptom of heaviness in the abdomen occurs in a variety of diseases, patients who have it should definitely be examined. Therefore, it is better to see a good specialist. Through detailed questioning, a medical examination, and an analysis of the medical record, he will be able to determine what kind of examination should be performed on a particular patient.

    Depending on the indications, the patient may be prescribed:

    Diseases of the digestive system seem ordinary and familiar only at first glance. Sick people believe that gastritis is not worth special attention, and heaviness and nausea are easily eliminated. However, do not forget that all drugs that eliminate unpleasant sensations are classified as quick help and are not capable of solving the problem on their own. Sometimes long-term treatment and monitoring by several specialists is required to return the functioning of the stomach to its previous course.

    How to get rid of heaviness in the stomach after eating

    The choice of method to combat heaviness in the stomach after eating depends on what caused this symptom. This will require a comprehensive examination. As for general recommendations, an established nutrition system and a well-thought-out diet, reducing portions and preferring easily digestible foods, regular meals will help reduce or get rid of heaviness and bloating in the stomach.

    At home, try to follow these simple rules:

    1. You need to train yourself to start every morning with a glass of clean water at room temperature. This action will help “start up” the gastrointestinal tract, preparing it for decent work. In this case, you should avoid drinking any liquid during meals and for about an hour after it, so as not to burden the stomach and not to dilute saliva and gastric juice.
    2. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly. One of the reasons for aerophagia is that a person eats too quickly, and therefore swallows a lot of air along with food. If you constantly eat in a hurry, on the go, without having time to chew your food properly, this can lead not only to aerophagia, but also to a number of other problems with the digestive system.
    3. You should eat frequently (every 3-4 hours) and in small portions. For people suffering from heaviness in the stomach after eating, overeating and prolonged fasting are contraindicated.
    4. You need to try to eliminate stress and traumatic situations whenever possible. You should not sit down to eat if you are nervous. It is better to first drink soothing decoctions or herbal medicines. This will not act as an irritant and will prepare the stomach for food intake.
    5. It is advisable to eat at approximately the same time: such habits develop in the stomach the need to work intensively at certain hours. This greatly facilitates and simplifies the digestion of food in the stomach. You should have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime.
    6. If there is heaviness in the epigastrium, it is advisable that all food be warm, but critical temperatures should be avoided - too hot or too cold.
    7. It is important to avoid consuming large amounts of alcohol and other foods and liquids that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
    8. The consumption of products containing synthetic dyes, preservatives and stabilizers should be excluded from the diet.
    9. If you have problems with excess weight, you should get your body in shape. Unnecessary kilograms have a negative impact on the entire body.

    By following these tips, you will learn to eat healthy and gradually get rid of problems with the digestive system. Simple folk remedies and massage are also used to treat heaviness in the stomach. For example, an infusion of yarrow or chamomile, taken 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals, will help cope with dyspepsia or other stomach problems. Moderate physical activity and dancing have a positive effect on the body as a whole, and especially on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    From time to time, for heaviness in the stomach, you can use drugs such as Mezim, Festal, Panzinorm. However, do not get carried away, as the stomach may get used to enzymes coming from outside and stop producing its own.

    All diseases associated with disruption of the digestive system require careful examination. We should not forget that medications can relieve discomfort, but they do not eliminate the cause of the disease. To restore stomach function, long-term treatment under the supervision of a gastroenterologist may sometimes be required.

    How to get rid of the feeling of nausea and heaviness in the stomach?

    Not everyone knows how to remove heaviness in the stomach, the causes of this pathology and how it is dangerous. Sometimes this symptom is observed due to errors in nutrition. A feeling of heaviness can be an early sign of a dangerous pathology of the digestive organs (cancer, ulcers).

    Feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region

    Heaviness in the stomach area is a subjective symptom. This is the first sign of a digestive disorder. Often this symptom is combined with nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn and bowel dysfunction. Distension in the abdominal area can turn into pain. In most cases, heaviness occurs after eating.

    This condition may be associated with organic pathology. The reasons are:

    • inflammation of the stomach;
    • ulcer;
    • chronic cholecystitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • hepatitis;
    • benign and malignant tumors;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • helminthiases;
    • gastroenteritis;
    • cirrhosis of the liver.

    After eating, heaviness appears due to errors in nutrition. This may include snacking, long intervals, eating fast food, spicy and fried foods. Other reasons for the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach are:

    • smoking;
    • alcoholism;
    • taking antibacterial drugs and NSAIDs (salicylates);
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • stress;
    • bearing a child.

    Almost every person has encountered a similar problem during their life. The risk group includes young people (students, students).

    The cause is inflammation of the stomach

    Heaviness is an early sign of gastritis. Millions of people suffer from this disease. Among them are many children and teenagers. Inflammation is caused by exposure to chemical, mechanical, thermal and toxic (bacterial) factors. If heaviness in the stomach remains unattended for a long time, then gastritis becomes chronic with regular exacerbations.

    The following forms of the disease are known:

    • bacterial;
    • endogenous;
    • autoimmune;
    • reflux.

    In the latter case, a person experiences heartburn. There are gastritis with increased, normal and decreased secretion. Possible causes of the disease include malnutrition, dental pathology, alcohol consumption, long-term smoking, NSAID use and occupational hazards. The severity and other symptoms are often caused by the active proliferation of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

    The main clinical signs of chronic gastritis are:

    • severe heaviness after eating;
    • pain syndrome;
    • nausea;
    • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
    • soreness in the upper abdomen.

    With increased secretion, heartburn is a concern. Heaviness and nausea occur after eating. Such patients may experience a burning sensation in the stomach. Over the years, stomach acidity decreases. The autoimmune form of gastritis is characterized by the fact that the severity is combined with symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. This is manifested by soreness of the tongue, weakness, dizziness, tinnitus and various neurological symptoms.

    The severity of gastritis is often combined with flatulence. Bloating is caused by activation of microflora and increased formation of gases. The appetite in such patients is reduced or increased. In severe cases, vomiting occurs. Due to digestive disorders, the nature of the stool changes. Without proper treatment, gastritis develops into an ulcer.

    Heaviness in the abdomen due to an ulcer

    Bloating is a symptom of stomach and duodenal ulcers. With this pathology, a deep defect appears on the mucous membrane. Ulcers can be organic or symptomatic. Predisposing factors are:

    • improper treatment of gastritis;
    • non-compliance with doctor's orders;
    • alcoholism;
    • smoking;
    • diseases of other digestive organs (liver, pancreas);
    • diabetes;
    • taking medications that have an ulcerogenic effect;
    • injuries;
    • acute myocardial infarction;
    • operations.

    Pain, constant heaviness in the stomach and bloating are the main symptoms of peptic ulcer disease. The appearance of vomiting indicates the development of complications (pyloric stenosis). With a stomach ulcer, the severity is due to impaired emptying of the organ. Such patients try to eat less, as it causes pain. The latter happens early, late and on an empty stomach. Pain and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating most often appear in the first 30–60 minutes.

    Often complaints arise 3–4 hours after eating. Other symptoms of a stomach ulcer are a sour taste in the mouth, bad odor, heartburn, nausea, and loose stool. Improper nutrition can cause damage to the duodenal mucosa. Its difference is that the appearance of pain, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and discomfort is observed 1.5–2 hours after eating.

    The reason is stenosis of the pyloric region

    The human stomach passes into the duodenum. This area is called the pylorus (pylorus). This pathology can be congenital or acquired. The reasons are:

    The development of the disease is based on the replacement of normal organ tissue with scar tissue. This leads to narrowing of the lumen and stagnation of food. Vomiting, nausea and stomach pain are the main symptoms of pyloric stenosis. If it is not expressed strongly, then the feeling of heaviness and fullness is disturbing. In adults, this pathology develops gradually.

    In the early stages, sick people complain of heaviness in the epigastric region, flatulence, stool retention, vomiting and frequent belching. Appetite often decreases. In the decompensation stage, severity is accompanied by repeated vomiting. Signs of dehydration appear. Sometimes seizures occur.

    Heaviness and inflammation in the liver

    A bitter taste in the mouth in combination with pain, heaviness in the stomach, dyspepsia and asthenovegetative disorders may indicate the development of chronic hepatitis. This is an inflammatory disease that affects the liver. There are alcoholic, viral and drug-induced hepatitis. If symptoms persist for more than six months, then we are talking about chronic inflammation.

    With hepatitis B, C and D, the following symptoms are possible:

    • yellowness of the skin and sclera;
    • heaviness in the hypochondrium and epigastrium;
    • pain;
    • nausea;
    • petechial rash;
    • change in color of stool and urine;
    • dyspepsia.

    Abdominal discomfort is often combined with asthenovegetative syndrome. Such people experience weakness, headache, and fatigue. Instead of severity, pain may appear. A common sign of chronic hepatitis is bloating. Other symptoms of liver inflammation include telangiectasia, redness of the palms, hemorrhagic phenomena, and hepatomegaly. Sometimes body temperature rises moderately.

    Benign and malignant tumors

    The presence of nausea and heaviness in the stomach may be a sign of tumors. They are benign and malignant. The greatest danger is cancer. Men get it more often than women. Cancer develops in adulthood and old age (from 40 to 70 years). Risk factors include chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, alcoholism, smoking, poor diet and contact with carcinogens.

    In 95% of cases, adenocarcinoma occurs. The following symptoms are observed with cancer:

    Bleeding is often observed. A sick person cannot eat much food. He eats food in small quantities. The clinical picture is determined by the stage of the disease. With a small tumor there are no complaints. In the presence of metastases, the condition of patients worsens. In advanced cases, the tumor can be palpated through the abdominal wall.

    The difference between malignant tumors and benign ones is in the presence of symptoms of intoxication. Heaviness in the stomach after eating can appear in the early stages. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. The appearance of vomiting, heaviness and pain in the stomach may indicate a new formation of the outlet. In this case, stagnation of semi-digested food occurs, which leads to overflow of the organ.

    The reason is chronic pancreatitis

    The pancreas is located in the human abdominal cavity. When it becomes inflamed, heaviness and pain in the stomach may appear. This organ produces various enzymes (amylase, lipase, protease), which are part of the juice. The stomach is located nearby, so the symptoms of pancreatitis can be mistaken for gastritis.

    The causes of inflammation are:

    • improper treatment of the acute form of the disease;
    • alcoholism;
    • non-compliance with diet;
    • cholelithiasis.

    A feeling of heaviness in the stomach is most often observed with chronic pancreatitis. This symptom has the following features:

    • occurs during periods of exacerbation and remission;
    • combined with diffuse pain, nausea, vomiting, pasty stools and flatulence;
    • caused by impaired production of digestive enzymes and atrophy of the glands.

    Sometimes jaundice is observed. In some cases, the liver and spleen become enlarged. Such patients are often prescribed pancreatin. This is an enzyme agent. Pancreatin is used outside the acute stage.

    Severity of gallbladder pathology

    Bitterness in the mouth combined with belching, pain, nausea and vomiting may indicate inflammation of the gallbladder. This is a small organ located next to the liver. It is needed for the accumulation of bile. Cholecystitis occurs in acute and chronic forms. Every year the number of patients with this disease increases.

    Almost always this pathology is combined with cholelithiasis. The causes of cholecystitis are:

    • congenital anomalies;
    • helminthic infestation (opisthorchiasis, fascioliasis);
    • giardiasis;
    • dyskinesia;
    • diet violation;
    • alcoholism.

    The presence of nausea and heaviness in the stomach most often indicates chronic inflammation. They are caused by swelling, penetration of microbes and impaired motor function of the organ. Other symptoms of chronic cholecystitis are bloating, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, belching, bitter taste in the mouth, pain in the back or right hypochondrium. The appearance of nausea and heaviness in the stomach is due to stagnation of bile and indigestion. Exacerbation of the disease can be caused by drinking alcohol or eating spicy foods.

    Examination of patients with heaviness in the abdomen

    Before getting rid of heaviness in the stomach, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. If there are symptoms such as a feeling of fullness, pain, bloating, nausea or abnormal bowel movements, the following tests are carried out:

    Laboratory and instrumental studies alone are not enough. Inspection, palpation, auscultation and questioning of patients are carried out. If there is heaviness in the stomach, treatment should begin after excluding other diseases. The presence of gastritis is indicated by the following data:

    • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane;
    • changes in the acidity of gastric juice;
    • the presence of antibodies to the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

    In chronic pancreatitis, the activity of elastase and trypsin in the blood is increased. A coprogram is of great value. Excess fat is detected in the stool of patients with chronic pancreatitis. An ultrasound scan reveals an increase in the size of the pancreas. If small tumors are detected, it is necessary to ensure that they are of good quality. This will require a biopsy and histological analysis.

    Before starting treatment, you need to interview the patient. The main complaints, their intensity, time of occurrence, duration, connection with food intake and alcohol consumption are identified. If necessary, consultation with a cardiologist, surgeon, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist is required.

    How to eliminate heaviness

    To relieve the severity, you need to cure the underlying disease. For chronic cholecystitis, the following medications may be prescribed:

    For non-calculous inflammation of the bladder, choleretics (Allohol) are often prescribed. Cholekinetics can be used to increase organ tone. Insufficient digestion of food due to stagnation of bile is an indication for the use of enzymes. They contain pancreatin. During the acute phase, hospitalization is recommended.

    An important aspect of the treatment of such patients is diet. It allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Fasting is recommended for the first 2–3 days. After this, patients are transferred to fractional meals. You need to eat 5-6 times a day at the same hours. All products and dishes must be semi-liquid and soft. You need to give up spicy and fried foods, carbonated water, coffee, cocoa, legumes, smoked foods, sausages and cakes.

    Physiotherapy is effective for chronic cholecystitis. It will relieve heaviness and pain. If stones are detected, surgical treatment is required. It involves removing the gallbladder. After the operation, the person will not feel nauseous and will no longer be bothered by heaviness. If chronic gastritis with high acidity is detected, then the use of antacids and proton pump blockers is indicated. A therapeutic diet is required.

    With atrophic gastritis, acidity needs to be increased. To do this, it is recommended to enrich the diet with extractives and sweet and sour fruits. Gastroprotectors (De-Nol) are often prescribed. For bacterial etiology of the disease, antibiotics are indicated. When gastric motor function is impaired, prokinetics are used. Treatment methods for chronic pancreatitis are diet, taking enzymes (in the remission phase) and analgesics.

    Medicines containing pancreatin are often prescribed. They are used when there is no pain. If a stomach tumor is detected, remove it by resorting to surgery. The main treatment method for cancer patients is surgery (resection). Additionally, radiation and chemotherapy may be performed. If hepatitis is detected, table No. 5, detoxification agents, interferon preparations and symptomatic agents are prescribed. Hepatoprotectors are often used.

    Prevention of heaviness in the stomach

    You can protect yourself from some symptoms (heaviness in the stomach, pain, nausea). To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

    In most cases, severity is due to errors in diet. To prevent functional disorders of the digestive organs, it is necessary:

    • eat little and often;
    • limit coffee consumption;
    • eat boiled foods;
    • enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • eat more dairy products;
    • eat 5-6 times a day at equal intervals;
    • Avoid fried foods, dry foods, spicy foods and smoked foods.

    Remember, the appearance of heaviness in the stomach is an early sign of diseases of the digestive system. At the first complaints, you should immediately visit a gastroenterologist.

    Feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating

    Do you have heaviness in your stomach after eating?

    One of the manifestations of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is heaviness in the stomach. This symptom interferes with a normal lifestyle and limits a person’s activity. Therefore, if you find yourself with frequently recurring heaviness in your stomach after eating, you should consult a doctor to determine the causes and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Possible causes of heaviness in the stomach after eating

    The causes of heaviness in the stomach after eating can be:

    • motor dysfunction of the upper gastrointestinal tract;
    • eating excessive amounts of food during a holiday feast;
    • irritable stomach syndrome;
    • smoking a large number of cigarettes during the day (more than 1 pack);
    • dyspepsia;
    • gastritis;
    • pregnancy;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • acute intestinal obstruction;
    • acute appendicitis.

    What causes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating?

    Heaviness in the stomach after eating can occur due to poor nutrition. If the food consumed does not contain enough vitamins and microelements, food is taken irregularly, there is not enough hot and liquid food in the diet, problems with the gastric mucosa may occur.

    Another reason for this phenomenon is overeating. If food is constantly consumed in excess quantities, problems arise with bowel movements, the process of digesting food is incomplete, and the stomach becomes stretched.

    Due to stress, food is not completely digested, the patient experiences increased gas formation and heaviness in the stomach, which causes significant discomfort.

    Eating the “wrong foods”

    Heaviness in the stomach after eating can also be caused by eating foods that are poorly digestible and irritate the gastric mucosa. These include fried, fatty and spicy foods, foods with excess carbohydrates, some protein dishes (mushrooms, legumes, eggs). Irritating products include:

    Many people have intolerance to milk and products made from it, tomatoes, and rye bread.

    Treatment of heaviness in the stomach after eating

    If heaviness appears in the stomach after eating, you should keep track of the frequency of occurrence of this symptom and what it may be associated with. If the causes of the problem are related to dietary errors, you can eliminate them yourself by changing the nature and diet, namely:

    • take food often, in small portions;
    • do not consume fried, fatty, spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages;
    • use the right combination of products;
    • normalize your weight;
    • don't eat a lot at night.

    If these measures do not bring results, you should consult a doctor to conduct research and prescribe the correct treatment.

    You can try to eliminate heaviness in the stomach after eating in the following simple ways:

    • drink an infusion of chamomile, yarrow, centaury 30 minutes before meals;
    • place a warm cloth on the stomach for 10 minutes, then massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction for 30 minutes;
    • drink a glass of kefir before bed;
    • do gymnastics and dance.

    You can get rid of heaviness in the stomach after eating by using medications - mezim, panzinorm, festal. However, you should not get carried away with this method in order to avoid the stomach getting used to the enzymes of the tablets, which can lead to the cessation of the production of its own enzymes.

    Preventing heaviness in the stomach after eating

    First of all, in order to prevent the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, you should carefully consider your daily diet. Eat foods that are easily digestible, eat frequently and in small portions, and eat regularly. If you have this problem, you can’t either overeat or starve. You need to develop the habit of eating at the same time, which stimulates intense work of the stomach at a certain time. This promotes better digestion of food in the stomach. The last meal before going to bed is recommended no later than 2 hours before.

    Eating should be done in a calm environment; you should not eat immediately after experiencing stress.

    Smoking is contraindicated for dyspepsia.

    You should eat food at a comfortable temperature (warm).

    To better digest food, you need to chew it thoroughly.

    Limiting or refusing to consume refined products, semi-finished products, concentrates, preservatives, stabilizers contained in some products.

    In order not to experience heaviness in the stomach after eating, you need to pay enough attention to physical activity, play sports, walk, dance, run.

    Heaviness in the stomach after eating

    Heaviness in the stomach after eating is a symptom that most often acts as a manifestation of a certain pathological process in the gastrointestinal tract, and less often refers to diseases of other body systems. It should also be noted that such a clinical manifestation may be symptomatic, which may be due to overeating, frequent abuse of fatty and heavy foods. In any case, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of the laboratory and instrumental diagnostic method.


    The feeling of heaviness in the stomach can be caused by both pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract and physiological factors that lead to this clinical manifestation.

    A feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating is present in the clinical picture of almost any gastroenterological disease, but clinicians identify the following:

    Heaviness in the stomach and bloating can also be observed after certain physiological factors, namely:

    • if the diet is dominated by fatty, heavy foods;
    • excessive fluid consumption, including simply purified water;
    • non-compliance with the optimal diet and food intake for the body. This includes snacks on the go, fast food, meals at night, too rich late dinners, the habit of washing down food with drinks;
    • excessive drinking and smoking;
    • taking certain medications;
    • following an inappropriate diet;
    • frequent stressful situations, constant nervous tension, which can also lead to overeating.

    Separately, it should be said that nausea and heaviness in the stomach can occur during pregnancy. In the early stages, this, in most cases, is a natural reaction of the body to physiological changes in the body; in the later stages, this clearly indicates the development of a certain disease. In any case, you should consult a doctor for advice.

    In children, heaviness and pain in the stomach after eating may indicate poor nutrition or the development of certain gastroenterological diseases. Consultation with a pediatrician and gastroenterologist is also required.


    The clinical picture will depend on the cause of heaviness in the stomach after eating. If this clinical manifestation is not a manifestation of some gastroenterological disease, then only the following signs may appear:

    • belching with the smell of just consumed food;
    • nausea, which is rarely accompanied by vomiting.

    In some cases, short-term heartburn may occur.

    If heaviness in the stomach is due to gastritis, then the following clinical picture will be present:

    • pain in the epigastric region is aching, dull in nature, but the location may change depending on the form of the underlying disease;
    • heartburn, belching with an unpleasant odor;
    • deterioration of appetite, against the background of which a decrease in body weight may be observed;
    • changes in the frequency and consistency of stools - frequent constipation, prolonged bouts of diarrhea;
    • nausea, which is most intense after eating, is rarely accompanied by vomiting;
    • a feeling of fullness in the stomach, even with the minimum amount of food or liquid consumed.

    It should be noted that as this disease worsens, stomach pain will be present regardless of diet and diet.

    Stomach pain and heaviness after eating food may be a clinical manifestation of an oncological process in the stomach or duodenum, which will be accompanied by the following clinical picture:

    • nausea, which will be accompanied by vomiting and rarely brings relief;
    • heartburn and belching of air;
    • violation of the act of defecation;
    • increased gas formation in the stomach;
    • deterioration of appetite, against the background of which there is a sharp loss of body weight;
    • in the epigastric area the pain becomes almost constant;
    • there may be blood in the stool, which turns it black and causes an extremely foul odor;
    • regurgitation, poor passage of food, so a person can often wash down food;
    • with oncology, the pyloric region will experience a feeling of fullness even with a minimal amount of food consumed, which leads to congestion in the stomach, belching with the smell of rotten eggs;
    • subfebrile body temperature is almost constantly observed;
    • anemia;
    • weakness, fatigue;
    • aversion to protein foods.

    In this case, it should be said that tablets for heaviness in the stomach do not produce the desired effect; as the disease worsens, the symptoms will become more intense.

    Heaviness in the stomach after eating and belching can be caused by Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, which will be characterized by the following clinical picture:

    • frequent attacks of diarrhea, which occur almost constantly after eating food;
    • symptoms of intestinal obstruction;
    • there are impurities of blood and mucus in the stool;
    • frequent attacks of abdominal pain, which in their nature resemble the symptoms of acute appendicitis;
    • general deterioration of health;
    • deterioration of appetite, sudden weight loss due to this factor;
    • temperature up to 38 degrees;
    • pain in joints and muscles;
    • weakness, decreased performance;
    • apathetic mood.

    It should also be noted that nonspecific ulcerative colitis cannot be eliminated completely. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations and diet, you can only achieve a long stage of remission.

    Constant heaviness in the stomach is observed with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver (the latter is quite often a complication of hepatitis). In this case, the following clinical picture may be present:

    • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is expressed in the form of unstable stools, dyspeptic manifestations;
    • weight loss;
    • yellowness of the skin and sclera;
    • feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
    • skin itching;
    • irritability, apathetic mood;
    • frequent urge to urinate, urine becomes dark, rich in color;
    • decreased sex drive;
    • Women may have menstrual irregularities.

    In the last stages of the development of the disease, pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium may be absent, but this should not be regarded as a positive factor.

    Heaviness in the stomach occurs after eating and during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, which can be characterized by the following symptoms:

    • the pain is localized in the epigastric region, and may be of a girdling nature;
    • irradiates to the epigastric region, can be felt on the right or left, depending on the underlying factor;
    • the feeling of discomfort increases after eating (if the diet is not followed) or during physical activity;
    • bitter taste in the mouth;
    • loose stools;
    • vomiting, which will not always bring relief to the patient;
    • elevated temperature;
    • apathy, attacks of causeless anxiety.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are caused by infection, in their clinical picture, are in many ways similar to typical food poisoning, which will manifest itself in the form of the following symptoms:

    • nausea and vomiting. Vomit may contain bile and, in more severe cases, blood;
    • prolonged bouts of diarrhea. In more complex clinical cases, attacks can occur more than 10 times a day, which threatens dehydration of the body with all the ensuing negative consequences;
    • weakness, increased sweating;
    • low-grade body temperature, sometimes high;
    • drowsiness, dizziness;
    • complete lack of appetite;
    • dry mouth, unpleasant taste.

    As a rule, such a clinical picture is present for up to 2 days. If during this time the patient's condition does not improve, you should urgently seek medical help. Prolonged bouts of vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for a person’s life, especially for a child.

    In addition to certain etiological factors, heaviness in the stomach after eating can be caused by poor nutrition and prolonged nervous strain. In this case, there will be no specific signs, and unpleasant manifestations can be eliminated with the help of special medications and by normalizing nutrition. At the same time, you need to understand that systematic non-compliance with the optimal diet will in any case lead to the development of a certain gastroenterological disease.


    Why such a clinical manifestation occurs, only a doctor can say, after carrying out the necessary, in this case, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures. It should also be noted that the diagnostic program will largely depend on the current clinical picture.

    In any case, the first step is a physical examination of the patient, during which the doctor should find out the following:

    • how long ago this symptom began to appear, and what additional signs are present;
    • human diet, diet;
    • Do you have a history of chronic gastrointestinal diseases or cancer processes?

    It is imperative to take into account the following - if the patient took any medications to eliminate symptoms without a doctor’s prescription, the clinician must be notified about this before starting diagnostic measures.

    To identify the etiological factor, a physical examination alone will not be enough, so the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic procedures:

    • blood and urine collection for general clinical examination;
    • detailed biochemical blood test;
    • blood test for tumor markers;
    • FGDS;
    • morphological examination of the gastric mucosa;
    • test for Helicobacter pylori;
    • intragastric pH-metry according to Linar;
    • endovideocapsule – a special capsule with a video camera is inserted into the esophagus, which allows you to carefully examine the affected area;
    • enteroscopy;
    • cholecystography;
    • irrigoscopy;
    • coprogram;
    • blood test for pancreatic enzymes;
    • bacterial culture of feces;
    • immunological studies;
    • CT or MRI.

    A thorough diagnosis allows us to determine the cause of this symptom and, therefore, determine the most effective treatment tactics.


    In this case, treatment can be carried out using both conservative and radical methods, depending on the diagnosis. Drug treatment is determined only by a doctor; the following drugs can be prescribed:

    • antiemetics;
    • antidiarrheal;
    • solutions to restore water and electrolyte balance;
    • sorbents;
    • probiotics;
    • medications to improve gastric motility;
    • vitamin and mineral complexes;
    • enzymes.

    Treatment necessarily includes a diet. Dietary nutrition implies complete abstinence from the following foods and drinks:

    • alcohol and surrogates;
    • strong tea and coffee, cocoa;
    • sweet carbonated drinks;
    • fatty, too spicy and salty;
    • canned food, marinades, smoked meats and meat by-products;
    • confectionery, especially with cream;
    • fresh baked goods and pasta;
    • products with high amounts of oxalic acid;
    • food that causes fermentation in the stomach.

    The patient's diet should be based on the following recommendations:

    • meals are frequent, but in small portions with a time interval of 2.5–3 hours;
    • the optimal cooking mode is boiling, steaming, baking without fat and crust;
    • dishes should be consumed warm, in liquid or puree form;
    • In the first day after the attack, you need to completely stop eating. It is recommended to drink plenty of weak green tea, herbal decoctions, and still mineral water.

    In some cases, dietary adherence is required constantly to maximize the stage of stable remission.

    Only a doctor can tell you how to remove heaviness in the stomach; self-medication, including through traditional medicine, is strongly not recommended.


    Regarding this clinical manifestation, targeted preventive measures cannot be taken, since this is not a separate disease. In general, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • a complete, optimal diet for the body;
    • timely and correct treatment of all gastrointestinal ailments;
    • moderate physical activity;
    • elimination of stress, psycho-emotional overload.

    You also need to adhere to prevention regarding those diseases that are included in the etiological list.

    I ate a little, but I felt like I had eaten too much, my stomach was full, I felt heaviness, fullness, distension, bloating. What could it be? What are the reasons for this condition? Why is there a constant feeling of a full stomach, even when I haven’t eaten? What to do? How to treat? Unfortunately, people ask themselves these and similar questions already too late. Stop, listen to what your body wants to say. Perhaps this will save you from serious consequences.

    Features of the condition

    Seek medical help immediately if, in addition to heaviness in your stomach, you experience:

    • the stool is liquid, mixed with blood, dark;
    • interruptions in breathing;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • abdominal pain;
    • fever and dizziness;
    • vomiting dark masses;
    • weakness, increased sweating;
    • chest pain.

    Causes of feeling of a full stomach

    The emergence of a feeling of early satiety, fullness, distension of the epigastric region, as a result of minor disorders of the digestive system:

    • Lactose intolerance is when the digestive tract cannot digest lactose. The older a person is, the less enzymes are secreted that can digest lactose. Sugar does not break down and begins to ferment, releasing gases. These are the causes of bloating.
    • Food allergy is a condition in which the human body does not accept certain foods. In this case, consultation with a nutritionist is required.
    • A state of rapid satiety and a feeling of a full stomach can occur in heavy smokers. nicotine and ceases to fully perform its functions.
    • A pregnant woman also complains of feeling similar symptoms. The acidity of gastric juice, as a rule, increases, hence nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, fullness in the abdomen.
    • Functional indigestion, functional dyspepsia or irritable bowel syndrome is a complex of symptoms that includes pain and feeling. A person feels heaviness, pain, the stomach seems to be bursting, there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, vomiting, belching. Functional dyspepsia is typical for patients with motility disorders and hypersensitivity of gastric receptors to stretching. The reasons for this condition are stress and serious psychological experiences. Relieving the patient's mental state is the best treatment in this situation.

    A feeling of fullness in the epigastric region may be a consequence of serious illnesses. Heaviness in the stomach, combined with bloating, increased blood pressure, may indicate the presence of serious diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and malignant neoplasms.

    Heaviness in the abdomen due to gastritis or ulcers

    Gastritis - the inner walls of the stomach become inflamed due to improper, poor-quality nutrition, infection with microorganisms, dysfunction of hydrochloric acid secretions. Symptoms of gastritis:

    • heaviness in the stomach;
    • nausea after eating;
    • vomit;
    • belching;
    • pain in the epigastric region.

    Ulcer – wounds form on the walls of the stomach. The symptoms of the disease are the same as for gastritis. However, an ulcer is a more dangerous disease due to complications: bleeding, when the wound becomes through.

    Bloating due to pancreatitis or stomach cancer

    Pancreatitis is the inability of the pancreas to produce enzymes to digest food. Symptoms of pancreatitis:

    • the stomach is full, even if the stomach is not filled with food;
    • feeling of fullness in the stomach when eating a small amount of food;
    • nausea, possibly vomiting;
    • pain in the umbilical region;
    • “fat”, light-colored feces.

    Stomach cancer. The disease is dangerous because it cannot be recognized immediately. The symptoms are similar to those of gastritis, so many people do not attach much importance to this, and when they consult a doctor, it may already be too late. However, one should suspect a dangerous disease when a person loses weight for no reason, is weak, gets tired quickly, and has a slightly elevated body temperature.

    Heaviness in the stomach is a phenomenon that every person has encountered more than once in everyday life. Most often, when asked why there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, there is a short answer: “I ate something” or “I need to eat less.” And there is a lot of truth in this.

    The heaviness in the stomach is largely due to the correctness and quality of nutrition. At the same time, we must not forget that such a symptom can accompany various serious diseases. In this problem, it is important to correctly separate isolated cases of abdominal discomfort after eating and frequent, long-term anomalies, which are also complemented by heartburn, nausea or other symptoms.

    Essence of the problem

    What is heaviness in the stomach? At its core, it is a feeling of fullness and pressure inside the abdomen, in the epigastric region under the ribs, as well as a feeling of early satiety when eating. This phenomenon is considered one of the signs of dyspepsia - a disturbance in the normal functioning of the stomach in terms of digestion. Typically, heaviness in the stomach after eating is a dyskinetic variant of dyspepsia associated with motor, absorption and evacuation dysfunction.

    In addition to discomfort, dyspeptic symptoms may include belching, nausea, increased gas formation, flatulence, heartburn, and a burning sensation. Pain in the upper abdomen may appear. In general, a feeling of heaviness occurs when the gastric cavity fills as a result of:

    • the organ does not have time to process the incoming food mass;
    • cannot properly direct it to the intestines or excess food breakdown products are formed.

    The causes of such an anomaly are divided into functional (non-pathogenic), which act without damaging organs, and organic (pathological), associated with pathological processes.

    Several main mechanisms of gastric dyspepsia can be identified. The nutritional type is determined by the volume, mode and diet of food and drink. As a rule, such heaviness in the stomach appears after eating. Particularly distinguished are such types of nutritional disorders as fermentative (with a predominance of carbohydrates and fermented drinks: kvass, beer), putrefactive (protein foods and stale products, especially meat products) and fatty dyspepsia.

    When heaviness in the stomach appears after eating, it can be caused by a lack of enzymes that process food. The etiology of the phenomenon may be associated with gastrogenic (insufficient secretion of gastric enzymes), pancreatogenic (disturbances in the pancreas), enterogenic (deficiency of intestinal juice) and hepatogenic (liver dysfunction in terms of bile secretion) dyspepsia.

    Heaviness in the stomach, nausea, heartburn and other symptoms can occur when the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines is impaired, as well as when peristalsis slows down. Food is not fully absorbed or is evacuated too slowly from the gastrointestinal tract, which ensures stagnation.

    Nutritional causes of the phenomenon

    The most common causes of heaviness in the stomach after eating are related to nutrition and are related to nutritional dyspepsia. The following factors can be identified:

    • excessive consumption of difficult-to-digest foods;
    • overeating and eating late;
    • frequent snacks between main and heavy meals;
    • eating on the go and frequent use of fast food establishments;
    • non-compliance with diet, fasting, alternating fasting with a hearty lunch;
    • abuse of carbonated drinks;
    • consumption of stale and spoiled foods.

    After eating, heaviness in the stomach and belching are often caused by foods that are digested slowly for various reasons: fatty, fried and spicy foods (especially fried potatoes with lard); foods with an excess of “bad” carbohydrates (flour products, sugar, cakes, sweets); nourishing vegetables and fruits (potatoes, legumes, grapes, bananas); hard-to-digest foods (hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms).

    Belching, nausea and heaviness in the stomach may appear due to improper drinking regimen. So, drinking during lunch creates the following problems:

    • decreased effectiveness of gastric juice when drinking immediately after meals;
    • increasing the total volume of the food dose when drinking simultaneously with food consumption;
    • irritation of the gastric mucosa by carbonated drinks when drinking them during or immediately after lunch.

    Taking into account these facts, if heaviness and belching are frequent guests after meals, you should drink drinks before or after meals with an interval of 25 - 35 minutes.

    Drinks have a significant effect on the manifestation of dyspepsia. Discomfort can occur as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane with strong coffee or tea or wine. Excessive and thoughtless drinking of carbonated drinks, kvass, beer can provoke heaviness and belching of air. Even whole cow's milk can become a difficult-to-digest product for some adult organisms, which is due to the individual characteristics of a person.

    Dyspeptic symptoms, including nausea and heaviness in the stomach, can occur with overeating. When consuming an excessively large single portion of food, the stomach simply cannot cope with the processing, and the process goes very slowly. Poor chewing of food makes the situation worse. Even worse, heaviness in the stomach and nausea appear if a large portion of food comes after a forced period of hunger. The psychological situation also complicates the digestion process. Severe stress can cause noticeable dyspepsia.

    Non-food causes of dyspepsia

    A feeling of heaviness in the stomach and other dyspeptic symptoms may appear without reference to the timing of meals. Abdominal discomfort without pathological changes can occur on an empty stomach for the following functional reasons:

    1. Uncontrolled use of a number of medications (for example, antibiotics).
    2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, lemonade, Coca-Cola and other similar products, as well as smoking.
    3. Constantly elevated stress levels lead to increased secretion of hydrochloric acid.
    4. Pregnancy in women: due to compression of the stomach by the enlarged uterus.

    Pathogenic factors

    The pathological essence of the phenomenon can be suspected when there is constant heaviness in the stomach and pain, stool disturbances and other dyspeptic symptoms often appear. The digestive process begins in the oral cavity, where the breakdown of carbohydrates begins with the help of saliva; continues in the stomach under the influence of gastric juice and ends in the duodenum, where it is exposed to bile. At the last stage, the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and small intestine take an active part in digestion. Thus, any disorder of at least one of the listed organs can cause dyspepsia after eating.

    The most characteristic pathologies that cause heaviness in the stomach can be identified:

    1. Gastritis (acute or chronic). An inflammatory process that can be triggered by a violation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid, but most often as a result of infection with Helicobacter Pylori. In addition to severity, it is manifested by the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, belching with an unpleasant odor, severe pain in the epigastric zone.
    2. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The etiology is similar to gastritis, developing in the form of ulcerative formations. When cured, the ulcers scar, which narrows the lumen. This pathology is characterized by sensitive pain, heaviness in the abdomen and vomiting of acidic contents.
    3. Stomach cancer. For a long time it is not accompanied by pain, heaviness in the stomach, nausea, rare vomiting and abnormal stool are detected. In advanced stages, severe pain and frequent vomiting appear. The disease can be recognized if heaviness in the abdomen is combined with weight loss, weakness, fatigue, pallor, a slight increase in temperature, and blood anemia.
    4. Chronic pancreatitis. A disease of the pancreas that interferes with the production of enzymes for digesting food. In addition to heaviness, it is characterized by bloating, nausea, vomiting, pain in the left hypochondrium, navel area and back below the ribs (girdling pain), greasy, mushy feces.
    5. Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. They are expressed by nausea, vomiting with bile, signs of jaundice, bitter belching, stool disturbances, pain in the right hypochondrium.
    6. Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. May cause symptoms of dyspepsia. Symptoms: pain in the right hypochondrium, signs of jaundice, abnormal stool, and in case of cirrhosis - the appearance of veins through the skin of the abdomen, an increase in abdominal circumference due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
    7. Gastroenteritis. Infectious lesions of the stomach and small intestine. Symptoms: nausea, severe vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

    Treatment of the anomaly

    How to remove heaviness in the stomach? Taking into account the highest prevalence of nutritional causes of the phenomenon, treatment should begin with optimizing the regimen and diet. You should not eat foods that your stomach cannot digest normally, and certainly not overeat.

    When the heaviness in the stomach is tormented, treatment can be carried out with medications, but always after consultation with a gastroenterologist or therapist. The fact is that in the presence of causative diseases, basic targeted therapy is necessary. Symptomatic treatment to eliminate discomfort is carried out as an additional measure. The most commonly used medications are the following (usually in the form of tablets or pills):

    1. Mezim: helps with heaviness in the abdomen, various types of belching, and nagging pain.
    2. Festal: taken with meals.
    3. Smecta: prescribed for various digestive disorders, gastritis, ulcers.
    4. Panzinorm: useful for dysfunction of the pancreas, gall bladder, cystic fibrosis, various symptoms of dyspepsia.
    5. Allochol: helps fight bile stagnation and is used to remove bile.
    6. Motilak: normalizes the motor function of the stomach and duodenum, accelerates the digestion process.
    7. Motilium: has a beneficial effect on gastric motility, has antiemetic properties, affecting the tone of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus, and normalizes gastric emptying.
    8. Omez: can be used in the presence of peptic ulcers, reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
    9. De-Nol: a medicine with astringent properties, has antibacterial and protective effects, useful for ulcers and gastritis.
    10. Gastal: aimed at reducing the acidity of gastric juice.
    11. Rennie: made from magnesium and calcium carbonates, prescribed for high acidity of juice.
    12. Ranitidine: reduces the aggressiveness of the gastric composition, improves blood microcirculation.

    Heaviness in the stomach is most often caused by poor nutrition, associated with excessive consumption of indigestible foods or lack of a normal diet. At the same time, this phenomenon may be a symptom of a serious illness. If you experience chronic gastric discomfort after eating, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause.

    The resulting discomfort, heaviness in the stomach, belching after eating are often not taken seriously. Modern advertising promises salvation at the first dose and a person runs to the pharmacy, buys the drug and self-medicates. But time passes, the malaise does not disappear, but only grows. And at a certain moment it turns out that it is no longer just heaviness in the stomach, but an ulcer, not just belching, but cholecystitis.

    Why did belching and heaviness in the stomach appear? This is answered in different ways. Reasons not related to health are identified, and sometimes the source indicates a number of serious problems occurring in the body.

    Physiological reasons

    Belching as an action is not considered a disease, but indicates an incorrect process of eating.

    Large portions of food

    If, after finishing a meal, a heaviness has formed in the stomach and belching appears, it means that too much food has entered the body. The digestive system is unable to digest, which means food accumulates. Constant overeating leads to other uncomfortable sensations. Advice: reduce the serving size and monitor your condition. If the belching does not recur, then the cause has been found out.

    Lots of fatty and spicy foods

    Digesting fatty and spicy foods requires more enzymes than regular food. During the processing process, large quantities of gases are released, which are eliminated by the body in the form of belching. The stomach is overloaded, heaviness and discomfort may occur. In the future, eating fatty, salty, fried foods leads to frequent constipation, gastritis and other unpleasant phenomena.

    Drinking imbalance

    Water plays an important role in the body. Lack of sufficient fluid leads to imbalance in all internal organs. It is important to drink liquid correctly. Drinking while eating is unacceptable. The produced gastric juice is diluted with water, and the digestion process loses its effectiveness. Heaviness, increased gas formation, and constipation appear.

    Carbonated drinks

    A special topic that requires caution. The carbon dioxide contained in such drinks irritates the gastric mucosa. Lunch with soda will definitely cause heaviness and belching.

    Snack on the run

    Fast food and snacking on the run are the causes of heaviness, indigestion and other uncomfortable conditions. Food is poorly chewed and digested. Eating on the go means constant belching of air, heartburn, and a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

    Smoking and alcoholic drinks

    There has been a lot of talk about the dangers of alcohol and cigarettes for a long time, the main topic being discussed is the lungs. Bad habits also have an effect on the stomach. Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco disrupts the qualitative composition of gastric juice and negatively affects the walls and mucous membrane of the organ. This leads to belching, heaviness and gastritis.


    The human body is a complex system. The process of digesting food begins as soon as the food enters the mouth. Saliva is secreted, softening and preparing a consistency of the product that is easy to digest. Then the movement goes to the stomach, where gastric juice continues to split, then the duodenum and its enzymes from the liver and pancreas. As a result, nutrients remain in the body, garbage and waste are eliminated through the rectum.

    A disruption of the process at one point leads to a breakdown of the entire system. Constant belching, unpleasant aftertaste, heaviness, even with proper nutrition - manifestation of signs of the disease, its symptoms. You must consult your doctor.


    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic disease with constant relapses. There is a spontaneous reflux of gastric juice or contents back into the esophagus. In this case, the sphincter and the lower part of the organ are injured, and inflammatory processes occur. It's not just burping that creates discomfort. Heartburn, bloating, and pain in the chest cause discomfort.


    The chronic form of the disease is fraught with a lot of unpleasant and uncomfortable conditions. The disease affects the pancreas, disrupts the process of transfer of bile to the duodenum and the process of breakdown of food. In a diseased organ, healthy tissue is replaced by inflamed and scar tissue. Enzymes are produced earlier than necessary and are pushed out, causing belching with a bitter aftertaste. Pain syndrome develops, which is difficult to endure, gas formation in the abdomen, and defecation disturbance.

    Pancreatitis disease in humans


    Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is followed by inflammation of the duodenum. Gastritis appears for various reasons. The main ones: stress, violation of nutrition rules. When sick, the patient feels heaviness and nausea. There is belching with a sour taste, heartburn and bad breath.


    The disease affects the gallbladder and its functionality is impaired. The organ is responsible for transferring bile from the liver to the pancreas. As a result of the disease, the bile ducts refuse to work, the secretion does not leave the organ, accumulates, causing severe pain, and infectious processes develop inside.

    Insufficient bile leads to improper and incomplete digestion of food. Unpleasant sensations appear: heaviness, belching, nausea. The situation may worsen and then the patient develops diarrhea and vomiting.

    Treatment and elimination of belching and heaviness in the stomach

    The feeling of heaviness is due to undigested food that is in the digestive organs. A symptom indicating a problem. To get rid of it, medications containing additional enzymes are prescribed.

    Today on pharmacy shelves there are many medications that help the stomach digest food. Cheap, expensive, advertised or not. But taking any medications should be under the supervision of a specialist.

    Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon

    Preparations containing digestive enzymes necessary for the body. Sold without a prescription. The medicine contains amylase, lipase, protease. Enzymes isolated from the pancreas of mammals. Promote the rapid breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into digestible elements.

    Mezim not only helps to break down incoming food into its components, but also facilitates the easy process of assimilation of nutrients. Acts softly and quickly.

    The above medications combat symptoms.


    If the cause of the unpleasant release of air and painful sensations in the stomach is poor-quality food or poisoning, then a drug with sorbent properties - activated carbon - will come to the rescue. The medicine, entering the intestines, collects toxins and is eliminated, removing the source of discomfort and cleansing the digestive system.

    Smecta also copes with the function of collecting toxins in the body. It is allowed to be used by children. The composition of the drug is dioctahedral smectite. When using the product, help comes quickly. Restores the protective functions of the gastrointestinal tract, forms a protective film, binds fatty acid salts, does not affect the intestines and does not affect its motility. It is excreted from the body without changing. This is a good remedy for treating belching and stomach pain.

    Antispasmodic drugs relieve pain. When the cause of discomfort is illness, taking painkillers can blur the diagnostic picture.

    Disruption of the internal organs responsible for digesting food and the occurrence of symptoms are subject to examination, analysis and diagnosis. The specialist, having a diagnosis in hand, prescribes treatment suitable for each specific case. Self-medication is not safe!

    Natural pharmacy

    Along with classical medicine, even doctors themselves recommend using traditional medicine recipes. Medicinal mixtures, decoctions and teas are used for minor disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Chamomile and mint

    Medicinal chamomile is considered an excellent antiseptic, mint is used as a sedative. Valerian root and fennel are also added to the decoction. The ingredients are crushed and poured with boiling water. The decoction is infused. The output is 500 g of liquid, which is drunk throughout the day.

    Milk thistle seeds

    The grass that grows like a weed turns out to be medicinal. This often happens, for example, with milk thistle. The oil extracted from the plant is used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes against ulcers. The medicinal substances contained in milk thistle have a strengthening effect on the membrane of the cells that make up the liver.

    The pharmacy sells ground grass seeds. Take half a teaspoon in dry form with meals.

    Heaviness in the stomach causes inconvenience and interferes with normal work and rest. It may be a consequence of an unbalanced or unhealthy diet. However, this is far from the only reason for unpleasant sensations. What can cause heaviness and how to get rid of this painful condition?

    Heaviness in the stomach: causes

    A regular feeling of discomfort in the digestive system is an alarming symptom. Therefore, it is simply necessary to undergo examination by a gastroenterologist. But what can lead to unpleasant sensations? Doctors identify several common causes:

    • Poor nutrition. Consumption of low-quality products with a high content of harmful additives, carbonated water, fast food and a large amount of sweets. A diet consisting of fatty, spicy and fried foods irritates the mucous membrane, so food is poorly digested and an uncomfortable state occurs.
    • Regular overeating. Absorption of a large volume of food leads to distension of the stomach and poor digestion. As a result, discomfort often occurs. Overeating can be caused by the habit of chewing while watching TV or in front of the computer.
    • Nervous tension. Stress has a negative impact on all systems of the body. It does not allow food to be fully processed.
    • Smoking and abuse of coffee, tea, and alcohol lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. This has a detrimental effect on the ability to digest ingested food.
    • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Ulcer or gastritis, duodenitis, cholelithiasis, intestinal obstruction.
    • Violation of secretory or peristaltic function. If there are problems with secretory function, there is insufficient production of gastric juice, so food cannot be processed normally. This leads to discomfort. And when peristaltic function is impaired, food stagnates, which causes heaviness.
    • Medicines. Taking some medications has a side effect - heaviness.
    • Diets. Unbalanced nutrition systems when losing weight or improper fasting lead to disturbances in the digestive processes.
    • A polyp or tumor that prevents food from moving properly.
    • Pregnancy. Manifestations of early or late toxicosis are accompanied by digestive problems.

    Why is pain or belching added to the feeling of heaviness?

    There are cases when heaviness is accompanied by belching, pain in the upper abdomen, and nausea. This condition indicates a “lazy stomach” syndrome or dyspepsia. This disorder occurs due to weakness of the stomach muscles, which cannot work properly. Therefore, the food that enters the body is not processed, which causes pain or discomfort.

    Why does dyspepsia occur? In young people - due to poor nutrition and consumption of fatty foods. Elderly people may suffer from dyspepsia due to aging of the body, which manifests itself in weakening of the stomach walls and insufficient production of the necessary enzymes to break down foods. Lazy stomach syndrome can occur due to conflicts, stress or other negative psychological factors.

    Causes of heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy

    Pregnant women often experience discomfort in the stomach. Moreover, this phenomenon occurs periodically throughout the entire period of bearing a child. How to determine the cause of the uncomfortable state of the gastrointestinal tract? The main reason for heaviness in the stomach of an expectant mother is the enormous changes in the body caused by pregnancy.

    Factors that cause heaviness in the stomach after eating food during pregnancy:

    • Toxicosis in early pregnancy. If the first months of bearing a baby are accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders, then even with small food intake the woman experiences discomfort.
    • Restructuring of hormonal levels. This leads to a change in acidity, as well as the intensity of production of gastric juice and enzymes.
    • Enlarged belly, fetal growth. From the 2nd trimester, the baby begins to grow rapidly, which leads to an enlargement of the uterus. Because of this, internal organs become displaced, which complicates the digestion process and can cause pain.
    • The emergence of a new circle of blood circulation. More and more blood flows to the uterus, which causes a feeling of heaviness.
    • Vitamin preparations for pregnant women.
    • Diseases of the digestive system. During pregnancy, chronic gastrointestinal diseases worsen.
    • Anorexia nervosa. Malnutrition due to fear of gastric discomfort.
    • Preeclampsia. Throughout the last trimester of pregnancy, the female body actively produces a special growth hormone, which affects the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

    What to do if you feel heaviness after eating

    Uncomfortable sensations cannot be ignored. To get rid of these problems, you first need to observe yourself and determine what situations provoke heaviness in the stomach. If you notice that pain always occurs after eating, then try the following tips:

    1. Eat food 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
    2. Chew your food well and do not swallow large, poorly chewed pieces of food.
    3. Say “taboo” to spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol and smoking.
    4. Only eat foods that are compatible with each other.
    5. Never eat before bed.
    6. Get rid of nervous tension and do not bring yourself to physical exhaustion.
    7. Get rid of extra pounds.

    By following these tips, you will learn to eat healthy and gradually get rid of digestive problems. To treat heaviness in the stomach, simple folk remedies and massage are used. For example, an infusion of yarrow or chamomile, taken 1/2 cup per 30 minutes of eating, will help cope. Moderate physical activity and dancing have a positive effect on the body as a whole, and especially on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Applying a warm diaper for 10 minutes and massage in the form of stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction helps a lot. For proper functioning of the digestive organs, drink kefir a few hours before bedtime. Do not accumulate stress and negative emotions that adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system. Sometimes the drugs “Mezim” and “Festal” can help relieve the heaviness. But doctors do not recommend using them constantly, because this causes the body to stop producing its enzymes.


    Stomach problems can make it difficult to enjoy life. Constant pain prevents you from concentrating on work and deprives you of strength. Problems can in many cases be avoided by eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle. Simple tips for prevention will help you forget or even never know what dyspepsia and other problems of the digestive system are:

    1. Eat food to satisfy your hunger, not to solve your emotional problems. Don’t eat away your stress with sweets or unhealthy but tasty dishes. Treat yourself to a calming herbal drink.
    2. Drink plenty of water. For a good digestion process, drink 200 ml of warm water 30 minutes before meals.
    3. Do not drink drinks after meals. They reduce the concentration of gastric juice, and this slows down its work and the digestion process.
    4. Use fruit for snacks. Avoid fast food.
    5. Chew your food thoroughly. If large pieces of food enter the stomach, this negatively affects its functioning.

    Proper eating habits, avoidance of alcohol, smoking, moderate physical activity and a positive emotional attitude are the main components of good functioning of the digestive system. A healthy lifestyle will minimize the risk of such an unpleasant problem as heaviness in the stomach.

    If after eating you often experience a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms of indigestion, you cannot do without contacting a gastroenterologist. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract today can safely be considered the most common pathology of internal organs. If you feel heaviness in your stomach after eating and this is not associated with overeating or drinking heavily the day before, it means that your digestive system is not coping with its functions and your body needs help.

    Why does heaviness occur in the stomach?

    Heaviness in the stomach occurs when the digestion processes are disrupted, if, for one reason or another, the stomach cannot digest food, and it stagnates in it. If food remains in the stomach for several hours or more, fermentation and even rotting processes begin in it, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

    There are many reasons for heaviness in the stomach after eating:

    • regular overeating– eating excessively fatty, heavy foods in volumes too large for the stomach causes functional irritation and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which goes away on its own with bowel movements;
    • dyspepsia or lazy stomach syndrome- heaviness in the abdomen, accompanied by belching, nausea, vomiting and severe pain that occurs several hours after eating. Dyspepsia occurs due to weakness of the stomach muscles, which cannot contract normally and food is not digested, but “settles” in the stomach, causing discomfort. Dyspepsia occurs in people of all ages: in young people due to poor diet, and in older people due to age-related characteristics of the digestive tract (for example, due to a lack of enzymes);
    • gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system - heaviness in the abdomen after eating, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, can be a symptom of serious diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and so on. In such cases, in addition to heaviness in the abdomen and dyspeptic disorders, the patient experiences pain in the upper half of the abdomen, in the right epigastric region, or without clear localization - girdling pain.

    Heaviness in the stomach occurs not only after eating, but also at other times, so a feeling of heaviness that appears in the morning, may indicate:

    • overeating - if you are used to having a heavy dinner or eating before bed, it’s time to reconsider your habits, your body can no longer cope with such loads or it produces too few enzymes;
    • irritation of the gastric mucosa - if you smoke more than 1 pack of strong cigarettes per day or smoke at night, the mucous membrane of your stomach is constantly irritated by cigarette smoke, which disrupts the production of gastric juice and the digestion of food;
    • toxicosis - heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting in the morning often occurs in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, at this time, due to changes in hormonal levels, the acidity of the gastric juice changes sharply, which can lead to the appearance of similar symptoms;
    • the onset of the disease - heaviness in the abdomen, pain and dyspeptic disorders that regularly occur in the morning can be symptoms of developing gastritis, which is characterized by similar symptoms.

    Heaviness in the stomach after eating or in the morning occurs due to various pathologies of the digestive system, but the following factors lead to all these various disorders, which can be called “root causes” of discomfort in the stomach:

    • overeating - excess food is not only stored in the form of fatty deposits, it also greatly complicates the digestion process. According to nutritionists, you only need to eat when you feel hungry, and the portion should decrease with each passing decade - after 40 years, metabolic processes slow down, and the amount of food should also become smaller;
    • “snacks”, fast food and unhealthy diet – a chronic feeling of hunger and the habit of “filling” your stomach with any food at any time leads to constant irritation of the gastric mucosa and the appearance of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases;
    • smoking – cigarette smoke irritates the mucous membrane and disrupts intestinal motility;
    • stress and nervous tension - the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones leads to disruption of food digestion processes, today the formation of ulcers “from nerves” is a scientifically proven fact, therefore constant irritation and chronic stress are considered the most terrible enemies of the stomach;
    • improper dieting - many women, in an attempt to lose weight, begin to blindly follow recommendations from books, TV programs or the Internet, without thinking about how this will affect their health. According to specialist nutritionists, you can truly lose weight only by completely switching to a healthy diet and forever giving up the habit of eating a lot of fatty, fried and sweet foods. A safe weight loss for the body is a weight reduction of 2-3 kg per month, and the reduction in the amount of food must be accompanied by physical exercise. Following strict diets for several weeks is a direct path to the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases and the appearance of pain and heaviness in the stomach.

    How to cope with unpleasant feelings

    If you regularly experience heaviness in your stomach, nausea and vomiting, you cannot do without visiting a gastroenterologist. A If problems arise periodically, you can try to cope with them using the following methods:

    • give up fatty, fried, baked foods, strong coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages;
    • eat at exactly the same time;
    • reduce food portions;
    • smoke less or at least not smoke before bed;
    • the last meal should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime;
    • eat slowly, in small portions and in a calm environment;
    • spend more time outdoors and exercise;
    • completely abandon products that cause increased gas formation, semi-finished products, canned foods and fast food;
    • eat only warm food – neither cold nor hot;
    • drink a glass of kefir or other fermented milk product at night.

    Contents of the article:

    Heaviness in the stomach is a sign of gastrointestinal dysfunction. This condition prevents you from living a full life, worsening its quality. If these manifestations are present, you should be examined by a specialist who will prescribe effective treatment. As a rule, people do not think about this problem and, when it arises, they hope that everything will go away on its own. However, even the slightest signal of an unpleasant sensation in the stomach should not be ignored, because this sign may indicate diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, or even malignant tumors. The causes of this condition should be found in the stomach, and in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, the patient must adhere to all principles of dietary nutrition.

    How does stomach disease manifest?

    • Heaviness in the stomach may occur after a holiday meal if the patient has eaten a lot of junk food along with alcohol. In this situation, you should take the pills and empty your stomach;
    • the condition may indicate stomach irritation. In this case, gastrointestinal peristalsis is performed;
    • Smokers who smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day often suffer from heaviness in the stomach. This is due to the fact that the stomach affected by nicotine stops doing its job, which leads to serious gastrointestinal disorders;
    • the condition also occurs with dyspepsia: in addition to a feeling of fullness, symptoms such as nausea and flatulence are observed. Dyspepsia is also characterized by a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region;
    • the symptom may indicate gastritis, inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The condition is accompanied by belching, heartburn, constipation, gas formation in the stomach, nausea and pain often occur;
    • In pregnant women, stomach disease appears with changes in the body, which completely adapts to bearing a child, due to which the acidity of the gastric contents changes. The expectant mother experiences nausea, which is associated with the heaviness of the stomach. Nausea may be a manifestation of toxicosis;
    • if the disease is accompanied by severe flatulence, pain is observed - this indicates the initial symptoms of serious diseases and a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Heaviness in the stomach: etiology

    Let's figure out why an unpleasant condition occurs in the stomach. First of all, the condition is explained by poor nutrition and overeating. Also, one of the factors causing severity is insufficient chewing. Severe stress and nervous disorders complicate the digestion process. The spiritual balance of a person and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract have a close relationship. With strong anxiety, the body is distracted from carrying out its functions and focuses on overcoming a psycho-emotional problem. Situational severity appears when consuming certain types of products:

    • fatty, fried and spicy;
    • excess carbohydrates: flour products, sugar, sweets;
    • nutritious fruits and vegetables such as bananas, potatoes, etc.;
    • food that is difficult to digest: mushrooms, meat, etc.;
    • fast food.

    Also, the reasons that cause discomfort in the stomach are foods such as coffee, strongly brewed tea, and alcohol. Carbonated drinks may contribute to discomfort. A mature body does not digest milk well.

    These are not all the reasons that cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Unfortunately, this condition often indicates disorders in the body, especially if pain, nausea, flatulence and other signs are observed. Dyspepsia usually develops when the functionality of the stomach is inconsistent. If the condition was caused by a peptic ulcer, then pain appears in the epigastric region.

    What to do if any accompanying signs or frequent symptoms of severity appear? Contact a general practitioner, who will also help you find out why the pain and other symptoms of this condition occur (you can also consult a doctor on our website for free). Based on the results of the initial examination, the doctor will either dispel your anxious thoughts or prescribe a diagnostic test, after which you should consult with a gastroenterologist to immediately begin treatment.

    How to get rid of heaviness in the stomach?

    Everyone should know what to do if such an unpleasant sensation as heaviness in the stomach appears. Heaviness in the stomach after eating, which occurs as an isolated case, is eliminated on its own. Treatment of the condition at home, first of all, begins with providing complete peace of mind. Take a horizontal position, stroke your abdominal area with your hand in a circular motion. Think about what caused this condition. Remember what foods you consumed. For food poisoning, tablets such as furazonidol and sulgin help.

    If you feel very bad, there is nausea, vomiting and epigastric pain, you need to call an ambulance home. Eliminating situational severity is very easy. Let's look at it in more detail. The adverse effects are neutralized by tomato juice. In this case, you should not take pills, since the load on the liver due to alcohol is already very high. If you eat heavy food such as lard or mushrooms, drink hot tea and do not eat anything for a while.

    Treatment with traditional methods also has a positive effect. The appearance of heaviness in the stomach, which was caused by very strong coffee, is easily neutralized with the help of chamomile tea, to which you can add other herbs: St. John's wort, mint, yarrow. These herbs are characterized by a calming effect against nervous tension. An analogue of this remedy is propolis tincture. Kefir, which should be consumed before bed, will help eliminate heaviness after dinner.

    Treatment is impossible without following a diet and avoiding harmful and heavy foods. A well-balanced diet, small portions, and a predominance of foods that are easily digested in the diet will help prevent heaviness in the stomach. Follow the following recommendations in order to ensure proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

    • eat food often in small quantities;
    • those who are bothered by heaviness in the stomach after eating should not starve or overeat;
    • you should eat food at the same time;
    • eat calmly, do not eat in a hurry or after stress;
    • those who suffer from dyspepsia should give up bad habits;
    • Chew your food thoroughly for better digestibility and to minimize unpleasant symptoms such as heaviness in the stomach and belching;
    • food should be warm;
    • exclude preservatives, refined foods and semi-finished products from the menu;
    • play sports, walk more, run.

    What to do if there is constant heaviness in the stomach area, accompanied by other alarming symptoms such as flatulence, nausea, heartburn, pain? You should not self-medicate the condition. Remember that pills only temporarily relieve the unpleasant sensation, but do not eliminate the root cause of the condition.

    You need to make an appointment with a doctor who will prescribe the correct diagnosis and treatment, tell you how to get rid of heaviness in the stomach and improve your quality of life. Signs such as nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, weight loss, unstable stools, heavy sweating, as well as such an alarming symptom as severe pain localized in the neck or limb, indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body. Reasonable examination and treatment will help eliminate heaviness in the stomach, and possibly prevent the development of serious gastrointestinal pathologies.

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