Destruction technology. overton window

Today's attempts to pass off deviation as the norm, and vice as preference, are aimed at dehumanizing. Nothing more and nothing less. All of humanity. And for this, special manipulation technologies are used. This will be the story.

“All progressive humanity, we are told, has absolutely naturally accepted gays, their subculture, their right to marry, adopt children and promote their sexual orientation in schools and kindergartens. We are told that all this is the natural course of things. We are being lied to.

The lie about the natural course of things was refuted by the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who described the technology of changing the attitude of society towards issues that were once fundamental for this society.

Read this description and it will become clear how homosexuality and same-sex marriage are legalized. It will become quite obvious that the work on the legalization of pedophilia and incest will be completed in Europe in the coming years. Like child euthanasia, by the way.

What else can be pulled out of there into our world using the technology described by Overton?

She works flawlessly.

Joseph P. Overton (1960-2003), Senior Vice President of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Died in a plane crash. He formulated a model for changing the representation of a problem in public opinion, posthumously called the Overton Window.

Joseph Overton described how ideas that were completely alien to society were raised from the cesspool of public contempt, washed away and finally legislated.

According to the Overton Window of Opportunity, for every idea or problem in society, there is a so-called. window of opportunity. Within this window, the idea may or may not be widely discussed, openly supported, promoted, or attempted to be legislated. The window is moved, thereby changing the fan of possibilities, from the “unthinkable” stage, that is, completely alien to public morality, completely rejected to the “actual politics” stage, that is, already widely discussed, accepted by the mass consciousness and enshrined in laws.

This is not brainwashing per se, but more subtle technologies. What makes them effective is their consistent, systematic application and invisibility to the victim society of the very fact of impact.

Below, I will use an example to analyze how, step by step, society begins to first discuss something unacceptable, then consider it appropriate, and finally come to terms with a new law that consolidates and protects the once unthinkable.

Take for example something completely unimaginable. For example, cannibalism, that is, the idea of ​​legalizing the right of citizens to eat each other. A tough enough example?

But it is obvious to everyone that right now (2014) there is no way to launch the propaganda of cannibalism - the society will rear up. This situation means that the problem of legalization of cannibalism is at the zero stage of the window of opportunity. This stage, according to Overton's theory, is called "Unthinkable". Let's now simulate how this unthinkable will be implemented, having gone through all the stages of the window of opportunity.


Once again, Overton described the TECHNOLOGY that allows you to legalize absolutely any idea.

Note! He did not propose a concept, he did not formulate his thoughts in some way - he described a working technology. That is, such a sequence of actions, the execution of which invariably leads to the desired result. As a weapon to destroy human communities, such technology can be more effective than a thermonuclear charge.


The topic of cannibalism is still disgusting and completely unacceptable in society. It is undesirable to discuss this topic either in the press, or, even more so, in a decent company. So far, this is an unthinkable, absurd, forbidden phenomenon. Accordingly, the first movement of the Overton Window is to move the theme of cannibalism from the realm of the unthinkable to the realm of the radical.

We do have freedom of speech.

Well, why not talk about cannibalism?

Scientists are generally supposed to talk about everything in a row - there are no forbidden topics for scientists, they are supposed to study everything. And since such a thing, let's convene an ethnological symposium on the topic "Exotic rites of the tribes of Polynesia." We will discuss the history of the subject on it, introduce it into scientific circulation and get the fact of an authoritative statement about cannibalism.

You see, it turns out that it is possible to talk about cannibalism in a substantive way and, as it were, remain within the limits of scientific respectability.

The Overton window has already moved. That is, a revision of positions has already been indicated. This ensures the transition from an irreconcilably negative attitude of society to a more positive attitude.

Simultaneously with the pseudo-scientific discussion, some kind of "Society of Radical Cannibals" must certainly appear. And let it be presented only on the Internet - radical cannibals will certainly be noticed and quoted in all the necessary media.

First, this is another fact of the statement. And secondly, shocking scumbags of such a special genesis are needed to create the image of a radical scarecrow. These will be "bad cannibals" as opposed to another scarecrow - "fascists who call for burning at the stake not like them." But about scarecrows a little lower. To begin with, it is enough to publish stories about what British scientists think about eating human flesh and some radical scumbags of a different nature.

The result of the first movement of the Overton Window: an unacceptable topic was put into circulation, the taboo was desacralized, the unambiguity of the problem was destroyed - “grayscale” was created.


At this stage, we continue to quote "scientists". After all, it is impossible to turn away from knowledge? About cannibalism. Anyone who refuses to discuss this should be branded as a hypocrite and a hypocrite.

Condemning hypocrisy, it is imperative to come up with an elegant name for cannibalism. So that all sorts of fascists do not dare to hang labels on dissidents with the word with the letter “Ka”.

Attention! Creating a euphemism is a very important point. To legalize an unthinkable idea, it is necessary to replace its true name.

No more cannibalism.

Now it is called, for example, anthropophagy. But this term will soon be replaced again, recognizing this definition as offensive.

The purpose of inventing new names is to divert the essence of the problem from its designation, to tear the form of the word from its content, to deprive their ideological opponents of the language. Cannibalism turns into anthropophagy, and then into anthropophilia, just as a criminal changes names and passports.

In parallel with the game of names, a supporting precedent is being created - historical, mythological, actual or simply invented, but most importantly - legitimized. It will be found or invented as "proof" that anthropophilia can be legalized in principle.

“Remember the legend of the selfless mother who made thirsty children drink her blood?”

“And the stories of ancient gods who ate everyone in general - among the Romans it was in the order of things!”

“Well, the Christians who are closer to us, especially, with anthropophilia, everything is in perfect order! They still ritually drink the blood and eat the flesh of their god. You don't blame the Christian church for something, do you? Who the hell are you?"

The main task of the bacchanalia of this stage is to at least partially remove the eating of people from criminal prosecution. At least once, at least at some historical moment.


Once a legitimating precedent is provided, it becomes possible to move the Overton Window from the territory of the possible to the realm of the rational.

This is the third stage. It completes the fragmentation of a single problem.

“The desire to eat people is genetically inherent, it is in human nature”
“Sometimes it is necessary to eat a person, there are insurmountable circumstances”
"There are people who want to be eaten"
"Anthropophiles provoked!"
"Forbidden Fruit Is Always Sweet"
"A free man has the right to decide what he eats"
“Do not hide information and let everyone understand who he is - an anthropophile or anthropophobe”
“Is there any harm in anthropophilia? Its inevitability has not been proven.

A "battlefield" for the problem is artificially created in the public mind. Scarecrows are placed on the extreme flanks - in a special way appeared radical supporters and radical opponents of cannibalism.

Real opponents - that is, normal people who do not want to remain indifferent to the problem of banning cannibalism - they try to pack together with scarecrows and write them down as radical haters. The role of these scarecrows is to actively create the image of crazy psychopaths - aggressive, fascist haters of anthropophilia, calling for cannibals, Jews, communists and blacks to be burned alive. Presence in the media is provided by all of the above, except for real opponents of legalization.

In this situation, the so-called. anthropophiles remain, as it were, in the middle between the scarecrows, in the “territory of reason”, from where, with all the pathos of “sanity and humanity”, they condemn “fascists of all stripes”.

"Scientists" and journalists at this stage prove that humanity throughout its history has eaten each other from time to time, and this is normal. Now the topic of anthropophilia can be transferred from the realm of the rational into the category of the popular. The Overton window moves on.


To popularize the topic of cannibalism, it is necessary to support it with pop content, matching it with historical and mythological figures, and, if possible, with modern media personalities.

Anthropophilia is permeating the news and talk shows en masse. People are eaten in wide release movies, in lyrics and video clips.

One of the popularization techniques is called “Look around!”

"Didn't you know that one famous composer is that one? .. an anthropophile."

“And one well-known Polish screenwriter was an anthropophile all his life, he was even persecuted.”

“And how many of them were in psychiatric hospitals! How many millions have been expelled, deprived of citizenship!.. By the way, how do you like Lady Gaga's new clip "Eat me, baby"?

At this stage, the topic being developed is brought to the TOP and it begins to autonomously reproduce itself in the mass media, show business and politics.

Another effective technique: the essence of the problem is actively chatted at the level of information operators (journalists, TV presenters, social activists, etc.), cutting off specialists from the discussion.

Then, at the moment when everyone has already become bored and the discussion of the problem has reached a dead end, a specially selected professional comes and says: “Gentlemen, in fact, everything is not at all like that. And it's not that, but this. And you need to do this and that” - and meanwhile gives a very definite direction, the tendentiousness of which is set by the movement of “Windows”.

To justify the supporters of legalization, they use the humanization of criminals by creating a positive image for them through characteristics that are not associated with a crime.

“These are creative people. Well, he ate his wife, so what?

“They truly love their victims. Eating means loving!”

"Anthropophiles have a high IQ and otherwise have a strict morality"

"Anthropophiles themselves are victims, their life forced"

“They were brought up that way,” etc.

This kind of frills is the salt of popular talk shows.

“We will tell you a tragic love story! He wanted to eat her! And she just wanted to be eaten! Who are we to judge them? Perhaps this is love? Who are you to stand in the way of love?!”


The fifth stage of the Overton Window movement is reached when the topic is warmed up to the point of being able to transfer it from the category of popular to the sphere of current politics.

Preparation of the legislative base begins. Lobby groups in power are consolidating and coming out of the shadows. Sociological surveys are being published, allegedly confirming the high percentage of supporters of the legalization of cannibalism. Politicians are starting to roll trial balloons of public statements on the topic of legislative consolidation of this topic. A new dogma is being introduced into the public consciousness - "the prohibition of eating people is prohibited."

This is the signature dish of liberalism - tolerance as a ban on taboos, a ban on correction and prevention of deviations that are detrimental to society.

During the last stage of the Window's movement from the category of "popular" to "actual politics", society is already broken. The most vital part of it will still somehow resist the legislative consolidation of things that were not so long ago still unthinkable. But in general, society is already broken. It has already accepted its defeat.

Laws have been passed, the norms of human existence have been changed (destroyed), then echoes of this topic will inevitably reach schools and kindergartens, which means that the next generation will grow up without any chance of survival at all. So it was with the legalization of pederasty (now they demand to call themselves gays). Now, before our eyes, Europe is legalizing incest and child euthanasia.


The Window of Opportunity described by Overton moves most easily in a tolerant society. In a society that has no ideals, and, as a result, there is no clear division between good and evil.

Do you want to talk about your mother being a whore? Do you want to print a report about it in a magazine? Sing a song. To prove in the end that being a whore is normal and even necessary? This is the technique described above. It relies on permissiveness.

No taboo.

Nothing is sacred.

There are no sacred concepts, the very discussion of which is prohibited, and their dirty discussion is stopped immediately. All this is not. What is there?

There is the so-called freedom of speech, turned into the freedom of dehumanization. Before our eyes, one by one, the frames that protected society from the abyss of self-destruction are being removed. Now the road is open.

Do you think you can't make a difference on your own?

You're absolutely right, a man alone can't do a damn thing.

But personally you must remain human. A person is able to find a solution to any problem. And what one cannot do, people united by a common idea will do. Look around."

In our information age, when technological progress has become the essence and core of human civilization, and moral norms and high concepts of eternal values ​​have faded into the background, at least, I want to talk about something like Overton window. We will try to describe in detail the whole essence of this phenomenon and its terrifying, destructive potential.

Origins of the Overton Window Theory

The Overton window (aka the discourse window) is a theory or concept by which any idea can be implanted into the consciousness of even a highly moral society. The boundaries for accepting such ideas are described by Overton's theory and are achieved through sequential actions consisting of quite clear steps. Below we will dwell on each of them in detail.

Joseph Overton

The Overton Window got its name in honor of the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who proposed this concept in the mid-1990s. Using this model, Overton proposed to evaluate the judgments of public opinion and the degree of its acceptability.

In fact, he simply described the technology that operates throughout the existence of man. It’s just that in ancient times it was understood intuitively, subconsciously, and in the age of technology it acquired specific forms and mathematical accuracy.

Overton window and its possibilities

Let's explore the possibilities of the Overton Window. With the help of this theory, in principle, absolutely any idea can be implanted into the consciousness of the most orthodox society. This is done in several stages, which are spelled out in detail.

Take, for example, homosexuality. If this phenomenon existed in previous centuries, then it was at least considered something shameful. However, in the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries, society could actually observe how the Overton Window operates.

First, numerous publications began to appear in the media stating that homosexuality is, if it is a deviation, then it is natural. After all, we do not condemn excessively tall people, since their growth is due to genetics. The same, journalists wrote, happens with homosexual attraction.

Then numerous so-called studies began to appear, which proved the fact that homosexuality is a natural, albeit unusual side of human life. Years passed, and Overton's window of discourse continued to fulfill its purpose.

It soon became clear that many prominent representatives of human culture were supporters of same-sex relationships. After that, confessions of politicians, show stars and other prominent people in their homosexuality began to appear in the media.

Ultimately, Overton's theory worked with amazing accuracy, and what was considered unthinkable 50 years ago is now the norm.

Effeminate men with beards in tight tights and lace lingerie filled literally the entire media space. And now, in many developed countries, being considered a homosexual is not only normal, but also prestigious.

You can win a major world show just because your image fits perfectly into one of the steps of the Overton window, and not because of your talent.

How the Overton Discourse Window works

The Overton Window works quite simply. After all, the technology of programming society has existed at all times. It is no coincidence that Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty of billionaires, said: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." The great and powerful of this world have always concealed the true meaning of certain events caused by artificial means.

For example, you see, in some “limping” country, a foreign benefactor has appeared who, with the help of his billions of dollars of funds, promotes allegedly important reforms. However, as a result of this, the state comes to default, and all its assets end up in the hands of a “benefactor”. Do you think this is a coincidence?

So, the window of discourse is divided into six clear stages, during which public opinion painlessly changes to the diametrically opposite one:

The main essence of this concept is that everything happens imperceptibly and, as it seems, in a natural way, although in fact it is done artificially by imposition. Using the Overton Window, you can legalize anything in the most literal sense of the word. After all, the programming of society is a topic as old as the world, and the ruling classes of the world elite are well aware of this.

But let's look at the principle of operation of Overton's technology on the classic example of cannibalism.

Overton window: how to legalize cannibalism

Imagine that one of the TV presenters of some popular program suddenly speaks about cannibalism, that is, about the physical eating of a person by a person, as something quite natural. Of course, this is simply unthinkable!

The reaction of society will be so stormy that such a presenter will certainly be fired from work, and may even be prosecuted for violating one or another law on human rights and freedoms. However, if the Overton Window is activated, then the legalization of cannibalism will seem like a standard task for a well-functioning technology. How will it look like?

Step One: Unthinkable

Of course, for the initial perception, the idea of ​​cannibalism looks in the eyes of society simply as a monstrous obscurantism. However, if you regularly touch this topic through the media from different angles, people will quietly get used to the very fact of the existence of this topic. No one is talking about accepting this as the norm.

This is still unthinkable, but the taboo has already been lifted. The existence of the idea becomes known to the masses of people, and they no longer associate it exclusively with the wild times of the Neanderthals. Thus, society is ready for the next stage of the Overton window.

Step Two: Radically

So, the complete ban on discussion of the topic has been lifted, but the idea of ​​cannibalism is still categorically rejected by the population. From time to time, in one or another program, we hear ultra-left statements related to the topic of cannibalism. But this is perceived as a radical delirium of lonely psychopaths.

However, they begin to appear more often on the screens, and soon the public is already watching how whole groups of such radicals gather. They organize scientific symposiums in which they try to explain cannibalism from the point of view as a natural phenomenon of the ancient tribes.

Various historical precedents are offered for consideration, such as, for example, a mother who, saving her child from starvation, gave him his own blood to drink.

At this stage, the Overton Window is at its most critical stage. Instead of the concept of cannibalism or cannibalism, they begin to use the correct term - anthropophagy. The meaning is the same, but it sounds more scientific. There are proposals that are still considered unthinkable and radical to legitimize such a phenomenon.

The principle is imposed on people: "If you don't eat your neighbor, then your neighbor will eat you." No, no, in the present civilized time, there can be no talk of cannibalism! But why not create a law on the permissibility of anthropophagy in exceptional cases of hunger or for medical reasons?

If you are a public figure, then you will be regularly asked questions in the press about your attitude to such a radical phenomenon as anthropophagy. Evasion of the answer is considered narrow-mindedness and is condemned in every possible way. In the minds of people, a base of reviews of the most diverse representatives of society about cannibalism, as such, is accumulating.

Step Three: Acceptable

The third step of Overton's theory takes the idea to an acceptable level. In principle, the topic has been discussed for a long time, everyone is already used to it, and cold sweat on the forehead at the word “cannibalism” does not appear in anyone.

Increasingly, you can hear reports that anthropophiles have been provoked into some kind of action, or supporters of the moderate cannibalism movement are going to a rally.

Shop in London with products in the form of human organs

Scientists continue to produce delusional statements that the desire to eat another person is inherent in nature. Moreover, at different stages of history, cannibalism was practiced to one degree or another, and therefore this phenomenon is characteristic of people and is quite normal.

The sane representatives of society are presented in a bad light as intolerant and backward people, haters of social minorities, and so on.

Step Four: Be Smart

The fourth stage of the Overton Window concept leads the population to the perception of the reasonableness of the idea of ​​anthropophagy. In principle, if you do not abuse this case, then it is quite acceptable in real life. Entertainment TV programs come up with funny stories related to cannibalism. People laugh at it like it's something ordinary, albeit a little strange.

Click on the "Photos" button to see shocking photos of a cake made in the shape of a victim and a cake given to a boy for his 10th birthday.

The problem acquires many directions, types and subspecies. Reputable representatives of society break the topic into unacceptable, acceptable and quite reasonable elements. The process of legitimizing anthropophagy is discussed.

Step Five: Standard

Now the discourse window has nearly served its purpose. Moving from the reasonableness of cannibalism to the everyday standard, the idea that this problem is very acute in society begins to be implanted in the mass consciousness. No one doubts the tolerance and scientific background of this issue. The most independent public figures act with a neutral position: "I myself am not like that, but I don't care who eats what."

A huge number of television products appear in the mass media that “cultivate” the idea of ​​eating human meat. Films are produced where cannibalism is a mandatory attribute of the most popular films.

This also includes statistics. You can regularly hear in the news that the percentage of anthropophiles inhabiting the earth turned out to be unexpectedly large. Various tests are offered on the Internet to check for latent cannibalism. Suddenly it turns out that this or that popular actor or writer is directly related to anthropophagy.

The topic finally comes to the forefront of the world media like the issue of homosexuality in our time. This idea is taken into circulation by politicians and businessmen, they use it as they want to achieve any personal benefits.

The question of the influence of human meat on the development of intelligence is seriously considered. It will certainly be noticed that the IQ of cannibals is significantly higher than that of ordinary people.

Step Six: Political Norm

The final stage of the Overton Window is a set of laws that allow cannibals to freely use and spread ideas of human eating. Any voice raised against total madness will be punished as an infringement on freedom and human rights. The concept of depravity of those who oppose anthropophagy is massively implanted. They are called misanthropes and people of limited mental range.

Given the boundless tolerance of modern society, various movements will be established in defense of cannibals. The issue of protecting this social minority becomes urgent. All! At this stage, society is bloodless and crushed.

The phrase comes into force: "The voice of a unit is thinner than a squeak." Already no one, even religious people, finds the strength to resist the law-supported madness. From now on, eating a person by a person is a political, current norm of life.

Overton's principle, using the example of cannibalism, worked one hundred percent. Loud applause!

Overton window - technology of destruction

Some people wonder: Is it possible for Joseph Overton's concept to work for good purposes? It is possible that the answer will be positive. However, if you remain a realist, it is clear that this is an unambiguous destruction technology.

There is no way to describe the global historical processes that confirm the destructive meaning of this theory. In this case, one involuntarily asks the question: is it really all over, and have we finally and irrevocably fallen on the hook of our own technologies? Is the world conspiracy theory inexorably confirmed?

Here it is appropriate to recall the words of a TV presenter from a well-known program: “The world government certainly exists, but these are not politicians known to us, but the power of money, which is not personified.”

So is it possible that tomorrow some billionaire will want to use the Overton window to pull off an insane fraud with the public consciousness, and we will not be able to resist him?

Countering the Overton Window

The hardest thing in life is to be yourself. As you may have noticed, the Overton Window is aimed precisely at stimulating the subconscious foundations of human life. This concerns, first of all, the question of normality.

We are afraid of appearing abnormal in a society where homosexuality is actively imposed on us. We do not dare to object to a deliberately false statement if it is supported by the majority. All this does not allow us to go beyond the "normality" in the eyes of other people.

However, no wonder if in a hundred years a person who does not accept copulation on the street or in the middle of the marketplace will be considered abnormal! So isn't it better now that we know what is the overton window, to start thinking independently, and not thoughtlessly eat the information that various media prepare for us in the “Overtonian” kitchens?

Being good for everyone is just as impossible as being normal for everyone. And if in a society the concept of tolerance goes beyond common sense, isn't it preferable to remain with common sense, without tolerance?

It is all the more important to understand that exactly where the border between good and evil is practically absent, the Overton Window has every chance of successfully implementing its destructive ideas.

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  • The Overton window is a theory or concept by which any idea can be planted in the consciousness of society. The limits of acceptance of such ideas are described by Overton's theory. This is achieved through consistent actions, consisting of quite clear steps. Let's look at what and how here.

    The Overton Window got its name in honor of the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who proposed this concept in the mid-1990s. Initially, the idea was that in a democratic country, a politician cannot do what he wants, but must take into account the opinion of society. There is a certain limit to what voters will allow to do (the very “window” of opportunity). Overton built a scale for the acceptability of ideas. At the center of it are popular ideas, which are usually moderate, and on both sides - extremes: allow everything or prohibit everything.

    In 2003, everyone nodded their heads and began to think what to do with this window. American conservatives, for example, came up with the idea of ​​loosening the borders: you first offer the most radical option, and then frightened citizens agree to a moderately radical one. For example, you agitate to introduce criminal liability for abortion, but in the end you only introduce the obligation to consult a psychologist.

    Then one Joe Carter, editor of the New Testament Alliance website, went even further. He suggested that a politician can promote any idea to society in general in just five steps. And painted them. In a good way, his concept should have been called something like "Carter's Ladder", but he was shy. And the idea took root under the guise of the Overton Window. Although the five steps no longer had anything to do with Overton.

    Let's look at what and how in this theory.

    Overton window and its possibilities

    Let's explore the possibilities of the Overton Window. With the help of this theory, absolutely any idea can be planted in the consciousness of any society. This is a kind of human manipulation. This is done in several stages.

    Take, for example, homosexuality. If this phenomenon existed in previous centuries, then it was at least considered something shameful. However, in the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries, society could actually observe how the Overton Window operates.

    First, numerous publications began to appear in the media stating that homosexuality is, if it is a deviation, then it is natural. After all, we do not condemn excessively tall people, since their growth is due to genetics. The same, journalists wrote, happens with homosexual attraction.

    Then numerous so-called studies began to appear, which proved the fact that homosexuality is a natural, albeit unusual side of human life.

    Years passed, and Overton's window of discourse continued to fulfill its purpose.
    It soon became clear that many prominent representatives of human culture were supporters of same-sex relationships.

    After that, confessions of politicians, show stars and other prominent people in their homosexuality began to appear in the media.

    Ultimately, Overton's theory worked with amazing accuracy, and what was considered unthinkable 50 years ago is now the norm.

    Effeminate men with beards in tight tights and lace lingerie filled literally the entire media space. And now, in many developed countries, being considered a homosexual is not only normal, but also prestigious.

    You can win a major world show just because your image fits perfectly into one of the steps of the Overton window, and not because of your talent.

    How the Overton Discourse Window works

    The Overton Window works quite simply. After all, the technology of programming society has existed at all times. It is no coincidence that Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty of billionaires, said: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." The great and powerful of this world have always concealed the true meaning of certain events caused by artificial means.

    For example, you see, in some “limping” country, a foreign benefactor has appeared who, with the help of his billions of dollars of funds, promotes allegedly important reforms. However, as a result of this, the state comes to default, and all its assets end up in the hands of a “benefactor”. Do you think this is a coincidence?

    So, the window of discourse is divided into six clear stages, during which public opinion painlessly changes to the diametrically opposite one:

    Oberon window

    The main essence of this concept is that everything happens imperceptibly and, as it seems, in a natural way, although in fact it is done artificially by imposition.

    Using the Overton Window, you can legalize anything in the most literal sense of the word. The manipulation of society is a topic as old as the world, and the ruling classes of the world's elite are well aware of this.

    But let's look at the principle of operation of Overton's technology on the classic example of cannibalism.

    Overton window: how to legalize cannibalism

    Imagine that one of the TV presenters of some popular program suddenly speaks about cannibalism, that is, about the physical eating of a person by a person, as something quite natural. Of course, this is simply unthinkable!

    The reaction of society will be so stormy that such a presenter will certainly be fired from work, and may even be prosecuted for violating one or another law on human rights and freedoms.

    However, if the Overton Window is activated, then the legalization of cannibalism will seem like a standard task for a well-functioning technology.

    How will it look like?

    Step One: Unthinkable

    Of course, for the initial perception, the idea of ​​cannibalism looks in the eyes of society simply as a monstrous obscurantism. The topic of cannibalism is still disgusting and completely unacceptable in society. It is undesirable to discuss this topic either in the press, or, even more so, in a decent company. So far, this is an unthinkable, absurd, forbidden phenomenon.

    However, if you regularly touch this topic through the media from different angles, people will quietly get used to the very fact of the existence of this topic. No one is talking about accepting this as the norm.

    This is still unthinkable, but the taboo on the idea itself has already been lifted. The existence of the idea becomes known to the masses of people, and they no longer associate it exclusively with the wild times of the Neanderthals. Thus, society is ready for the next stage of the Overton window.

    Step Two: Radically

    So, the complete ban on discussion of the topic has been lifted, but the idea of ​​cannibalism is still categorically rejected by the population. Periodically, in one or another program, we hear statements related to the topic of cannibalism. But this is perceived as a radical delirium of lonely psychopaths.

    However, they begin to appear more often on the screens, and soon the public is already watching how whole groups of such radicals gather. They organize scientific symposiums, where they try to explain cannibalism, as a natural phenomenon of ancient tribes, from the point of view of formal logic.

    Various historical precedents are offered for consideration, such as, for example, a mother who, saving her child from starvation, gave him his own blood to drink.

    At this stage, the Overton Window is at its most critical stage. Instead of the concept of cannibalism or cannibalism, they begin to use the soft correct term - anthropophagia. The meaning is the same, but it sounds more scientific.

    There are proposals that are still considered unthinkable and radical to legitimize such a phenomenon. The principle is imposed on people: "If you don't eat your neighbor, then your neighbor will eat you." No, no, in the present civilized time, there can be no talk of cannibalism! But why not create a law on the permissibility of anthropophagy in exceptional cases of hunger or for medical reasons?

    If you are a public figure, then you will be regularly asked questions in the press about your attitude to such a radical phenomenon as anthropophagy. Evasion of the answer is considered narrow-mindedness and is condemned in every possible way. In the minds of people, a base of reviews of the most diverse representatives of society about cannibalism, as such, is accumulating.

    Step Three: Acceptable

    The third step of Overton's theory takes the idea to an acceptable level. In principle, the topic has been discussed for a long time, everyone is already used to it, and cold sweat on the forehead at the word “cannibalism” does not appear in anyone.

    Increasingly, you can hear reports that anthropophiles have been provoked into some kind of action, or supporters of the moderate cannibalism movement are going to a rally.

    Shop with products in the form of human organs

    Scientists continue to produce delusional statements that the desire to eat another person is inherent in nature. Moreover, at different stages of history, cannibalism was practiced to one degree or another, and therefore this phenomenon is characteristic of people and is quite normal.

    The sane representatives of society are presented in a bad light as intolerant and backward people, haters of social minorities, and so on.

    Step Four: Be Smart

    The fourth stage of the Overton Window concept leads the population to the perception of the reasonableness of the idea of ​​anthropophagy. In principle, if you do not abuse this case, then it is quite acceptable in real life. Entertainment TV programs come up with funny stories related to cannibalism. People laugh at it like it's something ordinary, albeit a little strange.

    The problem acquires many directions, types and subspecies. Reputable representatives of society break the topic into unacceptable, acceptable and quite reasonable elements.

    The process of legitimizing anthropophagy is discussed.

    Step Five: Standard

    Now the discourse window has nearly served its purpose. Moving from the reasonableness of cannibalism to the everyday standard, the idea that this problem is very acute in society begins to be implanted in the mass consciousness.

    No one doubts the tolerance and scientific background of this issue. The most independent public figures act with a neutral position: "I myself am not like that, but I don't care who eats what."

    A huge number of television products appear in the media that "cultivate" the idea of ​​eating human meat. Films are produced where cannibalism is a mandatory attribute of the most popular films.

    Cake made in the shape of a victim

    This also includes statistics. You can regularly hear in the news that the percentage of anthropophiles inhabiting the earth turned out to be unexpectedly large. Various tests are offered on the Internet to check for latent cannibalism. Suddenly it turns out that this or that popular actor or writer is directly related to anthropophagy.

    The topic finally comes to the forefront of the world media like the issue of homosexuality in our time. This idea is taken into circulation by politicians and businessmen, they use it as they want to achieve any personal benefits.

    The question of the influence of human meat on the development of intelligence is seriously considered. It will be noticed that the IQ of cannibals is significantly higher than that of ordinary people.

    Step six: The current regulation

    The final stage of the Overton Window is a set of laws that allow cannibals to freely use and spread ideas of human eating. Any voice raised against total madness will be punished as an infringement on freedom and human rights.

    The concept of depravity of those who oppose anthropophagy is massively implanted. They are called misanthropes and people of limited mental range. A new idea is introduced into the public consciousness - "the prohibition of eating people is prohibited."

    Given the boundless tolerance of modern society, various movements will be established in defense of cannibals. The issue of protecting this social minority becomes urgent.

    All! At this stage, society is bloodless and crushed.

    From now on, eating a person by a person is a political, current norm of life.

    Overton's principle for cannibalism worked one hundred percent.
    Loud applause!

    Overton window - technology of destruction

    One might ask: is it possible that Joseph Overton's concept works for good purposes? Of course yes. However, if you remain realistic, then usually this technology is used for destruction. And it very often coexists with brainwashing technology, which is also worth knowing about.

    There is no way to describe the global historical processes that confirm the destructive meaning of this theory. In this case, one involuntarily asks the question: is it really all over, and have we finally and irrevocably fallen on the hook of our own technologies? Is the world conspiracy theory inexorably confirmed?

    Here it is appropriate to recall the words of a TV presenter from a well-known program: “The world government certainly exists, but these are not politicians known to us, but the power of money, which is not personified.”

    So is it possible that tomorrow some billionaire will want to use the Overton window to pull off an insane fraud with the public consciousness, and we will not be able to resist him?

    Countering the Overton Window

    Consciously understand and analyze all the ideas and attitudes given to us through books, media and movies. Develop in yourself and in your friends, relatives, children the skills of such an analysis. To disseminate as much as possible an adequate view of various phenomena in life and take an active part in the struggle for morality.

    The hardest thing in life is to be yourself. As you may have noticed, the Overton Window is aimed precisely at stimulating the subconscious foundations of human life. This concerns, first of all, the question of normality.

    We do not dare to object to a deliberately false statement if it is supported by the majority. All this does not allow us to go beyond the "normality" in the eyes of other people.

    How can you lose yourself? Very simple and almost invisible. Agree just a little with the idea proposed to you. Then agree a little more. And so, very gradually, step by step, almost imperceptibly, you will accept it. And you will change. Here is such a manipulation.

    And no wonder if in a hundred years a person who does not accept copulation on the street or in the middle of the marketplace will be considered abnormal. So isn't it better now, when we have learned what the Overton Window is, to start thinking for ourselves, and not thoughtlessly eat the information that various media prepare for us in the "Overton" kitchens?

    Being good for everyone is just as impossible as being normal for everyone. And if in a society the concept of tolerance goes beyond common sense, rationality, is it not preferable to remain with common sense, without tolerance?

    You can resist by giving up trying to be “normal” always and everywhere. At that moment, when the "individual" is replaced by the "normal" we automatically transfer control over ourselves into the wrong hands. At best, we strive to be convenient for others, and at worst, we fall under targeted manipulation.

    The concept of tolerance is better used only as a concept of tolerance. Otherwise, it is necessary to protect your borders. For example, it is quite acceptable to hear about European gay parades, but refuse to accept official gay marriages in one's own culture, where the main contradiction may be the cultural-Christian values ​​and traditions of the Slavs. Although, you already know how they will try to change these values.

    An authoritative opinion, in most cases, dissipates to smithereens, as soon as we ask ourselves the question - who is this authority, and whether he is trustworthy. Study the life and work of this authority. For example, if you see a specialist speaking on TV about whom you have no information other than what is listed below during the presentation, just think about what he said. Would your opinion change if a neighbor or colleague said the same thing? If authority becomes "Captain Obvious," then what is the essence of his speech? Repeat with a smart face what you said 20 minutes ago with your employees on the way home? If, nevertheless, you heard something new, you should think about the benefits of the authority itself. Remember that he needs to earn your trust, no matter how he calls himself.

    Overton Window Implementation Examples

    Consider the application of the Overton model on the example of propaganda of same-sex love (homosexuality):

    1.Unthinkable. For centuries in many states of the world there was a criminal prosecution for homosexual relations. The first state to decriminalize same-sex sex (1790) was the small country of Andorra. In France, this happened in 1791, in Turkey - in 1858. In the United States during colonial times, same-sex acts were punishable by death. In some states, only in the 60s - 70s. In the 20th century, same-sex sex was decriminalized. It wasn't until 2003 that the US Supreme Court declared unconstitutional all laws prohibiting same-sex sexual activity. In the Soviet Union, prosecution for sodomy was introduced in 1934 and abolished in 1993. But even now in 76 countries of the world homosexuality is considered a criminal offense, in five countries (Iran, Yemen, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia and Sudan) homosexual contacts are punishable by death. The period of criminal prosecution of homosexuals can be attributed to the stage of "unthinkable" and "unacceptable".

    2. Radical. With the abolition of criminal prosecution, homosexual relationships began to be perceived as acceptable, albeit out of the ordinary. It is obscene to talk about these relationships in “respectable society”, but you can bring them up for discussion by the scientific community, for example, organize a conference, symposium, etc. And among “scientists” you can always find those who recognize homosexual relationships as quite acceptable. And in order to remove these relations from the category of "radical", "for the purposes of public welfare", "scientists" can offer methods and forms of their full legalization. And it remains for propagandists to convey these "authoritative" opinions to the mass consciousness.

    3.Acceptable. Since the 1970s, many countries in the world have become more tolerant of same-sex relationships. This, in particular, was facilitated by the fact that many psychiatric organizations began to exclude homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses. For example, the American Psychiatric Association did this in 1973. In many democratic countries, officially registered LGBT communities began to appear. A new socio-political LGBT movement is emerging. Thus, there is an institutionalization of the previously absolutely unacceptable. A “hot” discussion is unfolding in the media in defense of the innocently discredited representatives of the LGBT community, which, in particular, speaks of the great sacrifices that these people made on the way to their legalization. And "scientists" substantiate theories of gender differences and "social sex", according to which biological differences between a man and a woman are not as significant as socio-psychological (role) differences.

    4. Wise. At this stage, through the mass media, the opinion is persistently and methodically conveyed to the mass consciousness that representatives of the LGBT community are not quite ordinary people. They are more liberated and gifted in all respects, they have an increased IQ, there are more outstanding personalities among them. For example, the names of famous historical figures who were seen in non-traditional sexual orientation are given.

    5. Popular. Gradually, it begins to “become clear” that most representatives of show business are either homosexuals themselves, or have long been “family friends” with these people. Popular pop artists during the performance of their "hits" in every possible way demonstrate their belonging to the LGBT community, or at least their positive attitude towards it. Gay parades are turning into a massive colorful show, which "should" be attended by everyone who considers himself a "democrat" and just a tolerant person. A film by a famous director about unhappy same-sex love, which previously won the main prize at a well-known international film festival, is being released in wide release. Belonging to the LGBT community significantly increases the chances of success in career advancement. Being a homosexual becomes prestigious and profitable.

    6. Official policies. Representatives of the LGBT community become mayors of cities and deputies of legislative bodies. The preparation of the legislative base begins, which is supported by various sociological surveys and "authoritative" opinions.

    In the beginning, laws “on registered partners” are adopted (1989-1999), then - “laws on same-sex marriages” (2001-2012). This was followed by laws on the possibility for same-sex families to take and raise adopted children (2002-2013). In January 2008, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that homosexuality cannot be a reason for refusing an adoption. All member countries of the Council of Europe are bound by this decision.

    Along with the adoption of the above laws, a real persecution of adherents of traditional family relations has unfolded in many European countries. Any mention of traditional family values ​​is perceived by representatives of the LGBT community and their patrons as an insult to their feelings and dignity. And such concepts dear to the heart of every person as “mom” and “dad” become, to put it mildly, incorrect, insulting the feelings of homosexuals. They are replaced by the concepts "parent 1" and "parent 2". So, according to official data, since February 2011, in the documentation of the US State Department, the words “mother” and “dad” have been removed from official circulation. When applying for official documents, the questionnaires will now read "parent number 1" and "parent number 2". Similar laws and regulations have been adopted in some other countries.

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    “All progressive humanity”, as we are told, “absolutely naturally accepted” pederasts, their subculture, “the right to marry”, adopt children and promote their sexual orientation in schools and kindergartens. The lie about the "natural course of things" was refuted by the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who described the technology of changing society's attitude to the fundamental issues of morality and ethics. After reading this description, it will become clear how global degenerates legalize homosexuality, same-sex marriage, pedophilia, incest, child euthanasia and other previously completely impossible phenomena from the point of view of traditional, Christian morality

    What other dehumanizing vices can be pulled into our world using the technology described Overton?

    Joseph P. Overton (1960-2003), senior vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Died in a plane crash. Formulated a model for changing the representation of the problem in public opinion, posthumously called the "Overton Window" .

    This model shows how ideas completely alien to society were raised from the sewers of public contempt, washed away and, finally, legislated.

    Overton showed that for each of the most impossible ideas, in society there is a so-called. "window of opportunity". Within its limits, the idea may (or may not) be widely discussed, openly supported, promoted, or attempted to be legislated. The window is moved, thereby changing the fan of possibilities, from the “unthinkable” stage, i.e. completely alien to public morality, completely rejected to the stage of “actual politics” (as already widely discussed, accepted by the mass consciousness and enshrined in laws).

    Technologies for changing public morality are very subtle. What makes them effective is their consistent, systematic application and invisibility to the victim society of the very fact of impact. However, theirthe recipe is not new. So on January 18, 1832, it was recorded as an Italian Jewish Freemason, known by the nicknamePiccolo Tiger, strongly advised to his accomplices: "... let the poison into the chosen hearts in small doses; do it like by chance, and you will soon be surprised by the results».

    Overton more specifically described technology as the Judaized "masters of global discourse" (from Latin discursus - “running back and forth; circulation; conversation”, chatter) break traditional Christian morality.

    Let's look at a specific example of how, step by step, society begins to first discuss something unacceptable, then consider it appropriate, and finally comes to terms with a new law that consolidates and protects the once unthinkable.

    Let's take something completely unimaginable. For example, cannibalism, that is, the idea of ​​legalizing the right of citizens to eat each other.

    It would seem that today there is no way to deploy "direct propaganda of cannibalism" - the society will rear up. This situation means that the problem of legalization of cannibalism is in the "zero stage of the window of opportunity" (in Overton's model - the "Unthinkable" stage).

    Let's simulate how this unthinkable will be realized, going through all the stages of the window of opportunity.


    Please note that Overton did not describe the concept and not his thoughts, but working technology for manipulating public consciousness . That is, such a sequence of actions, the execution of which invariably leads to the desired result. As a weapon to destroy human communities, such technology can be more effective than a thermonuclear charge.


    The topic of cannibalism is still disgusting and completely unacceptable in society. It is undesirable to discuss this topic either in the press, or, even more so, in a decent company. So far, this is an unthinkable, absurd, forbidden phenomenon. Accordingly, the first movement of the Overton Window is to move the theme of cannibalism from the realm of the unthinkable to the realm of the radical.

    « We do have freedom of speech.
    Well, why not talk about cannibalism?"

    Scientists are generally supposed to talk about everything in a row - there are no forbidden topics for scientists, they are supposed to study everything. And since this is the case, let's convene an ethnological symposium on the topic " Exotic rituals of the tribes of Polynesia". We will discuss the history of the subject on it, introduce it into scientific circulation and get the fact of an authoritative statement about cannibalism.
    You see, it turns out that it is possible to talk about cannibalism in a substantive way and, as it were, remain within the limits of scientific respectability.

    The Overton window has already moved, marking a revision of positions. Thus, ensuring the transition from an irreconcilably negative attitude of society to a more positive attitude.

    Simultaneously with the near-scientific discussion, some kind of " Society of Radical Cannibals". Although it will be presented only on the Internet, radical cannibals will certainly be noticed and quoted in all the necessary media.

    Firstly, this is another fact of the statement. And "they don't imprison for the word." Secondly, shocking scumbags of such a special genesis are needed to create the image of a radical scarecrow. These will be "bad cannibals" as opposed to another scarecrow - " fascists who call to burn at the stake not like them". But more on that below. To begin with, it is enough to publish stories about what British scientists think about eating human flesh and some radical scumbags of a different nature.

    The result of the first movement of the Overton Window: an unacceptable topic was put into circulation, the taboo was desacralized, the unambiguity of the problem was destroyed - “ grayscale».


    The next step is to move the theme of cannibalism from the radical realm to the "realm of the possible."At this stage, "scientists" continue to be quoted. After all, you can’t turn away from the knowledge about cannibalism? At the same time, anyone who refuses to discuss this should be branded as a hypocrite and a hypocrite.Condemning hypocrisy, it is imperative to come up with an elegant name for cannibalism. So that all sorts of fascists do not dare to hang labels on dissidents with the word for the letter " Ka».

    Attention! Creating a euphemism is a very important point. To legalize an unthinkable idea, it is necessary to replace its true name.

    There is a substitution of words with a negative fixed in the mind, with new, yet “neutral” terms for the mind. So, for example, "cannibalism" disappears from circulation, and the word "anthropophagy" replaces its place. But then this term will be replaced again, recognizing it as an “insulting definition”. The purpose of inventing new names is to divert the essence of the problem from its designation, to tear the form of the word from its content, to deprive their ideological opponents of the language. Cannibalism turns into anthropophagy, and then into anthropophilia, just as a criminal changes surnames and passports.

    As an already implemented example: substitution of the term "pederast" (Greek. παιδεραστής fromπαίδος , "boy" +ραστής , "loving")- first, in a broader sense, is replaced by "homosexual"; then this definition is recognized as “not entirely politically correct” and the word “gay” is widely used instead.

    The same medical definition of the vice of adults in relation to boys is first replaced by a “pedophile” (literally “loving children”), and then completely by “attracted to small personalities” (VML) . And the negative inherent in semantics is “blurred” and “leaves” from the public consciousness.

    In parallel with the substitution of words and terms, a supporting precedent is being created - historical, mythological, actual or simply invented, but most importantly - legitimized. It will be found or invented as "proof" that anthropophilia may in principle be legal.

    “Remember the legend of the selfless mother who made thirsty children drink her blood?”
    “And the stories of ancient gods who ate everyone in general - among the Romans it was in the order of things!”
    « Well, for Christians who are closer to us, especially with anthropophilia, everything is in perfect order! They still ritually drink the blood and eat the flesh of their god. You don't blame the Christian church for something, do you? Who the hell are you?»

    The main task of the bacchanalia of this stage is to at least partially remove the eating of people from criminal prosecution. At least once, at least at some historical moment.


    Once a legitimizing precedent is provided, it becomes possible to move the Overton Window from the territory of the possible to the realm of the rational.This is the third stage. It completes the fragmentation of a single problem.

    “The desire to eat people is genetically inherent, it is in human nature”
    “Sometimes it is necessary to eat a person, there are insurmountable circumstances”
    "There are people who want to be eaten"
    "Anthropophiles provoked!"
    "Forbidden Fruit Is Always Sweet"
    "A free man has the right to decide what he eats"
    “Do not hide information and let everyone understand who he is - an anthropophile or anthropophobe”
    “Is there any harm in anthropophilia? Its inevitability has not been proven.

    A "battlefield" for the problem is artificially created in the public mind. Scarecrows are placed on the extreme flanks - in a special way appeared radical supporters and radical opponents of cannibalism. Real opponents - that is, normal people who do not want to remain indifferent to the problem of cannibalism - are trying to put on a par with scarecrows and write down as radical haters.

    The role of the scarecrows is to actively create the image of crazy psychopaths - aggressive, fascist haters of anthropophilia, calling for cannibals, Jews, communists and blacks to be burned alive. Presence in the media is provided by all of the above, except for real opponents of legalization.

    In this scenario, the cannibals themselves, "anthropophiles" remain, as it were, in the middle between the scarecrows, in the "territory of reason", from where, with all the pathos of "sanity and humanity", they condemn "fascists of all stripes".

    Lured expertocracy - "scientists" and journalists of "liberal nationality" - at this stage prove that humanity throughout its history has eaten each other from time to time, and this is normal. Now the topic of anthropophilia can be transferred from the realm of the rational into the category of the popular. The Overton window moves on.


    To popularize the topic of cannibalism, it is necessary to support it with pop content, matching it with historical and mythological figures, and, if possible, with modern media personalities. Anthropophilia is permeating the news and talk shows en masse. People are eaten in wide release movies, in lyrics and video clips.

    One of the methods of promotion is called "Look around!"
    "Didn't you know that one famous composer is that one? .. an anthropophile"
    “And one well-known Polish screenwriter was an anthropophile all his life, he was even persecuted”
    « And how many of them were in psychiatric hospitals! How many millions were expelled, deprived of citizenship! .. By the way, how do you like the new clip Lady Gaga"Eat me baby»?

    At this stage, the theme being developed is displayed in top and it begins to autonomously reproduce itself in the media, show business and politics.

    Another effective technique: the essence of the problem is actively chattered at the level of information operators (journalists, TV presenters, all kinds of "social activists", etc.), cutting off specialists from the discussion. Then, at the moment when everyone is already bored and the discussion of the problem has reached a dead end, a specially selected professional comes and says: “ Gentlemen, this is not really the case. And it's not that, but this. And you have to do this and that” - and in the meantime gives a very definite direction, the tendentiousness of which is set by the movement of the “Window”.

    To justify legalization supporters, they use the humanization of criminals by creating a positive image for them through characteristics that are not associated with a crime.
    “These are creative people. Well, he ate his wife, so what?
    “They truly love their victims. Eating means loving!”
    "Anthropophiles have a high IQ and otherwise have a strict morality"
    "Anthropophiles themselves are victims, their life forced"
    "That's how they were raised"

    This kind of frills is the salt of popular talk shows: “ We will tell you a tragic love story! He wanted to eat her! And she just wanted to be eaten! Who are we to judge them? Perhaps this is love? Who are you to stand in the way of love?


    The fifth stage of the Overton Window movement is reached when the topic is warmed up to the point of being able to transfer it from the category of popular to the sphere of current politics. Preparation of the legislative base begins. Lobby groups in power are consolidating and coming out of the shadows. Sociological surveys are being published, allegedly confirming the high percentage of supporters of the legalization of cannibalism. Politicians are starting to roll trial balloons of public statements on the topic of legislative consolidation of this topic. A new dogma is being introduced into the public consciousness - “ prohibition of eating people is forbidden».

    This is the signature dish of Judeo-liberalism - tolerance as a ban on taboos, a ban on correction and prevention of deviations that are detrimental to society.

    During the last stage of the Window's movement from the category of "popular" to "actual politics", society is already broken. The most vital part of it will still somehow resist the legislative consolidation of things that were not so long ago still unthinkable. But in general, society is already broken. It has already accepted its defeat.

    Laws have been adopted, the norms of human existence have been changed (destroyed), then echoes of this topic will inevitably come to schools and kindergartens. This means that the next generation will grow up with no chance of survival at all. So it was with the legalization of pederasty, which now demand to be called gay).

    Now, before our eyes, Europe is legalizing incest and child euthanasia.


    STEP #1: From the Unthinkable to the Radical (“Academic Symposium Topic”)

    Academic Symposium in Baltimore August 17, 2011: sponsored by the pedophile lobby group B4U-ACT. A group of corrupt expertocrats - psychiatrists with Jewish surnames and perverts discuss the "problem of pedophilia", admiring everything fake-"progressive".

    Expertocracy is represented : prof. Johns Hopkins University Dr. Fred Berlin; Children's Rights Advocates - Vice President Liberty Counsel Action Matt Barbera ; prof. Liberty University School of Law Judith Reisman and another 50 degenerates.

    The purpose of the meeting: legalize the crimes of perverts by recognizing the phenomenon as the "norm" and removing pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association's bible - the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

    STEP #2: "From Radical to Acceptable"

    The conference program covers " ways in which individuals who are attracted to children [pedophiles] can be involved in the DSM 5 revision process». With the introduction of an artificially invented name for euphemism - "VML - drawn by younger personalities"("MAP - minor-attracted persons", people with MAP-sexual orientation) - the public categorical rejection of pedophiles ("semantic reprogramming" or "brainwashing") is changing in order to launch the "tolerance mechanism" (med. - the mechanism of non-rejection of foreign viruses).

    Dr. Fred Berlin Compared Society's Response to Pedophilia to Homosexuality Before Landing Judgment Lawrence v. Texas (2003), which decriminalized homosexuality. On the website of the B4U-ACT group, Dr. Berlin's words are published on the front page: " At present, as has historically been the case with homosexuality, society's approach to the issue of pedophilia is much more focused on the side of decisions on criminal prosecution than on the side of solutions to mental health problems.».

    At one time, the Jewish press sneered at American Christian traditionalists when they claimed that the judgment in the case " Lawrence vs. Texas”, will lead to the legalization of polygamy and pedophilia. Now some of those who wrote bullying articles are using this decision to promote ... polygamy and pedophilia.

    Keywords of the keynote speech by "the world famous sexologist", Dr. Fred Berlin (Johns Hopkins University) "I want to fully support the purpose of the B4U-ACT group"

    The main themes of the conference blur the meaning of perversion:

    - society "undeservedly stigmatizes and demonizes" pedophiles.
    - "maliciously biased diagnostic criteria" and "illegal cultural baggage";
    - "we must not interfere with or hinder the development of our child's sexuality";
    - “Children are not necessarily, by nature, ready or unable to consent” to sex with an adult;
    “Sex is taken too seriously in Western culture.”
    - “The Anglo-American standard for the“ age of consent ”is“ Puritan ”, in Europe this age is 10-12 years. Boys are always able to have sex at any age.”
    - "an adult's desire to have sex with children is 'normal'."
    “Our society must maximize the freedom of the individual. … we have a very moralistic society that is incompatible with freedom.”
    “The suggestion that children may not be willing or able to consent [to sex with an adult] itself leads to criminalization and stigmatization.”

    Characteristic phrase: These things are neither black nor white; there are different shades of gray ».

    There was an initial consensus among the speakers and pedophiles attending the conference that pedophilia as a mental disorder should be removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Just like it was done with respect to homosexuality in 1973. This should be done because the inclusion of pedophilia on this list is a black mark on the MAP (minor-attracted persons).

    At the same time, Fred Berlin admitted that it was not scientific considerations that led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder, but rather political activity (read - the buggers themselves and the ideologists of the destruction of the society of Judeo-liberalism), similar to that observed at the conference. The reason "homosexuality was taken off the DSM list was because people didn't want the government in their bedroom."

    The Jewish Doctor wisely supported stating: " If someone, for their own reasons, does not want to lead a homosexual lifestyle, I tell them that it is difficult, but I will try to help them.».

    And then he moved on to processing the order (abbreviated): The DSM ignores the fact that pedophiles "love children, have romantic feelings for them", just as adult heterosexuals or homosexuals have romantic feelings for each other; "Most pedophiles are reasonable and kind people"; DSM should "minimize the focus on public scrutiny", and "focus on the needs" of pedophiles, instead of being obsessed with the "need to protect children"(!).

    Self-described "gay activist" (read - pederast and pedophile) Jacob Breslow made a presentation that children should be "the object of our attraction." He went on to state that pedophiles do not need the consent of a child to have sex with them, just as we do not need the consent of a shoe to wear it. And then slang to describe in a positive light the act of achieving ejaculation "on or with" the baby.

    However, none of those present objected to this explicit description of the sexual abuse of a child ...

    STEP #3: "From Acceptable to Rational"

    In the light of the above, carefully read the article from The Guardian: "Pedophilia: bring dark thoughts to light". We could not resist and put some comments, but the article is so textbook that we were forced to restrain ourselves severely:

    "Pedophile scandal associated with the name Jimmy Saville(Jimmy Savile), caused general public disgust, but among experts there is no agreement not only on the question of what causes pedophilia, but even on whether it harms [children].

    In 1976, the National Council for Civil Liberties, a lobbying group (then the group, sponsored mainly by Jewish capital, changed its name to Liberty - approx. ed.), filed an application with the parliamentary committee for the revision of criminal law, which caused only slight ripples. "Childhood sexual experiences where a child willingly engages in it with an a result, do not cause any identifiable harm...There is a real need for a change in attitude that assumes that all cases of pedophilia lead to long-term impairment [in children]."

    … It is amazing to realize how dramatically attitudes towards pedophilia have changed in just the past three decades, but what is even more striking is how few positions [on pedophilia] exist on which there is general agreement, even among experts on the subject.

    A liberal psychology professor who studied in the late 1970s will see things in a completely different light than someone who works in child protection or with convicted sex offenders ( those. the word of a lured Judeo-liberal "expert" means more than the knowledge of those who rake up the problems he created and the common sense of the majority - this is the essence of "expertocracy" - ed. ed.). Therefore, it is not surprising that among scientists there is no complete agreement even on the question of whether consensual pedophilic relationships are necessarily harmful.

    So what do we know then? That a pedophile is a person whose sexual interest is directed mainly or exclusively towards sexually immature children. Saville seems to have been primarily an ephebophile ("ephebophile": another euphemism! - approx. ed.), i.e. a man who was attracted to teenagers, although claims are known that one of his victims was 8 years old.

    Not all pedophiles are rapists and molesters, and not all rapists and molesters are pedophiles; Not every pedophile acts on his own urges, and many of those who sexually abuse children are not solely focused on children. Actually,"true" pedophiles, according to some experts, make up only 20% of the number of sex offenders . Nor are pedophiles necessarily violent people - to date, no stable links have been established between pedophilia and aggressive or psychopathic symptoms. PsychologistGlenn Wilson , co-author of The Child-Lovers: a Study of Paedophiles in Society, states that "Most pedophiles, no matter how they are socially rejected by society, Seemsare intelligent and kind people» (justification mechanism is on! - ed.).

    The legal definition of pedophilia, of course, is not overloaded with such subtleties, it focuses on the crime, not the perpetrator. The Sexual Offenses Act 1997 defines pedophilia as a sexual relationship between an adult (over 18) and a child under 16.

    There are still many things unknown to us, for example - the number of pedophiles in society; it is generally accepted that 1-2% of men are pedophiles, however Sara Good, an honorary researcher at the University of Winchester and author of two large (2009 and 2011) sociological studies of pedophilia in society, says that the highest figure to date (though possibly based on incorrect data) is that “1 in 5 adult males may, to some degree, be sexually attracted to children”. Even less is known about female pedophiles who are thought to be possibly responsible for 5% of sex crimes against prepubescent children in the UK (if someone has questions - see - approx. ed).

    There is still heated debate even about the clinical definition of pedophilia. In past years, the "psychiatrist's bible" - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM: see above - approx. ed.) The American Psychiatric Association has variously classified it as a sexual deviance, as a sociopathological condition, and as a non-psychotic illness. There is very little agreement on the question of what causes pedophilia. Is it innate or is it an acquired attraction? Study conducted at the Sexual Behavior Clinic Canadian Center for the Study of Addictions and Mental Health, suggests that the IQ of pedophiles is, on average, 10% lower than that of those sex offenders...

    (we shorten the crazy paragraph about right-handers, left-handers, etc. - approx. ed.)

    …But there is a growing belief, especially in Canada, that pedophilia should probably be classified as another sexual orientation, same as heterosexuality or homosexuality. Last year, two well-known researchers testified to this before a committee of the Parliament of Canada. And in 2010, in the July issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, it was openly stated that pedophilia "is a sexual orientation" and therefore "can hardly be changed".

    Child protection agencies and many who work with sex offenders do not accept these fabrications. “Generally speaking, in the world of people who work with sex offenders, this [pedophilia] – a well-studied behavior,” says Donald Findlater , director of research at the Foundation Lucy Faithfull, a child molestation prevention charity, and (before it was shut down!) the manager of the Wolvercote Clinic's treatment center. “... usually there are some significant events in a person’s life, sexual abuse, trauma, intimidation ... I believe that a person has learned this and can unlearn it” ( this and the next paragraph is consistent with, and then "Hell and Israel" begins again - approx. ed.) .

    Chris Wilson of Circles UK, which helps freed criminals, also rejects the idea that pedophilia is a sexual orientation: "The desire to have sex with a child is rooted in dysfunctional psychological problems related to power, control, anger, emotional loneliness, isolation."

    If the complexity of the issue and the scientific controversy surrounding pedophilia may have contributed, to some extent, to the emergence of today's panic, then the media's obsessive attention to this subject has done much more to increase its growth, an example is sadly famous noisy name and shame campaign, raised by News of the World "s in 2000, which brought crowds of people to the streets protesting against the evil monsters hiding among them. As a result, paranoia about dangerous, predatory "others" far outweighs the much more real threat of violence in the family or near-family circle. "The vast majority of violent acts of a sexual nature are committed by people with whom the victim was familiar" emphasizes Kieran McCartan, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of the West of England. "It's extremely rare that the danger comes from a 'stranger in the car,'" says McCartan.

    Reclassifying pedophilia into the category of sexual orientation, however, would play into what Goode calls the "sex-liberating discourse" that has existed since the 1970s. “There are a lot of people,” she reasons, “who say we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Maybe, now we are wrong about pedophilia».

    social perception [pedophilia] really changing. Girl brides were the norm in their time; at the end of the 16th century the age of consent in England was 10 years. Later, in the 70s and 80s of the last century, companies such as Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and Paedophile Action for Liberation were active members of the NCCL (National Council for Civil Liberties - National Council for the Fight for Civil Rights - a public organization; opposes the violation of civil rights and freedoms of the population by the authorities; Great Britain) when this organization submitted an application to the parliamentary committee for the revision of criminal law, which questioned that pedophic acts committed by mutual consent, harm and lead to long-term violations[in children] .

    Like, in the academic environment, even now there is no agreement on this fundamental issue. Some scholars disagree Tom O'Carol, former chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange and a tireless advocate for paedophilia (he himself had conviction for distributing child pornography, he was arrested as a result of a police operation with the introduction of agents) that the violent negative reaction of society to pedophilic relations is extremely emotional, irrational, and not justified by scientific data. “The quality of the relationship matters here,” O’Carol insists. “If there is no intimidation, no coercion, no abuse of power, if the child enters the relationship voluntarily ... the evidence suggests that in this case there should be no harm.”

    This is obviously not the most common view of the problem. McCartan uses O'Carol's book Pedophilia: A Radical Case to "show how sex offenders justify themselves". Findlater says the suggestion that a 7-year-old can make an informed choice to have sex with an adult is “just ridiculous. Adults, in this case, exploit children.” Goode explains, “Children, by their development, are simply not ready for adult sexuality” and adds that it is “obsessive behavior that destroys the child’s emerging personality” and is similar in long-term effects to those experienced by adults subjected to torture or domestic violence.

    But not all experts agree with this. Dutch scientists, in 1987 published a research report, Where examples of boys who had positive feelings about pedophilic relationships were given ( as we remember, in Judeo-Protestant Holland - approx. ed .). And the large, though largely controversial, mega-study of 1998-2000 suggests (as writes J. Michael Bailey from Northwestern University, Chicago) that such relationships, which are entered into voluntarily, "are almost uncorrelated with negative outcomes."

    Most people think this idea is unthinkable. But, writing in last year's issue of the Archives of Sexual Behavior abstract journal, Bailey wrote that while he also finds the situation "disturbing," he nevertheless has to admit that "conclusive evidence of the harm of pedophilic relationships has not yet been found."

    This statement does not prove anything, it only emphasizes the need for further research in the field of pedophilia, at least all experts agree with this. There is also general agreement on the idea that the approach to pedophilia should be centered on the management and prevention of: - preventing potential perpetrators from contacting [children] or uploading images.

    This can be illustrated by various initiatives, such as, for example, "Stop It Now!" , run by Findlater: a hotline that provides advice and counseling to people who worry about their inappropriate sexual urges. A similar German program "Prevention Project Dunkenfeld" is held under the slogan: “You are not to blame for your sexual desires, but you are responsible for your sexual behavior. There is help."

    Circles UK, a recidivism prevention organization, is creating volunteer 'circles of support and responsibility' around newly released offenders, thereby reducing isolation, emotional loneliness and providing practical help. In Canada, where the movement originated, it reduced recidivism by 70%, and in the UK it also produced excellent results. Findlater says the goal of the work is “to give people a constant motivation to not do damage again. Our goal is for people to learn to manage themselves.”

    From the editor: technology of legalization of vice through the courts:

    Goode believes that broader, social change is needed. “Adult sexual attraction to children is part of a continuum of human sexuality; it's not something we can fix,” she says. “If we can talk about it rationally—recognize that yes, men do have sexual attraction to children, but they shouldn't act in that direction, then we may be able to avoid hysteria. We will not label pedophiles as "monsters"; it will not be taboo to see and talk about what is happening before our eyes.”

    "We can help keep children safe, Goode argues, by allowing pedophiles to be ordinary members of society, with the same moral standards as everyone else," respecting and appreciating those pedophiles who choose restraint". Only then will men who are tempted to abuse children "be able to be honest about their feelings, and perhaps find people around them who can support them and help them challenge the attraction before the children are harmed."

    Compare this article with the technology described by Overton and try to find the difference. In conditions when the concept of good and evil is blurred by Judeo-liberals, it is not difficult to guess what their next steps will be...


    At the beginning of the article, as a “hypothetical case”, we analyzed an example of the breakdown of public consciousness in order to legalize cannibalism.

    Recall the selection of materials from the article. After which, we are forced to state that the “Overton Window” on a specific case of the legalization of cannibalism is shifted to the “fourth step” (“popularization”), and the global ones are consistently implementing a program for the destruction of signs of morality or “dehumanization”. In addition, recall that before this in London. Thus, "creatively" breaking through the wall of moral aversion to cannibalism.

    At the same time, the “third step” (“rationalization”) has already been passed: the cells of an aborted child in the manufacture of many flavors used by all “global” food producers (controlled by Jewish capital). However, mass protests. But they did not stop the ideologues of degeneration. Who decided to attract, "as expected", Hollywood "idols" to the propaganda of mass cannibalism. To feed their flesh to the "population".

    In March 2014, BiteLabs announced its intention to grow artificial meat from the biological material of those celebrities who (thank you) give their consent to this.

    There were quite a few sick perverts before that, just remember ice cream from breast milk or two Danish TV presenters who ate each other live.There was even cheese made with bacteria derived from the human navel. This time, a sample of a single-nuclear adult muscle tissue stem cell (myosatellite) obtained from a biopsy will be expanded in the laboratory. Then minced meat is made from grown human meat, mixed with other types of meat, various spices and additives.

    So that in the near future the American consumer could taste sausage from, for example, two white goyim - cheeky Jennifer Lawrence or more dried James Franco (a sausage that is "smoked, sexy, laced with venison, not very hard, with hot peppers, caramelized onions and a hint of lavender flavor"). For "lovers of piquancy" - a negroid is offered Kani West– in the sausage from which it is used wholemeal smoked pork seasoned with Hungarian paprika, jalapeno, Worcestershire sauce and bourbon .


    To understand the situation, you need to know the religious foundations of Judaism, where and also. At the same time, the “ordinary Jews of America” are obviously being prepared for collapse,processing their psyche with the help of such satanic lecturers as this degenerate in the video, talking about how to survive in Manhattan, that "human meat is useful" and it is necessary to prepare for the fact that on the third day of hunger "choose who you need to eat in order to save strength and not be eaten" . In addition, the Jewish lecturer teaches, " how to properly kill a person, cut him into pieces - so that no one sees that you are carrying meat(sic!).

    However, it's not just that. And in the religious roots of liberalism, which stretch from Judaism, that convincingly proved publicist in his report Israel Shamir. Although we have often referred to it, we will repeat it again.

    So, respected Israel Shamir showed that liberalism is wrongly considered " anti-religious line of thought(despite the fact that liberalism itself persistently evades self-determination as an ideology). In his analysis, Shamir used the conclusions of the German thinker Carl Schmitt who, after the defeat of Germany in 1945, living in the zones of both Soviet and American occupation. Schmidt's personal experience has shown that American neo-liberalism is an ideology more dangerous than communism (which he strongly disliked).

    The understanding of the aggressive ideological nature of liberalism has won in scientific circles only in recent years - after a long series of wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and the repetition of the same type of “color revolutions”. Liberalism has become a clear and well-formed ideology, requiring the implementation of the same guidelines everywhere. These attitudes reflect the interests of a narrow group of supranational oligarchy that wants to deprive all societies of cohesion, depriving us of the ability to resist. Therefore, through the protrusion of limited individual rights, collective rights are destroyed:

    - "human rights" (and the denial of the rights of the collective);
    - "protection of minorities" (and denial of the rights of the majority);
    - "private ownership of the media" (and the exclusive right of capital to form public opinion);
    - "protection of women and homosexual relations" (and liquidation of the family);
    - "anti-racism" (and denial of the preferred rights of the indigenous population);
    - “propaganda of economic independence (and denial of social mutual assistance);
    - "separation of church from state" (and freedom of anti-Christian propaganda, with the prohibition of the Christian mission in the public sphere);
    - “an elective form of government (“democracy”, limited by the consent of the people and authorities with the dominant discourse).

    I. Shamir reminds us of another important thought of K. Schmidt: “ every ideology is a hidden religious doctrine". The most important conceptions of ideologies are secularized theological concepts. So, in Russian communism, secularized Orthodoxy is felt, where the Orthodox idea of ​​catholicity dominated.

    Israel Shamir draws attention to the fact that neo-liberalism is trying to erase all traces of God's Presence, to destroy any reminder of Christ. All the paraphernalia of liberalism turns it into a crypto-religion, a secularized form of "neo-Judaism". Adherents of liberalism reproduce the views characteristic of the Jews, who often act as preachers of the new faith and believe in the "sacredness of Israel." Thus, support for Israel is an obligatory item on the program of all American politicians, and Judaism has become the only religion that is forbidden to fight against the mainstream discourses. The paranoid fear and hatred of the Jews towards the Gentiles has become a scheme of action for the Pentagon. The ideas of neo-Judasm were reflected in the ideology of the republican neocons and "neo-Trotskyists" from the Democratic Party - projecting the same fear and hatred, but already on a global scale.

    Neo-Judaism has become the religion of the American Empire, where Christianity has been almost completely destroyed, but Judaism and its derivatives triumph.

    At the same time, I. Shamir draws attention to the fact that the commonality of Judaism and the anti-religious cult of global neoliberalism, the destruction of families, social solidarity and traditions, is based on the pathological duplicity of Judasism. Like a two-faced Janus, it requires opposite things from Jews and non-Jews, which is different from Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, which do not make any demands on those who are not their followers, with the exception of one thing - to become their follower. Judaism does not require a goy to become a Jew. Moreover, he does not approve of it, if he does not explicitly forbid it.

    Judaism requires a goy to have no religion, not to believe in anything, not to celebrate their religious holidays, not to help their fellows. All the described ideas of neo-liberalism fit into this concept.

    - « The rights of the individual versus the rights of the collective"("the goy has no collective rights");
    - « The right to a collective, group game belongs only to (neo) Jews, while others must play individually” (“human rights for you, collective rights for us”; “the international of workers has been destroyed, but the international of the rich is becoming more and more united”);
    - « Protection of minorities, denial of the rights of the majority(which is "natural for a minority religion");
    - « Private ownership of the media(as “the exclusive right of capital to form public opinion”);
    - « Protection of women and homosexual relations”- implying the liquidation of the family (“a goy cannot have a full-fledged family”; the liquidation of the family increases the return on the worker);
    - « anti-racism”(as a denial of the preferred rights of the indigenous population - which is natural for a Jew who is not indigenous in any country, therefore liberalism allows you to import cheap labor and helps foreign corporations operate in foreign territory);
    - « Promotion of economic independence» (prohibition of social mutual assistance - Judaism explicitly forbids helping non-Jews);
    - « Freedom of anti-Christian propaganda"(in the absence of a fight against Judaism - so in the USA in public places
    ; in many countries, criticism of Judaism is under jurisdiction);
    - « Democracy”: if you do not agree with the above principles, then your vote does not count, if you agree, then it does not matter who you vote for (examples are elections in Palestine, Belarus, Serbia).

    Thus, liberalism is a form of "Judaism for non-Jews", and the society where this quasi-religion is introduced is subjected to degenerate simplification (degeneration) .

    Note that even in . Its author was Arnold Hatchnecker (Arnold A. Hutschnecker), a New York psychiatrist who He was also the President's personal physician. R. Nixon . Originally from German Jews, Hatchnecker was not afraid to speak the truth.

    How did they react to his article and what happened next? There was a local "palace coup" in the Association of American Psychiatrists. The leading posts were seized by degenerates, who were transferred with the help of bankers' money.

    Now, to the "norm of pederasty" (as well as pushing through the "norm of pedophilia"), they add the "norm of cannibalism". What else do the “masters of financial discourse” need to do to finally turn “former Christians” into animals?


    The “Window of Opportunity” described by Overton moves most easily in a “tolerant” society, deprived of traditional Christian morality by Judeo-liberals. In a society that has no ideals, and, as a result, there is no clear division between good and evil.

    Do you want to talk about your mother being a whore? Do you want to print a report about it in a magazine? Sing a song. To prove in the end that being a whore is normal and even necessary? This is the technique described above. It relies on permissiveness.
    No taboo.
    Nothing is sacred.
    There are no sacred concepts, the very discussion of which is prohibited, and their dirty discussion is stopped immediately. All this is not. What is there?

    There is the so-called freedom of speech, turned by the Judeo-liberals into the freedom of dehumanization . Before our eyes, one by one, the frames that protected society from the abyss of self-destruction are being removed. Now the road is open.

    Look carefully at what is happening on the screens or in print media:
    - a detailed discussion in the occupational media of some disgusting events and phenomena;
    - the presence of "curly-haired experts" presenting "different views on the phenomenon";
    - transferring the discussion to the government and the State Duma -
    all these are links of one technology of destruction of human society.

    Co.control of the mainstream media is still in the hands of Judeo-liberals. Meanwhile, anyone who understands what is happening can counteract the technologies for the destruction of Christian morality and Tradition as a whole.

    The first and main way – to remain a human being and a Christian.

    Second way- publicly reveal the plans of degenerates and their method of manipulating consciousness. In our favor is the fact that the washing of consciousness is a long process. But what they have been preparing for a long time can be destroyed in 5 minutes of explaining the scheme of their deception. Therefore, "opening the trick", the very explanation to the listeners that the propagandists of the NWO use the technique of "moving windows", is tantamount to catching the cheater by the hand when he pulls another ace out of his sleeve. This is where his game ends.

    As a human being, you will always find a solution. What one cannot do alone will be done by people united by a common idea, and even more so by Faith. The struggle between Good and Evil does not stop, but it only makes us stronger.

    An attempt to decriminalize pedophilia through the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (!) by a criminologist professor Deryagin– was stopped by the joint efforts of a group of bloggers. With the same joint efforts, we stopped. They postponed the plan to chipize Russian children, but launched a mechanism. So do you think we should stop and give up?

    Therefore, as one of our good friends wrote, for starters - do not be afraid, but " grab your slingshots and start smashing glass at the Overton Windows» .

    In addition, you can use a turn-based strategy.

    COUNTER STEP #1. From the unthinkable to the radical. "Scientists and experts discuss"

    The very “submission for discussion” of immoral topics in various “expert councils” should already say a lot. The presence in them of persons of "liberal nationality" should only strengthen your confidence that another meanness is being planned.

    But people are not as stupid as the manipulators would like, and in addition to the idiocy of "Western science" and "British scientists", everyone perfectly sees where the expertocracy from the "fifth column" of the HSE is oppressing, during a television debate with a Jewish ideologist Solovyov, madam Prokhorova etc.

    (So feel free to start a scholarly discussion en masse, discussing what abominations the Judeo-liberals are aiming for.)

    COUNTER STEP #2. Substitution of concepts using degenerate euphemisms

    The most effective method of counteraction is not to allow untranslated foreign terms that carry mitigating meanings into circulation. Call a spade a spade, making harsh translations of the terminology of the Judeo propagandists of the "New World Order". So instead of " labor migration"must be written" importation of slaves and militants", instead of " gay"- clearly identify pederasts, instead of" pussy riot» - « rioting n*zdy" etc.

    For this technique, it is also useful to turn to history. In the Middle Ages, things were still called by their proper names, and therefore the “translation into Old Russian” will make it possible to show the enormity of Newspeak terms ( so, in the ancient Russian chronicles of the slave traders from Genoa who occupied the Crimea for hundreds of years, which says a lot).

    It is important to understand that "one precedent" / "one tear" does not cancel common sense, and does not cancel historical experience. Remember to use laughter from which there is no reaction - showing the absurdity of the examples given by the propagandists. Simplify as much as possible the chains of their verbiage - this is the most important technique for destroying deception. Do not play on their field - fundamentally not using the terms of the "New World Order". At least because " in strategy, the winner is the one who sets the rules, having the opportunity to change them»

    (Legalize the rigid translation of Judeo-liberal ephemerals, personalities and their plans - in articles, speeches and the Internet available to you ).

    COUNTER STEP #3. Translation of the theme of the impossible into "rational"

    The concept of "rationality" is not universal. This is the simplest counter-argument. The children of the Liar often contradict themselves, adjusting the argument to the event. You need to understand that the "chosen" Judeo-liberals cover up their war against people, while committing monstrous crimes every day (for example, destroying cities for profit, shooting unwanted people, genocide of the Russian population during the "dividing the pie", perverting semantics, meanings, etc. etc.). Reveal their benefits, hidden meanings and the final result leading to self-destruction - and then their position will begin to crumble like a house of cards.

    So support " lonely idle pederasts and the financial economy" will lead to the fact that such a public entity will perish within two to three decades.

    (At this stage, start discussing how the Judeo-Liberal Occupation and its ideologues can be neutralized.).

    COUNTER STEP #4. "Promotion of the problem"

    As a rule, the direct "popularizers" themselves are carriers of this vice and are very far from the position of the majority. Therefore, using all the previous tricks, do not be too lazy to look for information about "popularizers". Surely you will find that this is another grantee, a member of the club of perverts, and his family name is not “Klitschko” at all. Moreover, often all these signs converge in one character.

    (If possible, involve media people in popularizing the topic of liberation and change of power of the "elected" parties - to the power of the People's Self-Government Councils)

    COUNTER STEP #5. "From popular to politics"

    Even when all the preliminary work has been done, and the Judeo-liberal media will trumpet that society has matured to legalize the abomination and turn it into politics - through the same "expert advice", corrupt Judeo-liberal politicians - do not give up and do not stop denouncing evil. Including all the previous methods, not forgetting to offer NWO propagandists to start with themselves and their loved ones (for example, ask if they are ready to start promoting homosexuality, legalization of drugs, incest, child euthanasia from their children and grandchildren, or if they wish them something else).

    However, there is a serious problem, which is that most of the meanness . Here, in addition to ridiculing them, compensation for genocidal legislation can proceed according to the principle “ the strictness of laws is compensated by their non-compliance».

    Be guided by a sense of Justice.

    But the main thing is to remember that 12 people who carried His word of Truth managed to return the World to its normal state.

    And although now many have forgotten about it, we have someone to take an example from.

    And you will be surprised at the results...


    According to materials:

    Joe Carter How to Destroy a Culture in 5 Easy Steps Center for Public Policy

    « Piccolo Tiger, assistant banker ”(aka young Lionel Rothschild). Here is what he writes about how the "trapping of human souls" takes place - on the hook of curiosity and the vice of vanity. Fuller quote: In view of the fact that we are not yet in a position to say our last word, it has been found useful ... to shake up everything that tends to move ... we recommend that you try to add as many people as possible ... but on condition that complete secrecy prevails in them ... try to let ours into these herds ruled by stupid piety ... Under the simplest pretext ... force others to create, various unions, communities ... then inject poison into the chosen hearts in small doses; do it as if by chance, and you will soon be surprised at the results. The main thing is that it will separate the person from the family and make him lose his family habits.. By the very nature of his character, every person is predisposed to flee from domestic cares and seek entertainment and forbidden pleasures. - Gradually accustom him to be burdened by his daily labors, when you finally separate him from his wife and children ... inspire him with a desire to change his lifestyle. Man is born rebellious; kindle in him this feeling of rebelliousness to the point of fire ... Having instilled in some souls an aversion to family and religion (one inevitably follows another), arouse in them a desire to join the nearest lodge. Belonging to a secret society (for the construction of the temple of Solomon) is so usually flattering to the vanity of a simple layman that every time I am delighted with human stupidity ... True, lodges in their activities bring little benefit - they have more fun and drink there, - but on the other hand ... in lodges we master the mind, will, soul of a person, we look through, study him, recognize his inclinations, tastes, habits ki, and when we see that he is ripe for us, we direct him to a secret society, in relation to which Freemasonry is only a poorly lit front ”( Copin Albancelli, Pouvoir occulte contre la France, pp. 260-263).

    Piccolo Tiger Portrait: “The activity of this Jew is tireless, and he, without ceasing, travels all over the world with the aim of creating new enemies of Christ. In 1822 he plays a major role among the Carbonari. He is seen now in Paris, now in London, sometimes in Vienna, often in Berlin. Everywhere he leaves traces of his stay, everywhere he joins the secret societies of adepts, on whose wickedness he can count. To governments and police, he is a gold and silver merchant, a cosmopolitan banker immersed only in his own affairs and trade. But if you trace his correspondence, then this man will turn out to be one of the most dexterous agents of the destruction being prepared. It serves as an invisible link, uniting into one common conspiracy all the minor "underground" that are working to destroy the Christian Church" ( Cretineau-Joly A. Cherep-Spiridonovich, we are talking about the lodge "Alta Vendita", which from 1814 to 1848. "supervised the activities of all secret societies" (expert George Dillon). It was at this time that he was in Italy " Karl" (Kalman Mayer) Rothschild - banker of the "Kingdom of the Two Sicilies" and Naples (characteristically, these regions of Italy are still considered the most criminogenic).

    A large number of historians Nesta Webster, in particular, they write that "Alta Vendita" was headed by a noble "Italian" youth under the pseudonym Nubius. His right-hand man was "Piccolo the Tigris", a Jew traveling through Europe masquerading as a traveling pawnbroker. He carried instructions to the Carbonari and "returned loaded with gold." Apparently it was young Lionel (Leo) Rothschild, who lived for some time with his uncle (Kalman "Karl" Mayer) in Naples, stayed for a long time in Frankfurt with another paternal relative -Amshela Maira (also known for his boastful phrase, the brazen "chutzpah": "Give me the right to issue and control the money of the country, and it will not matter to me who makes the laws!")(for details see A. Cherep-Spiridonovich, "", 1926, New York).

    It is characteristic that it was at this time that Rome legalized the collection of interest by banks by several acts of 1822-1836.

    cm. K. Myamlin, "Pedophile expertocracy satisfies customers" , Institute of High Communitarianism; "Time to Normalize Pedophilia: Firsthand Report on the B4U-ACT Conference" (Time to Normalize Pedophilia: Firsthand Report on

    article "Degeneration", Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus And I.A. Efron, St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907

    All progressive humanity, we are told, absolutely naturally accepted gays, their subculture, their right to marry, adopt children and promote their sexual orientation in schools and kindergartens. We are told that all this is the natural course of things. We are being lied to!

    The lie about the natural course of things was refuted by the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who described the technology for changing society's attitude to issues that were once fundamental to this society.

    The technology will be described below using a specific example, and it will immediately become clear how homosexuality and same-sex marriage are legalized. It will become quite obvious that the work on the legalization of pedophilia and incest will be completed in Europe in the coming years. Like child euthanasia.

    The note:Joseph P. Overton (1960-2003), Senior Vice President of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Died in a plane crash. He formulated a model for changing the representation of a problem in public opinion, posthumously called the Overton Window.

    Joseph Overton described how ideas that were completely alien to society were raised from the cesspool of public contempt, washed away and finally legislated.

    According to the Overton Window of Opportunity, for every idea or problem in society, there is a so-called. window of opportunity. Within this window, the idea may or may not be widely discussed, openly supported, promoted, or attempted to be legislated. The window is moved, thereby changing the fan of possibilities, from the stage "unthinkable" that is, completely alien to public morality, completely rejected, to the stage "Current Politics" that is, already widely discussed, accepted by the mass consciousness and enshrined in laws.

    This is not brainwashing per se, but more subtle technologies. What makes them effective is their consistent, systematic application and invisibility to the victim society of the very fact of impact.

    Below, I will use an example to analyze how, step by step, society begins to first discuss something unacceptable, then consider it appropriate, and finally come to terms with a new law that consolidates and protects the once unthinkable.

    Let's take for example something completely unimaginable, for example, our goal is to legally approve - CANNIBALISM, that is, to legalize the right of citizens to eat each other. The example, of course, is harsh, but real life is sometimes much harsher.

    But it is obvious to everyone that right now (2014) there is no way to launch the propaganda of cannibalism - the society will rear up. This situation means that the problem of legalization of cannibalism is at the zero stage of the window of opportunity. This stage, according to Overton's theory, is called "Unthinkable". Let's now simulate how this unthinkable will be realized, going through all the stages of the window of opportunity.


    Once again, Overton described the TECHNOLOGY that allows you to legalize absolutely any idea.

    Note! He did not propose a concept, he did not formulate his thoughts in some way - he described working technology, that is, such a sequence of actions, the implementation of which invariably leads to the desired result. As a weapon to destroy human communities, such technology can be more effective than a thermonuclear charge.


    The transition from the “unthinkable” stage to the “radical” stage.

    The topic of cannibalism is still disgusting and completely unacceptable in society. It is undesirable to discuss this topic either in the press, or, even more so, in a decent company. So far, this is an unthinkable, absurd, forbidden phenomenon. Accordingly, the first movement of the Overton Window is to move the theme of cannibalism from the realm of the unthinkable to the realm of the radical.

    Do we have freedom of speech?

    Well, why not talk about cannibalism in a narrow circle of scientists?

    Scientists are generally supposed to talk about everything in a row - there are no forbidden topics for scientists, they are supposed to study everything. And since this is the case, let's convene an ethnological symposium on the topic "Exotic rites of the tribes of Polynesia". We will discuss the history of the subject on it, introduce it into scientific circulation and get the fact of an authoritative statement about cannibalism. You see, it turns out that it is possible to talk about cannibalism in a substantive way and, as it were, remain within the limits of scientific respectability. The Overton window has already moved, that is, a revision of positions has already been indicated. This ensures the transition from an irreconcilably negative attitude of society to a more positive attitude. Simultaneously with the pseudo-scientific discussion, some kind of "Society of Radical Cannibals" must certainly appear. And let it be presented only on the Internet - radical cannibals will certainly be noticed and quoted in all the necessary media.

    Firstly, this is another fact of expressing and replicating the idea. And secondly, shocking scumbags of such a special genesis are needed to create the image of a “scarecrow”. These will be “bad cannibals”, as opposed to creating another scarecrow - “fascists who call for burning at the stake not like them, that is, to destroy cannibals”, in fact, these are two opposing groups subordinate to one center, but about scarecrows a little lower. To begin with, it is enough to publish stories about what British scientists think about eating human flesh and some radical “scarecrow” scumbags.

    The result of the first movement of the Overton Window: an unacceptable topic was put into circulation, the taboo was removed, the unambiguity of the problem was destroyed, a discussion began - “grayscale” was created.

    The transition from the stage of "radical" to the stage of "possible".

    At this stage, we continue to quote "scientists". After all, you can’t turn away from the knowledge about cannibalism? Anyone who refuses to discuss this should be branded as a hypocrite and a hypocrite who rejects scientific approaches.

    Condemning hypocrisy, it is imperative to come up with an elegant name for cannibalism so that all kinds of fascists do not dare to label dissidents with the word with the letter “Ka”.

    Attention! Creating a euphemism is a very important point. To legalize an unthinkable idea, it is necessary to change its true name in order to change the associations of society with a specific word.

    No more cannibalism!

    Now it is called, for example, anthropophagy. But this term will soon be replaced again, recognizing this definition as offensive.

    The purpose of inventing new names is to divert the essence of the problem from its designation, to tear the form of the word from its content, to deprive their ideological opponents of the language. Cannibalism turns into anthropophagy, and then into anthropophilia, just as a criminal changes names and passports.

    In parallel with the game of names, a supporting precedent is being created - historical, mythological, actual or simply invented, but most importantly - legitimized. It will be found or invented as "proof" that anthropophilia can be legalized in principle, for example:

    “Remember the legend of the selfless mother who made thirsty children drink her blood?”

    “And the stories of ancient gods who ate everyone in general - among the Romans it was in the order of things!”

    “Well, the Christians who are closer to us, especially, with anthropophilia, everything is in perfect order! They still ritually drink the blood and eat the flesh of their god. You don't blame the Christian church for something, do you? Who the hell are you?"

    The main task of the bacchanalia of this stage is to at least partially remove the eating of people from criminal prosecution. Point out that historically this has happened many times and no one has been condemned or blamed for it.

    The transition from the stage of "possible" to the stage of "rational".

    Once a legitimating precedent is provided, it becomes possible to move the Overton Window from the territory of the possible to the realm of the rational.

    This is the third stage. It completes the fragmentation of a single problem, the media begin to exaggerate topics with the following headings:

    “The desire to eat people is genetically inherent, it is in human nature”

    “Sometimes it is necessary to eat a person, there are insurmountable circumstances”

    "There are people who want to be eaten"

    "Anthropophiles provoked!"

    "Forbidden Fruit Is Always Sweet"

    "A free man has the right to decide what he eats"

    “Do not hide information and let everyone understand who he is - an anthropophile or anthropophobe”

    “Is there any harm in anthropophilia? Its inevitability has not been proven.

    A "battlefield" for the problem is artificially created in the public mind. Scarecrows are placed on the extreme flanks - in a special way appeared radical supporters and radical opponents of cannibalism.

    Real opponents, that is, normal people, who do not want to remain indifferent to the problem of the rastabiation of cannibalism - they try to pack it together with scarecrows and write it down as radical haters. The role of these scarecrows is to actively create the image of crazy psychopaths - aggressive, fascist haters of anthropophilia, calling for cannibals, Jews, communists and blacks to be burned alive. Thus, normal people, opponents of cannibalism, join the ranks of the puagala, who are aggressively against this phenomenon, that is, normal people stick together with radical opponents, and then the condemnation of radicalism, and hence the condemnation of normal people. The presence in the media is provided by all of the above, except for the real normal opponents of legalization.

    In this situation, the so-called. anthropophiles remain, as it were, in the middle between the scarecrows, in the “territory of reason”, from where, with all the pathos of “sanity and humanity”, they condemn “fascists of all stripes”.

    "Scientists" and journalists at this stage prove that humanity throughout its history has eaten each other from time to time, and this is normal. Now the topic of anthropophilia can be transferred from the realm of the rational into the category of the popular. The Overton window moves on.

    The transition from the stage of "rational" to the stage of "popular".

    To popularize the topic of cannibalism, it is necessary to support it with pop content, matching it with historical and mythological figures, and, if possible, with modern media personalities.

    Anthropophilia is permeating the news and talk shows en masse. People are eaten in wide release movies, in lyrics and video clips.

    One of the popularization techniques is called “Look around!”:

    "Didn't you know that one famous composer is that one? .. an anthropophile."

    “And one well-known Polish screenwriter was an anthropophile all his life, he was even persecuted.”

    “And how many of them were in psychiatric hospitals! How many millions have been expelled, deprived of citizenship!.. By the way, how do you like Lady Gaga's new clip "Eat me, baby"?

    At this stage, the topic being developed is brought to the TOP and it begins to autonomously reproduce itself in the mass media, show business and politics.

    Another effective technique: the essence of the problem is actively chatted at the level of information operators (journalists, TV presenters, social activists, etc.), cutting off specialists from the discussion.

    Then, at the moment when everyone has already become bored and the discussion of the problem has reached a dead end, a specially selected professional comes and says: “Gentlemen, in fact, everything is not at all like that. And it's not that, but this. And you need to do this and that” - and meanwhile gives a very definite direction, the tendentiousness of which is set by the movement of “Windows”.

    To justify legalization supporters, they use the humanization of criminals by creating a positive image for them through characteristics that are not associated with a crime:

    “These are creative people. Well, he ate his wife, so what?

    “They truly love their victims. Eating means loving!”

    "Anthropophiles have a high IQ and otherwise have a strict morality"

    "Anthropophiles themselves are victims, their life forced"

    “They were brought up that way,” etc.

    This kind of frills is the essence of popular talk shows:

    “We will tell you a tragic love story! He wanted to eat her! And she just wanted to be eaten! Who are we to judge them? Perhaps this is love? Who are you to stand in the way of love?!”

    Transition from the “popular” stage to the “actual politics” stage.

    The fifth stage of the Overton Window movement is reached when the topic has been heated up to such an extent that it can be transferred from the category of popular to the sphere of current politics.

    Preparation of the legislative base begins. Lobby groups in power are consolidating and coming out of the shadows. Sociological surveys are being published, allegedly confirming the high percentage of supporters of the legalization of cannibalism. Politicians are starting to roll trial balloons of public statements on the topic of legislative consolidation of this topic. A new dogma is being introduced into the public consciousness - "the prohibition of eating people is prohibited."

    This is the signature dish of liberalism - tolerance as a ban on taboos, a ban on correction and prevention of deviations that are detrimental to society.

    During the last stage of the Window's movement from the category of "popular" to "actual politics", society is already broken. The most vital part of it will still somehow resist the legislative consolidation of things that were not so long ago still unthinkable. But in general, society is already broken. It has already accepted its defeat.

    Laws have been passed, the norms of human existence have been changed (destroyed), then echoes of this topic will inevitably reach schools and kindergartens, which means that the next generation will grow up without any chance of survival at all. So it was with the legalization of homosexuality and gender equality. Now, before our eyes, Europe is legalizing incest, pedophilia and child euthanasia.


    The Window of Opportunity described by Overton moves most easily in a tolerant society. In a society that has no ideals, and, as a result, there is no clear division between good and evil.

    Do you want to talk about your mother being a whore? Do you want to print a report about it in a magazine? Sing a song. To prove in the end that being a whore is normal and even necessary? This is the technique described above. It relies on permissiveness.

    No taboo.

    Nothing is sacred.

    No sacred concepts, the very discussion of which is prohibited, and their dirty musing is stopped immediately. All this is not. What is there?

    There is the so-called freedom of speech, turned into the freedom of dehumanization. Before our eyes, one by one, the frames that protected society from the abyss of self-destruction are being removed. Now the road is open.

    Do you think you can't make a difference on your own?

    You're absolutely right, a man alone can't do a damn thing.

    But personally you must remain human. A person is able to find a solution to any problem. And what one cannot do, people united by a common idea will do. Look around, sometimes it is enough to throw off useful information to loved ones, or express your opinion so that the society is ready and understands the essence of things, and everyone knows that millions support it.


    If you carefully read the following, you will notice that UNEMPLOYMENT, especially in Europe, and especially among young people, is simply going through the roof !! Young people do not have a job now, and there will not be one in the future, and therefore, it is necessary to somehow cross these young people out of life, since they are hungry, aggressive and accustomed to living well, they are too dangerous for any power structure, BUT direct destruction is extremely radical, but the “virus” introduced into the mind so that a person himself does not want to prolong his family, this is the Goal that will help solve the problem of unemployment. And while there is time for this, however, it is extremely limited, because as long as the world community believes in the strength of the euro and the dollar, there will be demand for these currencies, and therefore there will be an opportunity to feed the army of the unemployed, but the demand is not eternal and every year it only weakens, the economies of countries switch to settlements in their own currency and refuse to lend and redeem US and European securities.

    The psyche of young people is plastic, and this allows you to implement any ideas without actually critical reflection. There is also a factor of manipulation, manipulation of complexes. The vast majority of people have a whole bunch of complexes, which means they can be played with: If you are not a homosexual, then you are not modern, which means they will turn away from you, you will be left alone, you will be an outcast and everyone will laugh at you! So get gay soon and all your problems will be solved, and by the way, scientists have “proven” that same-sex marriages are happier than traditional ones, don’t you want to be happy? Don't you want to be successful, look how many people of modern views succeed?

    In fact, this natural selection: who will easily accept “modern” ideas without comprehending them, will easily leave this life without leaving offspring, and the rest, adhering to traditional values, will continue their race, thus there will be a purge of society from people “prone to dementia”.

    Do not lose your values, critically comprehend information and strength for you to remain Humans!

    P/S Article note:

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