Health running (detailed description). Garth Gilmour - Running with Lydiard

3.3 Fitness jogging basics

With the help of running, a person can improve the state of your health, save it at the same level or worsen up to extremely negative consequences. Health running, as a means of influencing your body, must be used skillfully: correctly determine the load, master the running technique, be able to control your health, etc. Knowing the basics of sports training and the ability to use them in practice will help you achieve your intended goal and avoid undesirable consequences.

Principles of training

Recreational jogging allows you to increase the degree of not only physical, but also other aspects of preparedness: technical, psychological, etc. However, the main thing for health is the physical side. Physical training, as an organized process, is based on a number of principles , i.e. methodological provisions that objectively reflect the patterns identified in the field of sports training. Their observance will allow you to get the most positive effect from classes. Analyzing these patterns and testing them in practice, experts formulated the principles that are recommended to be followed. The main ones for runners are a specific principle continuity recreational jogging, and the general methodological principle accessibility which has a specific content in sports training.

The principle of continuity. The physiological basis of this principle is the doctrine of trace phenomena in tissues and the central nervous system. According to him, the resources of the body spent during the run are restored, and not only to the initial level, but with some excess of it. I.P. Pavlov called this phenomenon (1890) overcompensation .

The most important role in the improvement of running is played by the interval of rest between runs. Depending on the state of your performance before the run, the effect of exercising with the same training load can differ significantly. In turn, the state of working capacity before the lesson is affected by the work performed and the effect of it in previous classes, as well as the duration of rest after the previous lesson. Thus, the rest intervals between runs should be of such duration that in each training session, when solving specific problems, the effect of previous sessions is used to the maximum.

Continuity training process is provided by a certain system of alternating loads and rest. Depending on the state of health in which a person is before a run, there are several types of rest intervals:

  • shortened rest interval (a state of reduced performance before class);
  • full rest interval (state of full recovery before class);
  • optimized rest interval (restoration state that exceeds the original, i.e. over recovery);
  • "traces" from the previous session before the run are almost lost (after the previous workout, the body successively went through the states of reduced performance, full recovery and super-recovery, after which its performance decreased).

Reduced rest interval It is mainly used in sports for the development of special endurance. For recreational runners whose plans do not include preparation for competitions, such a “hard” training regimen is not recommended, because. the health-improving effect in this case is poorly expressed, and a shortened rest interval is contraindicated for insufficiently trained runners.

The greatest healing effect is provided with complete and optimized rest intervals between runs. In this regard, jogging every other day (3-4 sessions per week) has gained popularity in many countries of the world.

Daily run at beginner runners less popular, because reduced performance before training and during running can cause a person to feel uncomfortable. However, with a decrease in the daily training load, a positive health effect is also provided and unpleasant sensations of heaviness, etc. are eliminated. experienced runners the number of workouts per week reaches five or more, while it is important to be able to control your health and make the necessary adjustments to training plans.

Twice workout per week less efficient and episodic heavy workloads may even be harmful to your health.

The principle of accessibility. For each person before class there is optimal the load is increased, the implementation of which will bring the greatest healing effect. The art of healing lies in finding this optimum or as close as possible to it. Significant deviations from the optimal value in one direction or another will lead to the following consequences:

  • when underload the effect of jogging will be clearly reduced compared to what is possible from the lesson;
  • consequence excess load over the capabilities of the body there will be an overstrain of organs and functional systems, injuries and other negative consequences.

As a result of health-improving jogging, with their proper construction, the body's capabilities increase, and it is able to cope with more significant loads without harm to itself. It is also important to emphasize the feedback: the increase in the capabilities of your body is directly related to the increase in the magnitude of training loads. However, it should be remembered that with their rapid build-up, the risk of exceeding the optimum increases. “It’s better to underrun than overrun” is the golden rule of a jogger.

Thus, when implementing the principle under consideration, it is necessary to comply with the requirement: difficulties created during running should not exceed the capabilities of the body .

Finding the optimal measure of difficulties is facilitated by medical supervision and self-control, determining the initial level of your preparedness with the help of tests, scientifically based load standards, etc.

The optimal measure of the magnitude of the load is different for all people. It depends on age, health status, physique, working and living conditions, the effectiveness of running technique and other factors. That's why individual approach - the main requirement in the development and implementation of training programs. If you choose to run with a partner(s), you may find it difficult to complete your planned load. A single run or a careful selection of partners of equal strength will help you avoid them (see Chapter 2, § 4).

Running as a means of recovery

Health running is such in the event that it causes responses in the body that have a positively significant effect on health. Such a run in terms of speed of movement occupies an intermediate position between recreational walking and sports running. It has been proven that our body, based on energy saving considerations, is able to choose the mode of movement itself, i.e. walking or running, you just have to trust your feelings. When moving at a speed of 4-6 km/h, walking is more energy efficient. Energy consumption when moving at a speed of 7 km / h in walking and running is approximately the same. At higher speeds, the energy expenditure of walking exceeds the energy expenditure of running.

The recommended running speed is in the range of 7-12 km/h. Exceeding the upper speed limit, i.e. overcoming each kilometer of the way faster than 5 minutes is a sign of sports running, while energy consumption increases sharply with increasing speed, and at the same time, the load on the body also increases. When the speed of movement is less than 7 km/h, it is more expedient to switch to recreational walking. In turn, health running is divided into jogging (slow running at a speed of 7-9 km / h and footing (running at a speed of 10-12 km / h. Running sports also has a healing effect, but with a high running speed, the risk of negative health effects, which were mentioned above, increases. The negative side of sports running during recovery should be considered the state of discomfort from the tension of the body. The desire of some joggers to the maximum functional activity of organs and systems indicates their misunderstanding of the rules of recovery.

Fitness running technique

Running technique must be considered in two aspects:

  • the influence of running technique on the speed of movement;
  • running technique as a factor in injury prevention.

AT sports running mainly the first aspect is considered, lovers health jogging much more important than the other one, because with any running technique, the load can cause the responses of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body necessary for recovery. Interestingly, with an increase in the competitive distance, the technique of professional athletes changes from parameters that allow developing and maintaining maximum speed, while the body consumes huge energy reserves per unit of time (for example, sprinting 100 m), to a variant in which energy expenditure per unit time are minimal (for example, marathon running).

In recreational running, the body itself, as already noted, is able to choose a running technique that is advantageous from the standpoint of energy consumption. From the point of view of biomechanics, this may not be a rational enough technique, because. the organs and functional systems involved in running have different working capacities for different people. However, in the process of training, increasing the capabilities of the body and the practical experience accumulated over time will allow you to naturally master an economical and rational technique. Of particular interest to us is the physiological impact of running on the human musculoskeletal system. In this regard, let's pay attention to the main mistakes in running technique that can cause injuries in runners.

Stop setting. In recreational running, the leg is placed on the support from the heel, and not on the forefoot, as in sports running, otherwise the calf muscles may be strained or the Achilles tendon may be injured. The technique of setting the foot from the heel has its own subtlety: when you hit the edge of the heel on the ground (“bumping”), you can injure the spine and joints of the lower extremities. Therefore, it is more expedient to land on the support with a soft raking motion simultaneously with the middle of the heel and the outer arch, making a soft roll onto the toe. In this case, the inertial forces are minimal, there is no “stopper”, and the running speed does not decrease. You should also avoid turning the feet to the sides, because. in such a case, the repulsion action is directed partially to the side, the speed of forward movement is reduced, and vertical lateral vibrations can lead to joint injuries.

To increase the speed of running at the same energy consumption allows the parallel setting of the feet. The feet are placed along one line, touching it with the inside (see Fig. 2). A slight turn of the toe outward is allowed.

Rice. 2. The correct technique of setting the feet in a health run.

Hand work. In order to prevent injuries, it is not recommended to move the arms across the body. Otherwise, lateral vibrations of the body occur, which reduces the speed of running, and this can lead to injuries to the knee joints. The shoulders should be freely lowered, the muscles of the shoulder girdle are relaxed, the arms are bent at approximately a right angle and move forward-inward and backward-outward, without crossing the central axis of the body, the hands are slightly compressed. The magnitude of the amplitude of the movement of the hands has an insignificant effect on the health effect of running.

Movement speed. Depending on how fast you run, your running technique will naturally change. When running at a speed of 10-12 km / h (footing) push-off is more forward, vertical oscillation of the center of gravity is minimal, which reduces the risk of injury and saves energy consumption. When running slower (jogging) repulsion is directed more upward than forward, which increases the vertical oscillations of the center of gravity, energy is not spent economically, and the risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system increases.

Thus, during recovery between running technique and movement speed we see some contradiction: slow running to a greater extent protects the cardiovascular system from overstrain, but creates the conditions for injury to the musculoskeletal system. We have to find a compromise. Beginners and people with significant health problems when choosing a running speed should first of all remember the need for a slow and gradual increase in training loads. Start with jogging, and in the process of systematic training, you yourself will be able to choose a running technique that is safe for your health. To protect the musculoskeletal system from injuries, exercises aimed at strengthening it will help you, the description of which you will find in the special literature.

Methods for using jogging

In the theory of sports training, a number of methods for using running are distinguished. They are different combinations running lengths, speed them overcoming, availability and types of recreation between them. The main ones are the following:

  • uniform continuous running method (without stopping, a person overcomes the distance with almost the same speed);
  • method of continuous variable running ("fort - lek") (continuous running with changes in movement speed);
  • interval running method with standard load (running of segments equal in length with the same speed of overcoming them through equal rest intervals);
  • Variable Load Interval Running Methods (after each rest interval, the speed and (or) length of the segment, as well as (or) the duration of the rest itself changes);

Among the methods of interval running with a variable load, there are interval running method with progressive load (after each rest interval, the length of the segment and (or) the running speed increase), decreasing load interval running method (after each rest interval, the length of the segment and (or) the running speed decreases) and interval running method with varying load (after each rest interval, the length of the segment and (or) the running speed will change in the direction of decrease, then in the direction of increase).

There are also various combinations of these methods ( combination running methods ).

In recovery, preference is given to the method uniform continuous running. Such a run is the most economical in terms of energy consumption, is effective in increasing the contractile function of the heart muscle and exposes the body to less danger of overstrain. A steady, continuous run of 20-30 minutes is the main training tool for beginner runners. More trained runners use it on "fasting" days for recovery. Long even running (60-120 minutes) is used by well-trained runners 1 or more times a week to maintain and develop general endurance.

The other most popular method may be called interval running with a standard load. For beginner runners and the elderly, continuous running, even for a short duration (up to 10 minutes), can disrupt respiratory function (cause shortness of breath), the cardiovascular system (significant increase in heart rate), etc. In this case, it is imperative to alternate running with walking (see § 5).

Continuous variable running used mainly by professionals and well-trained runners. Sometimes circumstances can cause runners of all skill levels to move at variable speeds (for example, the place of training involves descents and ascents). Such a run is characterized by large changes in heart rate and other responses. As a result of the use of continuous variable running, both anaerobic and aerobic performance of the body increases (mainly due to an increase in the size of the heart).

Other methods are mainly used in the training of professional athletes.

The end result that the practitioner strives for, i.e. the greatest health effect from classes , and is the factor that predetermines the choice of means and methods, requires compliance with the principles of training. Performing physical exercises, we act on our body, and it responds with specific reactions. The responses of our body ultimately determine the effect of training. Thus, the key issue in building recreational running classes is the choice optimal training load. It is time to define the concept of "".

Under load understand both the physical measure of the impact on the body, and the additional degree of functional activity of the body compared to rest, caused by the exercise or exercises.

If, as a result of performing any physical work, the activity of the organs and functional systems of the body has not increased, it is not necessary to talk about the load. For example, you, walking at an average pace, get to your place of study (work) in 30 minutes. In the beginning, your heart rate rises while walking, fatigue of the leg muscles and other reactions of the body caused by increased motor activity appear. However, with the systematic use of this method of movement, the responses as a result of adaptation (adaptation) of the body will begin to weaken, and there may come a moment when you can overcome the same path in 30 minutes without feeling tired, while the pulse does not increase during walking. This will mean that walking to the place of study (work) is no longer a burden on your body. Over the years, the capabilities of the human body naturally decline, and a 30-minute walk will again become a burden for you, causing an increase in body reactions.

physical measure , those. what man made, commonly called outside load , a responses - the inner side of the load. There is a deep relationship between them: by increasing the physical measure, we will strengthen the body's responses, and by stabilizing its performance during systematic exercises, as can be seen from the example, we will adapt our body, as a result of which its responses will weaken.

The external side of the load is characterized by the following indicators:

  • running time (in min) or distance traveled ( m);
  • running intensity (speed of movement);
  • the duration of rest intervals between repeated runs of segments;
  • the nature of the rest (the person at this time is engaged in other motor activities or is passive);
  • the length of the overcome segments and the number of their repetitions;

By changing these indicators and their combinations, it is possible to increase or decrease the load, and, consequently, the nature of the body's responses.

In continuous running, which is used mainly for recovery, when characterizing the load, indicators are used "duration" and running intensity. Let's characterize these indicators.

Run duration. Experts in the field of recreational running agree that the minimum duration of classes should be 20-30 minutes with a pulse of at least 120 beats / min, while the number of sessions per week should be at least three. With a decrease in any of these indicators, classes do not give a significant healing effect. Three-time weekly classes of 20-30 minutes have become the most popular among novice joggers both in our country and abroad. However, poorly trained runners, as we have already noted, are not able to withstand even a 10-minute continuous run. Such students must necessarily begin classes with walking or alternate running with walking.

You yourself can develop a scheme for alternating walking and running in a lesson, taking into account the relationship between the heart rate and the body's ability to perform this or that work. Your heart rate, which should not exceed the optimal values ​​​​(see Running intensity), is the most important indicator in the selection of walking and running alternating patterns. The pulse is measured before the start of the run and immediately after the transition from running to walking. Based on the obtained heart rate values, the lengths of the segments for running and walking are adjusted as follows.

1. Running distance correction. If after running the heart rate exceeded the allowable norm, the length of the segment decreases; if it has not reached the optimal upper limit, then the running segment can be extended;

2. Walking Distance Correction. If you, having finished walking, determined by the pulse that the body did not recover before running, i.e. Heart rate is higher than acceptable, the walking distance should be lengthened; if the body recovered earlier, i.e. before running, the heart rate was below optimal, the walking distance can be reduced.

As guidelines, beginner runners may be recommended to alternate 100 m walk and 100 m run or 200 m walk and 200 m run and other schemes. However, the question of the use of certain schemes is decided strictly individually, taking into account the level of preparedness of those involved.

Another important indicator of the pulse is how soon it returns to normal after class. N.M. Amosov (1984) believes that after 1 minute the pulse should decrease by a third, and after 5 minutes it will differ slightly (by 5-7 beats) from the indicator at rest. If after 15-20 minutes the pulse does not recover, the load was excessive for you.

Exceeding the maximum allowable duration of running can lead to a decrease in immunity, injuries to the musculoskeletal system, and other negative consequences. Beginner runners it is recommended to limit the maximum weekly running distance to 20 km for women and 20-30 km for men. For trained runners this figure increases to 40-50 km for women and up to 40-90 km for men. The danger of exceeding this level increases due to the fact that long runs stimulate the hormonal activity of the endocrine glands. As a result, excess levels of hormones are released into the blood, causing a euphoric state. There is reliable evidence that long running increases sexual potency in men. In this regard, it must be remembered that we are solving the problems of recovery, therefore, reasonable limits established by scientific research and confirmed by practice should be adhered to.

Running intensity. AT sports highest achievements the goal of training is to prepare the body for a certain speed and duration of running, allowing the athlete to successfully compete with rivals. By using health jogging we strive to change the capabilities of our body in such a way that it can successfully cope with various life difficulties. By changing the speed of movement, we regulate the nature and magnitude of the impact on the organs and systems of the body. However, it should be noted that at the same running speed, the performance of the organs and systems of the body in different people can differ significantly. This is due to differences in the physical capabilities of a person, different running techniques and other factors. The functional activity of the body is also affected by the relief of the track: at an equal speed of movement, running uphill enhances the reactions of the body, and downhill reduces them.

When choosing the optimal speed, first of all, the nature of the energy supply of muscle activity is taken into account, which, in turn, is judged by the pulse rate:

There are three zones of energy supply of muscular activity and the corresponding training zones of the same name: aerobic, aerobic-anaerobic (mixed) and anaerobic.

In recovery, the main one is considered to be aerobic training area.

Aerobic zone. When running in this zone, as much oxygen is delivered to the working muscles as is required for their energy supply with aerobic energy sources (carbohydrates and fats) without the formation of an oxygen debt. The pulse rate in the aerobic zone does not exceed 150 beats / min, otherwise the power of work will exceed the body's ability to deliver oxygen, and the requests in it will not be satisfied.

The upper limit of the aerobic zone (HR - 150 beats / min)- This is an average. Depending on the age and degree of preparedness of the runners, the lack of oxygen can manifest itself with some deviation from this value.

For beginner runners the upper limit of the aerobic zone can be calculated using the formula proposed by Holman (1963):

heart rate= 180 beats / min - age (in years ). (1)

At trained runners the lack of oxygen begins to manifest itself at a higher heart rate. Therefore, another 5-10 pulse beats are added to the value obtained by formula (1).

The lower limit of the aerobic zone, as well as the upper one, it is established taking into account the tasks that a person sets and the capabilities of his body. However, it should be borne in mind that running at a speed at which the pulse does not exceed 110 beats / min does not effectively solve the problems of recovery. This value can be taken as the minimum.

In the aerobic zone, three stages are distinguished, where, depending on the running speed and heart rate, certain problems of recovery are solved.

Istep - rehabilitation and recovery, heart rate - 110-120 beats / min. Running at this heart rate is used:

  • trained runners to restore the body after heavy loads of an aerobic and anaerobic nature;
  • people with deviations in the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • elderly and debilitated people as a means of restoring and maintaining the level of preparedness.

IIstep - supportive, heart rate - 130-140 beats / min. Used to develop (beginner runners) and maintain (trained runners) aerobic capacity.

IIIstep - developing, heart rate - 144-156 beats / min. Used by trained runners to improve aerobic capacity.

Aerobic-anaerobic (mixed) zone. As already noted, the boundary between the aerobic and mixed zones is the moment when oxygen debt begins to form, i.e. start of lactic acid accumulation. This moment comes before the exhaustion of the body's ability to increase oxygen consumption, i.e. the value of the IPC is not reached. Thus, the zone of mixed energy supply of muscular activity corresponds to the power of work from the beginning of the formation of oxygen debt to the moment when the body reaches the level of maximum oxygen consumption. The heart rate in the aerobic-anaerobic zone is 150-170 beats / min, the individual characteristics of runners can make some adjustments to these values.

anaerobic zone. Having reached the level of maximum oxygen consumption ( lower limit of the anaerobic zone) the body shifts to anaerobic(oxygen-free) way of energy supply of muscle contractions. The pulse during running in this zone exceeds 180-190 beats / min, a significant amount of lactic acid is formed, which complicates metabolic processes and may force a person to stop running or reduce the speed of movement.

Anaerobic training zone used mainly by professional athletes in preparation for competitions. The tasks of recovery and body shaping are successfully solved in the aerobic zone. Trained trainees who do not have deviations in the state of the cardiovascular system can use for training the border of the aerobic and mixed zones, or do slightly more power work when the increase in blood lactic acid concentration is negligible.

Breathing indicators as criteria for running intensity. A person can breathe through the nose or through the nose and mouth at the same time. At rest, nasal breathing should be preferred, as the nasal mucosa retains mechanical particles (up to 90%), thereby reducing the toxic effect of gases and vapors harmful to the body. It is also believed that in cold weather, breathing through the nose protects the lungs from hypothermia. At the same time, when air passes through the nasal openings and the nasopharyngeal cavity, it warms up by only 2-3 °. Therefore, in order to protect the lungs from the action of cold winter air, it is more effective to carry out in the fall hardening procedures: use running with breathing through the mouth in cool weather, rinse the mouth and nasopharynx with cold water, etc.

Thus, there is no urgent need to control breathing during running (nasal or mixed). It is not recommended to focus on the rhythm of breathing during recreational running, as is done, for example, in swimming and rowing. Breathing should be arbitrary . Depending on the body's need for oxygen, it itself is able to automatically program and implement the type, rhythm, frequency and depth of breathing. With intense muscular work, nasal breathing is difficult due to high resistance to air flow. The nasal passages are very narrow. During running, the blood flow through the nasal mucosa increases by 50-60%, there is a more abundant secretion of mucus, the mucous membrane swells, and the resistance to air flow increases even faster. Arbitrary breathing quite accurately reflects the intensity of the load and the energy supply zone corresponding to it. It was found that the moment of voluntary transition from nasal to mixed (nose and mouth) breathing corresponds to an increase in heart rate up to 130-160 beats/min, i.e. upper limit of the aerobic zone. Therefore, experts recommend beginner runners to breathe only through the nose (with a healthy nasopharynx), which automatically limits the speed of running and makes it safe, of course, if there is no shortness of breath. However, many people, due to various circumstances, have developed a conditioned reflex to breathe through their nose and mouth at the same time even at a low running speed. In such people, the volitional transition to breathing through the nose while running in the aerobic zone sharply reduces the comfortable state, knocks down the rhythm of breathing, etc. In this case, it is recommended to use breathing through the nose only for control: While running, switch from mixed breathing to breathing through the nose for a few minutes, and refine the intensity of your run. Over time, the body itself will choose the most effective way of breathing for specific running intensity values.

Trained runners training in the aerobic-anaerobic (mixed) energy supply zone breathe through the mouth and nose at the same time.

An indicator of the compliance of the load with the capabilities of your body can be the so-called "conversational pace" running. If a person is able to have a casual conversation while running, then the intensity of movement corresponds to the aerobic energy supply zone. If the runner is out of breath and answers in monosyllabic words, then the intensity of running meets or exceeds the border of mixed energy supply, and unprepared runners need to reduce their running speed.



Wellness running is the simplest and most accessible (in technical terms) type of cyclic exercises, and therefore the most popular. According to the most conservative estimates, more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet use running as a health remedy. According to official data, there are 5,207 jogging clubs registered in our country, in which 385,000 joggers are involved; There are 2 million people running on their own.

To strengthen the promotion of recreational running, it is necessary to better understand the psychology of a running person and the motives that guide him. H.C. Illarionov (1988) identifies the following main motivations for middle-aged people to take up jogging:
- health promotion and disease prevention;
- increase in working capacity;
- pleasure from the process of running;
- the desire to improve their results in running (sports motivation);
- following the fashion for running (aesthetic motivation);
- the desire to communicate;
- the desire to know your body, your capabilities;
- motivation for creativity, motivation for raising and strengthening the family;
- "family" run;
- random motivations.

However, according to the author's observations, the most powerful stimulus for training is precisely pleasure,
the great feeling of joy that running brings. In most cases, those people who, as a result of improper training, could not experience these sensations, stop exercising.

The German psychologist Schellenberger (1988) notes the following reasons for the lack of physical activity of the population: lack of awareness of the benefits of exercise (40% of the population); lack of interest in classes (47%); preference for any other activities in their free time (62%); laziness (57%); lack of information about the possibility of classes, the problem of free time, disbelief in one's abilities ("it won't work out anyway").

The jogging technique is so simple that it does not require special training, and its effect on the human body is extremely high. However, when evaluating the effectiveness of its impact, two most important areas should be distinguished: general and special effect.
The overall effect of running on the body is associated with changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, compensation for missing energy costs, functional changes in the circulatory system, and a decrease in morbidity.
Endurance running training is an indispensable means of discharging and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous strain. These same factors significantly increase the risk of myocardial infarction as a result of excessive intake of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and

Wellness running (in the optimal dosage) in combination with water procedures is the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia - diseases of the 20th century caused by nervous overstrain with an abundance of incoming information. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, sleep and well-being improve, and efficiency increases. "Knocking out psychological stress with physical" -
This is how the three-time Olympic champion Tatyana Kazankina described this phenomenon. Particularly useful in this regard is the evening run, which relieves the negative emotions accumulated during the day, and "burns" the excess adrenaline released as a result of stress. So running is nature's best
tranquilizer - more effective than drugs.

The calming effect of running is enhanced by the action of pituitary hormones (endorphins), which are released into the blood during endurance work. With intensive training, their content in the blood increases by 5 times compared to the level of rest and is kept at an increased concentration for several hours. Endorphins cause a state of a kind of euphoria, a feeling of unreasonable joy, physical and mental well-being, suppress hunger and pain, resulting in a sharp improvement in mood. Psychiatrists widely use cyclic exercises in the treatment of depressive conditions - regardless of their
the reasons. According to K. Cooper, obtained at the Dallas Aerobics Center, most people who run 5 km per workout experience a state of euphoria during and after the end of physical activity, which is the leading motivation for jogging.

As a result of such a diverse influence of running on the central nervous system, with regular long-term exercises, the runner's personality type and his mental status also change. Psychologists believe that fitness joggers become more sociable, contact, friendly, have a higher
self-esteem and confidence in their abilities and capabilities. Conflict situations among runners occur much less frequently and are perceived much more calmly; psychological stress either does not develop at all, or is neutralized in time, which is the best way to prevent myocardial infarction.
As a result of a more complete rest of the central nervous system, not only physical, but also mental performance, the creative capabilities of a person increase. Many scientists note an increase in creative activity and fruitfulness of scientific research after the start of jogging
(even in old age).

Fitness jogging has a significant positive effect on the circulatory system and immunity. When examining 230 middle-aged men and women involved in recreational running, a significant increase in the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and lymphocytes in the blood was found, due to
which increases the oxygen capacity of the blood, its protective properties (V.P. Mishenko, 1988). When examining 40 people aged 30 to 60 years (work experience - from 2 to 20 years), an increase in serum immunoglobulins was found (GA Loban, 1986), which helps to reduce the incidence. When analyzing the ability to work and the frequency of diseases of workers and employees of enterprises in the city of Poltava, it turned out that for people involved in recreational running, the number of days of disability decreased on average from 18.1 to 1.2 per year (L.I. Gubka, 1986). Members of the Smolensk club of joggers with more than 3 years of experience
not susceptible to colds. And employees of a Japanese gas company in Tokyo who engage in recreational exercise have 1.5 days of disability per year, while employees who do not actively engage in exercise have 11 days.

As a result of jogging, important changes occur in the biochemical composition of the blood, which affects the body's susceptibility to cancer. So, when examining 126 runners over 40 years old, positive changes were found in the system of antitumor defense of the body, in proportion to the length of time spent in recreational running. Therefore, the sooner you start training, the more
body resistance to cancer (VL Mishchenko, 1986). Paffenberger observed 16,000 men for 16 years. In the first group with low physical activity (energy expenditure for exercise is less than 500 kcal per week), cancer was found in 26% of the observed, and in
the second, physically more active group - in 19%. Thus, positive changes as a result of jogging promote health and increase the body's resistance.
the action of unfavorable environmental factors.

The special effect of running training is to increase the functionality of the cardiovascular system and the aerobic performance of the body. An increase in functionality is manifested primarily in an increase in the contractile and "pumping" functions of the heart, an increase in physical
performance. When examining 580 runners aged 30 to 70 years, it was found that the main indicators of the activity of the cardiovascular system (heart rate, blood pressure, ECG) did not differ from those of young healthy people. Even such an important indicator as coronary beds, which reflects the degree of development of HEC, was not reduced in the elderly. In novice joggers only after 8 weeks of training, an increase in myocardial contractility and heart performance was noted, as a result of which physical performance increased by 30% according to the PWC170 test. These changes were accompanied by an increase
coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen supply by more than 25% (E.A. Pirogov, 1985).

Using the latest research (echocardiography), it has been established that regular jogging leads to an increase in the mass of the left ventricle (due to thickening of its posterior wall and interventricular septum), which is accompanied by an increase in heart productivity and the ability of the myocardium to absorb oxygen. Moreover, these changes do not contribute to a pronounced increase in the size of the heart, characteristic
for athletes. This variant of adaptation to training loads is optimal from the point of view of the body's functional capabilities and maintaining a stable level of health (A.G. Dembo, 1989). Unlike pathological myocardial hypertrophy, an increase in the mass of the left ventricle is accompanied by
expansion of the lumen of the coronary arteries, capillarization of the myocardium, an increase in blood flow and the ability of the heart muscle to absorb oxygen. English scientists observed the described changes already 6 weeks after the training program (at a moderate pace - 3 times a week for 30 minutes).
To increase the contractility of the heart muscle, the expansion of the coronary arteries and capillarization of the myocardium, which improves its trophism, is important. The well-known American marathon runner de Mar, who died at the age of 73, had a lumen of the coronary arteries 3 times larger than that of an untrained person (Magop, 1978).

Numerous animal studies have shown that endurance training leads to myocardial capillarization and increased myocardial blood flow through the formation of new capillaries. So, in dogs that performed forced training in running on a treadmill (1 hour per day) after 6 months
there was a significant increase in the total cross-sectional area of ​​the coronary arteries compared with untrained animals. Moreover, there is evidence of an increase in collateral (bypass) circulation and coronary blood flow in dogs with experimental infarction (when bandaging
left descending coronary artery) after a course of running training. He found a marked increase in myocardial blood flow in 4 (out of 7) pedigreed dogs with experimental infarction following a treadmill training program.

In people with coronary heart disease, the development of collateral circulation is much more difficult, but even in the presence of such a severe pathology, in some cases, using long-term endurance training, positive results can be achieved. New highly sensitive research methods
of coronary circulation with the help of radioactive isotopes (thallium-201) made it possible to establish an improvement in myocardial perfusion in 6 (out of 16) patients with coronary artery disease after 12 months of training in walking and running. The increase in coronary blood flow was accompanied by an increase in the contractile and "pumping" functions of the heart. According to the All-Union Cardiology Center, after a 12-month rehabilitation program (walking and running), patients experienced an increase in stroke volume from 70 to 80 ml; this made it possible to increase aerobic capacity (MHJ from 22 to 27 ml/kg). As a result of many years of recreational jogging in patients who have had myocardial infarction, this figure increases to a level characteristic of untrained men - 30 ml / kg, and with intensive training - up to 35 ml / kg.

The head of the rehabilitation center in Toronto, Professor Kauapad (1979), in post-infarction patients who underwent a long training session in ultra-long distance running, noted an increase in the IPC from 20 to 50 ml / kg - the level of endurance that allows one to run a marathon distance in 4 hours. These data indicate a huge the role of endurance training in recovery of physical performance.
After undergoing a rehabilitation course for 12 weeks in a cardiological sanatorium, the patients showed an increase in working capacity (according to the submaximal test) from 420 to 600 kgm/min, and within two years of self-improving walking and jogging - from 510 to 720 kgm/min (D.M. Aronov, 1983). Thus, even patients with severe coronary-cardiosclerosis, thanks to regular training, managed to significantly increase the functionality of the circulatory system and significantly increase
physical performance and health.

Naturally, the effectiveness of endurance training and the possibilities of its use in healthy middle-aged people are much higher. In runners aged 60-69, the performance index according to the PWC170 test is higher than in non-running peers (852 versus 660 kgm / min), as well as in men aged 40-49,
leading a sedentary lifestyle (852 versus 784 kgm / min). There is a pronounced rejuvenating effect of running - a delay in the age-related decline in working capacity for as much as 20 years.

Analysis of the data obtained by the author (EG Milner, 1986) showed that the leading factor in increasing aerobic capacity and physical performance is the magnitude of the training load. From the analysis of the data, it follows that under the influence of running training in women over a number of years, an increase in aerobic capacity and physical performance was observed in parallel with an increase in training loads - from 29.5 to 48 ml/kg and from 485 to 1086 kgm/min, respectively. In middle-aged men, physical
working capacity averaged 1200-1500 kgm/min - more than that of young untrained men (1000 kgm/min), and almost the same as that of students of physical culture institutes specializing in cyclic sports (fencing, wrestling, football) .

In addition to increasing functional reserves and maximum aerobic power, economization of cardiac activity, a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand, and more economical use of it, which is manifested in a decrease in heart rate at rest (bradycardia) and in
response to a standard load. Thus, under the influence of running training in middle-aged people, as the weekly volume of running increased (from 8 to 48 km), a parallel decrease in heart rate at rest was observed - on average from 58 to 45 bpm. V.P. Mishchenko (1988) observed a decrease in heart rate at rest during the first year
health-improving jogging from 78 to 62 beats/min, and a noticeable decrease in heart rate was noted only from the 6th month of training. According to the author's observations, in experienced runners with many years of experience and running loads of 30-50 km per week, resting heart rate is 42-54 beats/min. Thus, in middle-aged people, under the influence of endurance training, bradycardia reaches almost the same values ​​as in representatives of cyclic sports (the minimum heart rate in top-class runners is 28-38 bpm).

The impact of running on HEC risk factors is also great. Under the influence of jogging, normalization of lipid metabolism is observed: a decrease in the content of cholesterol, triglycerides and LIP in the blood (with an increase in HDL). The content of HDL in bedridden patients is only 26 mg%, in leading sedentary
lifestyle - 42 mg%, in middle-aged runners - 63 mg%. In men and women involved in running, skiing, swimming, the level of HDL, which is the main protective agent against atherosclerosis, is 20-30% higher than in physically passive ones. Evidence suggests runners perform better
lipid metabolism, and the level of triglycerides is 2 times lower than in sedentary people.

Scientists at the University of Washington observed 14 runners with the following data:
average age - 60 years,
height - 174 cm,
body weight - 66 kg,
fat component - 11%,
MIC - 3 ml / kg,
running load - 50 km per week,
experience of regular classes - 11 years.

The optimal ratio of various indicators of lipid metabolism was established, which almost did not differ from the data. Thus, radical changes in lipid metabolism under the influence of training on
endurance may be a turning point in the development of atherosclerosis. In experiments on animals with experimental atherosclerosis, it was shown that long-term endurance training of moderate intensity significantly reduced the prevalence of the sclerotic process. Using atherogenic
diets high in cholesterol caused extensive aortic atherosclerosis in monkeys; after that, 50% of the animals ran on the treadmill (3 times a week for 1 hour). After 6 months, the trained animals showed almost complete disappearance of atheromatous plaques in the aorta, while in the control group they
continued to grow. In dogs, the complete disappearance of aortic atherosclerosis was also noted after training on a treadmill for 1 hour a day; however, this effect was achieved only with sufficiently intense and prolonged training.

Based on long-term follow-up of HEC patients, many scientists believe that it is possible to stop the development of atherosclerosis by performing cyclic exercises. The possibility of regression of atherosclerosis in coronary patients under the influence of endurance training is associated with the activation of fat metabolism, a decrease in the content of LIP and an increase in HDL. Hundred (1983) observed an increase in HDL blood levels in 40 coronary patients after a 3-week course of physical training (jogging for 20-40 minutes 3 times a week and running on a treadmill). ND Gogokhiya (1980) also noted the normalization of cholesterol metabolism in patients with ICS with an increase in HDL after a 12-month rehabilitation program (working on a bicycle ergometer for 1 hour 3 times a week).

Under the influence of endurance training, blood viscosity decreases, which facilitates the work of the heart and reduces the risk of thrombosis and the development of a heart attack. Thanks to the activation of fat metabolism, running is an effective means of normalizing body weight. For people who regularly engage in jogging,
body weight is close to ideal, and the fat content is 1.5 times less than that of non-runners.

Thus, runners had a body weight at the time of the survey 10 kg less than their sedentary peers, although at the age of 18 their ideal weight was the same. At the same time, it should be noted that the runners did not restrict their diet and did not adhere to special diets. So
Thus, the positive effect of normalization of body weight was due only to the additional energy expenditure during training.

In this regard, brisk walking (1 hour per day) can also be very effective, which corresponds to an energy consumption of 300-400 kcal, depending on body weight. Additional energy consumption for 2 weeks in this case will be at least 3500 kcal, which will lead to a loss of 500 g of adipose tissue. As a result for 1 month
training in health walking (without changing the diet), body weight is reduced by 1 kg.
A group of American scientists observed women whose body weight was on average 80% more than normal. For 2 months they were engaged in recreational walking (2 hours a day at a speed of 5 km/h) without dietary restrictions. After the end of the experiment, there was a decrease in body weight from an average of 100 to 93
kg. Studies have shown that dosed physical activity allows you to normalize body weight not only by increasing energy consumption, but also as a result of suppressing hunger (when endorphins are released into the blood). At the same time, weight loss by increasing energy expenditure (with the help of physical
exercise) more physiologically.

According to the WHO Expert Committee (1984), the loss of 3-4 kg of body weight under the influence of physical training contributes to a more pronounced and stable normalization of cholesterol metabolism than as a result of
dietary changes. If we consider that for 1 hour of slow running at a speed of 9-11 km / h, twice as much energy is consumed than during walking (600 versus 300 kcal), then it is obvious that with the help of running training, a similar effect can be achieved much faster. After the end of the workout, the muscles that worked "by inertia" continue to consume more oxygen for several hours, which leads to additional energy consumption. In the case of severe obesity, the most effective combination of both methods is endurance training and dietary restriction (due to fats and carbohydrates).

In addition to the main health effects of running associated with the impact on the circulatory and respiratory systems, it should also be noted its positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, liver and gastrointestinal tract function, and the skeletal system.
The improvement in liver function is explained by an increase in oxygen consumption by the liver tissue during running by 2-3 times - from 50 to 100-150 ml/min. In addition, with deep breathing while running, the liver is massaged with a diaphragm, which improves the outflow of bile and the function of the bile ducts, normalizing their tone.

Positive results of the use of running in combination with walking were obtained by Sh.Sh. Araslanov (1983) in patients with biliary dyskinesia; in this case, running in combination with abdominal breathing is especially effective. As a result of the vibration of the internal organs that occurs during running, intestinal motility and its drainage function increase.

Regular training in jogging has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity. Restriction of the inflow of joint fluid (lymph) during physical inactivity leads to malnutrition of cartilage and loss of elasticity of the ligaments, a decrease in the depreciation properties of the joints and the development of arthrosis. Cyclic exercises (running, cycling, swimming) increase the flow of lymph to the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs, which is the best prevention of arthrosis and sciatica. The positive impact of running on function
joints is possible only under the condition of using adequate (not exceeding the capabilities of the motor apparatus) loads, their gradual increase in the process of training.

In order to choose the right method for jogging, you can divide everyone who wants to do it into 3 groups.

Group I - people with poor health and overweight, 15-20 kg more than the norm.

Group II - people who are practically healthy, who have never played sports before.

Group III - healthy people (young and middle-aged) previously involved in sports and well prepared.

It is best to regulate the running load according to the state of health and the pulse, which is calculated immediately after running for 15 seconds and multiplied by 4. The pulse should be 115-120 beats / min. Gradually, the pulse can reach up to 130 beats / min. The duration of one lesson is from 10 to 40 minutes. After 6 months of such training, you can move on to continuous running, reaching a duration of up to 20-25 minutes by the end of the year. It is better to run in the morning. Can be taken in the evening, 4 hours before bedtime. The first three months you need to run in 2 days. The next 3 months - every other day, and then daily.

The main condition for a health-improving run should be the continuity of classes, the gradual increase in load and good health, sleep, and performance.

For the second group, we can recommend continuous running for the first 3 months every other day for 15-20 minutes at a speed of 6.5-6 minutes per 1 km. In the future, you can run daily from 20 to 30 - 40 minutes at a speed of 6 - 5.5 minutes per 1 km. In addition to daily running, you can do your favorite types of exercise 2 times a week for 1 - 1.5 hours (biking, skiing, swimming, games). The pulse while running can reach up to 140-150 beats / min.

The third group of those involved most often conducts classes in an organized way in jogging clubs according to the program of preparation for runs of 10, 15, 20, 30 km and more. The purpose of running for the indicated distances is not to achieve record performance, but only to participate in cross-country races, runs.

Those involved in jogging should regularly keep a diary in which they record the work done, pulse (in the morning) for 1 minute, sleep, well-being, performance, etc. .

It is best to run in the park or at the nearest stadium. It is better to choose soft soil. Running is of great benefit if it is combined with the right diet and hardening of the body.

In summer, you can run in shorts and a T-shirt or a thin training suit, lightweight sneakers (half-sneakers). A tracksuit for winter activities should be warm and protect from the cold wind. For example: tracksuit, bologna jacket, warm hat, mittens. Warm socks and sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers) should be worn on the feet.

Methodology for conducting recreational jogging classes in preschool institutions

Recreational running with preschool children should be carried out in small subgroups - 5-7 people, while taking into account the level of physical fitness of each child.

The method of recreational running should correspond to the functional capabilities of the child's body. Therefore, health jogging must be carried out at least twice a week on days when there are no physical exercises during the morning walk. In the warm season, they are held at the very beginning of the walk, and in the cold season - at the end of it.

When conducting a recreational run, an individually differentiated approach should be carried out. Children 5-6 years old with a high and average level of activity are offered to run two laps (on average 500 meters), inactive children - one lap. Children 6-7 years old with high levels of activity run an average of 3-4 laps, and sedentary children 2 laps.

The health run ends with a gradual slowdown and the transition to normal walking with breathing exercises, after which it is necessary to carry out standing exercises to relax the muscles.

When running, it is important for the teacher to remember:

When choosing a distance for running, it is important to take into account the state of health and the level of physical activity of children.

All distances for running must be marked (the length of a semicircle and one circle).

Running should be fun for kids.

It is necessary to develop in children a sense of speed in running, a certain pace.

After the health run, the teacher should not forget about the use of exercises to relax the muscles and restore breathing.

In the winter season, it is advisable not to stop jogging, but at the same time take into account the clothes of children and the length of distances, which is significantly reduced (from 250 to 500 meters).

Methodology for conducting recreational jogging classes with schoolchildren

It often happens that the physical activity of students in grades 1 and 2 falls compared to preschoolers. This happens as a result of the fact that in preschool institutions children were actively engaged in physical exercises, including recreational jogging, and at school, for lack of time, this issue was missed and everything was reduced to a minimum - classes in a physical education lesson. This is not enough for children of primary school age, since over time, by the senior classes, schoolchildren begin to lead a generally sedentary lifestyle, which leads to the fact that more and more children have poor health and low physical fitness.

Health running should become for schoolchildren one of the main means of preventing various diseases, promoting health, and educating the need for daily physical exercises.

When conducting classes with students, it is necessary to remember:

You can run at any time of the day one hour before meals and two hours after meals.

You should dress according to the weather outside. In spring and autumn, in cold, windy, wet weather, put on a windproof suit on top, in summer in hot weather - a training suit or T-shirt and sports shorts; sneakers or sneakers on your feet. In winter, ski-like clothing: a sweater, training suit or trousers, a windproof sports jacket, a knitted hat covering the ears, and mittens; on his feet sneakers with woolen socks.

Running training should be regular, especially with a significant change in air temperature. Regular training helps children adapt well to lower air temperatures and protect themselves from colds.

The number of running workouts per week should range from 4 to 6. The total duration of classes (running, walking, general developmental exercises) is from 35 to 60 minutes.

It is better to run in small groups of 3-5 people of approximately the same age, the same abilities and physical fitness.

The running distance is laid in a grove, along the sidewalks of the streets, and best of all in a park or a stadium.

It is not necessary to increase the pace of running in the first days of training, since a gradual increase in the total duration of running is of great importance for the development of endurance.

At the first stages of training (2-3 months), the duration of the run is 1-4 km with a heart rate of 120-135 beats / min, the next (2-3 months) the length of the distance is 3-5 km with a heart rate of 140-150 beats / min, in the subsequent ( 2-3 months) the length of the distance is 5-7 km with a heart rate of 150-180 beats / min.

The speed and duration of the run is determined independently by well-being. If it is not difficult to run, then the speed is optimal and you can run further. You need to jog, and walk at a frequency of 100-110 steps per minute.

Physical activity must be monitored by heart rate. Immediately after running, it is necessary to count the pulse rate for 10 seconds. If the pulse after running is 25-28 beats in 10 seconds, then the speed and duration of the run are chosen correctly. Pulse 24 (in 10 seconds) indicates insufficient load. The second count of the pulse is made 3 minutes after the end of the run. Values ​​of 12-20 beats per 10 seconds indicate good recovery and compliance with the duration and speed of running to the child's condition.

In the process of training, pain in the muscles, joints, and right hypochondrium may appear. It's not scary, over time they will disappear. But if there are pains in the region of the heart, heaviness throughout the body, dizziness and poor health during the day, it is necessary to stop training and consult a doctor.

Only a healthy child can go to a running training. Even with a slight indisposition (cold, indigestion or headache), you should wait 1-2 days to find out the cause. If the child is ill, then after recovery, a doctor's permission is required to continue training.

From the first days of jogging, it is necessary to keep sports diaries and diaries of self-control. They should record a brief content and volume of the training load, and data about your well-being.

The method of conducting recreational jogging among people of retirement age

People over the age of 50 mostly have a low and below average level of physical condition. In this regard, they are recommended to engage in recreational running according to a separate methodology, which should consist of a lighter load and take into account the age and health of those involved.

The methodology for conducting recreational jogging among people of retirement age can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage 1 - health walking. It differs from the passive walking walking of pensioners by the active repulsion of the foot from the support and a higher speed of movement. It is necessary to start with normal walking at the usual pace and gradually increase the speed over several weeks, first to 5, and then to 6 - 6.5 km / h. However, the pace of walking should be such that it does not cause any particular difficulties and severe shortness of breath. You can start with 20 minutes and gradually increase the walking time to 40-60 minutes 3-4 times a week, depending on how you feel. With the growth of fitness, the speed will imperceptibly increase. The goal of this stage is the ability to overcome 5 km in 45 minutes with a heart rate of 110 - 120 beats / min. Depending on the state of health and preparedness, this may take from several weeks to several months, or even more.

Stage 2 - running - walking. In the absence of contraindications, you can proceed to the second stage of training, alternating walking with short segments of running, for example, 20-30 meters of running after 100-150 meters of walking. The duration of the first lessons of this stage is only 20 minutes, not counting a short warm-up. During this time, you need to walk or run at your optimal pace as much as possible. In this case, the pulse should not exceed 20 - 22 beats in 10 seconds (120 - 130 beats / min). If the heart rate is greater than this value, you need to reduce the length of the run and increase the duration of the walk, or reduce the speed of the run, or do both. Gradually, the duration of classes should be increased to 30 minutes. During this time, you can do 5-6 short runs. With the growth of training, involuntarily, imperceptibly for the runner, the segments of the run increase, and the walks decrease until the run becomes continuous.

Stage 3 - continuous running. After the students have learned to run easily and naturally (continuously) for 30 minutes, you can increase the duration of the run at first to 40, then up to 50-60 minutes with three workouts a week. The heart rate at this stage can reach 130 - 150 beats / min.

People of retirement age can reach the level of load that can provide an increase in the functional state of the cardiovascular system. And running training at a reduced and medium pace gives the necessary healing effect to people over the age of 50 years.

Training in health running is aimed primarily at developing endurance. This motor quality is largely determined by the aerobic capabilities of a person.

The main way to increase endurance during recreational running is to use the so-called uniform method, i.e., passing the entire distance at a constant speed at a uniform pace. Uniform running lasting 20-30 minutes (with a pulse not higher than 120-130 beats / min) is the main means of training for beginner runners. Long on a relatively flat track from 60 to 120 minutes with a pulse of 132-144 beats / min (22-24 beats in 10 seconds), well-trained runners practice, as a rule, once a week (more often on Sunday).

In addition to the uniform method, you can also use the variable method in two versions: alternating short stretches of walking and running at a distance of 1600-3200 m at a heart rate of 120-132 beats / min (this option is more often used by novice runners for whom continuous running is difficult); cross-country running from 30 to 90 minutes with a pulse of 132-144 beats / min (usually used by preparatory athletes once a week).

It should be noted that the running distance cannot be the same for everyone: it is selected in such a way that the heart rate does not exceed the recommended value. Otherwise, you need to reduce the segments of the run, slow down the pace or increase the duration of the walk.

. In cyclic exercises, physical activity is usually characterized by the following components: the duration and intensity of exercises, the duration and nature of rest between exercises, the number of repetitions of exercises. By changing individual components and using various combinations of them, you can vary the physical load (reduce or increase). In recreational running, it is usually regulated either by volume (measured in km) or intensity (in% of the maximum).

According to the American professor Cooper from the Dallas Aerobics Center, the minimum amount of load (threshold load) required to increase functionality in men is about 15 km of slow running per week (three workouts of 30 minutes each). This gives (on the Cooper system) 30 points. In women, the minimum dose of running is 12 km per week (24 points). For beginners, a 3-kilometer jog for 20 minutes 3 times a week is recommended. A similar load for beginners is considered optimal in the GDR. Running 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes, according to most researchers, can also reduce the main risk factors that contribute to the development of heart and vascular diseases.

There is no consensus regarding the maximum allowable volume of loads in health-improving running. So, Cooper notes that if you run more than 40 miles (about 65 km) a week, then injuries of the locomotor system become more frequent and an overstrain of the cardiovascular system occurs. In women, with an increase in weekly volume over 30-50 miles (about 48-80 km), menstrual irregularities may occur.

Our 15-year experience shows that the optimal load for men aged 30-40 with 1-3 years of experience is 20 km per week, and for women - 15-20 km. Only veterans of the club with many years of experience had more significant workloads.

It is known that there is a linear relationship between exercise intensity, oxygen consumption and heart rate. There are special tables that show the relationship between aerobic capacity (in% of the IPC) and heart rate.

According to our data, for a practically healthy 40-year-old man who has started jogging for the first time, the intensity of the load should not exceed 50-60% of the IPC. This corresponds to a heart rate not exceeding 120-136 beats / min.

For an approximate calculation of the optimal heart rate, various formulas can also be used that reflect the relationship between heart rate and BMD level. The generally accepted formula, proposed by Holman more than 20 years ago, states that the optimal heart rate for beginners is 180 beats per minute minus age in years. So, for example, for a 40-year-old man at the beginning of classes, the optimal heart rate is on average 140 beats / min (180-40), which approximately corresponds to 60% of the IPC.

For well trained runners training with a heart rate of less than 130 beats / min is not effective enough. This is due to the fact that the highest cardiac output (the amount of blood ejected by the heart in one contraction) is observed at a heart rate of at least 130 beats / min. That is why a well-known specialist in the field of health running, a professor of medicine from the GDR 3. Israel offers a different formula for them: heart rate = 170-0.5 of age. So, the pulse rate for a 40-year-old runner is 150 beats / min (170-20).

It should be noted that all these formulas are indicative and can only be used taking into account the individual characteristics of the health of those involved.

For example, for people with deviations in the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as for the elderly, as a means of increasing physical fitness, fast and running at a heart rate of no higher than 100-120 beats / min can be recommended.

To accurately determine the heart rate, it is necessary to count the pulse for the first 10 seconds after the cessation of fast walking and running, since the pulse rate for this period of time will coincide with the result during work.

Breathing data can serve as another indicator of intensity. So, according to our observations, during exercises on a bicycle ergometer, the moment of transition from breathing through the nose to a more intensified, oral-nasal one corresponds to a heart rate of 130-160 beats / min.

The first thing you should pay attention to when deciding to run is, of course, the state of health. It is recommended to consult a doctor about the presence of contraindications to this sport. Such contraindications include bronchial asthma, diseases of the digestive system, progressive infectious diseases, and a number of other diseases.

If there are no contraindications, you can start classes.
First you need to understand that running, and indeed any other sport, is based on three conditions that must be observed.
Firstly, all loads should be increased gradually, trying not to overload the body.

Secondly It is necessary to play sports systematically, and not from case to case.

And third, when choosing loads, it is necessary to take into account the individual development of a person - his age, state of health, fitness of the body.
Jogging should begin with a psychological setting and warm-up. The warm-up must begin with walking, then perform exercises to warm up the muscles of the arms, legs and spine. To do this, you can include various exercises in the warm-up: tilts, turns, squats, swings and jumps. Then you need to restore breathing and proceed directly to jogging.
The running technique is very simple.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the stride length. It is especially important to choose a stride length at which the run will be as comfortable as possible. You should not strive to increase the step, as this dramatically increases the load on the muscles and joints.

In addition, while running, you should pay attention to your posture. While running, do not slouch, the position of the torso should be vertical. Sideways swaying, as well as excessive torso forward or backward, should be avoided.
When running, it is worth remembering the work of the hands. The arms should be bent at an angle of about 90º. Improper positioning of the hands leads to a greater expenditure of strength, the work of additional muscles, difficulty in movement and excessive fatigue.
It is also worth considering the weather conditions, the individual physical condition of the person involved, as well as choosing the right clothes and shoes for classes so that running only benefits the body.

In order to choose the right method for jogging, you need to determine which group, according to the state of your health, the person who decides to exercise belongs to.
The first group is people who have poor health or are overweight.

For such people, it is necessary to alternate running with walking, to exercise at a slow pace. It is best to regulate the load according to your well-being, as well as the pulse, the frequency of which should not exceed 130 beats per minute. The duration of classes should be no more than 15 minutes, eventually increasing it to half an hour. It is best to practice in the morning or evening, but only a few hours before bedtime. At an early stage of training, you can run every other day, and after three months of training - daily.
The second group is practically healthy, but untrained people.

They need to run for 20 minutes at an average speed, eventually increasing the time of training to 40 minutes. In addition, you can additionally engage in other sports such as gymnastics, hockey, swimming or skiing. It is necessary to ensure that the pulse when running does not exceed 140 beats per minute.
And finally the third group is healthy young people who are in good physical shape.

They can arrange jogging over distances of more than 10 km.
For jogging, it is best to choose soft ground in a gas-free area, best of all, in a park or alley. Jogging should be combined with proper nutrition and hardening of the body. In order to better control yourself and your condition, you should keep a sports diary in which you can indicate your well-being, exercise regime, heart rate and other characteristics. Also, for jogging, you need to choose a comfortable and.

The running load on the body must be dosed correctly. Do not overwork your body, forcing it to work at the limit of its capabilities. Also, do not increase the load too sharply, this can adversely affect health, lead to stress or exacerbate the disease. In addition, it is worth noting that running should be fun.
Particular attention should be paid to self-control, because when running, the main load falls on the heart, lungs and blood vessels of the circulatory system, so an overdose of running can even lead to a stroke or heart attack. Overtraining can be identified by the following signs: poor sleep, pain in the heart, increased blood pressure, decreased performance and appetite. Also, if you measure the pulse 10 minutes after the end of the workout, and it turns out to be over 100 beats per minute, we can talk about overloads. In this case, it is worth reducing the load and, preferably, consult a doctor.
It should be noted that while playing sports, you need to carefully monitor your well-being, try not to overload the body, so that jogging brings health benefits.
Avoid jogging immediately after eating, as a full stomach will make breathing and circulation difficult. fasting is also prohibited. The best option is to eat a light breakfast or dinner, in this case oatmeal, chicken eggs, tea with honey, fruit juice are especially good. Immediately after running, you should not eat too much.

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