Virtual horoscope leader. Eastern zodiac horoscope – knight type

Do you know what combined energy your eastern and zodiac horoscope signs provide?

Find in the table the intersection of your Signs in the Zodiac and Eastern horoscope and find out how they influence your character.

I King

The king lives by the principle “either all or nothing.” So either he gets everything in life, or he becomes a naked king. No matter what situation life puts him in, he always looks dignified and remains human. He does not strive to dominate and lead, although he knows how to do this very well, he simply does not need it. A real King does not suffer from a completeness complex and does not crave self-affirmation. This is a self-sufficient, calm and self-confident person.

II Leader

IN Rain is strength, power and pressure. He gravitates towards the position of a teacher, but his main strength is not his intellect, but his power of persuasion. His main task in life is to raise people to lead him. The leader is open and not deceitful. He will not be a hypocrite and, as a rule, always tells the truth. In life, he must implement large-scale projects and not be content with little. He values ​​justice and willpower in people.

III Knight

A knight is the embodiment of kindness, honesty and love. He loves to help others, sometimes to his own detriment. He does not expect praise and admiration for himself, because he believes that what he does is his duty. He is always ready to give wise advice, take the side of the weak and show care to those who need it.

IV Aristocrat

Its main purpose is to bring beauty to the world. He loves art, creativity and aesthetics. But his most important love is society, in which he can show off his talents. An aristocrat loves to be the center of attention. It is distinguished by originality and sophistication in everything. He tries to avoid conflicts and quarrels, as all this deprives him of his strength.

V Professor

The professor is distinguished by rationalism and common sense. He is consistent in everything, follows the rules and his principles. The professor loves and knows how to speak beautifully, persuade and instruct. His main trump card is his word and the ability to find a common language. Emotions are forbidden for him, because if he succumbs to them, his stable and familiar world will collapse.

VI Jester

The Jester's task is to make people laugh and have fun. The jester is not at all a fool, as it might seem at first glance. He is a bright intellectual, witty and extravagant. Knowledge of human psychology helps him a lot in life. The jester always knows how and with whom to communicate in order to achieve his goal. He values ​​freedom, creativity and independence. Knows how to laugh at himself.

VII Vector

Vector is an adventurer, an extraordinary personality. He loves struggle, everything unknown and non-standard. Vector's purpose is to excite minds and prevent the world from turning into a boring swamp. He has magnetism, sexuality and attractiveness. This is a real hurricane of passions.

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11.06.2015 09:24

The last digit of the year of birth has a unique sacred meaning. With the help of the ancient Chinese calendar, everyone can find out...

In the eastern horoscope, astrologers identify several Signs that are lucky from birth. It is these Signs who find it easier...

The mechanism for the formation of signs is as follows. First you need to know the system of correspondence between annual and zodiac signs. Here she is:

Rat - Aries, Ox - Taurus, Tiger - Gemini, Cat - Cancer, Dragon - Leo, Snake - Virgo, Horse - Libra, Goat - Scorpio, Monkey - Sagittarius, Rooster - Capricorn, Dog - Aquarius, Boar - Pisces.

This list becomes the basis for determining all signs and at the same time a list of combinations for determining one of the seven signs - the King.

Now 24 combinations associated with vector exceptions are removed from the field of all options (see below about the vector ring). To do this, you need to know the list of vector pairs and substitute it into the list of correspondences between the annual sign and the zodiac.

Vector pairs: Rat - Horse, Horse - Boar, Boar - Dragon, Dragon - Cat, Cat - Rooster, Rooster - Dog, Dog - Bull, Bull - Tiger, Tiger - Goat, Goat - Snake, Snake - Monkey, Monkey - Rat .

Each vector pair gives rise to two Vector combinations. For example, from the pair Rat - Horse, the combination Rat - Libra, as well as Aries - Horse is obtained. And so on with all 12 pairs, which gives 24 combinations of the second sign - Vector.

To find combinations of the next sign, you need to take a step in one direction and a step in the other direction from the basic list (plus or minus one). For example, from the basic combination Rat - Aries we get two combinations Rat - Pisces and Rat - Taurus. Both combinations give the Jester's horoscope. The same should be done with other basic horoscopes.

All other characters are obtained in a similar way. Knight - with a shift of two steps (in both directions), Aristocrat - with a shift of three and six, Professor - with a shift of four, Leader - with a shift of five. All this is quite complicated, and therefore it is better to refer to the table, according to which it is very easy to find your sign in the virtual horoscope (see table above).

An attentive eye will easily see the order in this table. The so-called Kings form a certain axis of symmetry, one might say, a diagonal of symmetry. The remaining signs are symmetrically located relative to this diagonal. Jesters and Knights are closer, Professors and Leaders are further away.

The symmetry of the new horoscope is such that it allows for several ways of numbering the signs. I would like to start with the most common sign and end with the rarest. This order is:

Aristocrat - 28 combinations of annual and zodiac signs,

Vector - 24 combinations,

Professor - 22 combinations,

Knight - 22 combinations,

Leader - 18 combinations,

Jester - 18 combinations,

King - 12 combinations.

Female and male images are theoretically indistinguishable. However, in practice, of course, some nuances emerge. Thus, in the image of the Professor, the required rigidity is more easily achieved in men than in women. In the image of the Knight, nobility and romanticism are manifested in women in a feminine way, in men in a masculine way. In other images everything is almost identical.

The purpose of a virtual horoscope is to suggest to a person the only image (image) by adhering to which he can achieve success in life.


“I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty.” It would be nice to put the word “appeared” in the neuter gender - “appeared.”

Rooster + Aries, Rooster + Libra, Dog + Leo, Dog + Scorpio, Pig + Gemini, Pig + Virgo, Pig + Sagittarius, Rat + Capricorn, Rat + Cancer, Ox + Leo, Ox + Scorpio, Tiger + Pisces, Tiger + Virgo, Tiger + Sagittarius, Cat + Aries, Cat + Libra, Dragon + Aquarius, Dragon + Taurus, Dragon + Scorpio, Snake + Pisces, Snake + Gemini, Horse + Capricorn, Horse + Cancer, Goat + Aquarius, Goat + Taurus, Goat + Leo, Monkey + Pisces, Monkey + Gemini. There are 28 combinations in total.

The main thing is beauty

Well, for what image was the horoscope so generous, who did it make the leader of society, what face did it assume was the most common among people? Well, the world of light and goodness can triumph; it is truly said that beauty will save the world, for the main purpose of the Aristocrat is to bring beauty to the world. Everything here is just like in a textbook, as Chekhov taught: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.”

Let's start with the simplest thing, with clothes. The most correct thing: follow fashion, create fashion, spend a lot of money on clothes, expand your wardrobe indefinitely. But this is only the beginning - elegance, the beauty of gestures and facial expressions, and the beauty of the eyes are much more important. However, the eyes are already about the face.

The face for an Aristocrat is even more important than clothes. It just so happens that most people with this horoscope have large and expressive eyes and really very beautiful, harmonious faces. But even if for some reason the face has not become the standard of beauty, then it must definitely be sweet, gentle and friendly. We're talking, of course, about facial expression.

As for the soul and thoughts, here we come to the most important thing. An aristocrat must be presented as a person who is morally impeccable and pure. Any, even the most insignificant doubts about moral impeccability, self-interest, malice, or secret intentions must be refuted instantly.

You can add any number of new words to Chekhov's list. Let there be beautiful furniture, beautiful smells, a beautiful hairstyle, a beautiful voice... Elegance and grace, every gesture, every flutter of eyelashes, every look - everything should be perfect.

There is only one thing: we are talking about stylish beauty, elegance, unity of style, but not about sweetness and prettiness.

Aristocrat Emotionality

So that the picture is not so idyllic, we immediately note that such an accurate understanding of beauty and style is given to the Aristocrat due to the finest adjustments of emotional perception. It is spiritual subtlety and sensitivity that serve as the key to the beauty and harmony of an Aristocrat.

So you have to pay for beauty with a subtle nervous system that is not adapted for rough relationships. Hence the wish to others: take care of the Aristocrats, treat them tenderly and reverently, literally blow away specks of dust from them. The reward for such attention will be the continuous flowering of the Aristocrat. Imagine that this is a delicate flower, you can come up with a name yourself - rose, tulip, lily of the valley, and so on. This is how you treat the Aristocrat like a flower.

Well, the Aristocrat himself must carry out a very thorough revision of his arsenal of emotions, selecting joyful, favorable, beautiful emotions, expected by the very spectators who surround him.

Thus, the Aristocrat brings to life not only beauty, but also emotional richness. He should be able to rejoice if he is given a gift, he should be able to have fun if he is amused. Well, if an Aristocrat was offended, then he should be very seriously offended. So that you immediately want to feel sorry for him. An Aristocrat must constantly evoke a feeling of compassion, a feeling of pity.

In a word, we are talking about noble manners, but very precise and harmonious, coming from the depths of the soul. But you shouldn’t be too zealous, you shouldn’t pretend to be what is not expected of you: it’s stupid to be offended if no one offended you, it’s stupid to have fun if no one thought to amuse you. And so on.

You need to become the soul of the new company

It is easy to guess that the great gift of emotional genius is not very effective in face-to-face communication, turning into an emotional duel when too much energy is splashed out on the opponent. It's a completely different matter when there are a lot of spectators. There is a direct analogy with high society, where beauty becomes the main achievement only with a large gathering of people.

So it is strategically important for the Aristocrat to have more people around so that he is always the center of attention. Only then will the Aristocrat appear in all his splendor.

But it’s better for an Aristocrat not to strive for power. His desire to please absolutely everyone can play a cruel joke on him, because a ruler must sometimes take unpopular measures. In addition, the Aristocrat receives too large advances that need to be worked off. As a result, an Aristocrat in power always goes from top to bottom, but it should be the other way around.

Eastern Zodiac– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
Eastern signs:
Zodiac signs:



For different peoples, the dream of him (her) has lived, lives and will live. He will come, he will warm everyone, he will feed everyone, he will take pity on them, he will press them to his heart, he will protect them from the cold, enemies, injustice and all kinds of hardships. Enemies can sneer, laugh, compare the Knight with Mother Teresa, Pope Carlo, Robin Hood, Don Quixote, Joan of Arc or Blessed Xenia, and still the embodied image of kindness will remain the most sought after and beloved.

And all because in childhood people did not receive the warmth of their grandparents, mother's affection and nanny's care. In a word, we are people like people, only nurseries and kindergartens have spoiled us.

Thus, the Knight is called upon to bring pristine kindness to the world of cold calculation and commercial grin and make up for the lack of warmth. How to depict this kindness and is it permissible to depict kindness? Well, I think there is no problem here. A huge number of overly benign doctrines call on all people to become kind, keep a smile, love everyone, and so on. Therefore, there will be no trouble if we call upon one of the seven signs to be an active bearer of goodness and affection, no matter what devils sit inside him.

Give people affection, a smile, feed them pies, give them tea, wrap them in warm scarves, because your image is a nanny, a kind grandmother. Protect people, protect them from rash actions, for your image is bodyguard, guardian of order and peace.

A certain obsessiveness and importunity are included in the range of the image, although they do not always evoke proper appreciation from people. There is also the Knight’s love for small details and details, which sometimes gives rise to pettiness of guardianship.

And one more thing: endless smiles, non-stop love cannot but lead the Knight to exhaustion. And then monstrous breakdowns are possible, an abyss opens up, and our eternal good-natured man shows the reverse side of the image - a terrible grin of equally eternal evil.


Called himself a Knight, be different from everyone else, separate yourself from the people, from the crowd. Knights cannot move in a herd; loneliness is their destiny. Thus, the contradiction is obvious: on the one hand, you need to go to people to warm them up, on the other hand, you need to be alone. However, the problem can be easily eliminated if the Knight is not afraid to actively violate social rules, to separate himself from the crowd with strange actions, a strange appearance, and unusual manners.

Thus, the Knight is simply obliged to put on something like this, unlike anything else. Everyone will find an example to follow (Don Quixote, Lancelot, Rumata...). It won’t hurt to say some strange words and behave on the border between normality and pathology. Sometimes strangeness is born from the glassiness of the Knight, the famous knightly call of eternity.

A knight is not an Aristocrat; he doesn’t really need people’s love. Here the game is reversed: the Knight bears love for the people, but does not collect tribute of love from the people.

Emphasis on loneliness for the Knight it happens precisely because he himself is not too happy about loneliness and seems to suffer from it. This is the game of this image - to do everything to achieve loneliness and then complain about your own loneliness. The immortal Mac Laud suffers from loneliness, the kindest Rumata remains lonely, flies away on the sheets without knowing the love of Remedios the Beautiful.

The desire for loneliness inevitably gives rise to certain communication problems. Sometimes knightly nobility is replaced by its opposite, a love of gossip, a thirst for complete control over the person being supervised. The craving for voyeurism is precisely combined with a love for small details and detailed detailing.


There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. The great Knights, real or book, do not allow us to doubt this. Most often we are talking about a feat of self-sacrifice. For the sake of the family, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of children, for the sake of the people or humanity, noble representatives of the noble horoscope sacrifice their well-being, wealth and life itself. These are the rules of the game and you shouldn’t expose these feats too seriously, you shouldn’t laugh at the Knights’ attempts to accomplish these feats. Let them... However, ridicule of the Knight is also included in the conditions of the game, helping the Knight to establish himself in his loneliness, indirectly facilitating the path to self-sacrifice.

One of the main feats in the history of mankind is the feat of love. This feat is prescribed to the Knight as the most miraculous balm. Let the Knight fall in love with someone, and he will become the happiest person on earth.

They love, put love above other matters, think about the meaning of love. It is no coincidence that, being fairly average artists, many Knights became very strong directors, the main theme of whose work was love.


A Knight cannot be evil or aggressive (like Vector), cannot be dry and rational (like a Professor), cannot be sophisticated (like an Aristocrat), or noisy and fussy (like a Leader or a Jester).

In fact, the list of prohibitions is so long that it actually leaves the Knight no freedom of action. Maybe that’s why they’re not great actors, there’s nothing special to play.

And yet the main prohibitions are not those from other people’s images, but their own family, knightly ones. You need to hide outbursts of negativism from the right people, you need to hide openly pathological deviations in the psyche, somehow restrain your obsession and try not to be too petty in your actions. The list is long. Well, those who came into the world to do good did not receive the most favorable image.

Structural horoscope developed by Grigory Kvasha

This system includes only 7 types of signs:

King, Jester, Knight, Aristocrat, Leader, Professor and Vector.

The signs of the structural horoscope do not pretend to deeply penetrate the personality; their sphere is the creation of an optimal image, which is so in demand in the era of cinema, television, the Internet, PR technologies and other virtual reality.

So who are you?

This is easy to find out: find your patron in the vertical column

According to the eastern horoscope (by year of birth), and in the horizontal one - your zodiac sign.

At the intersection in the table there is a number corresponding to your structural horoscope sign.

I - King


Rich or poor, smart or stupid, beautiful or ugly, the King is obliged to demonstrate his greatness, to show his endless inner pride.

The question arises: what exactly is the King so proud of? If we were talking about real kings, then everything would be clear - anointing, chosenness, this and that. But what is the virtual King proud of? It turns out there is something. The greatest harmony is hidden in the King’s horoscope; potentially the King could be any sign (“kings can do anything”). He could be handsome and loved by the people (like an Aristocrat), he could become an excellent speaker or scientist (like a Professor). The King has dignity and nobility from the Knight, a bewitching, hypnotic gift of influence on people from the Leader. But most of all, the King is similar to the Jester, for the thirst to joke and laugh at his subjects (all people), as well as the jester’s dislike for authority figures, is literally in the King’s blood. There is only one thing the King cannot do - become a Vector. That is why our life is always a confrontation between the King and the Vector.

However, the King’s universalism turns out to be, if not a tragedy, then a huge difficulty for him. The king must master all five images, master them perfectly and have time to combine them together, and so that no one image has an advantage.

And then that same pride will arise that does not need to be demonstrated. There is no need to demonstrate subtlety of manners (Aristocrat), no need to stick out your intelligence (Professor), no need to yell (Leader) or take poses (Knight), just smile slightly (Jester) and enter the hall. And then everyone will stand up (or lie down?) and bow their heads before the King. Because pride has turned into greatness.


The King’s difficulties in creating a full-fledged image force him to live by the slogan “all or nothing!” Since it is very difficult to achieve everything at once, the King needs a long time to prepare his image. As a result, you simply have to hide, turning into a hermit.

It’s not just about walking in the desert or living in a deep forest; you can also be a hermit in a crowd. Moreover, it is the King who is allowed to create a zero image, unremarkable in anything. It's not that easy, every person has signs. In essence, we are talking about creating the image of an invisible man, facial expressions, gestures, whose appearance is so harmonious and calm that the gaze of any person slides along the King and does not linger on a single detail.

The King's extraordinary modesty is associated with his hermitage. The greatest ruler in the history of mankind, the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian (Horse, Libra), the creator of the model of the sole power of the Roman emperor over the entire world, amazed his contemporaries with his incredible modesty and minimal needs.

Another explanation for royal modesty is the harmony of the image. The King initially has everything, all the elements are compensated, he, like an inert gas, has no valence, does not seek anything, and therefore does not suffer from an inferiority complex, does not crave self-affirmation. And not in any direction.

Modesty, tranquility, and the impossibility of a quick career make the King so passive that he, in fact, completely slows down and goes into the career reserve, staying there for a very long time or remaining forever. And great efforts are needed to activate the King, to call him to the kingdom. Every national history is full of stories about the call to the kingdom. Either Ilya Muromets was called to save Rus', or Alexander Nevsky was called by the whole world. Again, saving Rus'. The last case is a football failure, and then a miraculous revival created by Georgy Yartsev (Rat, Aries). At the same time, a striking detail is that at the time of the call to “save Russia,” Georgy Yartsev was not training anyone at all, being a classic hermit.

Hermitage, a real separation from the masses, gives birth in the King something that cannot be achieved by any technical means - extraordinary inner dignity, pride and generosity. The King is both simple and inaccessible at the same time, and only then is he truly the King.


The king must rule. Not to fight for power, but simply to rule.... A comparison with the position of the English queen is more suitable here - she rules, but does not rule. However, in exceptional cases, Kings and Queens can rule; they have everything they need for supreme power. And yet we are talking not so much about political power, but about spiritual power or something. The greatness of the King is such that he simply does not need shoulder straps, stripes and other attributes.

The very fact of the existence of the King, even in a forest or desert, is already beneficial for humanity, infecting people with calmness, confidence, giving wisdom and understanding of the meaning of existence.

The King's rule is based on an infinitely expanded authority. The authority of the King puts pressure on people, they begin to trust the King, which is why his authority increases, after which people’s trust increases even more. This is the mechanism of the resonant growth of royal power.

A huge advantage in the power of the King is his lack of careerism and ambition. The king still has to be persuaded to accept rule. Likewise, after leaving, the King does not hold on to power, therefore, does not suffer from persecution mania, and does not take any emergency measures to protect his power. Another thing is that his power is so unmistakable that there is little threat to it.

Despite the small number of Kings and their lack of career ambitions, a royal career still happens from time to time. Let's say, Vladimir Kramnik (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain becoming the chess king. And Nikolai Patrushev (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain to head the FSB. Rudolf Abel (Cat, Cancer) was recognized as the king of intelligence, and John Young (Horse, Libra) was recognized as the king of astronautics. The first to be crowned was the film director Sergei Eisenstein (Dog, Aquarius), and the king of animation was Yuri Norshtein (Snake, Virgo). Bill Gates (Goat, Scorpio) is recognized as the king of the computer world.

And yet one horoscope is not enough. If you delve into the biographies of these people, two circumstances will always emerge. First: there is always someone nearby who disinhibits the too passive King. And second: there were almost always circumstances that slowed down a career, preventing it from being realized too early.


For the King there are almost no prohibitions; you can be in all images, except for the vector one. And therefore, exactly what is good for Vector is not good for the King. They are real antipodes.

So: The king should not be fussy, should not fuss, should not seek friendship with just anyone. No familiarity, no rudeness. The image of a seducer and adventurer is also contraindicated for the King.

And the King cannot count on a quick career, quick success, and cannot live a short life. Well, since all diseases are caused by nerves, you shouldn’t be nervous. And in general it is not recommended to get sick. Only a long-lived King, a universal King, can achieve any career success.


When you hire a King, you always run the risk of getting a half-asleep slacker. Therefore, we immediately need to think through the mechanism for awakening it.

But the King is good where panoramic thinking is needed, a view of the matter from a great height, a universal approach. Usually we are talking about areas in which a variety of interests and a variety of elements are intertwined.

The situation with marriage is even more complicated. A calm, balanced and beautiful person is a bait for too many. Alas, they will be disappointed; the King is too balanced and therefore does not need to look for the missing “half”. There may be salvation in the so-called Royal marriages when both spouses are Kings. Director Yuri Norshtein (Snake, Virgo) and actress Lyudmila Kasatkina (Ox, Taurus) and director Sergei Kolosov (Rooster, Capricorn) have been together for many years.

So the conclusion:

II - Leader


All talk about energetic and sluggish annual (or zodiac) signs must be forgotten, because any sign can find energy, the main thing is to know where the energy source is buried. But demonstrating energy or lethargy is a matter of image and, therefore, a Virtual Horoscope.

You can demonstrate energy in different ways. Let's say, the two most popular Leaders in our history, Lenin (Horse, Taurus) and Stalin (Cat, Sagittarius) acted in different techniques. Lenin's eyes are burning, his body is shaking, his hands are working nonstop in characteristic gestures, and his voice, frankly speaking, is electrifying. Stalin seems to speak quietly, no special gestures, but the hall lit up from his speeches no worse than from Lenin. This means that Stalin could convey his inner fire without unnecessary noise.

Thus, there are two opposing techniques: external, through noise, crackling, a loud voice, a sharp gesture, and internal, through the grinding of teeth, some kind of convulsions invisible to the world, and most importantly - eyes full of fire. The decisive criterion remains the fact of energy release. Another thing is that the energy itself can be different (white, black...). And so, any charismatic leader, be it Lenin, Stalin or Yuri Luzhkov (Rat, Virgo), is certainly an energy donor. A well-promoted Leader is able to rouse and inspire thousands, or even millions, of people with his words. That is why the Leader’s price is so great at the moment when it is necessary to break the enemy’s initiative with energetic resistance. The same Ilya Erenburg (Cat, Aquarius) from the first days of the war became one of the main agitators and inspirers of hatred of fascism.

Margaret Thatcher (Ox, Libra). The Iron Lady didn’t just make politics, she literally crushed people with her pressure and temperament. Her image helped her a lot in politics, although, of course, you can’t make politics with image alone.


The energy pressure of the sign, aimed at deforming others, turns on its owner, and also leads to maximum deformation, deprives him of harmony, makes him twitchy and funny. The same motor skills and vocabulary that in a revolutionary era or during a war look not only appropriate, but also the only true one, in peaceful life causes bewilderment and even laughter.

Since laughter is a rather expensive commodity in life, there is no point in disdaining the ability to generate laughter. Although, to be honest, laughter caused by eccentricity is not very subtle and is similar to laughter from tickling.

The leader screams, his eyes widen, and he waves his arms. With its eternal movement, it is designed to excite the exhausted, wake up those who have fallen asleep, tickle fat bodies, and cause general activity. If people remained passive, if the Leader could not scare them with his energy attack, then let them at least laugh.

If there is a Jester in a series of seven signs, then why is such a funny Leader needed? The answer is simple, the Jester’s humor is not clear to everyone, it’s too poisonous, too intellectual. There is a type of people whom the Jester does not make funny at all. The Leader’s humor is simpler, time-tested routines: funny faces, jumps, falls, slaps. Rough, but reliable. Therefore, you shouldn’t be overzealous with subtleties; you should look for clichéd, age-old humor.


The joy of being combined with naivety gives rise to enthusiasm. Enthusiasm does not always accompany childhood. Paradoxically, it is precisely in early ages that a person can allow himself the luxury of sadness and despondency, because everything is still ahead. But the older he gets, the more important it is not to lose his tone, the more important it is to believe in the victory of good, to rejoice at work and hope that the most neglected situations will be corrected.

In adulthood, loss of enthusiasm is deadly. As a result, it is the Leaders who become so welcome in any place where not too young people gather. Therefore, it would be good to fill medical institutions with Leaders, as well as administrative offices occupied by the elderly. It is not peace that elderly people need; they already have too much peace, but the noise of the din and a sea of ​​enthusiasm.


You cannot remain silent, sit in the corner, be petty, neat, dress up in modest clothes. That’s why you should avoid anything camouflaging or modest. No gray or brown tones, no ordinary hairstyles, no banal styles.

On the other hand, you can’t fuss over little things or start too small projects. If we're going to get down to business, then do it in a big way. A leader who tries to arrange his own little problems, tries to remove himself from public interests, is doomed to failure.

You cannot keep the energy that comes inside. If energy is born, then you need to give it an outlet. Adrenaline enters the blood and requires active action.


Initiative is what is required of Leaders in service. Particularly good is an initiative subordinate, cheerful and full of energy. If he gets carried away, then there will always be authority for him in the form of a boss who can weed out good initiatives from bad ones. But the Chief Leader in this sense is already more dangerous. Who will stop him if something happens? Unfortunately, leaders are not always ready for real criticism.

The saying: “measure seven times and then cut” is not often used by leaders. Therefore, one should act on the principle: “Yesterday it was early, but tomorrow will be late.”

In family life, the Leaders fluctuate between equal and spiritual marriages, which proves their fighting nature and violent temperament. In marriages that require calm (patriarchal and romantic unions), the Leader is not convenient; there is too much noise where silence is needed.

So the conclusion:

III - Knight


For different peoples, the dream of him (her) has lived, lives and will live. He will come, he will warm everyone, feed everyone, take pity on them, hold them close to the heart, protect them from the cold, enemies, injustice and all kinds of hardships. Enemies can sneer, laugh, compare the Knight with Mother Teresa, Pope Carlo, Robin Hood, Don Quixote, Joan of Arc or Blessed Xenia, and still the embodied image of kindness will remain the most sought after and beloved.

And all because in childhood people did not receive the warmth of their grandparents, mother's affection and nanny's care. In a word, we are people like people, only nurseries and kindergartens have spoiled us.

Thus, the Knight is called upon to bring pristine kindness to the world of cold calculation and commercial grin and make up for the lack of warmth. How to depict this kindness and is it permissible to depict kindness? Well, I think there is no problem here. A huge number of overly benign doctrines call on all people to become kind, keep a smile, love everyone, and so on. Therefore, there will be no trouble if we call upon one of the seven signs to be an active bearer of goodness and affection, no matter what devils sit inside him.

Give people affection, a smile, feed them pies, give them tea, wrap them in warm scarves, because your image is a nanny, a kind grandmother. Protect people, protect them from rash actions, for your image is a bodyguard, a guardian of order and peace.

A certain obsessiveness and importunity are included in the range of the image, although they do not always evoke proper appreciation from people. There is also the Knight’s love for small details and details, which sometimes gives rise to pettiness of guardianship.

And one more thing: endless smiles, non-stop love cannot but lead the Knight to exhaustion. And then monstrous breakdowns are possible, an abyss opens up, and our eternal good-natured man shows the reverse side of the image - a terrible grin of equally eternal evil.


Called himself a Knight, be different from everyone else, separate yourself from the people, from the crowd. Knights cannot move in a herd; loneliness is their lot. Thus, the contradiction is obvious: on the one hand, you need to go to people to warm them up, on the other hand, you need to be alone. However, the problem can be easily eliminated if the Knight is not afraid to actively violate social rules, to separate himself from the crowd with strange actions, a strange appearance, and unusual manners.

Thus, the Knight is simply obliged to put on something like this, unlike anything else. Everyone will find an example to follow (Don Quixote, Lancelot, Rumata...). It won’t hurt to say some strange words and behave on the border between normality and pathology. Sometimes strangeness is born from the glassiness of the Knight, the famous knightly call of eternity.

A knight is not an Aristocrat; he doesn’t really need people’s love. Here the game is reversed: the Knight bears love for the people, but does not collect tribute of love from the people.

The Knight’s emphasis on loneliness occurs precisely because he himself is not too happy about loneliness and seems to suffer from it. This is the game of this image - to do everything to achieve loneliness and then complain about your own loneliness. The immortal Mac Laud suffers from loneliness, the kindest Rumata remains lonely, flies away on the sheets without knowing the love of Remedios the Beautiful.

The desire for loneliness inevitably gives rise to certain communication problems. Sometimes knightly nobility is replaced by its opposite, a love of gossip, a thirst for complete control over the person being supervised. The craving for voyeurism is precisely combined with a love for small details and detailed detailing.


There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. The great Knights, real or book, do not allow us to doubt this. Most often we are talking about a feat of self-sacrifice. For the sake of the family, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of children, for the sake of the people or humanity, noble representatives of the noble horoscope sacrifice their well-being, wealth and life itself. These are the rules of the game and you shouldn’t expose these feats too seriously, you shouldn’t laugh at the Knights’ attempts to accomplish these feats. Let them.... However, ridicule of the Knight is also included in the conditions of the game, helping the Knight to establish himself in his loneliness, indirectly facilitating the path to self-sacrifice.

One of the main feats in the history of mankind is the feat of love. This feat is prescribed to the Knight as the most miraculous balm. Let the Knight fall in love with someone, and he will become the happiest person on earth.

They love, put love above other matters, think about the meaning of love. It is no coincidence that, being fairly average artists, many Knights became very strong directors, the main theme of whose work was love.


A Knight cannot be evil or aggressive (like Vector), cannot be dry and rational (like a Professor), cannot be sophisticated (like an Aristocrat), or noisy and fussy (like a Leader or a Jester).

In fact, the list of prohibitions is so long that it actually leaves the Knight no freedom of action. Maybe that’s why they’re not great actors, there’s nothing special to play.

And yet the main prohibitions are not those from other people’s images, but their own family, knightly ones. You need to hide outbursts of negativism from the right people, you need to hide openly pathological deviations in the psyche, somehow restrain your obsession and try not to be too petty in your actions. The list is long. Well, those who came into the world to do good did not receive the most favorable image.


Trapped in the grip of figurative prohibitions, the Knight takes revenge in real affairs. This modest, thorough and obliging sign is an excellent performer, a wonderful boss and a very good teacher. Therefore, despite all the modesty of the image, the sign has excellent career prospects. Apparent lack of talent is easily compensated by stability and reliability. The boss shouldn’t be the smartest, he should be the most fair, balanced and caring, in a word, “a father.”

The beauty of the situation is that if the initial score clearly lags behind the final score, the Knight is practically doomed to move upward non-stop. And this is very good.

In marriage, the Knight is not so universal, there is only one purpose - a romantic marriage, which is so useful for long separations and is fully consistent with the internal loneliness of the Knight, his craving for a noble gesture and admiration for ritual.

So the conclusion:

IV - Aristocrat


Well, for what image was the horoscope so generous, who did it make the leader of society, what face did it assume was the most common among people? Well, the world of light and goodness can triumph; it is truly said that beauty will save the world, for the main purpose of the Aristocrat is to bring beauty to the world. Everything here is just like in a textbook, as Chekhov taught: “everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.”

Let's start with the simplest thing, with clothes. The most correct thing: follow fashion, create fashion, spend a lot of money on clothes, expand your wardrobe indefinitely. But this is only the beginning - elegance, the beauty of gestures and facial expressions, and the beauty of the eyes are much more important. However, the eyes are already about the face.

The face for an Aristocrat is even more important than clothes. It just so happens that most people with this horoscope have large and expressive eyes and really very beautiful harmonious faces. But even if for some reason the face has not become the standard of beauty, then it must definitely be sweet, gentle and friendly. We're talking, of course, about facial expression.

As for the soul and thoughts, here we come to the most important thing. An aristocrat must be presented as a person who is morally impeccable and pure. Any, even the most insignificant doubts about moral impeccability, self-interest, malice, or secret intentions must be refuted instantly.

You can add any number of new words to Chekhov's list. Let there be beautiful furniture, beautiful smells, a beautiful hairstyle, a beautiful voice... Elegance and grace, every gesture, every flutter of eyelashes, every look - everything should be perfect.

There is only one “but”, we are talking about stylish beauty, elegance, unity of style, but not about sweetness and prettiness.


So that the picture is not so idyllic, we immediately note that such an accurate understanding of beauty and style is given to the Aristocrat due to the finest adjustments of emotional perception. It is spiritual subtlety and sensitivity that guarantee the beauty and harmony of an Aristocrat.

So you have to pay for beauty with a subtle nervous system that is not suitable for rough relationships. Hence the wish for those around us to take care of Aristocrats, treat them tenderly and reverently, and literally blow away specks of dust from them. The reward for such attention will be the continuous flowering of the Aristocrat. Imagine that this is a delicate flower, you can come up with a name yourself - rose, tulip, lily of the valley, and so on. This is how you treat the Aristocrat like a flower.

Well, the Aristocrat himself must carry out a very thorough revision of his arsenal of emotions, selecting joyful, favorable, beautiful emotions, expected by the very spectators who surround him.

Thus, the Aristocrat brings to life not only beauty, but also emotional richness. He should be able to rejoice if he is given a gift, he should be able to have fun if he is amused. Well, if an Aristocrat was offended, then he should be very seriously offended. So that you immediately want to feel sorry for him. An Aristocrat must constantly evoke a feeling of compassion, a feeling of pity.

In a word, we are talking about a game, but a very sincere one, coming from the depths of the soul. But you shouldn’t play around, just as you shouldn’t play what is not expected of you. It’s stupid to be offended if no one has offended you, it’s stupid to have fun if no one thought to amuse you. And so on.


It is easy to guess that the great gift of emotional genius is not very effective in face-to-face communication, provoking an emotional duel when too much energy is splashed out on the opponent. It's a completely different matter when there are a lot of spectators. There is a direct analogy with the traditional way of life for the aristocracy, filled with various social events, balls, receptions, and so on.

So it is strategically important for the Aristocrat to have more people around so that he is always the center of attention. Only then will the Aristocrat appear in all his splendor.

We can say that Aristocrat is the best sociologist, because he amazingly studied the laws of the auditorium, the crowd, and society. The aristocrat is the best expert on the collective mind. Therefore, it is he, with all his outward unreasonableness and emotionality, that is the best sociologist, political strategist, advertising agent, and so on. It is not analysis, but precisely a subtle instinct that helps the Aristocrat recognize the preferences of the masses. Well, in order to become the soul of any company, he only needs to want it.

But it’s better for an Aristocrat not to strive for power. His desire to please absolutely everyone can play a cruel joke on him. A ruler must sometimes take unpopular measures. In addition, the Aristocrat receives too large advances that need to be worked off. As a result, in power he always goes from top to bottom, but it should be the other way around.


So: it is undesirable for an Aristocrat to go into power - a sea of ​​​​charm, but inevitable disappointment. And what else?

And you don’t have to pretend to be a great smart guy; it’s much more important to seem honest, noble and moderately naive. There is no need to chatter non-stop; it is better to remain beautifully silent or speak briefly, succinctly and aphoristically. Long and meaningless conversations are not a noble thing, especially serious conversations that affect the emotional sphere. The aristocrat quickly boils and, when boiling, instantly loses all its charm. It is better to have some familiar words prepared in advance for all occasions, and most importantly, intonation. For an Aristocrat, intonation means more than the word itself.

You should absolutely never be at enmity with anyone. If you really can’t stand it, then it’s better to flare up and shout, but just not quarrel on an ongoing basis. And therefore, no long-term grudges, no revenge. There should be an even, friendly relationship with everyone. You shouldn’t join one of the warring groups, you shouldn’t perform feats in the name of friendship, you just need to have pleasant, unburdensome relationships with everyone. Absolute goodwill towards everyone is the only way to preserve your own health. But you need to take care of others in moderation. They must take care of the Aristocrat. After all, he is the center of the universe.

The presence of enemies is destructive for an Aristocrat; when he is not loved, he melts like a candle.


If an Aristocrat is a boss, then he must have a Cerberus deputy who would compensate for the goodwill of a too soft boss. In all other cases, the Aristocrat should strive to become everyone's favorite, the most beautiful, the most elegant, a pleasant person in all respects. But the main thing is that he is a person above suspicion, with impeccable moral authority.

In marriage, the Aristocrat is a complex figure, because he is not very comfortable in a small family group. The family is a bit crowded for him. The position of the sign in a patriarchal marriage is especially sad, because it requires devotion to the household, and not to society, while the Aristocrat serves society, and not chickens, sheep and cucumbers.

So the conclusion:

V - Professor


Well, someone must remain a reliable figure in our world, a person endowed with reason and rationality. Otherwise, there are too many irresponsible talkers and sensitive natures of varying degrees of exaltation. In a word, Professors need to cultivate in themselves the image of a reliable, reasonable and sensible person.

There are several ways to look smart and logical. For some, everything is simple - put on glasses, a hat, wrinkle your forehead and speak smart words. Another needs diplomas and laureate badges, the third develops broad erudition in himself to demonstrate his intelligence.

And yet, the main manifestation of rationality remains consistency, adherence to some rules. And therefore, to strengthen the image, it is so important to maintain the illusion of constancy of tastes, constancy of views, and the presence of your own opinion on every issue. At the same time, extravagance is not welcome, the main thing is that the opinion must be solidly substantiated. In this way, the image of a person who has thought through everything, provided for it, and is therefore reliable and thorough is gradually achieved.

In this sense, solidity is a very good quality. At the same time, solidity can be of several shades. For example: administrative - position, retinue, privileges. Or commercial respectability - a bank account, an expensive car, discreet but prestigious things. Or maybe combat solidity, the ability to fight back any violence, to scatter offenders in the corners. This type of solidity fits perfectly with the dryness and coldness of this image.

However, any type of solidity can fall apart if it is not supported by a smart and timely word; looks and gestures are not enough. There is no escape - you have to speak, you have to learn words, learn the art of oratory.


In any life situation, a Professor must feel like himself, that is, a lecturer, moral teacher, moralizer. Thus, his task is not so much to be a moral person, but to teach others to do so. A kind of universal teacher, sensible and reasonable. Sometimes this approach to life turns into tediousness, but it is still better to become a speech virtuoso. And for this you need to expand your vocabulary as much as possible.

The ideal model for long conversations is to speak dryly, clearly, logically, competently and without unnecessary emotions. As an option, an elaborate chatter a la Dima Dibrov (Boar, Cancer) is possible - “Anthropology”, “Apology”, although equipped with a sea of ​​​​beautiful words, it is quite meaningful, verified and accurate. In a different manner, such TV presenters as Savik Shuster (Dragon, Aries) - “Freedom of Speech”, Oleg Shklovsky (Boar, Cancer) - “How it was”, Mikhail Leontyev - “However” express their thoughts in a different manner. The somewhat exaggerated but masterly style of a dried shark was demonstrated by synchronized swimmer from “The Weak Link” Marina Kiseleva (Tiger, Libra).

And, of course, the great speaker Leon Trotsky (Cat, Scorpio), great speakers - Olga Vysotskaya (Horse, Gemini), Yuri Levitan (Tiger, Libra), the wonderful reader Mikhail Kozakov (Dog, Libra), or the most famous presenter -show Oprah Winfrey (Horse, Aquarius).


Matters of taste - some people like tough and clear skeptics, while others like jokers, brilliant talkers, whom you don’t put your finger in their mouth. The professor is allowed to choose any option. Gloomy skepticism or cheerful chatter, all this will be favorably received in society. Just not to be silent, just not to look like a doll dressed up without thoughts, without ideas.

In the West, the image of the Professor very often flows into the image of a calculating and tough fighter. In general, this is true - the Professor is very often a good athlete, rational and calculating. Rigidity in our country is interpreted as callousness, in the West it is transformed into clarity and reasonableness. As we become closer to the West, this image has become popular among us. The main thing here is to add irony and ridicule to the harshness.

In general, irony is extremely necessary for the Professor. An ironic grin should always be in stock. Real university professors need irony to upset students, but the Professor should treat everyone around him like foolish young children. So in any society, the Professor is always the most mature and wise, no matter what his age.

Hence the specific sense of humor, ridicule, irony, sometimes rather harsh shots, devoid of good nature and lightness.


The main thing is to give up emotions as much as possible. No emotional displays, no eye play, expressive gestures, sudden outbursts and other nonsense. Silence in general is not desirable, but silence that is supposed to express something is especially undesirable.

Confusion, panic, vanity, all sorts of small plastic movements, shifty eyes, and so on in the same spirit are strictly prohibited.

In the style of clothing, you should do without artistic details, a minimum of brilliance, a minimum of hints of subtlety of taste, everything should be simple, clear, distinct, almost military-style.

And you can’t say something that you yourself don’t understand, you can’t put ellipses, you can’t swallow the ends of phrases, which is what the tongue-tied President of the USSR suffered from so much. Finish everything off and put points, driving them into the ears of the listeners like a sledgehammer.

You can’t demonstrate kindness, but you also can’t get carried away with anger, because you yourself are a walking morality, a kind of judge of people, and the judge has no bias.


A Professor can make a very good boss. Planfulness, clarity, logic and prudence are all a plus. Some dryness and callousness in the image of a boss is also not a problem. In subordinate positions, one must emphasize production successes, and not personal charm. It is very good if you get the position of a negotiator, a person involved in calculations, drawing up long-term plans, and so on.

The Professor is not so good at marriage. With all his great intellect, too smart marriages (equal, spiritual) are not suitable for him. But a simple patriarchal one will do. The rigidity of the Professor himself will harmoniously merge with the rigidity of the division of responsibilities around the house, which is very beneficial for both the marriage and the Professor.

So the conclusion:

VI - Jester


Rejoice people, the nature of laughter has been revealed! Laughter is born from a minimal discrepancy between the annual sign and the zodiac sign (a shift of plus or minus one). This is a theory, but in practice we are talking about an elementary parody. It is in parody and imitation that the basis of the funny in the Jester’s worldview.

If we take professional parodists, clowns and other entertainers out of the conversation, then what should everyone else do? Whom to make laugh, how and why? Make fun and make fun of everyone and everything. A jester is someone who is allowed not to have sacred things and to subject everything to the purifying fire of mockery, ridicule, and parody.

Any team needs a person who is allowed to criticize a boss at any level and nothing will happen to him for it. This is precisely why jesters were kept at the royal court, so that at least someone would not fall ill with sycophancy.

A lot has been said about the healing properties of laughter. For example, this: “Humanity, laughing, parts with its past.” That is why laughter is not just entertainment, it is a whole mechanism for the collapse of frozen dogmas, political, scientific, cultural. That is why Jesters are so needed in those places (in those groups) where everything is overgrown with moss, covered with dust and cobwebs.

It is clear that the Jester in such a situation is more of a satirist than a humorist, although for a satirist he lacks incriminating pathos. The jester is not a pretentious figure and mocks both his superiors and his subordinates with equal pleasure, but he can also mock himself. Irony, once again irony and no pathos.

In general, the moment of truth for the Jester is the presence or absence of a sense of humor. If it exists, it’s already a victory! It is already possible to distinguish funny from sad. Well, if you have an active sense of humor, then this is already a celebration of life and then everything will work out.

Finally, a few words about intelligence. Thanks to some television programs, the business of laughter has come to seem like the apotheosis of cheerful stupidity. A true Jester is a brilliant intellectual, for his wit is evidence of his keen mind.


The Jester does not have an energy barrage similar to what the Leader creates. The Jester cannot run around and pull everyone in a row, charging them with vigor and enthusiasm. He has a different virtue, a different, more subtle tuning. The jester brings with him light, joy, a genetic smile that can illuminate half the world and finally drive away the night. The most striking example here is, of course, Yuri Gagarin (Dog, Pisces), with his fantastic smile. There was no second such smile in the history of mankind.

The light modification of the Jester is perhaps even more valuable than the laughter modification, because it is practically impossible to falsify. You can play a funny joke teller by memorizing a couple of collections of jokes. But it is almost impossible to teach a person to shine with light. An energetically sincere smile is the most difficult action in the world of virtual technologies. False and forced production smiles of clerks at various levels do not count.

The Jester's smile can rise so high that it seems to pierce the boundaries of what is permitted, becoming stupid. Well, this is not scary for the Jester. If you couldn't become bright, you'll be funny again.


The jester may seem like an absurd and awkward figure. Everyone is ready to throw their own stone at the Jester, everyone is ready to downplay the Jester’s abilities. Nevertheless, the Jester has an ability that is absolutely impossible to keep silent about. We are talking about the psychological insight of the Jester.

Psychologists-theorists, as a rule, fight not for a person, but for some latest fashionable doctrine. But a practical psychologist, a person who really knows how to get into the skin of another person, is always at a great price. So, this kind of talent is most developed in the Jester.

This is not difficult to understand. If the Jester was able to become a parodist, if he has the gift of imitation and the talent of a mockingbird, if he was able to really make fun of a person, then it means that he was able to unravel the psychology of this subject. A simple exercise: try to copy the facial expression of another person, and you will immediately understand the structure of his thoughts. This is the thing that the Jester does masterfully.

In short, as it should be, in a good fairy tale the fool turns out to be, if not the smartest, then at least the most insightful character.

As for the psychologist’s ability not only to understand a person and sympathize with him, but also to find a way out of a difficult situation, the Jester’s sense of humor can provide invaluable help here, because it is known that most psychological problems arise precisely where we cannot laugh, cannot look at yourself with humor from the outside.


Despite the obvious and bright texture of the Jester, something incomprehensible and frightening remains in this sign. Why is one Jester funny from childhood, without any preparation, and another Jester is terrible, one is as bright as the sun, the other is dark as the night. At the same time, it is stupid to force the light Jester to darken and the dark one to lighten. But what the Jester definitely shouldn’t do is look for a middle ground. You were born a freak, so be one. You can’t flatten yourself, make yourself ordinary. What disappointment children experience when the clown takes off his makeup and turns into an ordinary guy! The same disappointment is experienced by everyone who watches the Jester, who is neither funny nor scary, ordinary and ordinary.


Let us remember that “tempting arches of palaces will never replace freedom.” In this sense, the Jester is not the most convenient figure in the service; he is independent, daring, and freedom-loving. However, for rapidly growing organizations, the Jester, with his sharp, critical approach to everything, can be very useful. But the leader from the Jester, apparently, is not the best.

In marriage, the Jester prefers activity - an equal and spiritual union. In patriarchal and romantic marriages that require peace, the Jester has nothing to do.

So the conclusion:

The remaining six signs, to one degree or another, demonstrate the balance of the elements. In the King all possible elements are balanced, the Jester or Leader have a minimal balance of elements. The remaining three signs are in an intermediate state. But Vector must, well, simply must be unbalanced, the balance of the elements in him is completely destroyed. We are, of course, talking about the image of a person. If for some reason the image was balanced, then things are bad, the vector energy of chaos will make its way inside the person and then we must expect trouble, and Goethe’s words will begin to sound differently: “he always wants good, and always commits evil.”

Vector’s imbalance must be evident in every look, every gesture, in words, eyes, and actions. It should be like a bare live wire, like a spark-making machine. At the same time, Vector is very far from neurasthenia and other nervous diseases; his nerves are like ropes. This is not nervousness, this is some kind of eternal itch, a thirst for movement, a thirst for vanity. Someone is called into the world to establish and give birth to harmony and order, and someone (of course, this is Vector) is called to destroy excess order, giving birth to chaos. In this sense, Vector is an ideal machine for producing chaos, something like an apparatus for creating a series of random numbers.

So Vector’s main task is to worry himself and infect others with his worry. The most remarkable thing is that anxiety should be causeless, as if from nothing.

Many Vectors cannot sit still for a long time, they constantly jump up and run somewhere. Movements are convulsive, jerky or tense. There are either needles or sparks in Vector’s eyes.


Anxiety is just a touch, a type of vibration, the reality of an image cannot be created with this trembling. Action is needed. And actions of the worst kind.

The simplest version of the image is the role of embodied temptation for the opposite sex. This is behavior in which there is no hint of the usual friendly good nature or ordinary indifference, but on the contrary, the thought of flirting, coquetry, advances, and of a rather aggressive kind, immediately arises. Words, gestures, glances should literally pierce right through without any prior preparation.

Ordinary, balanced people know how difficult it is to maintain oneself in such an aggressive mood all the time. But Vector can play the role of a fatal seducer for many years and even decades. Surprisingly, in marriage, despite his bad reputation, Vector turns into a wonderful family man who knows very precisely how to save his family.

Another type of adventurous behavior is quarrelsomeness, scandalousness and intrigue. All these qualities have been stigmatized by humanity a long time ago, but there is no sign that they are on the decline. As for bitches and stervoids, the demand for them is consistently high at all times. What's the matter? And the fact is that they are needed. They don't let people sleep, they wind them up, they wake them up. Moreover, we are talking about any field of activity - family, science, philosophy, politics.

How amazingly Nikita Khrushchev’s career (Horse, Aries) advanced when he threw off the mask of a jester and clown under the Stalinist Politburo and began to play to the full extent of his temperament, dashingly, powerfully. “Kuzka’s mother”, “an aspen stake in the grave of imperialism”, and the famous shoe with which he knocked on the UN podium - what image maker could teach him such behavior?

Nowadays, Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Dog, Taurus) is welcome in the Duma and on television. How many times have they predicted his failure in the elections, but he still holds on. But his behavior does not fit into any framework. Boris Nemtsov (Boar, Libra) splashed juice on the screen with him. For many years, the dear Anatoly Chubais (Goat, Gemini) has been in the form of a fiend of hell. Women are not much different - in our country it is Valeria Novodvorskaya (Tiger, Taurus), in Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko (Rat, Sagittarius).

It’s hard to advise copying this behavior, but Vector should experiment with scandalous behavior.

And, of course, vocabulary. If an Aristocrat should be silent, and a Professor should speak intelligently, then Vector should expand his vocabulary limitlessly, not avoiding any garbage. No word will be superfluous. Alexander Pushkin (Goat, Gemini) was not shy in his choice of words and did not become less loved by us because of this.

Outrageousness - a lot of things in music, fashion, and literature depend on it. And almost always these are traces of the activities of Vectors.


In every team there must be someone who goes against meaning, against logic, against any kind of order. Its purpose is to twist, stir up, confuse, to be an eternal source of confusion. The question is: why? And then, it’s boring and tedious, and we’ll never find the truth without such desperate opponents as Vector.

In any case, the social activity of Vectors should be no less than that of an Aristocrat, but at the same time they must fight not for the title of the whitest and fluffiest, but, on the contrary, for the title of the blackest and shaggiest. Let them compare you to devils, let them be afraid, and then you can pave your way to the top and do good.


It’s easy to guess that you can’t be lean, rational, you can’t look banal, keep silent, sit back, pretend to be like everyone else. You cannot be systematic and rational.

You cannot doubt your right to adventurism, aggressiveness and bitchiness. Any doubts or moral torment about the legitimacy of such a course of action immediately deprive Vector of his magical power.

And further. It is undesirable to go to those areas, to those places where order and harmony triumph, to places where there is no struggle. Vector cannot make a career there.


While Vector strives for the heights of his career, it is very difficult to cope with him. Sometimes it is easier to give way than to fight with him. Having reached his intended goal, Vector calms down somewhat and behaves quite adequately, protecting his own and fighting with strangers. Although subordinates almost always have to put up with the boss’s idiosyncrasy. Vector's leadership methods are not acceptable to everyone.

But in marriage with Vector, a miracle happens. While maintaining a violent temper outside marriage, inside marriage Vector becomes the so-called marriage doctor, magically comprehends the essence of his marriage and behaves in it in such a way that the marriage becomes stronger.

So the conclusion:

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With the help of the "Table of Annual Signs" you can determine your annual sign, which to a large extent determines the type of thinking, creative orientation and behavior of a person.

“Chart of Zodiac Signs” will help you determine your zodiac sign, which determines a person’s health, ambitions, life plans and intentions.

Comparing the annual and zodiac signs using the “Table of Virtual Signs” will help you get to know yourself and your partner better. The characteristics of the seven signs from this table are based on many years of observations of the destinies of people.


Year sign Start Ending Years
Rat 1st of January January 13 next year 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
Bull 13th of January 31th of December 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Tiger 1st of January January 13 next year 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
Cat 13th of January 31th of December 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
The Dragon 1st of January January 13 next year 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
Snake 13th of January 31th of December 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989
Horse 1st of January January 13 next year 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990
Goat 13th of January 31th of December 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991
Monkey 1st of January January 13 next year 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992
Rooster 13th of January 31th of December 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993
Dog 1st of January January 13 next year 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994
Boar 13th of January 31th of December 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995


Zodiac sign Start Ending
Capricorn December 22 January 19
Aquarius January 20th February 19
Fish February 20th 21 March
Aries March 22 April 21
Taurus April 22 May 21st
Twins 22nd of May 21st of June
Cancer 22nd of June 21 July
a lion July 22 August 21
Virgo August 22 September 21
Scales September 22nd October 21
Scorpion 22 of October 20 November
Sagittarius November 21 21 December


The Dragon
a lion
The Dragon

Below are the characteristics of virtual signs that will help you in your business relationships and personal life. With this information you can achieve success in life.


An aristocrat brings beauty to the world. He follows fashion and his appearance. His facial expressions and gestures are elegant. The faces of people of this sign are usually harmonious with large and expressive eyes, the facial expression is always sweet, gentle and friendly. Morally, the Aristocrat is pure and impeccable.

An aristocrat knows perfectly well the laws of society, the crowd, the auditorium, and the collective mind. People of this sign make excellent sociologists, political strategists, and advertising agents. They succeed in their work thanks to their subtle instincts, rather than analyzing the preferences of the masses.

Emotionality and delicate mental balance make the Aristocrat unsuitable for rough relationships.

Power. An aristocrat strives to please everyone, therefore in power he always goes from top to bottom, and not vice versa - as is required of a ruler.

In company. It is important for an aristocrat that he is always in the center of attention, so that there are more spectators around. In such a situation, he manifests himself in all his glory, and one-on-one communication turns into an emotional duel.

On duty. Aristocrats make benevolent and gentle bosses, even too much so. At the same time, he has impeccable moral authority.

Married. In a small family, an Aristocrat may feel uncomfortable and cramped. This sign experiences a particularly difficult time in a patriarchal marriage.

What you need. Don't be shy about showing emotions. If someone gives you a gift, be happy. If you are having fun, have fun. If you are offended, be offended. But don't overdo it. If no one offended you, for example, it is stupid to show offense.

This is not possible. Don’t be clever in vain; it’s much more important to be honest and noble. Don’t talk a lot, it’s better to speak succinctly and briefly. Avoid emotional conversations, you will quickly boil over and lose all your charm.


Vector is constantly worried and infects those around him with his anxiety. It's like a bare wire - constantly energized. But at the same time, Vector’s nerves are like steel ropes. Vector is a machine for creating chaos; he destroys order with his thirst for vanity and movement.

Vector cannot sit still, he constantly jumps up and runs somewhere. Vectors are adventurous people, but in their own style. They love squabbles, scandals and intrigue. With all these qualities, such people are simply necessary to maintain balance in our lives.

Vector is an insidious seducer, but in marriage he becomes a paradoxically wonderful family man.

A team. Without its own Vector, any company will get bored. He acts against sense and logic - awakening life and giving energy to those around him.

On duty. On the career ladder, it is better to give way to Vector than to fight him. But having achieved his goal, Vector calms down, although he becomes a kind of boss.

Married. A violent temper outside of marriage allows Vector to be a real marriage doctor and strengthen the family from the inside.

What you need. Expand your vocabulary and strive to advance in your career. Don’t be afraid to create the image of a fiend, experiment with your scandalous behavior.

This is not possible. The main thing is don’t be banal, lean, rational - don’t be like everyone else. Vector has every right to be bitchy and adventurous. Don't go into areas where there is no struggle, you won't succeed there.


The professor has a pure mind. These are reliable and reasonable people. They are consistent and committed to the rules, and have their own opinion on any issue. Their views and tastes are consistent. They create an image of a prudent person.

On duty. The Professor will make a very good boss. He carefully plans activities and thereby increases production success.

Married. A patriarchal marriage would be ideal for a professor. A strict division of responsibilities in the household will only be beneficial.

What you need. Do not hesitate to teach people, you will make an excellent teacher and lecturer. Expand your vocabulary so you don't seem boring. Communicate without unnecessary emotions, as dryly and concisely as possible. Don't be afraid to be ironic, but remain good-natured.

This is not possible. Avoid emotional displays. Do not use artistic delights in your wardrobe - glitter, bright colors, etc. After each phrase, put an explicit period. The professor is a walking unbiased moral.


Knights are famous for their kindness. They embody the centuries-old image of forgiveness and care. Knights are called upon to bring pristine warmth to our cold, calculating world, despite the condemnation of others, who can be quite cruel in their judgments.

Loneliness of the Knight. Knights are not like everyone else, and therefore they are distant from people. The knight brings his kindness, love and care to the people. He doesn't need approval or recognition. The main thing is that loneliness does not become a problem when communicating with people.

Feat in the life of a Knight. Knight's happiness in love. He simply vitally needs an object of emotional passion to whom he can give his care. For them, love comes first. They are characterized by self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones, for the sake of children, for the sake of family.

On duty. The knight is an excellent performer and an excellent boss. He is stable and reliable, which opens up good career prospects. They make fair and balanced bosses.

Married. Marriage with a Knight is romantic. For them, love with inevitable long separations and loneliness is a whole ritual, filled with noble gestures.

What you need. Care about people and don't be afraid to seem intrusive. Protect and protect those around you. But don’t forget about yourself, don’t exhaust yourself, otherwise a breakdown will be inevitable.

This is not possible. You cannot be aggressive and angry, rational and dry, arrogant and arrogant, fussy and noisy. Don't let your image of a good Knight be destroyed.


The main thing is energy. Leaders are filled with internal energy and inevitably charge those around them with it. This can be expressed in inspiring speeches or simply in sparkling eyes. A leader is charisma, leadership, he inspires people with his words and actions. The importance of the Leader is difficult to overestimate.

Don't be silent, don't sit in the corner. Avoid modesty in clothing - no routine or banality. Don't take on small tasks and projects - you can handle much more. But don't forget about the public interest. Your internal energy requires an outlet, do not accumulate it in vain, take active actions.

On duty. Leaders make quite dangerous bosses - if he gets excited about an idea, then there is little that can stop him, he does not accept criticism. Leaders show themselves much more effectively in the role of proactive subordinates.

Married. Leaders gravitate towards equal and spiritual marriages, as they have a violent temperament and cannot create silence where it is needed.

The main thing is laughter. Parody and satire are the elements of the Jester. He is actually allowed from above to criticize people. The jester will bring fun and enthusiasm to any team, even the most stagnant. Such people lack pathos; they are not humorists. Jesters are witty intellectuals who know how to laugh at themselves.

Joyful mood. The jester brings joy and light wherever he is. The Jester's smile is captivating - it is sincere and energizing. But fun and light can also turn into unexpected darkness. This is the inevitable second side of the Jester's joyful medal.

The Jester is a psychological genius. The Jester has a well-developed talent for imitation, which allows him to easily get into the shoes of other people. He unravels human psychology by parodying his manners and behavior. Such people are always highly valued in any field.

It is simply contraindicated for a jester to be mediocre. Whether it’s light or darkness, don’t be afraid of the extremes of your nature, don’t try to forcefully change it, especially smooth it out and look for a middle ground. By doing this you will disappoint both yourself and everyone around you.

On duty. At work, the Jester is independent, freedom-loving and even daring. But the Jester's keenly critical approach can be useful in growing companies.

Married. The Jester prefers a spiritual and equal marriage. A calm family environment will never suit him.


The main thing is pride. The king is always majestic, there is an obligatory inner pride in him. The king is capable of anything; the greatest harmony lies within him. He combines all the signs at once, and can be anyone, just want it. But therein lies the great difficulty of being a King - you must be able to combine all these qualities.

Hermitage of the King. It is difficult to achieve everything at once, which is why Kings are often quite unremarkable people. But at the same time they are surprisingly harmonious and calm. He may remain in reserve for a long time, but the time of coronation inevitably comes, and then the King will show himself in all his glory.

The power of the King as a destination. The king must rule - this is his end in itself, his destiny. In modern society we are talking about spiritual power rather than political power. People trust the King, his authority is constantly growing. The King often has no ambitions in his career; he takes his successes for granted, because nothing threatens his power.

Choose any image for yourself except Vector - the King is simply incompatible with him. Don’t fuss, don’t go to extremes, maintain moderation and self-control, because you are the King, people need you. Kings are born for long and productive lives.

On duty. At work, the King is distinguished by his panoramic thinking and universal approach. He looks at everything from above, which allows him to sensibly assess any situation.

Married. The king rarely bothers to find a suitable soul mate; he is too balanced and noble. The ideal marriage in such a situation would be one in which both partners are Kings.

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