How to make mashed potato fritters

About potato can be said that he is the second bread, well, and bread, as you know, everything is head. Indeed, eating potato dishes, you always feel full and in good spirits. From potatoes you can cook such a wonderful dish, like appetizing potato pancakes, it turns out delicious and even very satisfying. Moreover, it is so easy to prepare them and simply that such a procedure will not even cause fatigue. So, pleasant troubles.

Especially useful will be a potato dish during a lean days, in the period when there is no desire to mess with meat products and cook something complicated. We can safely say that pancakes from potatoes are quite an economical dish, while very tasty and useful. We already know that there are many important vitamins and trace elements in potatoes that our body needs. So we will not refuse themselves

We will spend very little time to prepare this dish. Do not even need any skill. Just need to knead the potato dough, make the required pancakes from it and fry them to a rosy crust in a pan. Prepare everything you need to prepare that we need during their preparation.

We will need such products:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • flour - approximately 60-70 g;
  • salt - to his taste;
  • eggs - 1-2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • lean oil - 50-60 g (for roasting).

What we need from dishes and other kitchen items:

  • bowl for kneading "test";
  • wooden plank;
  • pan;
  • cooking vane;
  • mortar or potatoes.

The knife is useful to us for turning the pancakes roasted on one side on the other side. You can, of course, do without it, but with him somehow more convenient. Well, I feel like that. As for the boards, their hosts in the kitchen should be at least three: for, for vegetables and for the preparation of the test (for the same pancakes, dumplings or).

In fact, these pancakes can be prepared without a bow. Some cooks do that, considering such a recipe classic. But personally I like it more with a bow. Also in some cases do not put flour. But still, in my opinion, with the flour dish is better.

How to cook

The first rule is to prepare all products. Let them be at our hand so that we do not run for them (who is in the cellar, who is to the refrigerator).

It is best to prepare pancakes from potato puree prepared on the basis of potatoes, boiled in uniform. Let it not be confused that it is easier to warm up if it is boiled without skin. Nothing, we have a mortar. But such a potato will allow us to squeeze the excellent pancakes that will not fall apart. I boil potatoes in uniforms, remove the peel from it.

Carefully knead the boiled and purified potatoes until the homogeneous mass is obtained. Our pancakes from potato mashed potatoes should turn out to be fame, so it is important to try to cook everything well.

Onions purify, mine, finely cut and put it in a puree.

Pour a pair of eggs in potatoes.

Now it's time to pour flour and mix everything. You don't need to write it too much, pancakes should not be "scored", that is, very hard.

Peepled from the dough lumps, roll balls, flatten them and get a semi-finished product of the future dish.

Pour oil and fry at first one side of pancakes first, then another. Here we will need a knife with a spatula.

Well, if you have in the refrigerator sour cream or

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