Original cloudberry jam. Recipe of cooking at home.

Cloudberry is a perennial shrub or herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome and edible berries, belongs to the genus Rubus (Raspberry) of the Pink family. Plant height is usually no more than 30 cm. The cloudberries are similar in appearance to raspberries, but differ in special taste, smell and aroma, the color of ripe berries is orange-red, (harvested in July-August). Cloudberry usually grows in peat bogs, in shrub and moss tundra, in marshy forests of the Arctic and northern forest strips of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in the middle zone of the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Far East, in Belarus. If desired, cloudberries are quite successfully cultivated.

Mature berries of cloudberries contain a lot of useful substances: proteins (0.8%), polysaccharides (6%), vegetable fibers (3.8%), organic acids (citric, malic, etc.), vitamins: C, B, PP , A, compounds of potassium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, anthocyanins, as well as tannins and pectins.

Cloudberry fruits (and some other parts of this plant) have healing properties and are widely used in traditional folk medicine. Cloudberries are harvested for the winter in various ways, including jam and boiled.

We'll tell you how to make delicious cloudberry jam. Immediately clear one important point. Many people wonder how much (more precisely, for how long, how long) to make cloudberry jam? Universal rule. In most cases, the less heat-treated any fruit or berry is, the greater the amount of nutrients in it is stored (including vitamin C, as needed by the human body). This rule is invalid only for tomatoes.

The recipe for delicious jam "five minutes" of cloudberries


  • ripe cloudberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar of domestic production - 1 kg;
  • water - about 300-350 ml.


Let's sort out the cloudberry berries, remove the spoiled and understept. Put them in a colander or sieve, rinse under a gentle stream of running cold water. Let us set aside, let the water flow.

Prepare sugar syrup for pouring berries. In a small saucepan (best of all enameled) pour water and pour sugar. Put the pot on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Sugar should dissolve completely. After boiling steadily, boil the syrup for 3 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.

Move the clean berry into an enamel or aluminum basin and gently pour the cooked syrup. Put the pelvis on the fire and over low heat, periodically gently and gently stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula, bring to a boil. Foam, formed during boiling, must be removed with a spoon. After boiling, boil the jam for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and cool to room temperature.

For the third time, bring the jam to a boil, boil for another 5 minutes and pour into steam-sterilized jars. Banks are either rolled up with tin lids, turned over and covered until completely cooled, or we put plastic covers on them.

Store jars of cloudberry jam in the cellar or on the glazed veranda, loggia at the minimum temperature above zero. These wonderful preparations wonderful diversify our tea drinking during the cold season. Well, if you treat colds, inflammatory diseases, or if your body needs vitamins, cloudberry jam will be a joy and help you and your family.

Cloudberry jam is a favorite dessert for both children and adults. And how can you resist the delightful aroma and taste of slightly astringent mouth? Berry, albeit rare, but very nutritious. And, besides, it is famous for its rich content of vitamins and microelements, which in a complex way improve human health, and also slow down the aging process.

Ripe Jam Recipe


  • cloudberry - 300 g;
  • water - 500 g;
  • sugar - 300 g


To get a rich taste of cloudberry jam, it is preferable to choose ripe berries. They should be well washed and removed deformed, as well as excess debris (twigs, leaves, etc.). Since the first stage of the preparation of cloudberry delicacies will require whole fruits, it is better to do this through a sieve. Then cloudberries will not hesitate, and the water will drain.

In the meantime, excess moisture will flow away from under the berries, you can proceed to the process of preparing a syrup, in which it will cook. Make it simple enough: mix sugar and cold water in a saucepan and put on moderate heat. Just a few minutes and you got a uniform sweet syrup.

Sugar dissolved, syrup boiled - it's time to move on to adding berries. Do this carefully so that hot sprays do not fly apart. Yes, and it will be unpleasant if the precious fruit will fly past the pan to the floor.

The first stage of cooking will last about an hour, and it should be done in a moderate mode of the burner. Also, do not forget to stir your jam to avoid unnecessary sticking to the bottom and walls of dishes.

After the allotted time, the berries must be grind. To do this, remove them from the pan back to the sieve. In this case, the syrup should be saved, it is still useful to you. This can be done with a skimmer with extreme caution, and under the sieve there should be another container into which ground cloudberries will fall.

Goal achieved? Transfer the berry mass back to the syrup and to the fire. At the second stage of cooking a lot of time is not required. It is enough to boil the jam for another 12-15 minutes, then leave the contents of the pan alone until it is completely cooled.

It remains only to sterilize the jars, distribute the jam into glass containers and seal them with tin lids. If you use plastic, then keep the cloudberry delicacy in the fridge.

Unripe Cloudberry Jam Recipe

If the berries on your table are unripe, then your own jam recipe is invented for such. On the day they are poured with sugar (a portion should correspond to the mass of fruits) and sprinkle with a small amount of lemon juice. The container is placed in a cool place, you can use the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Over time, cloudberries will begin to produce juice, which will replace the sugar syrup.

When 24 hours have passed, go to cooking. For about an hour, the contents should boil over low heat until the fruit has completely absorbed all the juices. Do not forget to interfere with the jam.

Once all the juice is gone, the pan can be removed from the heat. Allow the jam to cool slightly, and then distribute your fat into the banks. The dessert turns out to be excellent, and most importantly, you can always enjoy the homemade delicacy of cloudberries.

Cloudberry is the “northern” berry, and due to its fragrant aroma and unique sweetness it is one of the most exquisite and favorite delicacies. The berries of this plant have not only excellent taste, but also healing properties. Siberian doctors claim that its regular use ensures health, beauty, youth and slimness. According to the content of vitamin A and C, cloudberries are in the first place, ahead of carrots and oranges. In addition, it has diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, immunostimulating, astringent and other actions. It has all the same properties and, therefore, its use will also bring great health benefits.

How to make cloudberry jam?
Cloudberry jam is very tasty, obtained “in its pure form” and with the addition of other berries, such as lingonberries.
The classic recipe for cloudberry jam is as follows:
. Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
. Cloudberries - 1 kg;
. Water.

Cooking method:
Cloudberry berries should not be washed by the people living in the Far East; however, washing cloudberries is a prerequisite for residents of less ecological areas. Thus, the berries must first be washed with cold water, then poured into the container with cloudberries the required amount of sugar, mix thoroughly, leave for 15-20 minutes to extract the juice, then cook for 45-60 minutes. After that, wipe the jam through a sieve, spread out on the banks and roll up.

The second cooking option involves boiling the syrup and dipping the prepared berries into it — not fundamentally, thanks to the extraordinary sweetness of the berries, you can cook it. Sterilize jars with ready-made jam from the wonder berries of cloudberries is not necessary.

If desired, the jam can be turned into jam, for this it is only necessary to increase the cooking time, and for wiping take a sieve with a fine grill.

Cloudberry Jam Recipe  with dry white wine. Ingredients:
. Cloudberries - 1 kg;
. Sugar sand 1.5 kg;
. Dry white wine - 250 ml;
. Lemon juice - 50 gr.

Cooking method:
Pick and wash the berries, sprinkle with freshly prepared lemon juice, leave for 30 minutes. Prepare syrup: sugar diluted with white grape wine at the rate of 300 gr. 400 ml sugar. ready syrup, add berries. Boil it is necessary until ready, hot decomposed on banks and roll up.
Enjoy your meal!


Have you tried cloudberry jam? In fact, not such a large number of people can boast such a gastronomic experience. Cloudberry berry, though not exotic in the traditional sense of the word (it is widespread in the northern part of our country), but quite rare outside of the places of its growth.

Cloudberries are made mainly from drinks and desserts: juices, kisel, fruit drinks, liqueurs, jams and preserves. All of them are distinguished by a special honey flavor, which is characterized by this berry. In fresh form, it is, as they say, an amateur, and the jam turns out just delicious.

So how do you make cloudberry jam right?

In general, cooking cloudberry jam is not much different from making jam from any other berries.


    cloudberry (1)

The recipe does not use absolute values, but the ratio, since the number of berries can be different. Therefore, if you have 450 g of cloudberries, then the sugar should be 450 g, and 225 ml of water.

Cooking method:

    Cloudberries should be well washed and sorted. Cloudberries are very tender (like raspberries), so do it better by lowering the colander with berries in a container with larger water. Water with pop up debris drain.

    Cook sugar syrup. To do this, sugar is poured with cold water and heated until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    If you use gelling agents when cooking jam, then you can take less sugar to taste. But remember that the berry is sweet and sour, so completely reduce the amount of sugar is not worth it, this will affect the taste.

    When the sugar is completely dissolved, add cloudberry to the boiling syrup. Cook at a slow order of 20 to 40 minutes.

    Rub the resulting jam through a sieve to remove the bones.

    This stage can be omitted if you prefer jam with stones. But the cloudberries have rather large bones (larger than raspberries).

    Put the grated jam on a slow fire for another 5 to 10 minutes.

The finished jam is stored in the refrigerator.

If you want to prepare cloudberry jam for future use, place it hot in pre-sterilized jars and roll it up. Store this jam in a cool dry place.

Cloudberry jam is a very useful sweet, because cloudberries are especially rich in vitamins C (more than in orange) and A (more than in carrots). True, when cooking, vitamin C is destroyed, but not. Only if you have a history of gastrointestinal diseases, eat jam seedless.

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