What kind of flowers love the sun in the apartment. Indoor sun-loving flowers

Many people want to decorate the window sill with flowers, despite the recommendations to protect from direct sunlight. And when far from the first plant the plant died, we begin to understand that the choice of a pet depends largely on the degree of lighting of the home. Let's remember together what indoor flowers love the sun.

What flowers love the sun?

  1. First of all - it is, of course, cacti. Unpretentious to care, they can produce very beautiful flowering. Moreover, with appropriate interior design, the presence of warm, sunny paints in it, cacti can be a bright decorative touch. It all depends on your imagination and creativity.
  2. Home flowers, who love the sun, are easy to recognize by their appearance. Usually they have dense, thick leaves. Examples of such plants are ficus, aloe, sanseviriya. Also among the most unpretentious plants is chlorophytum. These flowers are hardy enough and can grow in direct sunlight. Behind them you can place indoor jasmine, gloxinia, dracaena.

Often, the ability of a plant to tolerate the sun is indicated by the presence of a large flower, as is the case with the already mentioned cacti, hippeastruses, and clevi. If you like orchids, preference is given to kattlee.

Please note that flowers that love the sun and inhabit the windowsills of the south windows need frequent watering, as their soil dries out faster. Spray them - mainly in the early morning and evening hours, so that the drying of the droplets on the leaves does not cause burns and does not injure the plants.

The climate in your house

In general, when choosing indoor plants, it is worthwhile to take into account the characteristics of the living space. If trees grow in front of the windows of your house, and their foliage shading the windows somewhat, the conditions for keeping flowers, even on the sunny side, will be different than those that people living on the upper floors of tall buildings can provide for their plants. Much depends on the country's climate: it is obvious that the sun in the southern regions is more intense than in the north.

Finally, it is worth recalling that there are exceptions in any rule. Even indoor flowers that love the sun may not feel comfortable when exposed to direct sunlight. Carefully monitor the condition of your green pets: if you notice that the plant starts to hurt, remove it from the window sill.

You can also try to make the sunlight scattered: purchase a special grid for this, decorate the window with a thin cloth or paper. See, the flowers will immediately feel better.

We hope, our story about what flowers like a lot of sun, you will find quite complete, and as a result of its reading you can choose a plant to your taste. Immediately before buying, we advise you to consult with florists on plant care and maintenance conditions that you can provide them. Compliance with the basic rules of care for indoor flowers will contribute to the fact that they will decorate your house a lot, making it cozy and harmonious.

Under the sun, perennials bloom with special pomp and beauty. The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener could find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

The most successful places for many floriferous garden perennials - open to the sun.

Here such noble long flowers, like lilies, peonies and phloxes, can manifest themselves in all their glory. They rather quietly tolerate a short-term daytime shade, but longer shading and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Particularly sensitive in this respect are large, psvetflowers selection varieties of sun-perennials. For them, the best are rabatki with fertile and fairly moist soils.

The design of sunny plots depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the real possibilities of your garden. Small beds in the front garden can be decorated no less effectively than the ridge stretched along the garden path, the perennial “ribbon” along the border of the garden or the flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants according to growth. Such high and vibrant blooming crops like daylight, mallow and lupine are most advantageous in the “far” part of the flower bed. Their flower stalks will rise above lower-growing crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the bases of their shoots.

Compact cushion-shaped perennials are very well suited to design a beautiful transition between the open sun and the lawn, a terrace or a garden path.   shrub aster, gray carnation  or bell Carpathian. They reliably cover the soil with dense foliar cover, which will decorate the edges of rabatok at the time when flowering is over.

The most important advantage of sun-perennials - colorful outfit. Their multicolor arrangement looks best on a calm background of trees and shrubs.

To achieve certain color combinations, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of development of each individual culture.

The peak of flowering perennials occurs in the period from June to August. At this time, such large yellow-flowered "sun-worshipers" like rudbeckia, heliopsis, coreopsis, geleniumas well as juicy red monard  and knofofiya.

Calm white and blue notes in this flavor bring different types and varieties of bell and hilt (delphinium).

Extend the flowering season on a sunny ridge by using such attractive autumn-flowering crops as stonecrop, garden chrysanthemums  or autumn asters.

Most perennials bloom again in autumn, if they are cut off in time after the main flowering period. These plants include delphinium, stanktis, catnip  and scabious.

The selection of spring sun-perennials is somewhat less. April bloom rezuha, bows meadow  and adonis. In May they are joined day-lily, catnip  and pion.

Enrich the spring palette can be so onion like narcissus, tulip  and grouse. Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted at the foreground of rabatok.

A variant of the easier to care for a large flower garden is a sunny lawn. Wild Perennials - nivyanik, yarrow, meadow sage  - prosper here in a motley company with herbaceous plants. These lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or planted individual crops on an existing lawn.

Perennial perennial rabat

On this perennial perennial dominated by soft and delicate colors.

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.
2. One-year Malopa three-cut, or hole - Malope trifida.
3. A hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".
4. Bellflower lacticulum - Campanula lactiflora.
5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.
6. One-year hybrid of verbena - Verbena.
7. Siphon, or hare cabbage - Sedum telephium (before flowering).
8. Decorative round-headed onions - Allium sphaerocephalon.
9. Periscoscle foxtail - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of peduncles).
10. Louis Wormwood - Artemisia ludoviciana.
11. A hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".
12. Hybrid aster shrub - Aster dumosus (before flowering).
13. Hybrid Coreopsis - Coreopsis.
14. Kotovnik Fassen - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".
15. Himalayan geranium - Geranium himalayense.
16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.
17. Santolina cypress - Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Examples of compositions from sun-perennials

Cascades of flowers

Thanks to a well-designed planting, geranium, stonecrop and cuff get as much sunlight as tall tall mallow forest (Malva sylvestris) in the background.

Warm colors of autumn

The gentle and soft palette of Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea purpurea), hybrids of Helenium (Helenium) and Chamomile Asters (Aster amellus) is simply amazing!

Sun baths

The daylily (Hemerocallis), gaillardia (Gaillardia) and point swords-keeper (Lysimachia punctata) just glow in the rays of the sun.

Beautiful sun-perennials

Large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; support is desirable; re-bloom after pruning. The erect peduncles of the bolster, densely strewn with bells, are spectacular in every corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata  - long-life large-flowered perennial with thick pin-shaped flower stalks; re-bloom after pruning. Pleasant aroma and lush floral outfit make phlox one of the most popular garden crops.

Unpretentious large-flowered perennial with inflorescences-baskets; gives root offspring; pruning increases the flowering period. If you give Rudbeckia enough space, then gradually it forms thick flower thickets.

An abundance of stellate inflorescences over thick dark green foliage; good ground cover plant. Warm lights of autumn aster shrub (Aster dumosus) glow in the garden until October.

Kotovnik  - long, arc-shaped shoots with numerous small double-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to select a company. Regular pruning keeps the bush in a compact form.

Oriental poppy (Turkish)  - large cup-shaped flowers of luminous coloring; short flowering time; distributed by self seeding. He is loved for the freshness of bright flowers and for the expressiveness of seed pods.

Hardy large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like buds on long straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

Lavender - compact long-lived perennial with evergreen pubescent foliage and fragrant flowers. Thanks to woody stems, lavender belongs to semi-shrubs. She is very good in borders.

Day-lily  - large-flowered perennial with stellate or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large shrub.

Gaillardia  - attractive multi-color radial inflorescences on strong stems; protection from cold is recommended.

Plant name

Image (clickable)

Height, cm

Flower color

Flowering time

Spur high
(Delphinium elatum)

100-200 Blue, purple, white June-July, September-October.

Phlox paniculata  (Phlox paniculata)


Many indoor plants can not tolerate direct sunlight. Particularly affected are those flowers growing in the southern window, which in the wild are under the protection of tall trees, creating sparse penumbra. In addition, the land in pots of flowers that live on the window sill of the southern window dries quickly, which requires frequent watering and spraying. Frequent watering, respectively, leads to the leaching of nutrients from the soil, so the plants also need frequent feeding.

However, southern windows can be decorated with plants that perfectly tolerate both direct sun and lack of moisture. These are various cacti and succulents, sansevieria and other inhabitants of deserts and semi-deserts. Compositions of flowering succulents with the addition of pebbles and decorative stones allow you to create or rockeries on the southern window.

Potted flowers for southern windows can be chosen from the group of ampelous and climbing, climbing plants, such as, for example, bougainvillea, passionflower with extraordinary beauty of flowers. Without the sun, they not only can not grow normally, but also tie buds for lush flowering. What other flowers grow on the south window? It is well tolerated by bright sunshine from the ampel group of liana-like wax ivy, which is also hoya fleshy, stefanotis. Vertically growing flowers:

  • clivia;
  • hyperastrum;
  • kalanchoe;
  • sparmania;
  • abutilon with variegated leaves;
  • the bell is uniform, called by the people - the bride and groom.

From decorative foliage plants on the south window you can settle tsiperus, trachycarpus, reed evergreen myrtle, which also can bloom with beautiful snow-white fragrant flowers, albeit of small size, but abundantly lining the entire tree. If plants are selected from groups that do not tolerate direct sunlight, then with them you can find a “common language” if you water in time, lower the temperature and draw flowers on the south window. If the area of ​​the window sill allows, it is possible in the first row to the glass to expose those plants that are not afraid of direct sunlight, and already under their shade to arrange flowers more delicate to the sun.

In addition, you should know that containers for plants that are under direct solar influence, must be opaque and have sufficiently thick walls.

Despite the fact that in the light pots of the plant, where the roots get their share of the light, the plants bloom more magnificently and beautifully, the Dutch scientists have proved that this is not too good for the root system.

If you choose the plants for the southern window correctly, you can admire your green pets all year round, who, in response to your care, will delight you with beautiful foliage or bright flowers.

Flowers for the south window photo with names





For some reason, it is believed that the majority of indoor plants of the sun does not like and southern windows are the most inappropriate for domestic plants. On many sites, almost every plant is recommended to shade from direct sunlight. Well, except that cacti is still allowed to put on the southern windows. Before following such "sensible" advice, it is better to think, experiment and be guided by your own common sense.

First of all, no one will dispute the fact that the sun is a real elixir of life, necessary not only for the normal growth and development of plants, but also for the formation of flower buds.

Most of the usual indoor plants come from the tropics or subtropics, where the sun is much brighter than in Moscow. Even under the cover of a tropical forest, the intensity of sunlight is higher than at the latitude of Northern Europe.

But why is the dragon stage, which grows safely under the bright southern sun in tropical regions of Africa, Madagascar, Socotra, on the Arabian Peninsula in rainy St. Petersburg, it is advised to priten from the sun?

Adenium can be found in the wild in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, in hot and dry regions of the African continent. This plant has a thick bottle-shaped trunk, in which it accumulates moisture for the period of drought. Tsiperus grows along the banks of the Nile, the brocade is in Mexico, different types of euphoria survive in hot African climates. Palm trees grow in deserts, but at home in the south window they can face a terrible danger in the form of sunburn ?!

South windows are different, despite the fact that they are directed to one side of the world. The solar window can be in St. Petersburg or in Baku. You will not argue that the intensity of sunlight will be different?

In the autumn-winter, the sunny south window may be the only place in the apartment where your indoor flowers will feel normal in a short day.

The window can be on the first and second floor. In front of it, a tree can grow, in summer it creates a light partial shade with its green leaves, and in a cold one it lets through all the meager light of a short day. Or maybe a window on the 16th floor without a loggia and no blinds. The first is almost perfect for all light-loving plants, and the second you need to think about what to place.

Why, on the south side of sunny windows, plants often dry out or look wilted, despite good watering. Why do brown spots and dried patches appear on leaves and flowers?

Firstly, it is very often that hybrids that are not those that live in the wild grow in room culture. And hybrids are often specially deduced with features such as the ability to grow in dimly lit places, and they do not tolerate direct sunlight.

Secondly, when spraying and watering a drop of water, remaining on the leaves, the sun acts as a lens and can damage the plants.

Thirdly, having placed an ordinary thermometer on a windowsill lit by the sun on a hot summer day, you will notice that the temperature has risen much higher than 30 degrees outside the window. May show about 45-50 degrees or more. The temperature of the flower pots is the same! Especially if they are from dark glazed ceramics. How do the roots feel in small pots at this temperature? Maybe they just boiled, so the plant is sick?

Place flower containers in decorative bright flower pots or keep plants in porous ceramic pots - it quickly evaporates moisture, but when evaporated, the pot and the ground cool! Water the flowers as the gardeners water their gardens - at sunset or early in the morning, and not running to work early in the summer sunny day. Use fabrics or nets to decorate pots and protect them from the sun.

Almost all members of the Amaryllis family are Hippeastrum, Amaryllis, Clivia, Nerina, light-loving plants. They bloom in late winter or spring-autumn in the south window. But many bulbous flowers can beautifully bloom on the northern windows in the spring, if they stood on the balcony or in the garden in the summer and autumn.

Most flowering plants appear buds only in good light. Pelargoniums, balsamines, fuchsias on the southern window bloom in early spring and bloom until late autumn.

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