Question: What are the reasons for fragmentation in Rus'? Is it possible to talk about the similarity of the reasons for the onset of the period of fragmentation in Rus' and in the countries of Western Europe? §14. Novgorod Republic Working with the document

This is one of those scientists who rejected scholasticism and brought to the fore the power of their own mind, rather than the statements of old books. The statement: “I think, therefore I exist” also belongs to this thinker. If before him the main source of knowledge was faith, then the scientist-philosopher develops the concept of reason as an instrument of knowledge.

Folk wisdom?

Other sources, disputing this statement, unanimously root the folklore origins of the popular quote. If we accept the fact that this is best explained by the classic parable “Get a goat, drive out a goat.” The hero of the story prayed to the Almighty to expand his living space, he advised the unfortunate man to buy a restless animal and also place it in the house with his family. After a year of torment, the man returned to God with a single request - to ease his suffering. And when, according to new instructions, he drove the cattle out of the house and into the yard, the man was incredibly happy and thanked the Creator. After all, without the goat it became not only calm, but also spacious! The meaning of this legend is that peace and quiet are perceived as a much greater value after chaos than before it. It really is true that everything can be learned by comparison! By the way, this simple technique is often used by the “powers of this world”: they take away everything they can from the people, and then return it bit by bit, so they immediately become good.

Comparison is a tool of the mind

The phrase “everything is cognizable by comparison” means, first of all, that some features of an object or phenomenon that are not obvious can be made visual or cognizable in the case when a similar feature is absent in the object with which the comparison is being made.

The words: “Im Gegenüber, im anderen Menschen, erkennt nun der Mensch den (individuellen) selben Willen,” said Schopenhauer. This means that when comparing himself with other people, each person sees not them, but a reflection of his own will and personality. Therefore, identification will never allow you to even get closer to the truth, since a subjectively thinking individual is not able to give an objective assessment of this or that quality. Any comparison must have its own coordinate system, by which the presence of a particular quality to a greater or lesser extent is measured. It is not surprising that the intersection of the abscissa axis and the ordinate axis was also invented by Descartes. Comparison is a tool, not a moral category, and you need to know how to use it.

“Everything is known by comparison”: Nietzsche and his vision of the meaning of the statement

Everyone remembers Friedrich Nietzsche from his first year of higher education.

Ex-students roughly imagine that he is a theorist of free will and the dominance of the personal over the social, but to the question of why the philosopher said: “Everything is known by comparison,” no one will give a direct answer. And did he say that? Zarathushtra is silent. This wise man has another no less interesting quote: “I do not trust all taxonomists and avoid them. The will to the system is a lack of honesty.” And systematics is also a tool of knowledge. The intuitive Nietzsche is not ready to talk about pure reason and working with its apparatus, so the quoted phrase most likely has nothing to do with the great thinker.
In any case, it is the catchphrase mentioned above that can help justify the average person’s refusal of some traditional values ​​(family, homeland) and in response to the question “why” say: “But it’s more convenient for me. After all, everything is learned by comparison.” Quote, how no matter what! And it can easily be attributed to the German author. And there is no need to mentally send Nietzsche to Solovki, he hardly knew what different readers would do with his name.

How to know the truth

Can we say: “Truth is known by comparison”? More likely no than yes. What is subject to cognition is whether an object has one or another quality, and truth, as the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenodorus said, is not one characteristic, but the totality of an infinite number of them.

So, the pure truth cannot be found by direct search. There will be its shades, reflections, slips of the tongue, remnants. Even the answer to a simple question about who was the first to say that everything is known by comparison is impossible to obtain using today’s tools of cognition. Modern book sources, for example, tend to attribute this phrase not even to Nietzsche, but to Confucius, and it is possible that he had a similar quote, and if it is translated correctly, then we can say that this statement also has Chinese roots.

Today's perception of the maxim

Our time is a time of know-nothings and know-it-alls who are looking for the truth by comparing different brands of cars. The concept of identification merely as a tool of cognition is not valued. Nowadays the phrase “everything is known by comparison” usually adorns shops, restaurants, and hotels. Mercantile time, mercantile quotes.

Detailed solution to paragraph § 14 on history for 6th grade students, authors N.M. Arsentiev, A.A. Danilov, P.S. Stefanovich. 2016

  • Gdz workbook on History for grade 6 can be found

Question to point I. List the peoples who lived on the territory of the Novgorod land.

Novgorod proper was inhabited mainly by Eastern Slavs (Russians). But tribute was also paid to him by numerous Finno-Ugric peoples in the territory of modern Northern Russia, Finland and Estonia; these peoples who paid tribute to Novgorod are also often included in the republic today.

Question for point III. What were the names of merchant associations in medieval cities in Western Europe?

Question for point IV. Which state was the first in the world to be called a republic? In what year did it appear? What republics existed in Western Europe in the Middle Ages?

The first state with the name republic was Rome, although the cities of the state, which were governed by bodies elected by the residents, existed before. Rome was founded in 753 BC. e., but became a republic only in 509 BC. e. In the Middle Ages, republics were only urban. There were many of them in Italy (Venice, Genoa, etc.) and Germany (Lubeck, Antwerp, etc.), including the Netherlands, which had not yet been separated.

Question to paragraph No. 1. How did geographical and climatic conditions influence the occupations of the Novgorod population?

Novgorod is located in the north, in addition, it is surrounded by swamps, so it was difficult for the townspeople to engage in agriculture. But the city was located on the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”; moreover, it was the largest port on this route closest to the Baltic Sea (the banks of the Neva were then considered unsuitable for large settlements). Thanks to this, trade became the main occupation of the Novgorodians and brought them great profits. Thanks to trade, crafts also flourished: there was someone to sell the products of craftsmen.

Question for paragraph No. 2. What are the main features of the republican system? How did they manifest themselves in Novgorod?

Main features:

Election of authorities - in Novgorod, people for all main positions (prince, mayor, thousand, bishop/archbishop) were elected by the veche;

Change of power - the prince could be “showed the way” at any time; the mayor, thousand and others were elected for a certain term, only the bishop/archbishop held the position for life.

Question to paragraph No. 3. Why do you think a republican form of government developed in Novgorod?

Novgorod had the most artisans and merchants, and merchants are better off when the people they choose rule. In addition, thanks to trade, there were many literate people in Novgorod (this can be seen from the birch bark letters), that is, people had enough education to decide the fate of their city themselves.

Question for paragraph No. 4. What were the restrictions on the rights of princes in Novgorod?

The prince was limited by the terms of the agreement with the city, as well as the threat of being expelled at any time. It should also be noted that he was only a military leader, not involved in direct governance, unlike princes in other lands.

Question for paragraph No. 5. What reasons determined the special role of the clergy in Novgorod?

Novgorod was a republic, so its residents were not satisfied with the head of the clergy appointed from outside. That is why there is a bishop here, and later an archbishop was elected.

In a trading city without strong princely power, the storage of the treasury also had to be entrusted to an elected person. The clergy took on this function, necessary for society, because it was believed that their service to the Lord would stop thieves.

Question for paragraph No. 6. What were the features of Novgorod culture? What are the reasons for these features?


The cultural monuments of Novgorod at that time are simple. For example, churches are small and have almost no decorations on the facade. Churches and other cultural monuments were ordered and paid for by the residents themselves, that is, mainly merchants and artisans. They knew how to count money and did not want to pay for unnecessary frills.

The chronicles of Novgorod cover little of the affairs of the princes, but tell a lot about events inside the city and its political life. This was due to the state structure of the republic, in which the prince did not play the most significant role, and power was in the hands of the veche.

In Novgorod literature, the most popular hero is a clever man, usually a merchant, who, with the help of cunning and resourcefulness, gets out of the most difficult situations. Most of the residents (many of whom were merchants) wanted to be just such enterprising people, and not brave and strong knights.

Most of the Novgorodians were literate. This can be seen from birch bark letters. It’s just that most of them either had to trade or sell to traders what they had made. To do this you need to know the score. The ability to read and write was also required, because part of the birch bark letters were the terms of trade transactions.

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 1. Compare the natural and geographical conditions of the Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdal lands. Which of them contributed to the transformation of the Novgorod land into one of the richest in Rus'?

The Vladimir-Suzdal land is located in cold latitudes, just like the Novgorod region. But in the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality there are fewer swamps, so farming can be done there, although one cannot count on large harvests. In Novgorod, this is almost impossible, because the republic has been purchasing bread throughout its history.

On the other hand, both of these principalities were located on trade routes. But trade was more profitable in Novgorod, because it was closer to the Baltic Sea. As a result, the Novgorodians did not grow anything, but lived by selling their own and reselling other people's goods.

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 2. What did Novgorod and the city-republics that existed in Europe in the Middle Ages have in common, and what distinguished them?

Elected authorities, corporations of artisans and traders, and the main occupations of the population (craft and trade) were common.

The names of the same associations of traders and artisans, elected authorities, etc. differed. The faith of the townspeople differed. And, besides, even in the freest republics of Western Europe, the head of the church was not elected, as was the case in Novgorod.

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 3. Why, despite the fact that the head of Novgorod was a prince, are we talking about the Novgorod Republic?

Firstly, the head of Novgorod was not a prince. He commanded the army, although the militia was still headed by the thousand, that is, only the squad, which he brought with him, was completely subordinate to the prince. The prince also had some judicial functions. But in matters of managing the city itself, the mayor had much more rights.

Secondly, the prince was elected, and if necessary, the townspeople could remove him. That is, although the prince was called the same as the monarchs in other principalities, he was actually an elected magistrate. In the conditions of that time, it would be more correct to call him the head of the mercenaries (princely squad), whom the free city invited for protection.

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 4. Write a letter in your notebook on behalf of a German merchant about his trip to Novgorod.

The trip was successful and profitable.

In Novgorod, both bread and the products of our artisans are highly valued; everything here can be sold at a high price. On the other hand, there are a lot of furs in this city, thick and warm. Local residents know their value and will not give in without bargaining. But, nevertheless, you can buy such a valuable product here much cheaper than in our city. They say that these furs are mined by savages subject to Novgorod, which is why the skins are inexpensive here.

Novgorod is a strange city. There are Christian churches here, but they are completely different, not like our churches. And they pray differently here. But at the same time, people have normal business acumen. And when it comes to trading, we understand each other perfectly. It is quite possible to deal with the Novgorodians, although you have to keep your eyes open.

Residents of Novgorod swim far along rivers, but rarely go out into the Baltic Sea. They need us as intermediaries. And it is profitable to use this, because such furs, wax, hemp and other similar goods cannot be bought anywhere else for such a price. I made a considerable profit. And if you and I, my friend, pool capital for the next trip, we will get an even bigger one.

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 5. Using the Internet, prepare a tour for your classmates along the Trade or Sofia side of Veliky Novgorod.

Velikiy Novgorod. Illustrated guide / ed. M. Kovaleva. – St. Petersburg: Fordewind, 2016;

Geocaching guide to Veliky Novgorod: UNESCO World Heritage Site //

Southern and southwestern Russian principalities

(Material for independent work and project activities)

Question to point I. What circumstances contributed to the decrease in the importance of Kyiv?

In conditions of fragmentation, the princes began to care more about their estates. A striking example is Andrei Bogolyubsky, who after the capture of Kyiv left only a governor there and himself went back to Vladimir. In addition, the princes constantly fought with each other, often calling on the Polovtsians for help, and each time Kyiv had to be at the center of their struggle. Polovtsian raids occurred constantly, both in support of certain princes and independently. At the same time, the importance of the trade route along the Dnieper decreased.

At the same time, we must also not forget that smaller principalities such as Turov, Chernigov, etc. separated from Kyiv.

Question to paragraph No. 1. What influenced the development of the Principality of Kyiv in the 12th – early 13th centuries?

The residence of the Metropolitan remained in Kyiv;

The Kiev-Pechora Lavra retained its importance;

The main shrines were located in Kyiv, including St. Sophia Cathedral.

Question for paragraph No. 2. What were the features of the history of the Chernigov and Smolensk principalities in the 12th - early 13th centuries?


The lands of the Chernigov principality were very fertile, which gave wealth;

The lands of the Chernigov principality were vast, stretching to Ryazan;

Chernigov merchants traveled far from their native places, even reaching London;

Smolensk merchants also traded in all Russian lands and beyond, including Germany.

Question to paragraph No. 3. Compare the geographical, natural and climatic conditions and features of the development of the Galicia-Volyn and Vladimir-Suzdal lands. How did they influence the history of these lands?

The Vladimir-Suzdal principality was a zone of Slavic colonization. There the bulk of the land was in the hands of the prince. And those estates that ended up in the hands of the boyars did not generate enough income to be able to compete with the prince. As a result, the princely power was strong and there were few restrictions on it.

On the territory of the Galicia-Volyn principality, lands had long been distributed to the boyars as fiefs. These estates brought great income because the lands produced good harvests. In addition, salt mining generated income. Because of all this, the boyar families were very strong, the princes constantly had to reckon with them, if the central government was not strong enough, it was the boyars who took control instead. This was also helped by the proximity of Poland and Hungary, on whose help the boyars sometimes relied. At the same time, participation in strife in these countries consumed the strength of the princes (one of the greatest of them, Roman Mstislavich, died in Poland).

Question for paragraph No. 4. In what areas of life of the Galicia-Volyn principality was the proximity of Western European countries especially affected? What consequences did this have?

This closeness had a particularly strong effect in the political sphere, since the forces of the principality, Hungary and Poland periodically participated in strife on each other’s territory. Once even a representative of the Hungarian nobility seized power in the Galicia-Volyn principality. All this weakened the principality.

Such closeness could also manifest itself in the religious sphere. The Pope sent Daniil Romanovich a royal crown, which in the eyes of Europe should have meant the adoption of Catholicism. True, the prince had a different opinion and refused to change his faith without receiving real military assistance against the Tatar-Mongols.

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 1. Using the text of the textbook and the Internet, create a family tree (family tree) from Rurik to the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich.

Donskoy, D.V. Guide to the genealogy of the Rurikovichs (mid-IX - early XIV centuries) / Ed. book D. M. Shakhovsky. – M., 1991.

All the monarchs of the world //

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 2. Using the Internet and additional literature, compile a chronicle of the life of Prince Daniil of Galitsky in a notebook.

Chernyavsky, S.N. Daniil Galitsky. The king who destroyed the kingdom. – M., 2016;

Pautkin A.A. Chronicle portrait of Daniil Galitsky: literary borrowings, influence of pictorial tradition or eyewitness view? // Ancient Rus'. Questions of medieval studies. 2002. No. 1 (7). pp. 69-73.

We think, compare, reflect: question No. 3. Suggest a title for a documentary film based on the materials in this paragraph.

Aristocratic republic. Prince and boyars in the Galicia-Volyn land.

We repeat and draw conclusions

1. What are the reasons for fragmentation in Rus'? Is it possible to talk about the similarity of the reasons for the onset of the period of fragmentation in Rus' and in the countries of Western Europe?

The reasons for the fragmentation of the Old Russian state and Western Europe were different; it is not for nothing that the first is called appanage, and the second – feudal.

Weakening of the main trade routes (from the Baltic to the Black Sea via the Dnieper and from the Baltic to the Caspian via the Volga). It is not for nothing that in the 12th century Arab coins (dirhams) disappeared on Russian lands, while many of them were found in the coins of previous centuries. Trade with distant countries connected individual principalities; with its weakening, these ties ceased. Trade routes between Western Europe and the East suffered most during the formation of the Arab Caliphate in the 7th century and intensified again after the First Crusade in the 12th century, but feudal fragmentation began much later than the 7th century, and the time after the First Crusade generally became its heyday.

The Grand Dukes in Kyiv had the custom of appointing each of their sons as one or another appanage prince - this made it possible to better control vast lands. Some of these princes eventually founded separate appanage dynasties. In Western Europe, the custom of kings to distribute their lands to their sons at one time led to the collapse of the Frankish kingdom, then the empire of Charlemagne. But the real feudal fragmentation began later, and during it the European kingdoms were divided among themselves by not the descendants of the kings. In the families of European monarchs, the custom arose of bequeathing everything to the eldest son; among Russian princes, such a custom began to gradually become established only in the 15th century.

After the congress of princes in 1097 in Lyubech, the ladder system began to die out. Because of this, the princes from the younger branches of the Rurikovichs no longer hoped for the throne in Kyiv, they counted only on the inheritance of their fathers. Therefore, they no longer cared about the entire Old Russian state, in which they hoped to rule, but only about their inheritance, which they were supposed to inherit and pass on to their children. In Western Europe, certain lands were assigned to certain clans before feudal fragmentation. It was not this fact that led to the fragmentation itself, but the weakening of the central government.

The cities were interested in a prince who would defend their interests, and not the interests of Kyiv. In Western Europe, feudal lords did not rely on cities at all, unlike Russian princes.

The boyars, who owned estates in only one specific principality, were interested in a prince who would care only about this principality, and not about the entire Old Russian state. This reason is vaguely reminiscent of Western Europe - large feudal lords resisted the kings with the support of their vassals.

2. What were the main positive and negative consequences of the onset of a period of fragmentation in Rus'?


The principalities constantly fought with each other, sometimes even using the help of the Polovtsians, that is, the lands were more often ravaged;

The Old Russian state as a whole became weaker, the princes united with great difficulty to fight the external enemy;

The weakening of trade ties was partly the cause of fragmentation, and partly a consequence; it became more difficult for merchants to make their way across the many borders of individual principalities;

The interference of foreigners in the internal affairs of the Russian principalities increased (in particular, the throne of the Galicia-Volyn principality was at one time in Hungarian hands).


Specific centers, and not just the capital of the Old Russian state, began to actively grow rich and develop;

The culture of specific centers began to develop, in particular, numerous churches were built in Vladimir-on-Klyazma.

3. Compare the features of the development of significant Russian lands during the period of fragmentation.

The power was strongest in the Vladimir-Suzdal land, where the boyars had almost no influence. In the Galicia-Volyn land, on the contrary, the boyars had so much influence that at times they practically deprived weak princes of power. But strong princes limited the boyar freemen. In the Novgorod Republic, the prince remained only as an elected official, who only led the army and had some judicial functions; real power was in the hands of the veche.

The greatest harvests were brought by the arable lands of the Galicia-Volyn land. In the Novgorod Republic, it was difficult to engage in agriculture because of the swamps, grain had to be imported, but the city grew rich through trade. In the Vladimir-Suzdal land, harvests were meager due to the northern climate, trade did not bring as much as in Novgorod. The development of this part of the Old Russian state was stimulated only by the flight of a large number of people from the threat of nomads, especially the Tatar-Mongols.

The Galicia-Volyn and Kiev lands suffered from the Polovtsian invasions. They did not reach the Novgorod land; the Swedes and German crusaders were a threat there. Only the Vladimir-Suzdal land was protected by distance and forests from foreign invasions.

Accordingly, foreigners did not interfere in the management of the Vladimir-Suzdal land. The Novgorod Republic was also ruled by the Novgorodians themselves. On the contrary, the republic subjugated the surrounding underdeveloped peoples. The Swedes and Germans competed with Novgorod only for control over these peoples. At the same time, the Principality of Galicia-Volyn had close relations with Poland and Hungary, in which all three parties actively interfered in each other's internal political affairs.

4. Name the most significant rulers of various Russian principalities.

During the period of specific fragmentation, Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod the Big Nest became famous in the Rostov-Suzdal, later Vladimir-Suzdal land, Yaroslav Osmomysl, Roman Mstislavich and Daniil Romanovich in the Galicia-Volyn region, in the Novgorod land, after the start of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, Alexander distinguished himself Nevsky.

Check yourself!

  • What are palace coups? What are the results of the first in the 18th century? palace coup?
  • Why were the comrades of Peter I, who came to power under Catherine I, forced to largely revise his policies? What did this revision entail?
  • What events happened during the reign of Peter II?
  • What were the goals of the supreme leaders? What is the essence of conditions?
  • Who ruled Russia during the reign of Anna Ioannovna? What are the main events of this time in domestic politics?
  • What is Bironovism? What are its consequences for Russia?
  • Using a map, tell about the foreign policy of Russia during the time of Anna Ioannovna.

Think and discuss:

  • After the death of Peter I, a period of palace coups began in Russia. Can this be considered a consequence of the transformations of Peter I?
  • Why did the attempt by the rulers to limit autocracy fail? Is it possible to talk about the similarity of the reasons for the failure of these attempts at the beginning of the 17th century? and in 1730?
  • What are the reasons for German dominance in Russia? Why did this dominance have a detrimental effect on the development of the country?
  • Remember the struggle of Russia with Turkey and Crimea in the 16th - early 18th centuries. Why did this fight last so long? Why, in your opinion, despite the entry of the Russian army into Crimea, the result of the war of 1735-1739? was very modest for Russia?

"History Archives"

Conditions signed by Anna Ioannovna

  • Upon the acceptance of Her Majesty, the Russian crowns will not be encroached upon in marriage.
  • Both in itself and in itself, the Russian state cannot bring anyone to the crown of the heir.
  • The secret Supreme Russian Council, which now consists of 8 persons, cannot be abolished in any way and cannot enter into state affairs without their general consent.
  • State villages, lands and money should not be given to anyone. There is nothing higher than a colonel...
  • The ranks, villages and lands cannot be taken away from the nobility without a trial.
  • No one should be admitted to Her Majesty’s court beyond a certain staff...
  • Do not impose unnecessary taxes on anyone in excess of what is required.

Using the document, confirm the statement of the author of the textbook that the standards were a kind of constitution.

What are the reasons for fragmentation in Rus'? Is it possible to talk about the similarity of the reasons for the onset of the period of fragmentation in Rus' and in the countries of Western Europe?


1.The rise of agriculture, crafts and trade contributed to the development of feudal relations. Private land ownership was strengthened, and a class of feudal landowners was formed, whose interests coincided less and less with the interests of the central government. Therefore, the old form of land unification - Kievan Rus - no longer suited and did not correspond to progress, ceased to be necessary, since: a) the economy of peasants and feudal lords was natural, that is, the necessary materials were produced in individual estates. Therefore, individual regions (appanage principalities) were isolated in agriculture, which prevented the development of economic ties between them: - in appanage principalities crafts, trade, agriculture developed, and cities “flourished.” - None of the feudal lords was interested in the desire to unite with other feudal lords, especially since there was hatred between them, that is, there was no economic reason to stick to the previous unification - Kievan Rus. b) from the beginning of the 12th century, the rise of the Galician, Chernigov and Polotsk principalities of the Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdal lands was observed. Their princes and boyars considered their dependence on Kyiv burdensome.

SOUTHERN AND SOUTH-WESTERN RUSSIAN PRINCIPALITIES.Material for independent work and project activities

Questions in the text of the paragraph

1. How did the geographical location and natural conditions affect the development of various Russian principalities?

Natural conditions and the availability of natural resources influenced the development of various Russian lands. Fertile soils influenced the development of agriculture. The lack of arable land led to the development of handicrafts. Natural resources and craft technologies in each region determined trade relations and how this or that principality made money.

2. What circumstances contributed to the decrease in the importance of Kyiv?

In the 12th century, Kievan Rus disintegrated into independent principalities. The principalities arose their own nobility, which was more profitable to have their own prince defending their rights than to support the Grand Duke of Kyiv. The land of Kyiv, which had transformed from a metropolis into a “simple” principality, was characterized by a steady decline in its political role. The territory of the land itself, which remained under the control of the Kyiv prince, was also constantly decreasing. One of the economic factors that undermined the city's power was a change in international trade communications. The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” which was the core of the Old Russian state, lost its relevance after the Crusades. Europe and the East were now connected by bypassing Kyiv (through the Mediterranean Sea and through the Volga trade route). In 1169, as a result of the campaign of a coalition of 10 princes, acting on the initiative of the Vladimir-Suzdal prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, Kyiv, for the first time in the practice of princely strife, was taken by storm and plundered, and for the first time the prince who took possession of the city did not remain to reign in it. Andrei was recognized as the eldest and bore the title of Grand Duke, but made no attempt to sit in Kyiv. Thus, the traditional connection between the reign of Kyiv and the recognition of eldership in the princely family became optional. Being a natural phenomenon, fragmentation contributed to the dynamic economic development of Russian lands: the growth of cities, the flourishing of culture. On the other hand, fragmentation led to a decrease in defense potential, which coincided with an unfavorable foreign policy situation. By the beginning of the 13th century, in addition to the Polovtsian danger (which was declining, since after 1185 the Cumans did not undertake invasions of Rus' outside the framework of Russian civil strife), Rus' was faced with aggression from two other directions. Enemies appeared in the northwest: Catholic German Orders and Lithuanian tribes, which had entered the stage of disintegration of the tribal system, threatened Polotsk, Pskov, Novgorod and Smolensk. In 1237-1240 there was a Mongol-Tatar invasion from the southeast, after which the Russian lands fell under the rule of the Golden Horde.

Questions and tasks for working with text

1. What influenced the development of the Principality of Kyiv inXII - beginningXIII century?

Despite the political fragmentation of the state, the Principality of Kiev initially maintained a special position. The idea of ​​Kyiv as the capital of the state, of the primacy of the Kyiv prince, still remained. The residence of the Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus' was also located in Kyiv. Therefore, formally Kyiv was the main city of Rus'. Various princes fought for him. At the call of the Grand Duke, the Galician, Volyn, Turov, Smolensk, Chernigov, Seversky, Pereyaslavl and other principalities sent their troops to protect him from the nomads.

2. What were the features of the history of the Chernigov and Smolensk principalities in the 12th - early 13th centuries?

3. Compare the geographical, natural and climatic conditions and features of the development of the Galicia-Volyn and Vladimir-Suzdal lands. How did they influence the history of these lands?

Galicia-Volyn land- the southwestern outskirts of Rus', located at the foothills of the Carpathians. Fertile soils, forest-steppe zones, absence of large rivers, mountain ranges (Carpathians). Warm summers and mild winters. Arable farming. Successful development of hunting, fishing and crafts. Salt mining (rich salt deposits). Busy trade routes passed through Southwestern Rus' - to the Danube, to the center and south of Europe, to Byzantium. This contributed to the growth of cities. The relative distance from the nomads attracted the population of the southeastern lands here.

Vladimir-Suzdal Principality- northeast of Rus'. A wooded area rich in animals, mushrooms and berries, a lot of fertile land in the field, a network of rivers rich in fish and the absence of the danger of raids by steppe inhabitants are natural conditions favorable for the creation of a rich principality. Being at the intersection of trade routes (along the Oka and Volga rivers) is a favorable geographical location.

Both the Principality of Galicia-Volyn and the Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal had favorable natural conditions and a geographical location that ensured an increase in prosperity, the development of agriculture and handicrafts, trade, and were quite safe from Polovtsian raids.

4. In what areas of life of the Galicia-Volyn principality was the proximity of Western European countries especially affected? What are the consequences?

Working with the map

Show on the map the territories of Kyiv, Chernigov, Smolensk, Galicia-Volyn lands. What other lands and states did they border with? By what rivers could one get from one of these principalities to other Russian principalities?

Principality of Kiev(orange color) bordered on the Galicia-Volyn principality, Turovo-Pinsk, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl principalities, as well as on the lands of the Polovtsians. It was possible to get to other Russian principalities from the Principality of Kyiv along the Dnieper River.

Principality of Chernigov(blue) bordered the Pereyaslavl, Kyiv, Turovo-Pinsk, Polotsk, Smolensk, Vladimir-Suzdal and Murom-Ryazan principalities. The main navigable rivers in it were: the Dnieper, Desna, Oka and Don.

Principality of Smolensk(dark pink color) bordered the Vladimir-Suzdal, Chernigov, Polotsk principalities and the Novgorod land. The Smolensk principality was connected with other Russian principalities by the rivers: Dnieper, Desna, Moskva River, Volga and Western Dvina.

Galicia-Volyn land(bright gray color) bordered the Principality of Polotsk, the Turov-Pinsk, Kyiv Principality, as well as the lands of the Polovtsians, the Kingdom of Hungary, the Kingdom of Poland, the lands of the Prussians and the Principality of Lithuania. The main rivers of the principality were the Vistula, Dnieper, Dniester, Prut, Tisa.

Working with the document

This chronicle church of St. John Chrysostom was a real work of art. He demonstrated the greatness and beauty of the faith, the wealth and influence of the prince.

2. Using the Internet, find out the name of the alloy from which the temple floor was cast.

An alloy of copper and tin is called bronze.

We think, compare, reflect

1. Using the text of the textbook and the Internet, create a family tree (genealogical) from Rurik to the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich.

2. Using the Internet and additional literature, compile a chronicle of the life of Prince Daniil of Galitsky in a notebook.

Daniil Romanovich - Prince of Galicia in 1205-1206, 1211-1212, 1229-1231, 1233-1235 and 1238-1264, Prince of Volyn in 1215-1229, 1231-1233 and 1235-1238, Grand Duke of Kiev ( 1240), King of Rus' since 1254, politician, diplomat and commander, son of Roman Mstislavich (from the senior branch of the Monomakhovichs).

  • Born in 1201
  • After the death of his father in 1205, he became a Galician prince, but at the same time lost his throne.
  • From 1215 he reigned in Volyn and by 1231 he completed the unification of the Volyn lands.
  • In 1223 he took part in the battle on the Kalka River against the Mongol-Tatars.
  • In 1230 and finally in 1238, Daniil Romanovich took possession of Galich, transferring Volyn to his brother Vasilko Romanovich, and then occupied Kyiv (1240). Waging a stubborn struggle against the dominance of large landowner boyars, Daniil relied on small service people and the urban population. He promoted the development of cities, attracting artisans and merchants. Under him, Kholm, Lviv, Ugrovesk were built, Dorogichin was renovated. During the reign of Daniel, the Galicia-Volyn principality was subjected to the Mongol invasion (1240-1241).
  • In 1245, in the Battle of Yaroslavl, Daniel's troops defeated the regiments of Hungarian and Polish feudal lords and Galician boyars, which ended his 40-year struggle for his father's inheritance. Daniil Galitsky intervened in the war for the Austrian ducal throne and in the early 1250s achieved recognition of the rights to it for his son Roman. Counting on Western allies in the confrontation with the Horde, he agreed to accept the royal title from the Pope in 1253. The reign of Daniil Romanovich was a period of greatest economic and cultural growth and political strengthening of Galician-Volyn Rus.
  • Died in 1264.

3. Suggest a title for a documentary film that would be based on the materials in the paragraph.

"Rus before the Mongol-Tatar invasion"

We repeat and draw conclusions

1. What are the reasons for fragmentation in Rus'? Is it possible to talk about the similarity of the reasons for the onset of the period of fragmentation in Rus' and in the countries of Western Europe?

  • The growth of feudal land ownership and the development of appanage, princely-boyar land ownership;
  • Subsistence farming is the ability of small principalities and boyar estates to provide themselves with everything they need;
  • The ability of fortified fortress cities - centers of appanage lands - to independently defend themselves from enemies;
  • The struggle for power between princes - feudal strife;
  • Constant raids by nomads, which led to a decline in trade, the actual closure of trade routes and an outflow of population to the northeastern lands of Rus';
  • The Polovtsians received the right to plunder Russian lands as payment for helping the princes in the internecine struggle.

The established order of government was also one of the political reasons for the fragmentation of the Old Russian state. Each land had its own veche, had its own elected government, and its own people’s militia. Under these conditions, the princely sons, who became governors of the lands, began to feel independent, capable of ruling independently, without Kyiv. The complex order of succession to the Kyiv throne so confused the relations of the princes that the princes who ruled in certain lands sought to consolidate their power in this land and pass it on to their children by inheritance, rather than waste their energy fighting for Kyiv.

The reasons for the onset of a period of fragmentation in Rus' and in Western European countries are almost the same.

2. What were the main positive and negative consequences of the onset of a period of fragmentation in Rus'?

Positive Negative
  • Each principality sought to become stronger and richer than its neighboring fief: new lands were developed, cities were built, new lands were plowed up and sown.
  • The flourishing of artistic culture is the formation of regional centers.
  • New ways of management. In some destinies the princes ruled individually, in others they had to take into account the opinion of the boyars.
  • In some lands, the veche played a large role in government.
  • Formation of new trade routes.
  • Preservation of a common language and common laws
  • The ruin of Russian lands.
  • The weakening of a once united and strong power and its political unity.
  • Division of principalities between heirs.
  • International isolation of Russian lands.
  • The decline of Rus''s international authority

3. Compare the features of the development of significant Russian lands during the period of fragmentation.

Southwestern Rus' North-Eastern Rus' Northwestern Rus'
The boyars were an influential force, and the princes, in order to maintain their power, had to reckon with their will The princes tried to strengthen their power and took less into account the opinion of the boyars Republican form of government. The princes were invited to the veche, entered into an agreement with Novgorod and were limited in their rights
Fertile lands, mild climate, international trade, distance from territories subject to Polovtsian raids, proximity to Western European countries. Fertile lands in the field, natural protection from enemies, a large influx of working craft population. Infertile lands, developed handicrafts and international trade, vast territories rich in furs.
Relations with the countries of Western Europe had consequences in the political, spiritual and cultural spheres of life. The diversity of cultural traditions, the architecture is monumental and majestic. The cultural traditions are utilitarian, the architecture is practical, simple and understandable.

4. Name the most significant rulers of various Russian principalities.

  • Vladimir-Suzdal Principality: Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrey Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod the Big Nest
  • Novgorod land: there were a lot of princes, but they did not play a significant role in the development of the land.
  • Principality of Chernigov: Oleg Svyatoslavich, Yaroslav Svyatoslavich
  • Principality of Smolensk: Rostislav Mstislavich
  • Galicia-Volyn Principality: Roman Mstislavich, Daniil Romanovich

Possible questions during the lesson

Principality of Kiev

1. How did the territory of the Principality of Kyiv change in the second half of the 12th century?

In the second half of the 12th century, the Pereyaslyavsk and Turov-Pinsk principalities emerged from the Kyiv principality, and part of the lands went to the Volyn principality.

2. What factors led to the decrease in the importance of Kyiv?

The principalities arose their own nobility, which was more profitable to have their own prince defending their rights than to support the Grand Duke of Kyiv. The land of Kyiv, which had transformed from a metropolis into a “simple” principality, was characterized by a steady decline in its political role. The territory of the land itself, which remained under the control of the Kyiv prince, was also constantly decreasing. One of the economic factors that undermined the city's power was a change in international trade communications. The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” which was the core of the Old Russian state, lost its relevance after the Crusades. Europe and the East were now connected by bypassing Kyiv (through the Mediterranean Sea and through the Volga trade route). In 1169, as a result of the campaign of a coalition of 10 princes, acting on the initiative of the Vladimir-Suzdal prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, Kyiv, for the first time in the practice of princely strife, was taken by storm and plundered, and for the first time the prince who took possession of the city did not remain to reign in it. Andrei was recognized as the eldest and bore the title of Grand Duke, but made no attempt to sit in Kyiv. Thus, the traditional connection between the reign of Kyiv and the recognition of eldership in the princely family became optional.

Thus, the strengthening of boyar estates, the economic and political role of individual territories, the loss of the importance of the trade route, strife and raids of the Polovtsians became the reasons for the reluctance of individual territories to submit to the authority of Kiev and, as a consequence, the decrease in the importance of Kyiv.

3. How did patrimonial land ownership develop in the Principality of Kiev?

There were many boyar estates in the Principality of Kiev. Their centers were fortified castles with a large number of inhabitants and armed squads.

4. Who defended the southern borders of the Principality of Kyiv during this period?

To protect against the Cumans, they hired other steppe peoples who had been driven out of the steppe by the Cumans. They were called “black hoods”, and they carried out border service on the southern and southeastern borders of the principality.

5. Why did the process of ruining Kyiv continue?

The continuous struggle of the princes for the Kiev throne led to the ruin of Kyiv.

Principality of Chernigov

1. What were the features of the development of the Chernigov principality in the 12th - early 13th centuries?

The Chernigov principality was one of the most powerful and economically strong in Rus'. The abundance of fertile lands, developed crafts and international trade were the features of this principality. Chernigov was also one of the church centers of Rus'. The bishop's residence was located here.

2. Why was the Chernigov principality considered one of the most powerful and economically strong in Rus'?

The abundance of fertile lands, developed handicrafts and well-established international trade made the Chernigov principality one of the most powerful and economically strong in Rus'.

3. What was the basis of its economy?

Developed crafts were the basis of the economy of the Chernigov principality.

4. Why did the Chernigov principality become a center of trade?

Due to its geographical location, Chernigov was one of the important centers of trade in Rus'. Chernigov goods were traded not only in Kyiv, Novgorod, Smolensk, Galich, but also in many European countries.

5. Who was the founder of the Chernigov princely dynasty? Give a description of his activities.

The founder of the Chernigov princely dynasty was Oleg Svyatoslavich. He was not only a brave warrior, but also a skilled diplomat. He was one of the first in Rus' to establish allied relations with the Polovtsians.

6. Why did the collapse of the Chernigov principality begin?

After the death of Oleg Svyatoslavich, the principality gradually began to lose its former influence. The Chernigov princes of the Olgovich dynasty got involved in a civil war, supporting first one or another contender, which resulted in repeated devastation of the Chernigov lands. The Murom-Ryazan principality was the first to separate, then a number of other lands.

Principality of Smolensk

1. What were the features of the development of the Smolensk principalities in the 12th - early 13th centuries?

The Smolensk principality conducted active international trade, had trade connections throughout Rus', and the Smolensk princes actively participated in strife.

2. Which dynasty established itself in the Smolensk principality?

The dynasty of the descendants of Mstislav the Great was established in the Smolensk principality.

3. What role did the Smolensk princes play in the history of Rus'?

The Smolensk princes took an active part in strife in neighboring lands and more than once occupied the Kiev throne.

4. With what lands did Smolensk merchants trade?

Merchants from Smolensk traded throughout all Russian lands and in other countries. Free trade agreements between Smolensk and the German states have been preserved.

5. Against whom did the Smolensk princes make campaigns?

The Smolensk princes, together with other princes, carried out campaigns against the Polovtsians.

Galicia-Volyn Principality

1. Give a description of the Galicia-Volyn principality

Index Characteristic
Territory Galicia-Volyn land is the southwestern outskirts of Rus', located at the foothills of the Carpathians
Natural and climatic conditions Fertile soils, forest-steppe zones, absence of large rivers, mountain ranges (Carpathians). Warm summers and mild winters
Economy Arable farming. Successful development of hunting, fishing and crafts. Salt mining (rich salt deposits). Busy trade routes passed through Southwestern Rus' - to the Danube, to the center and south of Europe, to Byzantium. This contributed to the growth of cities. The relative distance from the nomads attracted the population of the southeastern lands here
Main cities Galich, Vladimir-Volynsky, Lutsk, Buzhsk, Cherven, Belz, Pinsk, Przemysl, Berestye (in Volyn)



Patrimonial land tenure. The rich and independent boyars constantly sought to weaken the princely power. The Galicia-Volyn land was constantly in a state of feudal unrest and princely strife. The proximity of European states led to the fact that these states often intervened in princely and boyar strife; Poles, Hungarians, and Cumans robbed the local population
Prominent political figures Prince Yaroslav Osmysl fought with the boyars to strengthen his power. Under him, the Galician principality flourished. In 1199, the Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich managed to unite Volyn and Galich. In 1202 he became the Grand Duke of Kyiv. Roman Mstislavich managed to stop the boyar strife during his reign and intensify his foreign policy. Daniil Galitsky, after several years of struggle, was able to restore princely power. The Pope gave him the title of King of Rus'
Features of cultural development The development of the culture of the Galician-Volyn principality was influenced by both eastern and western cultural traditions. Chronicle writing (“Galician-Volyn Chronicle”) was developed, stone construction, ceramics, and painting flourished

2. How did geographical and climatic conditions influence the development of the Galicia-Volyn land?

The Galician-Volyn principality was located on the southwestern outskirts of Rus', at the foothills of the Carpathians. Warm summers, mild winters, an abundance of fertile arable land, proximity to the Hungarian, Polish kingdoms and the Principality of Lithuania, rich salt deposits, busy trade routes to the center and south of Europe - all this influenced the development of the Galician-Volyn land.

3. In what areas of life of the Galicia-Volyn principality was the proximity of Western European countries especially affected?

The proximity of Western European countries affected the political, economic, spiritual and cultural spheres of life in the Galicia-Volyn principality. Based on common all-Russian roots, the principality was open to the influence of both Eastern and Western cultural traditions.

4. What consequences did this have?

The proximity to Western Europe was reflected in the religious influence on culture from Catholicism. Many buildings had features characteristic of Western European architecture. Neighborhood with the countries of Western Europe was also manifested in political and military interaction. Various political groups in Poland and Hungary intervened in the struggle for the princely throne. The principality had to fight even outside its lands. The spiritual interaction of the Galicia-Volyn principality with the West was also manifested in the fact that the Pope, trying to strengthen Catholic influence on the principality, granted the Galician-Volyn prince the title of King of Rus'.

Summing up the lesson. Reflection

1. What roads did the main political centers of Rus' choose during the period of feudal fragmentation?


1. Prepare a report about one of the political leaders of Rus' in the mid-12th - early 13th centuries.

Roman Mstislavich is one of the most prominent princes of the late era of Kievan Rus. It was he who managed, at a historical turning point, to create the foundation of a new type of state, close to a centralized estate-representative monarchy. At that time, Kyiv had already lost its role as the center of a large and strong state, small fragments of which were just beginning to form. But one of the first successors to rise from the ruins of the Old Russian state was the Principality of Galicia-Volyn. He managed to become a Novgorod prince, thoroughly rise as a Volyn prince, then, having received the Principality of Galicia, unite them into one state, and even become the ruler of Kyiv for a short time. But the most distinctive thing about his reign was the attempt to establish a federal structure in Rus', which had long been gaining momentum in Western Europe.

Roman belonged to the family of the Rurikovich dynasty ruling in Rus'. His great-great-grandfather was Vladimir Monomakh. On the side of his mother, Polish Princess Agnes, Roman Mstilavich was the grandson of the Polish prince Boleslav III “Krivoroty”, as well as the nephew of the subsequent four rulers of Poland. Almost nothing is known about the childhood and youth of Roman Mstislavich. Since the mother of Roman Mstislavich was a Polish princess, Roman, according to the testimony of Polish chroniclers, was brought up in Poland.

In 1170, after the death of his father, Roman reigned in Vladimir-Volynsky. In those days, Roman Mstislavich waged an active civil war. Alliances with other princes were short-lived and often recent allies (and sometimes blood relatives) met on the battlefield. The first attempts to annex the Galician lands to Volyn were made by Roman Mstislavich back in the 80s. Even then, a strong confrontation between the boyars and Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich of Galicia ended in the expulsion of the latter, and Roman managed to come to an agreement with the boyars and settle in Galich in 1188. Having strengthened the neighboring principality and getting firmly on his feet, Roman managed by hook or by crook and even military confrontation to reverse the discontent of the local elite. The boyars' feuds could have prevented this, and for a long time they did not give the prince peace. But nevertheless, the unification took place, and Roman managed to strengthen the princely power. And a new state appeared on the map, which gradually grew. Prince Roman Mstislavich, with his strong character and unshakable rule, strengthened it and laid the foundation for the strong policy of his heirs.

It just so happened that the contenders for Galich always turned their attention to the Kiev throne. In 1201, Roman Mstislavich took Kyiv by storm. For Poland, Roman Mstislavich also played an important and friendly role. His military assistance helped Casimir the Just take Krakow. In response to his support, Roman could count on the help of the Poles, who, in turn, provided the forces for Roman’s complete conquest of the Galician lands.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Roman Mstislavich's relations with the Poles deteriorated sharply. There were some machinations of the boyars here. All this led to the fact that, according to the Suzdal Chronicle, in 1205 Roman Msitslavich went on a campaign against Poland and took two Polish cities. But not far from the city of Zavikhost, on June 19, 1205, the Poles unexpectedly surrounded and killed the prince.

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