State reforms of Fedor Alekseevich. Reforms of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich Reforms carried out by Fedor from 1676 1682

Fyodor Alekseevich was born on May 30, 1661 in Moscow. Father - Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, mother - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya. Simeon of Polotsk, who was known in Rus' as an educator and who paid great attention to the education of the future tsar, took an active part in the education of Fyodor Alekseevich. Despite the fact that Fedor was not in good health, he was interested in sciences, arts, horse breeding and archery. He spoke excellent Polish and knew Latin. The problem became that Fedor was very susceptible to all sorts of influences.

This trait was actively used by the enemies of Alexei Mikhailovich’s second wife, Natalya Kirillovna. The entire reign of Fyodor Alekseevich was marked by the fierce struggle of some boyar groups against others for closeness to the tsar.

Nevertheless, the heir showed independence in choosing his wives. Initially, he himself chose Agafya Semyonovna Grushetskaya, the daughter of a Smolensk nobleman, as his wife, and after her death during childbirth, his choice settled on the humble beauty Marfa Matveevna Apraksina.

Domestic policy of Fedor Alekseevich

Despite the active influence of his close associates and relatives, the king independently brought significant changes to the internal life of the country. Initially, he conducted a general census of the population and, on its basis, began a tax reform, replacing the many taxes that existed at that time with a single household taxation (1679). All government institutions received a unified work schedule, and the state apparatus grew.

Expanding it, Fedor Alekseevich unified the tasks of departmental orders. The reforms also affected local authorities. Local governors strengthened their power, but lost their financial functions. The “feeding” system, which was the main pretext for all local abuses, was eliminated.

1679 was the year of reorganization of the army. In fact, a regular army appeared, and all nobles had to serve in regiments. Only the Cossacks remained outside the regular army.

Innovations affected social and cultural life. The secular Upper Printing House appeared in Moscow. A charity home for the disabled was created, and a shelter appeared for orphans, where they taught literacy and crafts. During his short reign, the tsar signed the document “Privileges of the Moscow Academy,” which outlined the principles of the structure of the future first higher educational institution of the Russian kingdom - the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. Long before, he tried to introduce European clothing at court and was favorable towards new trends in literature and painting.

Foreign policy of Fedor Alekseevich

During the short period of his reign, Fyodor Alekseevich managed to make peace after the war of 1672-1681 with Turkey. This peace stipulated that Türkiye would recognize Left Bank Ukraine as the possession of Russia.

Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov died on April 27, 1682 in Moscow. The death of the king was received ambiguously. Unrest began in the capital. The attitude of his subjects towards the king was very good, and the rebels accused the courtiers of his murder. This was probably the only such case in Russian history.


Fedor Alekseevich born on May 30, 1661 and ascended the throne on January 30, 1676. At the beginning of his reign, a fierce struggle broke out between the Naryshkins and the Miloslavskys. The latter first sent the governor to Verkhoturye, and then defrocked and exiled their closest adviser Alexei Mikhailovich to Pustozersk Artamon Matveev, who arranged the marriage of the Tsar with Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina. At the same time, the Miloslavskys brought disgrace on the queen’s brothers and her few supporters. Nevertheless, a study of the documents shows that the young king did not have favorites who could be attributed with the authorship of personal decrees. There was no boyar-chancellor, and the dominance of any group in the Boyar Duma and in the orders cannot be traced.

Fyodor gleaned many ideas from the teacher of all, except Peter, the sons of Alexei Mikhailovich, Simeon of Polotsk: the idea of ​​the state as a single whole, maintaining the existing social hierarchy, the need to take into account the interests of all classes, the possibility of promotion based on merit, etc. This determined the general course of the reform activities of the government of Fedor Alekseevich. During the judicial reform, fines were imposed for red tape exceeding 100 days, retrial of cases already considered under Alexei Mikhailovich was prohibited, and self-harm executions were replaced by Siberia. Moreover, children might not follow their parents into exile. The conditions in prisons were improved, and it was ordered to release them without bail or master's guarantees.

On January 27, 1679, two decrees were promulgated on reforms of local government and the tax system: numerous fiscal positions were abolished (all concentrated in the hands of the governor) and a long list of taxes. The letters clearly stated how much the new tax on the county and courtyard was reduced and how many arrears the tsar forgave. The local administration was thereby deprived of “feeding”, and a single customs eagle measure was established for the correct collection of grain.

After conducting inspections of the local army, the tsar knew that for each nobleman, on average, there was barely more than one tax yard. To rectify the situation, from 1679 to 1681, 30 thousand square meters were cut off from the Wild Field by the fortifications of the Izyum Line. km of fertile land. Somewhat later, the construction of the New Line from Verkhniy Lomov to Syzran was completed. Due to these lands, massive land distributions to the nobles were ensured. The Zemsky Sobor, convened by the tsar, abolished localism. At the same time, the Council resolved the issue of tax reform: all emergency fees were canceled and arrears were forgiven, the total amount of taxation was reduced and distributed among 10 categories in accordance with the economic development of the lands. The Tsar, in one of his decrees, expressed the hope that society would help the state take care of war invalids and all the poor, crippled and orphans. He widely distributed interest-free loans to Muscovites for the construction of houses and materials from the Order of Stone Affairs. At the same time, uniform measures were introduced for brick and white stone.

Fyodor Alekseevich approved the rules of the General Land Survey on March 17, 1682, when he was already mortally ill. He also failed to complete the reform of the church aimed at Christianizing the East. Mass conversions of Muslims and other faiths were accompanied by generous grants from the newly baptized tribal nobility. At the same time, the baptized representatives of the tax-paying classes of the Tatars, Mordovians and other peoples were declared freedom from the landowners who had not had time to convert to Orthodoxy. By the winter of 1682, it was announced that local feudal lords who “did not know the faith” would be forever deprived of their nobility.

There is a point of view that FA reforms were carried out in the same areas as Peter’s reforms, but with less tension.

1. Public Administration Reform . This reform affected the highest, central and local government bodies.

 As part of the Boyar Duma, a execution chamber, the main function of which is to consider controversial issues arising as a result of the orders. ( prototype of the Senate)

- A decision is made about consolidation of orders, which have similar functions, under the control of one person. First of all, military and financial ( collegiate r Form of Peter I)

 Uniform operating hours for all government agencies are established.

Local government. The functions of voivods (functions of governors) are being expanded. The main powers (military, judicial, etc.) are transferred to the governors. Also, the functions of labial elders were transferred to them. The voivode's salary was set in accordance with his rank (see reform of the sovereign's court)

2. Military direction .

1679 – military district reform. The bottom line: it is created on the territory of Russia 9 military districts, and the districts form several military districts. Military forces are formed at the expense of the local population (dacha people: 1 person - 25 tax households (prototype of the recruitment system)). The district is headed by the governor of one of the districts, who had full military power. - another step towards the provinces. The regiments were maintained on the basis of taxes from the taxable population.

Abolition of localism (1682). In 1682, an estate meeting of boyars and service people met.

3. Reform of the Sovereign's Court . By the end of the 17th century, the Sovereign's Court had become obsolete as a social institution. In all types of service (civil, political, military, diplomatic) there is confusion due to the many different ranks, i.e. Each type of service had its own system of ranks. The reform of the Sovereign's court was drawing up a unified system of ranks and titles from 35 degrees (Peter had 14). General ranks are being introduced in military service.

4. Tax reform (similar to Peter’s tax reform).

 In 1679, instead of the land taxation unit (plow), a new unit was introduced - 1 yard.

 Reducing the number of direct taxes. The main direct tax for the maintenance of the army is “streltsy money”.

 Establishment of a unified system of weights and measures for levying taxes on natural products.

 The tax burden was reduced, and the treasury began to collect more (the first and last time in the entire history of Russia)

5. Transformations in the field of education . FA was the most educated man of his time. The FA understood the importance of creating a new education system in Russia. He dealt with this problem in the last years of his reign. According to his orders, a project was drawn up Moscow Academy (university). The document was called “Privileges of Moscow University”. This university was supposed to train personnel for senior government positions. It was governed by a council of teachers. In financial, educational, and administrative terms, it had to be autonomous. Representatives of all classes were supposed to study at this university. Students without funds were awarded a scholarship. The Academy was supposed to train the humanitarian elite of society. The FA believed that the creation of a humanitarian education system was not enough, therefore it was necessary to create mathematical, fortification and artillery schools (the same thing that Peter did). Children of commoners were supposed to study in these educational institutions. A decree was issued according to which it was necessary to look for smart children and send them to schools, and then, possibly, to university. The FA was unable to fully implement this. Created during Sophia's reign Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy ( the first higher educational institution in Russia), 1685.

Reign of Fyodor Alekseevich 1676-1682

Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich was born in 1661 from the first marriage of Alexei Mikhailovich with Maria Ilinichnaya Miloslavskaya. By the time he inherited the throne in 1676, he was 15 years old. He was in poor health and needed constant medical supervision as he could hardly walk. He even spent the swearing-in ceremony of senior officials sitting.

Alexey Mikhailovich chooses Simeon of Polotsk as the educator of the future tsar, under whose guidance Fyodor studied many humanities: philosophy, rhetoric and others. In addition, the prince spoke Polish and Latin and had a penchant for music, poetry and singing. Reading played a big role in Fyodor's life.

During the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich, sympathy for European culture, instilled in him by his teacher, is clearly visible. The influence of Polish traditions, etiquette, and fashion is especially felt.

Fedor patronizes the development of education in Russia, strongly supporting the Zaikonospasskaya Foundation founded by Simeon of Polotsk. school" in Moscow, which became the prototype of higher education in Russia. In addition, he supports artists, craftsmen, architects and himself composes poetry and music.

In the first months of his reign, the tsar was under the influence of the boyars, supporters of the Miloslavskys, in church affairs undividedlyruled by Patriarch Joachim. However, as Fedor grew older, he more often showed decisiveness and even cruelty in business, taking

the reins of power into your own hands. Fedor was not lucky in his family life. His first marriage was with Agafya Semyonovna Grushetskaya. She was Polish by origin, of humble birth. However, the young queen died during childbirth, and after that her newborn son Fedor also died. His second marriage was with Marfa Matveevna Apraksina, who was related to the disgraced A.S. Matveev. Thanks to this marriage, the tsar’s relations with the Naryshkins improved, A.S. was returned from exile. Matveev. However, the second marriage was also short-lived. Two months after the wedding, Tsar Fedor died.

The reign of Fyodor Alekseevich was short; he did not manage to accomplish much.

Kostomarov N.I. Russian history in the biographies of its main figures. M., 1995

"INImportant changes took place in church life. A church council was convened. ...New archbishoprics were founded in Sevsk, Kholmogory, Ustyug, and Yeniseisk; the Vyatka bishopric was elevated to an archbishopric... New monasteries with patrimonial peasants and all the land were allocated for the maintenance of the new bishops.

On the issue of counteracting the schism, the council... transferred this matter to the secular authorities; patrimonial owners and landowners must notify bishops about schismatic gatherings and prayer sites, and governors and clerks will send service people against those schismatics who turn out to be disobedient to the bishops; so that no charters are given for the founding of new deserts; destroy in Moscow tents and hangars with icons, called chapels, in which priests performed prayer services according to old books...

It was forbidden for monks to wander the streets, hold strong drinks in monasteries, deliver food to their cells, or hold feasts.

Attention was drawn to the beggars, of whom an extraordinary multitude then accumulated everywhere; They not only did not allow anyone to pass through the streets, but screamed and begged for alms in churches during services. They were ordered to be dismantled, and those who turned out to be sick were to be supported at the expense of the royal treasury, “with all sufficiency,” and the lazy and healthy were forced to work.

Questions and tasks for the text

    What do the changes in church affairs indicate?

    Remember who the schismatics were and what was the attitude of the previous rulers towards the split?

    What do you know about the attitude towards Patriarch Nikon during the reign of Tsar Feodor?

    What, in your opinion, is the reason for the regulations regarding beggars?

Platonov S.F. A complete course of lectures on Russian history. St. Petersburg, 1999

A project has been drawn up... for the so-called Greco-Latin Academy. It arose in this way: the monk Timothy came to Moscow from the East, who greatly touched the tsar with the story of the disasters of the Greek Church and the sad state of science in it, so necessary for maintaining Orthodoxy in the East. This gave rise to the establishment of a theological school in Moscow for 30 people, the head of which was Timofey himself, and the teachers -" two Greeks. The purpose of this enterprise was, therefore, to maintain Orthodoxy. But they are not content with this small school, and now a project for an academy appears, the character of which goes far beyond the boundaries of a simple school. It was supposed to teach grammar, literature, rhetoric, dialectics and “reasonable”, “natural” and “right” philosophy. The teachers of the academy had to all be from the East and, moreover, with the guarantee of the patriarchs. But this did not exhaust the task of the academy, - the academy was supposed to monitor the purity of the faith, be a weapon in the struggle against infidels, apologists for Orthodoxy were supposed to come out of it... It should be noted that the academy was founded after the death of Feodor, and its first teachers were the Likhud brothers (Ioannikis and Saphronius) called from the East. .

Questions and tasks for the text

    Describe the purpose of this reform.

    What is the significance of the creation of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy?

Public Administration Reforms:

1. A new supreme body has appeared -Execution Chamber, underperformed directly to the king.

2. Fyodor Alekseevich more often signed decrees without consulting the Boyar Duma, reduced the number of orders, personally set the working hours of central departments, demanding that matters be resolvedwithout any fuss.

Military district reform of 1680

Beganarmy reform.The regiments of the new formation were completed. Nine territorial military districts appeared. The army was determineddating people (1 out of 100 people),The nobles were obliged to supply them from their estates.

Military affairs were in charge of the head of the united military ordersWhile maintaining the noble cavalry and streltsy units, most of the nobles in the districts were enrolled in the Reiter regiments,dating people- to soldier regiments. The Streltsy units, in fact, were approaching the regular troops. New military ranks appeared - colonels, lieutenant colonels, captains. Were formed firstelected(shock) regiments, which became the prototype of the Russianguard.By decree of the tsar, nobles who evaded regimental service were deprived of their estates.

A series of decrees brought estates closer to fiefdoms. The Tsar ordered the creation of a new serif line, moving it to the south, and the remaining lands in the rear to be populated by people and given to landowners. The search for runaway peasants intensified.

Reforms in financial field.

1678 - Conducted generalpopulation census.

1679-1681 - Tax reform(transition to household taxation instead of taxation).

Instead of many taxes, it introduced a single tax reduced in overall size -Streltsy money.They were counted by household depending on the wealth of the people.

Previous beneficiaries were taxed. Old debts and arrears were forgiven, and those who evaded the single tax were threatenedgreat disgrace and cruel punishment without mercy

Reforms local government.

1. The power of local governors and their responsibility to the center were strengthened

2.Customs duties and other duties were withdrawn from the voivodeship office. They were collectedheadsAndkissers,selectedpeace

3.1682 - Abolition of localism.Now, when appointing to the highest government and military positions, not noble origin was taken into account, but personal merit and abilities.

Projects for restructuring the administrative and church governance of the country in 1681-1682.

1. Project developedstate administrative reorganization of the country.It was intended to create a number of institutions that would reduce the influence of the Boyar Duma and the power of the Patriarch.

2. The principle of distributing civil servants according to degrees corresponding to positions was developed.

3. It was planned to divide the country into governorships (future provinces)

4..Persecution of schismatics

5. In church administration, the discussion was about increasing the role of metropolitans and limiting the power of the Patriarch

6. The introduction of strict rules in monasteries, the drinking of strong drinks is prohibited.


.The development of a plan to create technical schools for poor children began. Opened in MoscowSlavic-Latin school,where Latin was taught. Discussed the project to createRussian Academy

Reforms V everyday life

The tsar welcomed the decoration of houses according to Western standards - with paintings and mirrors, forbade people to come to the palace in long-length clothes and ordered them to be replaced with Western-style kaftans.

Conclusion: Fyodor Alekseevich’s reforms were directed towards new civilizational values. The tsar's undertakings and projects met fierce resistance from the Patriarch and the Boyar Duma

Foreign policy .

1676-1681 - Russian-Turkish war (Chigirin campaigns).

Cause of war:The Turks sought to capture Kyiv and Chigirin, the political centers of Ukraine.

Progress of the war:In August 1677, the Turks began the siege of Chigirin, but Russian troops were victorious. In the summer of 1678, the Sultan sent an army of 200 thousand to Chigirin. She was opposed

120 thousand Russian-Ukrainian army. After fierce fighting, the garrison left the city. But the battle of the main forces of Russians and Ukrainians with the Turks forced the enemy to retreat.

Results of the war:IN1681Russia has concluded with CrimeaBakhchisarai Treaty,according to which a truce was established for 20 years, Left Bank Ukraine and Kyiv were transferred to Russia. Right Bank. Ukraine remained with Turkey.

On May 7, 1682, between 12 and 1 pm in the Kremlin there arose “crying and lamentation and great sobbing, since the sun of the Russian land had set.”
This is how contemporaries saw off Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich on his last journey, who is not given a single page in current textbooks. At best, a couple of lines.

However, the literature of past times, even pre-revolutionary, specifically aimed at glorifying the dynasty, is no better than modern literature. The same couple of lines, evoking a strong feeling of pity and compassion for the unfortunate and unlucky king:
“He was smart, kind, pious, but of frail physique and poor health, he ruled only nominally, he had neither maturity nor thoughtfulness in relation to governing the state.”
According to the compilers of the anniversary publication “Tercentenary of the House of Romanov: 1613-1913,” the tsar did not deserve more.

But these compilers could at least remember that Fyodor Alekseevich is one of the few monarchs who left a noticeable mark on Russian art. There are only four of them. Three are writers.
Vladimir Monomakh with his “Teachings”, Ivan the Terrible with journalism and Catherine the Great with plays.
Fedor, though “he had a very great art in poetry and composed extraordinary verses in Russian and Latin”, better known as an extraordinary composer. In any case, his hymn to the Mother of God "Worthy to eat" They are still performing today, and with success. And since His Majesty “I came to music from poetry”, then the status of the first Russian professional songwriter is well deserved. And certainly all of today’s Russian musicians, without exception, are indebted to Fedor for the fact that he radically reformed “musical art,” officially calling it “second philosophy and grammar” and moving from ancient hook notes to normal European linear notes...

Stop. What other reforms were there in Rus' before Peter? What other king-composer? Take out and give us the king-carpenter. To be drunk and loud. So that punishment is quick. So that with his carpenter's ax he would not only build ships and cut down the notorious window to Europe, but also rip off the long, ridiculous beards of fat, idiotic boyars. This kind of king has real reforms. And a new army, and victorious wars, and a new capital. And what about the sick and frail one? Music and reform in notes? Come on, all this is not serious...

Maybe not seriously. At first glance, Fedor, unlike his younger brother, nicknamed “The Great” and “Father of the Fatherland,” looks much more modest. He is far from Peter - he acted on a larger scale. He reduced the population of his own country by a quarter, started three wars (although he shamefully lost two of them) - this, without a doubt, is much more serious. You can, of course, pick up a whole series of “buts.”

For example: “But Peter abolished the old and ridiculous Russian clothes and introduced practical European ones instead, and at the same time introduced gray-legged Rus' to the concept of fashion.”
But here is an anonymous letter received by Peter already in 1708, about ten years after his “clothing” reform: “And the boyars do not obey your decree. When you arrive in Moscow, people wear German dress with you, and Russian dress without you. And how your brother Fyodor Alekseevich ordered the dress to be changed, and in one month they changed it and they did not scold him according to the decree. But they don’t care about your decree!”

The author of this document is absolutely right - Fedor achieved in a month what Peter had been achieving for decades. He easily and simply replaced the “bad, long-skirted and unprofitable old-fashioned city clothes” with a completely European, but at the same time completely Russian outfit. Quite elegant, by the way: “The guys wear short, ash-colored jackets that don’t reach the knee. To be thin and agile, they are tightly girded."– this is how Ambassador Tanner saw young Russians in 1678.
The same can be said about almost any Petrine reform. Wherever you look, you will find that everything has already been done by his older brother, and done much better. This even applies to the army and war.

It was Fedor who introduced a new unified system of army ranks - lieutenants, captains, captains and colonels appeared under him.
It was he who introduced the system of military districts - it is still used to this day.
It was under him that the army became truly regular and equipped with the latest technology, in some ways even ahead of modern European military thought.

Thus, during the first Russian-Turkish War, which Fedor led, field artillery was unified, and elite units received the first hand grenades in Europe and “screw-mounted squeaks,” which were then easily dubbed rifles.
The war itself ended with a completely honorable peace: Fedor moved the border 200 km to the south and received about 50 thousand km² of black earth arable land - this is slightly more than modern Estonia. And the Turks have firmly learned that it is better not to mess with the new Russian army of the “Fedorov model” - it is much more fun and safer to beat Europeans. And they set off to besiege Vienna, putting Europe on the brink of death and chaos. When, a few years later, rumors spread in Istanbul that “bast-footed Muscovy” was again interested in the Black Sea, the Janissaries rebelled and threw themselves from the walls with a wild cry: “The Russians are coming!”

They say that a poet on the throne is not good - he will ruin everything and let it go to dust. The Tsar-Composer, in theory, should be even worse. But bad luck - Fedor succeeded in everything. During his short six-year reign, he reduced taxes three times (!) and forgave arrears, but at the same time the country only grew richer - a unique case in world practice. He was the first (and, it seems, the last) of our rulers to provide Muscovites with interest-free loans for housing construction. Contrary to expectations, no one stole, and 10 thousand (!) stone buildings appeared in Moscow.

With his personal funds, he built the first charity homes in Russia for veterans, the disabled and the sick. He started the first uncensored secular printing house, directly financed from the budget. By the way, it was there that the first Russian history course was to be published, which Fedor considered to be almost more important than a successful war or income for the treasury. This is what he said:
“In all matters in which history is silent, imperfection is seen as great.”

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