Holes on the leaves of plants in the garden. Leafy leaf on the plant - who is to blame? Lack of potash fertilizers

Pest repellent plants have long been used by people to protect their homestead plantations. Possessing a specific aroma, these “green helpers” are capable of disorienting or scaring intruders away from the site, contributing thereby to preserving the harvest. What kind of plants with similar properties are we talking about?

Pest Repellent Plants: Names

The list of plants capable of assisting in the fight against harmful insects is in fact very large: it contains noble flowers, spicy herbs, and vegetable crops, and even some weeds. It should be noted that most of them can successfully fit into your garden or garden, without disturbing the unity and harmony of the surrounding landscape.


Sunny, bright orange and lemon yellow marigolds, for example, are known to many owners of homesteads as the most popular curb flowers. However, only experienced gardeners know that marigolds (especially low-growing varieties) not only decorate the site, but also scare away many different pests.

So, it is noticed that these charming flowers cause rejection in the honeymoon (capustus), nematodes, carrot flies and other uninvited guests who are ready to love the gardening crops they like. In order to make the fight against nematodes and carrot flies even more effective, marigolds are recommended to be planted not in between rows, but alternating them directly on the beds with carrots, strawberries and other vulnerable plants. It should be noted that although the nematode penetrates into the given colors - after that it loses its ability to reproduce, therefore the garden will be cleared of it by next year.

Marigold or Calendula

These touching flowers, as well as marigolds, are able to repel a nematode that affects planting strawberries. In addition, the presence of calendula at the site scares off such pests as:

  • - Medvedka;
  • - Asparagus ratchet;
  • - caterpillar hawk five-point.

It is noticed that the unobtrusive scent of marigolds is unpleasant to many other known insects that threaten to cause damage to fruit trees and berry bushes. At the same time, the smell of calendula, according to experienced gardeners, is attractive to ladybirds, which are among the main enemies of aphids.

Planting marigolds can be done right in the middle of the garden (near or among plantings), and under trees in a fruit, berry or natural garden. Due to its fervent appearance, these plants will add bright colors to the surrounding landscape and at the same time - protect your future harvest from pests.



These graceful flowers have a characteristic delicate aroma that scares off such pests as bears. To reduce the risk of these insects on the site, experienced gardeners recommend planting low-growing varieties of chrysanthemums between the rows and among the plantings in the garden and in the garden.

Pelargonium (geranium)

The peculiar smell of geranium is unpleasant to many insects, causing damage to vegetable and berry crops. Experienced gardeners claim that pots and containers with geraniums, placed on the plot and among the plantations, help to prevent the invasion of aphids, cabbage bows, tsikadok, scoop. In addition, there is a perception that these plants repel mosquitoes and midges.


This perennial, considered as a weed among summer residents, contains in its flowers and leaves essential oils, the characteristic odor of which is unpleasant for insects - in particular, such as:

  • - fleas;
  • - flies;
  • - mosquitoes;
  • - pests of vegetable and berry crops.

It has been observed that the tangible smell of tansy repels the podzhogorok, but it is not necessary to plant this perennial near its garden plantations. In summer, it is enough to tie bunches of freshly torn tansy to the branches of fruit trees.


Another common plant that repels pests of the garden. In particular, insects, such as:

  • - moths;
  • - ants;
  • - cabbage flies;
  • - whiteflies;
  • - cabbage moths;
  • - fleas.

The bitter and spicy aroma of wormwood does not please the hares, who visit the country gardens in winter. To provide hibernating trees with additional protection from these rodents, some summer residents hang bundles of wormwood on the periphery of the crowns and tie them to sheltered trunks.

White mustard

Despite the fact that white mustard is better known as a weed plant, it is also a good repellent and can assist in the protection of garden plants. According to experienced summer residents, in pea crops adjacent to white mustard, the activity of the pea pinwort is markedly reduced. Avoid it also aphid and wireworm.

Elderberry black

This deciduous shrub has been successfully used by many gardeners to resist pests affecting gooseberries and currants. In particular, the presence of elderberry on the site is not to taste of insects such as:

  • - moths;
  • - gooseberry flames;
  • - moths;
  • - currant bud mites, etc.

To protect your berry garden from the invasion of these uninvited guests, it is enough to place freshly cut branches of elderberry in cans with water and install them in or between the currant and gooseberry bushes. Instead of black elder, it is allowed to use its close relative - red elder, which, according to some gardeners, is also effective against mice. There is an opinion that in places where red elder grows, these rodents do not live.


Experienced gardeners claim that the characteristic sweet-tart aroma of tomato leaves is unpleasant for aphids and coppersmiths, sawflies, moths and asparagus rattles. Because of this, tomatoes are able to provide additional protection for gooseberries, asparagus, as well as planting melons and cabbage crops.


This elegant winding culture helps not only to decorate the garden, but also to protect them from the most famous pests. It is believed that planting beans, placed next to the potato, prevent the invasion of the voracious Colorado potato beetles and wireworm.

In addition, some representatives of the legume family (in particular, lima beans) are known as quite effective repellents - i.e. plants that repel mosquitoes, midges, etc. In view of these features, limu (as they also call this type of bean) are often planted close to gazebos, use it to decorate open verandahs, patios, and other recreational areas on the site.

Onion and garlic

According to experienced gardeners, the smell of garlic and onion scares many well-known pests of strawberries and strawberries, and the phytoncides that exude these plants contribute to the destruction of pathogens of gray rot. For this reason, onions and garlic are recommended to be planted in the middle (or nearby) of the most vulnerable fruit crops.

It is also noted that carrot fly avoids planting onions - a well-known agricultural pest that can cause serious damage to the future crop. It is believed that the neighborhood of onions and carrots is mutually beneficial, since onion phytoncides scare away carrot flies, and onion carrot phytoncides scare away.

Thus, crops of garlic, located in tomatoes, turnips, cabbage, radish and radish, will provide additional protection for vegetable crops and, thereby, contribute to the preservation of your future harvest.


The practical experience of many summer residents shows that sage scent is unpleasant for common pests of cabbage and carrots - in particular, carrot and cabbage flies, whitefish, cabbage scoops.

Basil and Celery

There is an opinion that basil and celery repel mosquitoes well, as a result of which these spicy plants are often planted in garden beds or in containers near verandahs, patios, pools and ornamental ponds. In addition, celery and basil bushes, growing in the garden among cruciferous crops, will make vegetable plantings unattractive for cabbage and cabbage flies.

Of course, the presented list of plants that repel mosquitoes, midges, ticks, Colorado potato beetle and other insects is incomplete. However, no matter what “green defender” you give your preference to, do not forget that it is only possible to resist pests effectively by using integrated control measures. Do not forget about the use of other methods of protection of garden plants against pests - and you will be able to give a powerful rebuff to uninvited guests.

Fusarium rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl  Mycelium infects the roots, penetrates into the root neck and stems. With this disease of garden flowers, the inflow of nutrients stops, the plants turn yellow, brown and dry shoots with leaves, rotting roots. On sections with an abundance of moisture, a dense grayish-white mycelium appears.

Control measures.  Culling affected plants. For the treatment of this disease of flowers, it is necessary to water the soil with the preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B.

Phyllosticosis  The causative agent is a mushroom Brun phyllosticta aquilegicola.  - causes the appearance on the leaves of large, irregular shape, diffuse light brown spots without obvious edging. By the autumn, small black dotted fruit bodies form on top of the necrotic tissue.

Control measures.  Collection of plant residues, spraying in the spring and autumn Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Mealy dew.  The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe communis Grev. f. aquilegiae West. On the upper side of young leaves, a white mealy bloom of sporulation develops. Over time, it grows brown, and dotted black fruit bodies form in it. The leaves turn yellow and dry.

Control measures.  Collecting plant residues, spraying drugs: fast, pure color, keeper, topaz, tiovit Jet.

Diseases and pests of the flower asparagus: photos and preparations for treatment

Fusarium rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl.

Control measures.  Rejection of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation, treatment with preparations is carried out: benomyl, benazole, benorad.

Gray rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers. On leaves and young shoots appear large brown merging spots without bordering. In hot weather, the tissue stains crack and fall out; in the presence of moisture, the stains quickly increase, become covered with a smoky-gray bloom of sporulation, the leaves and stems rot.

Control measures.

Twelve-point asparagus rattle Crioceris duodecimpunctata L. A small beetle is 5-6.5 mm long, having 6 black spots on reddish-yellow elytra. Antennae, legs, abdomen - black.

As seen in the photo, the larvae of this pest of flowers are dark yellow, 6-7 mm long, with dark legs and light head:

Adults overwinter under the leaves, in June they fly over asparagus and lay eggs. Beetles, pests of flowers in the garden skeletonize, devour the leaves and stems, the larvae gnaw the leaves and fruits, develops 2 generations.

Control measures.  Removal of leaves in the fall. And what can water the flowers from these pests? Effective drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

How to treat astilba flower diseases

Fusarium rot.  Pathogen - mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl. - stored in the soil, in plant debris.

Control measures.  Using quality planting material

Gray rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers. When this disease on the leaves of flowers and young shoots appear large brown merging spots without fringing. In hot weather, the tissue stains crack and fall out; in the presence of moisture, the stains quickly increase, become covered with a smoky-gray bloom of sporification, the leaves and stems rot. The spread of the disease contributes to the abundance of precipitation, sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures, thickened planting. Infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures.  Collection of plant residues, thinning plants. Effective remedies for this disease of flowers are the preparations: fast, pure-color, keeper, agrolecal.

Phylocystic disease.  The causative agent is a mushroom Phyllosticta vulgaris desm.- causes the appearance on the leaves of round large spots of olive color. Over time, the spots brighten and a thin dark border becomes noticeable. Dark pycnids form on the upper side. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry up prematurely. Infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures.

Badan Flower Diseases: Photo and Treatment

Gray rot.Pathogen - mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, thinning of plants, compliance with the requirements of agrotechnical cultivation, spraying one of the products: fast, pure color, keeper, agro-pharmaceutical.

Ramulariosis  The causative agent is a mushroom Ramularia bergeniae Vasjag. - causes the appearance of spots on both sides of the leaves and on the petioles. The spots are numerous, small, rounded, light brown with a sharply outlined dark border, red-brown from the bottom side with a light center. On the petioles - red-brown, elongated, depressed. Over time, they merge into large necrosis and cause premature drying of the leaves.

Control measures.

Alternaria  The causative agent is a mushroom Alternaria tenuis nees. - causes the appearance of reddish crimson spots on the edges of old overwintered leaves without bordering. Spots grow, grow brown, dry up, a dense, dark brown pathogen sporulation, the spores of which infect neighboring leaves, develops on the underside. Infection persists in leaves and plant debris.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, preventive spraying in the spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

You can see how the treatment of these diseases of flowers is carried out in the photo below:

How to spray geranium flowers from diseases and pests

Mealy dew of a geranium.  Pathogens - fungi Sphaerotheca macularis Magn. f. gerani poteb. and Erysiphe communis Grev. f. geraniacearum Roum. The first mushroom forms on the leaves and petioles a dense white sulfur coating, in which brown fruit bodies are formed. The second has a white, cobwebby, rapidly disappearing plaque; the fruiting bodies are dark brown. Affected leaves dry out.

Control measures.  Spring spraying with drugs: swiftly, rajok, keeper, pure flowers, topaz, tiovit Jet.

Rust.  The causative agent is a mushroom Puccinia pelargoniizonalis Dge.In the summer, numerous small rounded yellowish spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, which eventually turn brown. Brown, darkening pustules form on the underside of the spots. Affected leaves dry out.

Control measures.  Collection of plant residues, spraying from the spring Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Penny slobbering Philaenus spumarius L. Large sucking insect up to 10 mm in length, from yellow-brown to black. Can fly and jump. The larvae of this pest of garden flowers are greenish-yellow with red eyes, feeding on leaves and sprouts in salivary foam. Eggs overwinter in the tissues of the buds and young stems. In the spring larvae come out and feed on tissue sap. Damaged leaves are deformed and dry out.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of larvae. And how can you process the flowers from these pests? Spraying with drugs is effective against pennitsa: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, biotlin. Intya-vip.

How to treat flower disease

Mealy dew.  The causative agent is a mushroom Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. f. inulae jacz. causes spread on leaves of grayish-white cobwebby, quickly disappearing plaque of sporulation. Over time, dark brown, dotted fruit bodies form in it. The leaves turn yellow and dry.

Control measures.  Collection of plant residues, spraying from the spring with preparations: swiftly, rajok, keeper, primrose, topaz, tiovit Jet.

Rust.  The causative agent is a mushroom Puccinia inulaecaricis tranz.- multi-owner. It develops constantly on sedge, and in summer it develops on a devil, on the leaves of which numerous orange bulging pustules form from the lower side. The leaves turn brown and dry.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, preventive spraying Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Ramulariosis  The causative agent is a mushroom Ramularia inulae (Sacc.) V. Hoehn.  - spots are grayish-brown or brown, numerous, of various forms, sometimes merging. From the bottom side a white or reddish bloom of sporulation develops. The leaves dry out.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, preventive spraying in the spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to deal with flower diseases Delphinium

Fusarium rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl.  - stored in the soil, in plant debris.

Control measures.  Rejection of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation of crops, they are treated with analogs of basezol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

Black Bacterial Spot.  The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas delphinii Stapp. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous rounded spots of black-brown color with a convex surface and concentric zonality. Over time, the spots merge, crack and fall out. Stains on stems depressed, brown, elongated. The affected stem turns brown, rots and breaks.

Control measures.  Using quality planting material, culling sick plants, spraying Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Septoriosis delphinium.  The causative agent is a mushroom Septoria delphinella Sacc. - causes the appearance of rounded dark olive spots on the leaves. Over time, the center of the spots brightens, but a thin dark border remains. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry up.

Control measures.  The use of quality planting material, culling sick plants, spraying in the spring and autumn Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Protection of iris flower from diseases

Fusarium rot.  Pathogens - fungi Fusarium oxysporum Schl., F. culmorum (W.G.Sm.) Sacc. - stored in the soil, in plant residues. Mycelium infects the roots, penetrates through the vascular system into the root neck and stems. The inflow of nutrients stops, the plants turn yellow, grow brown and dry the shoots with leaves, rotting roots.

Control measures.  Rejection of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation of crops, they are treated with analogs of basezol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

Soft bacterial rot.  The causative agent is a bacterium   In spring, yellow-brown soft necrosis is observed on rhizomes and leaves. During regrowth, the leaves turn brown, rot from the base, and the fans fall to the ground. With an abundance of precipitation, rhizomes rot, tissues soften, turning into a rotten mass with a strong odor.

Control measures.  Use healthy planting material, harvesting plant residues, trimming rhizomes to healthy tissue and burning with black potassium permanganate.

Heterosporiosis.  The causative agent is a mushroom Heterosporium glacile sacc. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous oblong spots of grayish-brown color with a dark border. The leaves turn brown and dry, an olive-black spore-bearing fungus develops on the surface of the spots.

Control measures.  Spraying Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to get rid of the diseases and pests of the flower of carnation

Fusarium rot.  The causative agent - the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. dianthi (Prill, et Del.) Bilai.  The roots and stems turn brown and rot, the plant loses its turgor, fades and turns yellow. The leaves acquire a reddish-brown hue, and a grayish-pink sporulation of the fungus develops on sections of the stems and roots. Infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures.  Rejecting affected plants, spilling soil in spring with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation of crops, they are treated with analogs of foundationol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

Gray rot.  Pathogen - mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, thinning of plants, compliance with the requirements of agrotechnical cultivation, spraying one of the products: fast, pure color, keeper, agro-pharmaceutical.

Ascohitosis.  The causative agent is a mushroom Ascochyta dianthi Berk.  - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous round spots of grayish-brown color, merging and drying out. Over time, dot brown fruit bodies form on the surface of the fungus's wintering stage. Infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, preventive spraying from the spring Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Alternaria  The causative agent is a mushroom Alternaria dianthi Stev. et Hall.  On leaves and stems appear rounded and elongated spots of brown or ash color without bordering. Leaf blades twist and dry, ulceration and deformity appear on the stems. A dense, olive-black bloom of sporulation develops on the affected tissues.

Control measures.  Same as against ascohitosis.

Rust.  Pathogens - fungi Uromym caryophyllinus (Schrank) Wint. and Puccinia arenariae (Schum.) Wint. The first fungus causes the formation on both sides of the leaf of small, rounded, powdered brown uredopustul and rounded, confluent powdered brown-black teletopus. The second mushroom forms mainly from the bottom side only teletopustules. They are numerous, rounded, merging, dark brown, neporoshshie. In this case, yellow-brown spots, which are surrounded by a chlorotic halo, appear on the upper side of the leaves. Infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures.  It is necessary to treat this disease of flowers in the same way as ascochitis.

Orthosia stabilis Schiff.  Brownish-red butterfly with a wingspan of 35 mm. The caterpillars of these pests of leaves are green flowers, with five yellowish longitudinal lines on the back and small yellow dots. The penultimate ring has a transverse yellow stripe. Pupae overwinter, butterflies fly in April, the caterpillars feed from the end of May - in June, roughly nibbling the leaves of trees and shrubs.

Control measures.  To combat these pests of flowers, spraying with spring preparations is performed: kinmiks, fufanon, spark, Inta-Vir.

How to water a daylily from pests and diseases

Snow mold.  Pathogens - fungi Fusarium oxysporum Schl., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) D. By., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Alternaria tenuis Nees., retained in the soil on plant residues. In the spring after snow melting, the overwintered leaves are covered with a grayish-white dense patina of mycelium. Over time, the mycelium dries out, but the infection persists, and rot can occur in the summer.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, culling of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In industrial cultivation, treatments are carried out with analogs of basezol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

Heterosporiosis.  The causative agent is a mushroom Heterosporium glacile Sacc.  - causes the elongated spots on the leaves to appear a grayish-brown color with a dark border. The leaves dry up, on the surface of the spots an olive-black sporulation of the fungus develops.

Control measures.  Collecting plant residues, spraying with copper preparations.

Tobacco thrips Thrips tabaci lind. Very small, sucking yellow-brown insect, 1-5 mm long, wings bordered with long hairs. These pests of flowers in the soil winter, come to the surface at the beginning of April, thrips and larvae sap the leaves and petals. Damaged tissues turn yellow, dry up, buds do not bloom. 3-4 generations are developed.

Control measures.  For the treatment of flowers from these pests are used drugs: fufanon, spark, fitoverm, aktar, biotlin, Inta-Vir.

Fight against diseases and pests of lupine flower

Mealy dew. The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe communis Qrev. f-lupini Roum. - causes the appearance on the leaves, petioles, peduncles of a cobwebby, grayish-white bloom of sporulation. Over time, dark dotted fruit bodies form in it. Leaves dry, flower stalks are deformed.

Control measures.  Collection of plant residues, spraying from the spring with preparations: swiftly, raecum, primrose, keeper, topaz, tiovit Jet.

Septoria.  The causative agent is the mushroom Septoria lupini Kazn. - causes the appearance of single rounded spots on the leaves, up to 10 mm in diameter, first dark brown, with a time of pale yellow, surrounded by a bright dark brown border. Numerous dotted black fruit bodies form in the necrosis tissue.

Control measures.  Collection and burning of plant residues, spraying copper-containing preparations.

Meadow bug Lygus rugulipennis Popp. Sucking insect length 5-5.5 mm, greenish-gray, rusty-yellow color. The base of the front wings of these flower leaf pests is leathery, the apex is membranous, the hind wings are webbed. Adult bugs overwinter under plant debris, in spring females lay eggs on petioles and leaves. Larvae look like adult bugs, but smaller.

Control measures.  Effective remedies for these pests of flowers are: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Insect pests and diseases of mallow flower leaves

Gray rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.  On the leaves and shoots appear large brown merging spots without bordering. Fabrics of spots crack and fall out; in the presence of moisture, they are covered with a smoky-gray bloom of sporulation.

Control measures.  Collection of fallen leaves, compliance with the requirements of agrotechnical cultivation, spraying one of the products: soon, pure flowers, keeper, agroleka.

Rust.  The causative agent is a mushroom Puccinia malvacearum Mont. Teletopustulas are formed from the lower side of the leaves and on the petioles. At first they are brownish-brown, later ash-gray, dense, rounded, piercing the epidermis. Affected leaves dry quickly.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, spraying Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Red Clap Pyrrhocoris apterus L.  Large sucking insect length 9-11 mm and bright color. The body, the abdominal bezel are red, the head, the antennae, the legs, the spots on the wings are black. Bugs overwinter in the cracks of the bark of trunks and stumps. Spring come to the surface and form large clusters. Females lay eggs from May. The larvae feed until autumn on the leaves of trees and shrubs and grassy plants. Fall down and winter.

Control measures. To protect the flowers from these pests in the spring, spraying is carried out with one of the preparations: fufanon, kinmiks, spark M, Inta-Vir.

How to deal with diseases and pests of the flower Nivyanik

Fusarium rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Fusarium oxysporum gchl.  - stored in the soil, in plant debris. Mycelium infects the roots, penetrates through the vascular system into the root neck and stems. The inflow of nutrients stops, the plants turn yellow, grow brown and dry the shoots with leaves, rotting roots. On sections of parts with an abundance of moisture, a dense grayish-white mycelium appears.

Control measures.  Rejection of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation of crops, they are treated with analogs of basezol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

Soft bacterial rot.  The causative agent is a bacterium Erwinia carotovora (Jones.) Holl.  The plants turn yellow and rot from the base of the stems with leaves. Affected tissue softens and gets an unpleasant smell of rot. In the humid chamber appears mucous exudate. Infection persists in plant debris and in infected plants.

Control measures.  Removal of plant residues, rotten plants, spilling a red solution of potassium permanganate.

Septoria spot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Septoria leucanthemi Sacc. et Speg.  The spots on the leaves are depressed, rounded-angular, brown-ocher color, which darken, crack and fall out over time, leaving a thin brown border.

Control measures.  Collecting plant residues, spraying Bordeaux mixture or its substitute.

Diseases and pests of flower comfrey: photos and control measures

Gray rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.  On leaves and young shoots appear large brown merging spots without bordering.

Look at the photo - with this disease of flowers in hot weather the tissue stains crack and fall out:

In the presence of moisture, the spots quickly increase, become covered with a smoky-gray bloom of sporulation, leaves and stems rot. The spread of the disease contributes to the abundance of precipitation, sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures, thickened planting.

Control measures.  Compliance with the requirements of agrotechnology of cultivation, collection of plant residues, thinning of plants, spraying one of the drugs: fast, pure color, keeper, agro-pharmaceutical.

Mealy dew.  The causative agent is a mushroom   Erysiphe communis grev. f. symphyti Jacz.  - causes the appearance on the leaves of a grayish-white spiderweed plaque of sporulation, in which with time dotted fruit bodies of dark brown color are formed. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry up.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, spraying with the first symptoms of drugs: swiftly, shriek, primrose, keeper, topaz, tiovit Jet.

Click Beetles  These are small, medium or large insects with a length from 1 to 60 millimeters, having an oblong and more or less flattened body.

Control measures. Drainage of low areas, liming of acidic soils, removal of weeds, introduction of diazinon-based preparations in spring: Barguzin, provotox, medvetoks, landmine. And how can you spray the flowers from these pests? Preparations are used against beetles: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

How to treat the disease of the flower peony

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl. - stored in the soil, in plant debris.

Control measures.  The use of quality planting material, compliance with all requirements of agricultural cultivation. Rejection of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation of crops, they are treated with analogs of basezol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

White rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) D. By. - causes rot of roots, rhizomes and bulbs of plants. The roots turn brown, rot. On the affected tissues, a dense white-like white mycelium develops, in which dense, irregularly shaped black sclerotia are formed, the inner part of which is light. With an abundance of precipitation, the base of the stems often grows brown and rotten, watery brown spots appear on the leaves, the buds do not open and dry out.

Control measures.  Same as against fusarium rot.

Rust.  The causative agent is a mushroom Cronartium flaccidum (Alb. Et Schw.) Wint.  - multi-owner. Its main development takes place on the pine, and in the spring the spores from it are infested with peonies. Small, numerous brown spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, and orange, gradually turning brown pustules form on the lower side of the spots. Affected leaves twist and dry.

Control measures.  Collection of crop residues, spraying Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to get rid of the diseases and pests of the flower host

Phyllosticosis  The causative agent is a mushroom Phyllosticta aspidistrae Oud. - causes the appearance of round-angular spots of light brown color with a darker border. Small brown fruit bodies of the hibernating stage are formed in the necrotic tissue, the spots dry out, crack and fall out.

Control measures.

Anthracnose.  The causative agent is a mushroom Colletotrichum omnivorum Halst.  On leaves in the upper part of the type of marginal necrosis appear brown merging spots of irregular shape. The leaves gradually dry out and numerous dark sporulation pads form on the surface of the spots.

Control measures.  Same as against phyllossticosis.

Garden or grape snail -Helix pomatia. Gastropod mollusk with a spiral-twisted shell, up to 5 cm in diameter. On the head there are two pairs of tentacles, the wide lower part represents the leg, with the help of which the snails move and leave a characteristic mucous mark. Develops in a year two generations. Females lay their eggs in the soil around the plants. They live in moist shady places, in thickened plantings, they feed on leaves, green shoots, fruits. Damages all plants.

Control measures.  To fight these pests of flowers as efficiently as possible, you need to collect and destroy individual individuals, remove weeds, thin out thickened plantings, and drain the low areas.

Chrysanthemum Flower Disease Treatment

Fusarium rot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl.  - stored in the soil, in plant debris.

Control measures.  Use healthy planting material. Rejection of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation of crops, they are treated with analogs of basezol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

Bacterial spotting.  The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas syringae van hall. Along the edges of the leaves appear yellowish translucent spots, which gradually turn black and dry. Affected leaves twist and fall. With increased humidity on the tissues exudate, consisting of a large number of bacteria, odorless, acts.

Control measures.  Collecting plant residues, culling heavily affected plants, prophylactic spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Mottling of the veins of chrysanthemum leaves.  The causative agent is a mottled streak of Chrysanthemum vein mottle virus. - causes on young leaves a weak chlorosis of the veins and the appearance of numerous small yellowish spots between the veins. Stains shine, dry out, the fabric falls out, and small holes are formed. The virus is transmitted by aphids.

Control measures.  Removal of individual stems with symptoms, culling heavily affected plants, spraying against aphids and other pests with drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Protection of phlox against diseases and pests

Verticillary wilting.  The causative agent is a mushroom Verticillium albo-atrum R. et B. - soil pathogen, which causes wilting and death of plants during the growing season. Stems with leaves and buds suddenly turn yellow, turn brown and dry. The mycelium from the roots penetrates the vascular system and fills it with its biological mass, because of this the influx of nutrients stops. A weak, barely noticeable grayish patina of the mycelium with spores develops on sections of the affected parts.

Control measures. The use of high-quality healthy planting material, compliance with all the requirements of agricultural cultivation of this crop. Rejection of affected plants, soil spillage with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. In the case of industrial cultivation of crops, they are treated with analogs of basezol (benomyl, benazole, benorad).

Mealy dew.  The causative agent - the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. f. phlogis jacz.  - causes the formation of dense grayish-white bloom on the leaves and shoots, which covers the bushes completely. Over time, the bloom darkens, dotted black fruit bodies of the hibernating stage form in it, the leaves turn brown and dry.

Control measures.  Collecting plant residues, spraying at the first symptoms of one of the drugs: swiftly, shriek, primrose, keeper, topaz, tiovit Jet.

Septoria spot.  The causative agent is a mushroom Septoria phlogis Sacc. et speg. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous small spots with a diameter of 1-3 mm, brown, whitening and later merging into large necrosis. On the upper side, dotted black pycnidia form over time. Other pathogens are also common: Septoria phlogina Bond., S. divaricatae Ell. et Ev., S. drummondii Ell. et Ev. The spots are small, olive-green or pale-black, but always whitening and surrounded by borders of different colors.

Control measures.  Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Pennica slobbering.  Large sucking insect up to 10 mm in length, from yellow-brown to black. Can fly and jump.

Control measures.  To get rid of these pests of flowers as quickly as possible, you need to collect and destroy the larvae, spray plants with drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, biotlin, Inta-Vir.

Cabbage scoop.  The caterpillars of these pests of leaves are green flowers, with five yellowish longitudinal lines on the back and small yellow dots.

Control measures.  Preventive and eradicating spraying in the spring and summer with pests for flowers: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Yellow leaf beetle Labidostomis lucida Germ. Beetle 5-9 mm long with an elongated body. The pronotum is blue or green, with occasional small dots and shiny, the elytra yellow with a black spot on the shoulders. It feeds in April-May on all shrubs and grassy plants, where it eats leaves.

Control measures.  The collection and destruction of individual beetles, Prophylactic spraying of plants against a complex of pests reduce the number of leaf beetles. Use one of the drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Beautifully flowering and healthy plants in the garden are a source of inspiration for every gardener. To ensure the lush and long flowering of ornamental plants, you need to protect them from diseases and pests. The well-known rule says that it is easier to prevent diseases than to deal with their consequences. The precautionary measures are simple and accessible to every gardener. It is only necessary to carry out a series of actions systematically and regularly.

Typically, measures to control pests and diseases are:

  • Biological
  • Khimichskie
  • Mechanical

It is noticed that healthy and strong plants are more resistant to various types of diseases. If the agrotechnics of cultivation are disturbed, as well as the heat, light and food regime, the plant weakens and is more easily attacked by various garden pests. The plant world lives according to the same laws as man. Plants with weakened immunity get sick more often, and it happens that they die, failing to cope with the disease.

Therefore, it is believed that preventive measures - the best way to keep your plants healthy and luxuriantly flowering.

An important role in the fight against diseases and pests and plays the right choice of varieties of ornamental plants for your garden. After all, it is no secret that many inexperienced gardeners are trying to grow on their site varieties that are not initially suitable for your climate and the existing conditions of agricultural technology.

When buying seeds, bulbs, seedlings, a competent gardener should approach the future image of his garden in a comprehensive manner, carefully planning and studying all the characteristics of plants, their requirements for growing conditions, their preferences for neighboring plants, and a possible predisposition to certain diseases.

Only in this way, in the daily care of your plants and compliance with all the requirements of agricultural technology, you can get a beautiful well-groomed flowering garden - to the delight of yourself and loved ones.

Another equally important requirement for obtaining sustainable results in the fight against pests and diseases is the observance of all sanitary standards. We are talking about disinfecting greenhouses and basements, disinfecting the soil, keeping plants clean, removing weeds and timely destroying sick and infected plants.

The most significant group of pests of ornamental plants are insect pests. Depending on the structure of the jaws of the insect, these pests are divided into 2 groups:

  • Sucking Suck the sap from the plants. These include: aphid, mites, grass bugs, insects, etc.
  • Gnawing Gnaw various parts of plants. This group of pests includes: caterpillars of butterflies, weevils, grasshoppers, etc.

Harmful insects are often carriers of certain diseases. Insect pests can winter, being in the phase of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults.

The most common insect pests are:

Aphid. It affects young shoots and weakens the plant as a whole. It can also carry viral diseases.

Furry aphid. It affects coniferous plants. A characteristic sign - white fluffy bloom. This plaque is a kind of protection of insect pests, and protects them from drying out.

Mole miners. A characteristic sign - blisters, spots or winding passages on the leaves. When looking at the sheet on the lumen of these pests are often able to detect inside mined by them min (moves). Hence the name.

Cicadas. Characteristic - speckled spots. These pests damage the leaves by feeding on plant sap. With a large defeat cyclists leaves turn yellow. External adverse conditions (for example, hot summer) can enhance this effect.

Worms and shchitovki. These pests secrete sticky mucus that covers the plant with black bloom (black fungi). Affected plants stop growing and turn yellow.

(gallic, arachnoid, onion). Quite a famous garden pest. They pose a serious threat to plants - indoor and decorative. Dangerous bacteria and viruses can enter the plant cells of the affected plant along with mite saliva. Often pathological neoplasms are formed on the plant.

Earwigs. Pests that leave a characteristic feature are rounded grooves and holes in the leaves and petals. In small quantities, they benefit because they feed on aphids.

A characteristic sign - holes in the leaves. With a significant defeat, the plant can be left without leaves.

White fly. These pests suck up the sap of the plant. As a result, the leaves turn yellow and sticky to the touch. All this can lead to the appearance of black fungi on the plant.

Ants. For the plant, it is not the ants themselves that are dangerous, and the results of their vital activity. They lay underground tunnels that can damage the roots. But the main danger from ants is the constant appearance of aphids, which the ants breed.

Weevil. A characteristic sign of damage by these pests is small punctures on the leaves. They can cause great damage to flowering plants, as they gnaw at the flower buds that form and pick the stalk.

A large group of pests that cause great damage to plants. They differ in that they have a special structure of the oral cavity. Most dangerous in rainy summer. Sometimes able to destroy the entire crop.

A large group of pests. These are microscopic worms, in the mouth of which there is a needle, with the help of which they pierce the plant and suck the juice out of it. Breed very quickly. Also are carriers of various diseases.

Ways to combat plant pests

Pests What culture is affected Effective toxic chemicals
Acacia Fire Lupine, sweet pea Phosphamide (BI-58 or Rogor)
White fly Seedlings of all flower crops in greenhouses Aktelik, Karbofos, DDVF
Cruciferous flea Alyssum, Hesperis, Godetsiyakrkiy, Levkoy, Zinnia, Escholzia, etc. Hexachloran, Metaphos, Intration, Antio
Weevil Asters, marigolds, sweet peas, cornflower, lupins BI-58, Rogor or Fomfamid, Karbofos, Hexachloran
Litter lumpy Irises, daffodils, tulips Chlorophos, Karbofos, BI-58
Cabbage Whitefish Levkoy, nasturtium Hexachlorrane, Karbofos, Bolaton, Chlorophos
Gall mite Spur Colloidal sulfur
Spider mite Ageratum, asters, viola, cloves, gypsophila, sweet peas, nasturtium BI-58, Karbofos, Keltan
Onion Mite Gladiolus, daffodils, tulips, etc. Storage fumigation with sulfur dioxide
Meadow bug Asters, anemones, lupins, dahlias, chrysanthemums Karbofos, Chlorofos, BI-58
Medvedka Asters, gladioli, lilies, Zinc phosphide
Miners Chrysanthemum, carnation Damilin, Aktellik
Cabbage moth Iberis, Levkoy, matiola Karbofos, Chlorofos, BI-58
Moth meadow Spur Trichlormetaphos
Narcissus fly Daffodils Chlorophos
Fly clove Carnation Malathion
Delphinium fly Spur BI-58
Onion fly Lilies Fentiuram
Cabbage fly Levka, gladiolus BI-58
Asters, cloves, irises, daffodils, phlox Carbation, Tiazon
Wireworms and Loopwires Gladioli, irises, lilies, tulips Hexachlorane, BI-58, Karbofos
Rapeseed flower eater Alyssum arabis Hexachlorane
Blasters Hesperis, Levkoy, Brier, etc. Chlorophos, BI-58
Slugs Asters, carnations, dahlias, gladioli, irises Metaldehyde
Bitter elephant Carnations, gypsophila Chlorophos
Scoop gamma Dahlia, snapdragon, lupine, mallow, salvia Metaphos, Trichlormetafos, karbofos
Gorchak's scoop Asters, gladioli Chlorophos
Cabbage scoop Carnation, Iris, Brier Chlorophos
Aphid brown aconite Aconite, Levkoy, Brier BI-58, karbofos, primor
Aphis pea (gelichrisovy) Asters, helihrizum, sweet peas, calendula, nasturtium Tobacco Infusion
Aphid green Verbena, carnation Malathion
Cabbage aphid Levkova, feverfew Primor
Curly tlya Pelargonium, Cannes Primor
Thrips pea Carnations, gladioli, irises, beans, sweet peas, lupins Methylnitrofos, BI-58, karbofos, chlorophos
Earwigs Carnations, chrysanthemums Phenaxine
Khrushchi (grubs of the May beetle) Lilies, irises Hexachlorane

Bacterial diseases. Caused by various bacteria. When conditions are favorable for bacteria, they multiply very quickly and cause various growths, rot, etc. in the plant.

Viral diseases.  Carriers of viral diseases are sucking insects. Also, viruses can be transmitted through garden tools, which were used when pruning or grafting infected plants. Affected plants usually change the color of their leaves, flowers and stems.

Diseases of ornamental plants

Quila. Infectious plant disease caused by pathogen spores. A characteristic sign - thickening, swelling and growths, deformation of the roots. If you find a diseased, keeled plant, you must immediately and ruthlessly remove it. Kiel spores remain in the soil for a long time.

Blackleg. Fungal plant disease. A characteristic sign - the stem of the plant turns black, becomes thin, and soon dies. Often affects seedlings and young seedlings. Plants affected by this disease must be destroyed and the soil treated with a solution of manganese.

Black spot. Fungal diseases of plants. A characteristic sign - black spots with yellow edges appear on the plant. Roses are most susceptible to this disease. Affected plants lose their attractiveness. With the running form of the disease, the plant may die.

"Rust". Dangerous fungal disease. Characteristic sign - on the diseased plant, new growths of various shapes and sizes appear. When cracking this part of the plant, a rusty-colored powder is poured from it. This is the mushroom spores.

Gray rot. Because of the speed of propagation, it is often called the “fire” or “burn” of a tulip. A characteristic symptom of the disease is that the tissues of the diseased plant seem to be burned, the stem bends, the buds do not develop. All aboveground parts of the plant are affected.

Fusarium. Or wet rot. Especially great damage to tulips. Infection occurs through the roots and roots. Sick plants bloom poorly, flower size decreases.

Ways to combat plant diseases

Plant diseases What culture is affected Effective toxic chemicals
Alternaria (black spot) Carnation, Levkoy, Brier, TMTD (seeds), Zineb, Copper Chloride
Ascohitosis Carnation, Peonies, Sweet Peas TMTD (seeds), Bordeaux liquid, Copper Oxide, Tsineb
Bacterial scab Gladiolus TMTD (seeds), Zineb
Bacterial cancer Dahlias, gladioli TMTD (seeds), Zineb
Yellow disease Hyacinths Bordeaux liquid
Wet White Rot Botrytis Irises, daffodils, tulips TMTD
Gray rot Hyacinths, dahlias, irises, sweet peas, gusts, daffodils, peonies, chrysanthemums, tulips, calendula TMTD (seeds), Copper Oxide, Bordeaux Liquid
Brown dry rot Gladioli, Zineb
Heterosporiosis Carnation, gladiolus Zineb
Smut Anemones, gladiolus TMTD (to the soil), sulfur with lime to the soil
Powdery mildew Sweet Peas, Levkoy Zineb, copper chlorine
Mealy dew Aquilegia, asters, viola, lupine, forget-me-nots, chrysanthemums, phloxes, burrs, clematis, etc. TMTD (seeds), Acrex, Copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, Benlat (benomyl), Copper Chloride, Sulfur
Diversity and mosaic (viral) Carnations, gladioli, sweet peas, irises, lilies, peonies, etc. TMTD (seeds), Fentiuram (seeds), burning of diseased plants
Spotting (septoriosis) white Asters, Carnation, Phlox Nitrofen, Bordeaux fluid
Brown spot Gladioli, irises, daffodils, peonies Copper chlorine
Rust Carnation, gladioli, irises, lilies, clematis, etc. Zineb, Bordeaux liquid, Copper chloride, Iron vitriol
Late blight Asters, peonies, tulips Bordeaux liquid
Fusarium Asters, carnations, gladioli, daffodils, tulips, sweet peas, clematis Benlat (benamyl), Fundazol
Blackleg Asters, cloves, Hesperis, Godetia, sweet peas, Levkoy, tobacco, etc. Carbation (to soil), benlat (benamyl), TMTD (seeds), Tsineb, Colloidal sulfur

In order to maximally protect your plants from infection, you need:

  • Buy seedlings only from trusted suppliers
  • Burn all fallen leaves and affected shoots
  • Fertilize regularly in the right proportions.
  • Before the onset of winter, loosen the soil so that possible disputes would die during the frost.

Plant diseases are a serious problem for gardeners. A sick garden is a rather pitiful picture. The charm goes away and the energy that a healthy and flourishing garden gives to its owners is lost. Taking care of plants in your garden and timely preventive measures to combat pests and diseases will allow you to admire the flowering garden throughout the summer season. And then the terrible picture, when at the end of summer the plants in the flowerbed look eaten and burned, will not spoil your mood and general impression of the garden.

Flowers from pests, flowers-repellents, flowers-scarers ... First of all, we, of course, plant flowers for the soul in order to enjoy different colors throughout the summer, inhale pleasant aromas and enjoy the beauty and harmony that exists in every petal.

But the summer resident is a practical person, it is desirable for him to get maximum benefit from every plant in the garden. And what can “gentle creatures” give, apart from aesthetic pleasure? Is there a practical need for them?

As you know, the most significant function of flowers is the attraction of insect pollinators to the site, but some of them are also capable of scaring away unwanted guests - pests and pathogens.

The number of plant assistants in our daily pest control is truly enormous. Among them are many really beautiful flowers that are not ashamed to plant in a flower bed. Here is the list:

  • The marigolds (tagetes);
  • Decorative tansy;
  • Geranium;
  • Delphinium;
  • Petunia;
  • Dalmatian daisy, feverfew;
  • Nasturtium;
  • Calendula;
  • Lavender.

An adorable and enjoyable list, right? Let's see to whom from the garden pests these bright flowers are not a joy.

Marigolds (tagetes) against pests

Very popular among gardeners plant - and blooms for a long time, and does not require special care.

Meanwhile, marigold flowers emit phytoncides that repel nematodes and other small soil worms from potatoes and tomatoes.

Strawberries planted along the perimeter of the beds with strawberries will reliably protect the berries from weevil.

Place a flowerbed with marigolds next to the onion and cabbage plantings - your vegetables will no longer suffer from invasions of onion flies, shovels and cabbage moths.

Marigold infusion is used against aphids on leguminous plants and fruit and berry trees and shrubs. To make the infusion, the stems and flowers are crushed and filled half of the bucket with them. Then add a bucket to the top with warm water (40-60 ° C) and insist two days. After that, 40 grams of liquid soap are added to the filtered infusion and the affected plants are sprayed. In addition, infusion of marigolds can disinfect gladiolus bulbs.

In the autumn, cut off the stems and dried flowers of marigolds and bury them in the beds for the winter. So you improve the soil in your area, prevent the development of pathogenic fungi, for example, those that cause fusarium.

Tansy against pests

This perennial plant is considered a weed and, as a rule, is removed from the gardens. But there are also decorative varieties of tansy, which can become not only a flowerbed decoration, but also defenders from harmful insects. For the essential oils of this plant contain thujone, camphor and alkoids - toxic to some types of pests.

The pungent smell of tansy is not to the liking of the Colorado potato beetle, the sucker, the cabbage bed, the onion fly, the weevil and the mites.

You can use powder from dry tansy inflorescences in the fight against ovnevka on gooseberry and currants.

To protect the apple trees from the moth, tansy is planted in tree trunks.

Calendula (marigold) against pests

For all known since childhood, the flower-claw with yellow or orange petals is not the first century that helps gardeners in a difficult fight against pests.

Calendula is often planted interspersed with potatoes to protect crops from the Colorado potato beetle.

If you sow a calendula between beds with cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, then it will protect the crop from ticks and nematodes.

Calendula, growing next to strawberries, will save the last from aphids, taking the "fire on itself." If you see that the calendula stalks are literally covered with aphids, do not panic - the aphid will remain on the nails, and the strawberry bushes will not suffer.

Calendula phytoncides suppress the asparagus rattle, hawk caterpillars and many aphids.

The neighborhood of calendula with asters prevents the development of the latter of the black leg.

This plant, like marigolds, prevents the spread of fungal diseases, heals the earth and is an excellent siderat. Seal the stems and leaves of calendula in the soil, lay in the compost, use and furrows for planting potatoes.

Pyrethrum (Dalmatian, Caucasian, Persian chamomile) against pests

This plant is a real gift from the nature of the gardener, because it is a natural insecticide. The pyrethrins and zerins contained in pyrethrum flowers penetrate the skin of insects and paralyze them. At the same time for domestic animals and humans, these substances are absolutely harmless.

Caucasian chamomile kills ants, flies, cockroaches, fleas, lice, aphids, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, spiders and ticks. It can be used as a repellent, "fumigating" the room.

Planted feverfew next to cabbage, and you forget about the caterpillars and aphid.

Growing next to apple trees and other fruit trees, pyrethrum will reliably protect your garden from moths, aphids and other pests.

If you plant a chamomile-pyrethrum next to phloxes, the latter will not be affected by the nematode.

Another good news - mice and rats are not thrilled with this amazing chamomile. You can breed it in the favorite habitat of rodents, thereby scaring them.

An effective powder is made from dried pyrethrum flowers against flea beetles, larvae, suckers and caterpillars, which are pollinated by young plants in the spring.

Infusion of pyrethrum can spray pets to prevent the appearance of fleas and ticks.

Nasturtium pest control

Bright lovely nasturtium is also ready to help a pest control fighter.

A few nasturtiums on a cabbage patch scare a white-haired stalk. A flowerbed next to the greenhouse with nasturtiums will not give the whitefly a chance to damage your tomatoes.

Nasturtium - a desirable neighbor for peonies, because it prevents the development of fungal diseases of these colors.

Plant nasturtium under cherries and apricots. It will not only serve as a pest protector, but will also become a magnificent green manure if you stick it in the fall right in tree trunks.

Stems and leaves of nasturtium - an ideal filler, because it eliminates the soil from the fungus that causes late blight of potatoes.

Geranium against pests

Geranium - a regular at our window-sills and balconies - as it turned out, it is fully capable of protecting our house and garden from unwanted insects.

This flower disinfects the room, so as an indoor plant, it is simply indispensable.

The pungent smell of geraniums does not tolerate many pests of fruit and berry crops, so it is worth planting geraniums (or placing pots with it) between the bushes in the berries. Thus you can protect the berry bushes from aphids.

Geranium well drives away flies, so that a few pots with this wonderful flower will not be superfluous in the terrace in front of the house.

Petunia against pests

Colorful petunias are very fond of flower growers, but some insects prefer to stay away from her.

Petunias confront virtually all pests and diseases of legumes.

In addition, this magnificent flower will help save your radishes, turnips, daikon and Chinese cabbage from the hordes of the cruciferous flea.

And yet the neighborhood with petunia protects asters from Fusarium.

Lavender against pests

The aroma of lavender is gentle and pleasant, only not everyone is able to enjoy it.

I think you know about plants that help us fight pests and diseases of the garden. I must say, among these defenders there are quite nice specimens.


For many years, we have sown these flowers around the perimeter of the garden and between the rows of various cultures. Due to their unique properties, they repel nematodes from potatoes and tomatoes; strawberry weevil from strawberries; as well as onion flies, cabbage white moth and scoop. Marigolds protect wheat, clover, flax and some other crops from fusarium damage.

When on peas, cabbage, apples, cherries, plums, currants, gooseberries and other crops there is aphid, be sure to treat it with marigold infusion. For this, the ground part of the plants is crushed with shears and filled in half a bucket. I pour warm water over the top (40-60 degrees) and insist for two days. Then I filter it, pour it into the sprayer, add 40g of liquid soap so that the solution adheres to the plants.

Processing rate: 2 liters per 10 square meters of land with vegetables, per bush or tree up to 6 years; 6-8 l - for an older fruiting tree.
  To improve the soil before plowing, I scatter crushed marigold stems. This also scares the bear.


This flower is not just good-looking, but, in addition, is an excellent green fertilizer. It is enough to plant two or three plants under an apple-tree, peach or cherry to admire flowering all summer, and in the fall to grind up the plants and stick to the tree trunk.

If several nasturtium bushes are placed in a greenhouse or on a bed between tomatoes, it will scare away the whitefly. And from the cabbage - whitehouse.


I plant this plant between asters. This protects them from fusarium, a fairly common fungal disease. Also, planting rosebush with marigolds and thus prevent the nematode from becoming infected.


And another plant from my arsenal. It is rightly called a natural insecticide. She saves cabbage from aphids and caterpillars of the cabbage scoops and whitefish. And if in the spring to plant feverfew around the perimeter of the pristvolny circles of apple trees, then the trees will be reliably protected from aphids, Codling moths and other harmful insects. Where this chamomile grows, there are no aphids and nematodes on phlox and other flowers. They do not like feverfew and mouse-like rodents.

PETUNIA  protects legumes from many pests and diseases, and asters from fusarium.

LAVENDERnot only very beautiful. In mixed plantings, it saves neighbors from ants, aphids and real moths.

TANSYplanted around the perimeter of the beds or flower beds, protects against ants.

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