For 6 hours the peas did not boil. What you need to do to pea boiled soft in the soup?

Another way to cook peas for those who like mashed soups is to add potato cubes to it about half an hour after the start of cooking. Besides the fact that potatoes help to make the soup more thick and creamy, it also contributes to the cooking of the legumes themselves.

Many insist that it is better for peas to meet with water as late as possible, preferably before boiling it. Thus, immediately after the start of boiling, the peas are washed and only then they fall asleep in a saucepan. After, the cooking process will take about an hour, salt, as usual, should be only at the very end. Cooking time can be reduced if you decide to cook a more textured soup, with whole peas, interspersed with pureed.

If the peas are not boiled soft in the soup, then it can be flavored with soda. A small amount of soda contributes to the rapid softening of the starchy core of legumes, which leads to boiling down literally to a puree-like state. Add soda to the peas should be after boiling water. An average pinch, about a quarter of a teaspoon, is enough for cooking a small saucepan of peas. Worry about the fact that the finished peas will give soda is not worth it, the main thing is that it was not much. Of course, this method is suitable if you are going to put ready-made peas in the soup.

Pea soup and porridge are traditional Russian dishes. In addition to useful properties, these foods are different high calorie. But hostesses do not like cooking these dishes much, because they take a lot of time.
  Next, we list the secrets of fast cooking legumes.

  How to cook fast peas - soaking in water

There are cases when you need to quickly prepare a dish, and the pea slows down the whole thing, because the cooking process takes a long time. There is a way out - it is soaking in water for at least six hours. If the peas will lie very long in the water, then it can begin to ferment. And even if the appearance of the vegetable is not sufficiently swollen, it is necessary to replace the old water with fresh. Before soaking the peas, you need to carefully sort out and rinse under running water. For soaking suitable cold and hot water. Overnight swell and perfectly boil soft even the hardest grades of cereals. There are situations when the dish needs to be prepared, then it can be soaked for several hours.
  Remember! To get boiled peas you can not add a lot of salt to the water.

  How to cook quickly peas - adding water during boiling

What to do if the dish needs to be prepared urgently, and there is no time for this, or the hostess forgot to soak the product overnight. Experienced housewives know how to cook peas faster. So, you need to thoroughly wash the peas, put it in a container, pour cold water on it and start cooking. After boiling water, you need to wait ten minutes. Then finish in the tank half a glass of water. Then everything should boil a second time, wait a few minutes, and the peas will be cooked. If you need boiled peas completely, you can repeat the procedure with the addition of water, just take a little more water.

  How to cook fast peas - adding butter

You can make the cooking process faster by the following method. To do this, add a piece of butter in boiling water. Thanks to fats, the cooking rate of peas is increasing, but the aroma will have no effect. Oil can be replaced smaltz. This method is ideal for porridge, because it will come out much tastier and more satisfying.

  How to cook fast peas - soda

With the help of soda, you can quickly cook the cereal. Adding this component should be carried out during cooking. To do this, you need a little soda, otherwise you can spoil the taste of the dish. This method will allow to cook peas for twenty minutes. After 20 minutes after boiling, you need to add soda: for two liters of liquid you will need half a teaspoon. Next, boil the peas for another five minutes.

  How to cook fast peas using a slow cooker

Modern life involves the emergence of new household appliances. Of course, multicooker not so new, because it is in every kitchen. But despite this, not every cook knows that it is suitable for quick cooking peas. Before proceeding to the procedure, peas need to sort, soak and rinse. In the device select the mode of "quenching", and press start. If you want to get mashed peas, then it will take an hour and a half, and for pea soup with smoked meat - an hour.

  How to cook fast peas with a pressure cooker

The process of cooking peas is quite complicated, because it often burns, remains hard or limp. But you can get rid of the hassle with a pressure cooker. So, first you need to soak the peas for a few hours, after going through it. Place the well-washed peas in a pressure cooker, close the lid and set on fire. A quarter of an hour after boiling, the pressure cooker should be removed from the heat and let it brew for 10 minutes.

That's all the secrets of instant cooking are finished. Now you know how to speed up the process. At the same time, remember that the halves of peas cook faster. Also, the cooking results depend only on the pea variety you choose. There are those who do not boil soft at all, no matter what method you choose or how much you cook it.

How to quickly cook peas? It is such a difficult question that confronts the chefs who first opened a cookbook. In this article, we will look at all the methods of cooking this legume culture in detail, and you will finally learn the secret of fast cooking. Cooking peas is a whole art, which can be mastered only in the process of persistently studying the recommendations of experienced chefs and making them mandatory in practice. Right now we are going to do this. First, it is necessary to mention that peas can be in different states: fresh, frozen, dry and canned. Of all these species at the moment we will be interested in only two: dry and frozen.

How to quickly cook peas so that it does not lose its beneficial properties? It takes about 50 minutes to prepare crushed peas, but sometimes more, depending on the variety. Whole brewed about 1 hour 30 minutes. It is clear that crushed peas will be prepared faster for you. All experienced cooks know a special rule: any legumes, including peas, must first be soaked in cold water for a night or at least 3-4 hours. As you can see, this option takes a lot of time, so it does not suit us, since we want to prepare the dish right away. How to quickly cook peas without soaking?

With the addition of butter

The process of cooking peas can be reduced by adding butter during cooking (1-2 teaspoons). Salt all leguminous plants is recommended at the end of cooking.

With the addition of soda

How to quickly cook peas in another way? There is another method: in the cooking process you need to add soda (for 2 liters of water - 0.5 tsp). And in a quarter of an hour - the dish is ready.

Some soaked peas in for 1-2 hours. 200 ml of water - 1 teaspoon of soda. Then it is thoroughly washed and boiled for only 30 minutes.

Many experienced housewives are not advised to use this recipe with the addition of soda, preferring the classic version or other methods of fast cooking.

With the addition of cold water

How to quickly cook peas by adding cold water? We tell in more detail. Rinse the peas thoroughly under cold water until it is completely transparent in the saucepan. Cover it with water so that it is only slightly covered. Put on a strong fire, after boiling to subtract. In case of evaporation, add cold water again so that it slightly covers the peas. Repeat this procedure three times. The main condition - the water in all cases must be very cold.

Recently, an unusual black pea has appeared on the market, which is distinguished by small dark seeds of an oblong rhombic shape. Prepare this variety in similar ways.

Vitamins and minerals contained in peas

Peas are rich in various vitamins and minerals: B1, B3, B6, H (biotin), PP, magnesium, vanadium, potassium, copper, cobalt, boron, selenium, zinc, sulfur, molybdenum, iron, chromium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon. Unfortunately, because of the long cooking process, the hostesses are not always willing to “mess around” with it.

Even experienced housewives, preparing this or that dish, sometimes doubt whether they are doing everything correctly.

Especially a lot of questions arise when cooking peas. After all, a pea is an unpredictable vegetable. He does not want to boil over, remaining tough for a long time, then, on the contrary, will quickly become limp, although according to the recipe it is necessary that the peas remain whole. Why does this happen?

It turns out that everything depends on the grade of peas, the degree of its maturity, the method of grain processing, as well as the time of storage prior to its use.

Peas, which were stored for about a year, will cook longer than freshly harvested   or one that was stored for a short time. Some housewives look at the date on the package with peas, but in this case failure can lie in wait, because the packaging notes the packaging date and it is not yet known how long the peas were kept in storage until that moment.

How to soak peas

More wet grains boil faster than dry, as it swells faster.

  • Peas are soaked in cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed + 15 °. If the peas are soaked in warm water and left for a long time, for example, for 5-8 hours, then it can simply sour. And not always can be determined by the appearance or taste of soured peas. After all, a slight souring does not manifest itself at all, but when cooked, peas do not boil softly and acquire an unpleasant “soapy” taste of sprouted grains.
  • For soaking take water twice as much as peas.
  • Soaked peas doubled in volume.
  • If the peas are used for cooking pea soup, then the peas can not soak. It is enough to just sort it out, removing the garbage, and then wash it in cold water. Because when cooked without soaking, almost all the peas lose their shape, that is, it boils soft.
  • If the dish needs not boiled peas, but a whole, then it is soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours. This allows you to double the output of finished products. For cooking pea puree do the same. When the peas are cooked, the cooking is stopped, the peas are salted and left in the broth for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth is poured, and the peas are hot, rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder or pounded with a tolkushka.

Soaked peas are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for 1-1.5 hours until soft. The water should only boil slightly.

It is believed that peas will cook faster if it is poured with cold boiled water. Although practice shows that the fact in which the water is dipped peas for cooking does not play a special role. Peas, dipped in boiling water, are cooked exactly as much as peas poured in cold water, and taken from the same pack.

If you need to add tomato paste, vinegar and other spices (including salt) to the peas, then this is done at the very end of cooking, when the peas are fully cooked.

With a long cooking peas water boils away strongly, and the hostess are forced to add water. And there are some subtleties. If, nevertheless, water has boiled away, then it is necessary to top up only boiling water so that boiling does not stop. But if you pour cold water, the grains ... crack. What the hostess, too, sometimes on hand.

Cooking time of peas depends on its shape. Round light yellow peas brewed much longer than yellow split..

After reading this material, you will learn how to cook peas quickly, so that it boils soft and will delight you with excellent taste. The proposed recommendations will help you to cope with the task, even if you forgot to soak the product in time in advance, as required by the majority of recipes.

How to quickly cook dry peas for soup?

The ideal option to speed up cooking peas for, as you know, is pre-soaking the peas in cold water for seven hours or ideally for the night. Reduce the time of soaking the product by adding a pinch of baking soda to the water. In this case, it will be necessary to keep the peas in the soda solution for only two or three hours, and the result will be the same as after a longer soak. Before putting such peas in the soup, it must be rinsed well in clean water.

If you do not have time for soaking at all, add the washed peas to the soup along with the meat. To speed up the cooking, add a pinch of soda directly into the soup. Due to this, the peas will become soft and will be boiled down to a state of mashed potatoes even faster than the meat will be cooked. You can not worry about the taste of the dish. Soda in it will not be felt. If its presence still confuses you, you can use another effective method of accelerating the cooking of peas.

Raskvarit peas get faster by creating the conditions of temperature difference during its preparation. To do this, put the peas in the soup along with the meat or smoked meats (if used), pour water over it so that it only covers the contents and heat everything to a boil. Then gradually pour cold water a little, and each time bring the dish to a boil. Thus, the peas will cook faster and will delight you in the soup with excellent taste.

Another condition that must be observed when cooking peas for soup. Salt food, in which peas are brewed, is necessary after its cooking, at the final stage of cooking.

How to quickly cook peas without soaking in a slow cooker?


  • dry split peas - 380 g;
  • purified water - 520 ml;
  • salt coarse to taste.


Wash the split peas thoroughly to a clear liquid, put it into the multi-device tank and fill it with the necessary amount of purified water. We set up the device for the “Quenching” function and set the time on the display for two hours. Over time, boiled peas are salted to taste and mixed. The result in this case will be almost uniform pea puree, which can be served as an independent dish, seasoned with vegetable roasting or used as a side dish.

For a thicker consistency of the dish, it is necessary to reduce the amount of liquid at the initial stage of cooking.

Cooking time of peas in a slow cooker will directly depend on the model of the gadget. If your device has a pressure cooker function, then the peas in it will boil twice as fast.

How to quickly cook peas for patties?

For lovers of pies with pea filling, we will tell in this recipe how to cook it quickly and tasty.


  • dry split peas - 270 g;
  • purified water - 640 ml;
  • bulb bulbs - 180 g;
  • refined sunflower oil - 55 ml;
  • salt coarse to taste.


To prepare the filling for fast, you can use one of the methods of speeding up the cooking, which we mentioned above. If you have time, it is better to soak the peas before cooking for a few hours, after washing it. It is believed that with water merge substances that are difficult to digest by the body, which is often the cause of increased gas formation in the intestine. And since the peas in the patties will be combined with the yeast dough, an additional portion of such substances can be a daunting task for   weak digestion.

So, pour the washed and, if possible, soaked peas with water, taking two and a half parts of water into one part of the mass of peas. After boiling, reduce the intensity of the heat to the minimum and boil the peas, stirring occasionally, until it turns into thick porridge. This will take an average of one hour.

By readiness, we pass the small sliced ​​onion in sunflower oil until soft, add to the pea mass and mix. If desired, you can punch the filling with an additional blender to maximize its uniformity.

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