Home basturma - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook basturma of beef or chicken at home. For everyone and everything

Basturma is called beef jerky cooked using spices. This dish was widespread in the countries of the former Ottoman Empire. We all love such a delicacy as basturma, the recipe of its preparation is the pride of many nations. Considered traditional in the kitchens:

  1. Armenian;
  2. Turkish;
  3. Azerbaijani.

Armenian basturma

Cut from beef carcass, cut along the fibers into small pieces. They are laid in rows in a deep dish and sprinkled with salt. The meat is covered with a cloth and left for 2 days. After this time, the pieces are shifted and again left for 2 days. The top layer of meat should be at the bottom, and the bottom at the top. After that, it is washed with cold water and dried. Wrap the dried billet in a cloth, press down with a load and leave for 5 hours. After changing the fabric, the meat is pressed for another 12 hours. After pressing, the pieces are tied with twine and hung out to dry for 12 hours. Dry meat is rolled in a mixture of spices and salt (the mixture should have the consistency of sour cream) and dried for 4 days. This procedure is repeated twice more. Basturma, the recipe of which is given above, must be dry (with a minimum amount of moisture) and covered with a mixture consisting of:

  • garlic;
  • salts;
  • chaman;
  • ground red pepper.

Turkish basturma

Turkish   basturma cooking recipewhich differs from Armenian only in a set of spices, has a richer taste. This is achieved by using a mixture of ground black and red pepper instead of ground red pepper. The rest of the technology remains the same.

Azerbaijani basturma

The sequence of operations for creating basturma remains the same and cured meat recipes  very similar to each other. Only in the Azerbaijani version, in addition to the known seasonings, coriander is also used. Blue fenugreek (chaman) can be replaced by hops-suneli. Meat for this dish can be of different types, but the traditional basturma is made from beef.

Basturma allows you to keep all the useful properties in the meat. It remains rich in vitamin C, retains a high content of iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Including basturma in the diet, you can quickly build muscle and get rid of anemia and chronic fatigue. Spices, which are used for cooking, have antibacterial properties and prevent the development of tumors.

You can cook a delicious dried meat product from any meat, not only pork, but also from any bird, as well as meat brought from hunting.

Heat treatment will not be so good to buy a proven product. It is better if it is chilled rather than frozen.

In order to avoid oxidation of the product, it is necessary to use glass or ceramic dishes for salting. It is optimal to use large unrefined sea salt, it dissolves worse, which will save the product from excess salt.

Recipe jerky (pork) at home

A peculiar, incomparable taste of dried pork will certainly make this cooking method one of the favorites, and for starters, you can try this simple, not the most complicated recipe.

  • A piece of the neck - 2 kg;
  • Salt;
  • Apple vinegar (or red wine);
  • A pair of garlic cloves.

For spicy powder:

  • A mixture of peppers (you can individually red, black, white);
  • Coriander;
  • Red sweet paprika;
  • Some dried chili;
  • Dried garlic;
  • Badian - 2-3 grains;
  • Rosemary (fresh or dried).

Meat is laid out in dishes and poured with salt (turn it a couple of times so that the whole piece is in salt). Then the flesh is salted in the refrigerator for three days, and you can not forget about it: you have to turn it over regularly.

After three days, the neck must be removed, rinsed under running water - rinse with salt.

Now it's time to start marinade. In a vinegar is added a tablespoon of salt, black pepper, garlic cloves, skipped through a press, rosemary. The neck is placed in the marinade, it should be cooked with the expectation that the piece should be completely covered with it. In the marinade meat is night.

Now turn for powder.

Mix the peppers, star anise, coriander in a mortar until uniform, mix with the other spices (paprika, chili, dried garlic), add rosemary and a few spoonfuls of salt to the mixture (about a handful).

Pull the neck from the marinade, put it on the prepared parchment, roll it several times in powder, then wrap it in the same parchment and wrap it in a thick thread.

Now you need to be patient, because the meat will be ready only in 30 days. All this time it should be kept on the shelf on the door of the refrigerator, and from time to time turn it over.

Homemade Chicken Meat

And chicken meat can be obtained so refined and delicate delicacy that there is nothing to even compare it with, however, meat cooked in this way has a popular name - “chicken balyk”.

It is not difficult to prepare it, and if you consider that the cost of such a delicacy is very low, the attractiveness of the dish will increase significantly.

Interestingly, the meat will not boil, but it will be processed vodka - it will kill germs.

For the preparation of chicken meat delicacy you need:

  • Whole chicken breast (2 fillets);
  • Tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Half a teaspoon of black pepper;
  • A teaspoon of the French Herbs mixture (another name is Provence herbs, a specific set of spices and herbs: fennel, lavender flowers, thyme, thyme, etc.);
  • Half a spoonful of red pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

All seasonings are poured into the container, vodka is poured in there, mix thoroughly until homogeneous.

Breast wash and dry with napkins. Now it must be carefully rubbed with a mixture of spices, just rub it into the meat on all surfaces. Then place in a bowl with a lid and marinate at room temperature for at least 6 hours. Turn the meat every 1.5-2 hours.

After the time allotted for marinating is over, rinse the fillets under running water and dry with a napkin.

Garlic pass through the crush, grate them with pulp. The last stage: the fillet is wrapped in gauze, tied with thread. You can hang it in any very warm place with good air movement, for example, on the battery tube.

It should hang and fade for a day, then it should lie down for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, after which you can try it and then eat it.

Yoghurt cream recipe for sponge cake, read and choose your version.

Recipe for semolina cake. This is a real pleasure!

Recipe for beef jerky at home

Delicious nourishing meat, not as fat as pork, an excellent ingredient for sandwiches, appetizing slices for the holiday table.

  • Fillet or tenderloin - kilogram;
  • Sea salt - a kilogram;
  • Black pepper - a tablespoon;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Different spices - a tablespoon (rosemary, thyme, oregano, paprika, and others).

Beef should be removed from the film, you can cut it into 2-3 strips. Salt mixed with pepper.

A layer of a mixture of salt and pepper is poured into the dishes, then the meat is laid out, the top is filled with the same salt and pepper. The whole composition is covered with a film and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Then the meat must be washed, dried and, without closing, put in the refrigerator for another 12 hours.

Spices, selected to taste, mixed and crushed. You can ceiling in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder. Garlic must be passed through a crush and mixed with spices.

Beef is rubbed with the prepared mixture, then wrapped in 2-3 layers of gauze and tied with thread. It is placed in the fridge for a week. If it lies on a shelf, then you have to turn it 1-2 times a day. It is better to hang it to the shelf, then you can forget about it for a week or two.

You can use it in a week, but it’s better if it hangs a little longer - it tastes better.

Elk jerky

Very simple universal recipe, great for other types of meat.

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4-6 tablespoons of salt;
  • Bay leaf 2 leaves;
  • 2 carnations;
  • Allspice;
  • You can add lemon zest.

The ingredients are calculated somewhere per kilogram of meat.

Boil water, add all the listed ingredients, boil for a couple of minutes. Then remove from heat, cool, pull out bay leaf and zest.

Cut meat into long pieces and place and place in the cooled brine. At room temperature it costs about 6 hours, then three more days in the refrigerator.

On the fourth day, the meat must be removed from the brine and placed under pressure for an hour - this will help expel the brine from the meat so that the process of wilting does not drag on.

Then the pieces are rubbed with pepper, black and red, and other spices to taste (dried garlic, cumin and others). At the end of the process, the meat is wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in the refrigerator for another week.

A week later, the pieces again need to get, deploy and rub again with spices, especially red pepper and dried garlic.

Such meat is stored for a long time - you can keep it in the refrigerator for up to three months.

You can dry any meat, but beef is more suitable for people trying to eat foods with fewer calories.

It is better to store it in the refrigerator, while it is better to limit the access of air, for example, by placing it in a container.

A great way to store - in vacuum bags.

Different types of meat should be stored separately, pieces prepared according to different recipes should not be put together either - in order to preserve the original taste and aroma.

Condensation or moisture in containers with meat is unacceptable. If the meat is dried with fat, it shortens its shelf life, as fat is a source of moisture.

Chunks of meat can be shifted with napkins, which will need to be checked and changed as they are moistened - this way you can protect the meat from moisture accumulation.

If the meat dries near sources of heat, before packing it for storage, let it cool, otherwise the appearance of condensate can not be avoided.

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Oh, how I love everything salty, sharp and dried! And no sweets and chocolate are needed, only there would be a fish and salt meat. Almost everyone knows how to make salo, and decided to make a basturma myself, in search of something tasty.

Basturma is dried meat, salty, sharp and incredibly tasty.  Everything I love. If you are a lover of salty meat, then my new article will be useful. I offer you some recipes for this delicacy. How to cook basturma at home  read on, as well as watch a video recipe for homemade chicken meat.

BASTURMA or how to cook jerky

Fragrant basturma, cut into translucent slices or strips, is a real gourmet snack. A special blend of herbs and spices gives the meat a lasting and incredibly special flavor. The taste and aroma of basturma intensifies from the fact that meat is dried for long days and weeks in the sun.

Basturma is considered a national dish of Turkish, Caucasian and Central Asian cuisines.

Now the real basturma can be found only on the shelves of the most expensive deli meats. In the old days, basturma was not a strange delicacy, but only a way to preserve meat stocks without a refrigerator.

Dried beef tenderloin or horse meat in spices has ancient roots. The name "basturma" of Turkic origin, comes from the word "basdirma", which literally translates as "crushed, pressed meat." When the Turks were still nomads, they ate exclusively horsemeat, and in order to preserve meat for a long time, pieces of meat were thickly greased with sea salt and placed in canvas sacks.

Bags hung on both sides of the saddle. When the rider sat on the horse, he pressed the sacks of meat down with his feet, so the meat became flat and pressed. It was probably the most ancient way to preserve meat products in the hot season.

Many centuries later, basturma had a shell of burning spices, a pungent and sharp taste and aroma frightening insects and animals, so the meat was preserved even longer.

Some quite interesting facts are connected with basturma.

Even a very small portion of this basturma makes a person's sweat even more caustic and fragrant. Moreover, the sweat acquires a persistent aroma of spices in which the meat is marinated, and it is impossible to kill this smell even with the most resistant and expensive deodorants. What is the reason for this effect of basturma, scientists have not figured out. Fortunately, the smell itself disappears in 10-15 hours.

In the East, sudzhuk is called a relative of basturma - these are thin dried sausages made from ground beef with burning spices. By the way, the sudzhuk is still sometimes cooked from horse meat.

Classic basturma is made from good beef tenderloin. Mostly the middle edge is taken, but you can use the thick one. The most important thing is that the piece itself is voluminous and thick. When dried, the meat dries out and loses almost half of its original weight. All the liquid evaporates, and if the piece was from the current edge, then the delicacy will be quite small.


Recipe Basturma beef jerky


  • beef - tenderloin
  • chilli
  • garlic

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tenderloin and dry with a towel. Please note that meat for basturma should not be too thin. Otherwise, it will not be a basturma, but something resembling a "sole."
  2. Add meat in salt. Leave at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. Then clean off all excess salt.
  3. Put the meat in a deep bowl and put the load on top. Put in the fridge for a day.
  4. Then remove the oppression, and wrap the meat in cheesecloth and hang out at the draft. A place for drying must be ventilated! Leave the meat to fade for 4-5 days.
  5. Put garlic cloves, twin seeds and red pepper in a blend. Seasonings are all taken to taste and desire, but so that in the end they are enough for all the meat. Grind in a blender all the prepared ingredients.
  6. Remove the basturma from the hook, remove the gauze.
  7. Roll meat in spices from all sides. You can rub your hands to better soaked.
  8. Wrap each piece of basturma in foil and leave at room temperature for 4 days.
  9. Before serving, scrape off the spice and cut the deli meat into semi-transparent slices.

Pork Basturma Recipe


  • 1 kg of lean pork tenderloin
  • pepper
  • turmeric
  • coriander
  • hot chili pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Make a brine of 1 liter of water and 4 tbsp. l salt.
  2. Strip the pork from the films and cut all the fatty layers.
  3. Dip the meat in a pickle and refrigerate for two days.
  4. Salted meat sprinkled with spices.
  5. Carefully rub your hands.
  6. Wrap the meat in cheesecloth and hang in a ventilated place for 2-4 days. Check the drying time yourself, if you like soft basturma, then after 2 days you can take a sample. But if you prefer really dried meat, I recommend waiting 4-5 days. Believe me, it's worth it.

Basturma Duck Breast Recipe


  • 500-600 gr. duck breasts
  • 3 tbsp. l ground cumin
  • 6-8 minced garlic cloves
  • hot red pepper

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the breasts from skin, films and fat. Wash and place in a bowl.
  2. Pour so much salt on the breast so that the meat under it is not visible at all.
  3. Put the bowl with breasts in the fridge for three days.
  4. Remove salted meat and rinse under running water.
  5. Pour the breasts with cold water and leave to soak for an hour or two.
  6. Peel and grate the garlic. Mix the garlic with ground cumin, red and black pepper. In the resulting mixture pour a little boiled water and mix to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  7. Pour the meat with spice paste, mix, cover the dish with a lid and put it in the fridge for a day.
  8. Then wrap the breasts in cheesecloth and hang on the balcony or in another ventilated room for 5-10 days. It turns out very tasty dish. One bad, eaten in one sitting. My advice is to make several servings at once, thanks later, when you try.
  • Basturma can and should be cooked from a different kind of meat. Try making basturma from beef, pork, turkey, duck, chicken and decide which one you like best. The most delicious for my taste, beef and duck basturma, my son and husband liked pork basturma, and my mother from chicken. Conclusion, everyone has different tastes, and basturma from any meat is a delicacy.
  • Select the spices for basturma to your taste. In a basturma from various kinds of meat, various peppers, garlic, dry mustard and cumin are well combined. There are recipes for basturma with coriander, zira, hops and even mozhevelnik. The taste of such a basturma is unusual and for the amateur, you need to try and make a small portion with strong-smelling spices, so as not to spoil a large piece of good meat.
  • Be sure to hang out the basturma in a draft so that it will hang out. You can not dry basturma in a room with the windows closed, you risk getting kicked off.

Have you tried making homemade basturma? Waiting for your recipes and reviews!

Thinly sliced ​​dried meat, which is a wonderful snack - basturma, the recipe of which came to us from Armenia (according to some sources from Turkey). The meat prepared in this way could be stored for a long time, since the lack of refrigerators and the hot climate contributed to the rapid deterioration of the product.

How to make a basturma?

First of all, you will need meat - beef. But, you can try to cook an oriental snack made from veal or turkey. The method of cooking basturma is almost the same for these varieties of meat, only the sets of spices will differ. As for the time of drying, it depends on the climate: the drier and hotter it is, the faster the basturma will be ready. Chaman is an obligatory spice - it is also called shamabala or fenugreek. It is the chaman that gives the basturma a nutty flavor. Also, I would like to note that the room for drying meat should be well ventilated and dry.

Basturma in Armenian

Once the eastern nations were engaged in the drying of meat, then we can cook a basturma, the recipe of which is proposed below.

  • meat - 1 kg;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs .;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • black pepper - 1/3 tsp;
  • chaman - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • paprika - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • chili pepper - 1/2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cumin - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - to taste.

Meat (preferably beef) without fat and lived washed, dried and thoroughly rub with salt, crushed bay leaf and black pepper. Put in a bowl and put in the fridge for 5-7 days. Every day we turn the meat.

When the meat is ready for drying, we take it out, rinse it off with salt, dry it and put it under pressure for a day or two. Then, we make a hole in our meat, insert a wooden stick and hang it for 4-5 days to dry. Prerequisite is a well ventilated area.

Now, we take the chaman, which is used in any basturma recipe in Armenian, we dilute it with water (warm boiled), add the remaining spices. We should have a gruel that is similar in texture to mustard. In this mixture, leave the meat for a day to marinate in the fridge. Then, once again, we coat the gruel evenly with a dense layer and suspend it to dry for 1-3 weeks. Depending on the temperature and climate, the cooking time for basturma will vary. Willingness is determined by several properties that the product will acquire: it should harden and darken slightly.

Turkey basturma

Of course, beef jerky is a classic recipe for basturma. But, it can be cooked from other meats. In this recipe, we will tell you how to make a turkey basturma.

  • turkey breast - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • adjika - 1 tsp;
  • beer - ½ cup;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs .;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • pepper - 5 peas;
  • a mixture of dry spices - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Homemade turkey basturma is prepared as follows. First, we make a marinade, for which we boil a liter of water with salt, onion, pepper and adzhika. Give the water to cool, then pour the breast and put it in the fridge for a day. After a day, wash the turkey, dry it and hang it for 5 days in a well-ventilated room to a state of slight drying. Now, prepare the mixture for coating. From dry spices (you can take, for example, paprika, chili, oregano, basil, parsley, celery, tarragon, cilantro, shambhala) of crushed garlic and beer we cook gruel, coat it with breasts and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Then, remove, once again evenly distribute the slurry into pieces of turkey and suspend to dry for several days. The upper crust should be completely dry, and the core of the meat when pressed slightly spring.


Basturma in Armenian is a recipe.

  • Marinade:
  • on 1kg beef tenderloin:
  • Dry red wine (homemade) - 1 l
  • Salt - 6 tbsp. L
  • Ground red hot pepper - 2 tsp
  • Chaman - 2 tsp
  • Sumy (dried ground pomegranate) - 2 tsp
  • Nut grass (it is possible without it, “the bouquet will be lost”) - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • To coat basturma before drying:
  • Dry red wine - 150 gr
  • Salt - 3 tsp
  • Chaman - 1 tsp
  • Sumy - 3 tsp
  • Red bitter ground pepper - 2 tsp
  • Flour, the amount to knead the dough a little thicker than for the pancakes
  • Salt, chaman, sumah and bitter pretz will also be required for the stumbling of basturma.
How to cook

1. First, we direct the marinade based on dry red wine in a saucepan, adding salt, chopped garlic, chaman, sumac, and nut grass.

2. Then we submerge the cutting there, arranging it in such a way that the whole was covered with marinade, set oppression. Cover with a lid and “forget” for seven days.

3. At the end of the term, we obtain the aromatic meat marinated with wine and spices, let it drip (about 1 hour). (If urgent, you can remove excess moisture with a napkin).

4. Spread the meat cooked a little earlier "dough" based on wine, salt, seasoning and flour. Thickness of a layer is 2-3 mm.

5. After “coating”, roll the basturma in a mixture of spices and salt. Then, strung on a string or hook, hang in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place for drying for at least 10 days. You can do more if you have enough patience. At the end of the drying basturma hardness similar to s / c sausage.

In the "basturma", the sharp-salty taste is interwoven with the taste of wine and the aroma of spices. Serve basturma, cut into thin slices, with cilantro and basil. A glass of wine or a glass of brandy will be superfluous.

For the first time, basturma had to try at an Armenian wedding 15 years ago. Having learned the recipe from the hostess-armenianchki, since then I prefer to cook myself, only in wine I have no idea of ​​any other taste. Cooking, of course, requires a lot of attention, but it turns out tastier than the option from the market. Besides, manufacturers of market basturma are not always conscientious, not drawing it out enough, which gives extra weight.

Recipe: Basturma in Armenian, how to cook quickly and tasty at home


Armenian beef basturma recipe

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Armenian basturma

per 1 kg of meat 200g of salt

3 kg of beef from the hip portion

1 tbsp. chaman (fenugreek)

warm water (it took me 8st.)

4-5 heads of garlic (to taste)

red sweet pepper so much to get the desired color

red hot pepper to taste

black pepper to taste

cumin (or dill seeds) to taste

salt (here it is better not to salt)

Cut the meat into pieces about 30x15x5 cm.

Wash, dry, sprinkle with salt on all sides so that the meat is covered by 2-3 mm. Put on each other, put the bowl on an incline and wait until the salt starts to do its job. E. Salt will begin to “suck out” the blood from the meat. Time from time to drain out the juice. And from time to time to shift the meat so that the top layer is at the bottom, the bottom is at the top, etc.

And so for 2-3 days, until the liquid is no longer allocated.

Depending on the meat (sometimes a lot of liquid is emitted from the meat, and sometimes not), it is possible that unabsorbed salt will remain on the surface, you just need to shake the excess salt and hang it on a drain. You can put the meat down for the night, but I do not do that.

After 2-3 days, pieces of meat strung on a string and hang for drying

First you need to process the chaman, it is better to do this evening, in the morning to add flavoring additives

Enumerate the seeds of chaman and grind in a coffee grinder, put into enameled dishes. Add a little warm water to the chaman, stirring constantly. In the eyes, the mixture will swell, increase and thicken. As it thickens, gradually add water and dilute to kefir constitution. Cover and leave for the night. Excessive water will remain on the surface of the chaman, and in the morning we must remove with a spoon all this excess yellow water, and with it the bitterness of the chaman.

After all this, add crushed garlic and cumin (dill seeds), red peppers, black pepper, salt, mix well.

Rinse pieces of meat under running water, put in a bowl with chaman, coat with the mixture, cover with a lid and soak in the mixture for 5 to 10 days in the refrigerator (how much patience is enough), turning it over from time to time, smearing. Then cover the pieces evenly and hang to dry

5-7 days. Store in the refrigerator. I wrap each piece in cling film.


Chaman - composition and beneficial properties; basturma seasoning recipe

The beef basturma for this recipe turns out very tasty! Basturma can be made from pork. Try to cook the most delicious Armenian basturma using this recipe. Basturma is a delicacy, and prices for it in the shops “bite”. Basturma is dried meat, salty, sharp and incredibly tasty. Homemade basturma is usually made from beef. What is the reason for this effect of basturma, scientists have not figured out.

The most famous dish with the use of chaman is basturma. Basturma is an Armenian dish, and according to other sources - Turkish cuisine. Basturma is nothing more than a fragrant jerky, for the preparation of which different spices and seasonings are used.

Recipe 6: Homemade pork basturma

On average, basturma cooking time is two to four weeks. Then the process of basturma preparation begins. The meat itself is washed in running water, dried. If the meat is withered in the usual way, the drying time is increased to ten days. Beef basturma is ready.

Recipe 2: Home basturma with cognac.

If basturma is prepared with wine, then about one liter of drink is taken for one kilogram of beef. The taste and aroma of basturma intensifies from the fact that meat is dried for long days and weeks in the sun. In the old days, basturma was not a strange delicacy, but only a way to preserve meat stocks without a refrigerator.

Basturma Duck Breast Recipe

Many centuries later, basturma had a shell of burning spices, a pungent and sharp taste and aroma frightening insects and animals, so the meat was preserved even longer. Even a very small portion of this basturma makes a person's sweat even more caustic and fragrant.

In the East, sudzhuk is called a relative of basturma - these are thin dried sausages made from ground beef with burning spices. Classic basturma is made from good beef tenderloin.

To prepare this seasoning, 900 g of ground chaman are added to warm boiled water and mixed. In cooking, the chaman found use as a seasoning, giving the dishes a special aroma and taste. As a spice, both seeds and greens of this plant are used. Chaman is a part of such well-known seasonings as curry, various Indian masalas, hops-suneli. It is a jerky, beef with spices.

According to an ancient recipe, beef tenderloin is cut into 2 pieces and washed. Sea salt is mixed with sugar and in this mixture they roll the meat on all sides. Meat is left to rest for 5-7 hours. A plate of meat is put in the refrigerator overnight, and then left for 12 hours. Then the meat should be washed from salt and let it dry.

Next, prepare the seasoning chaman and coat the tenderloin on all sides with the resulting mass. Chaman is considered a very famous seasoning, which is used solo or mixed with other spices and spices. We rub the meat with salt, place it tightly on a solid layer of salt and fill it up completely with salt in a wooden tub, cover it with a wooden lid-circle (press down with a strong oppression).

The meat will soften and not be so salty. The recipe sucks! Firstly per kg of meat, 0.5 salt and salt for 3 weeks! Then it is recommended to rub the pieces with the mixture, and not pickle in it, but only then dry it, which is also fundamentally wrong and then, per kg of beef - 90 grams of chaman. 3 kg, or even more. It seems that the author himself never made this recipe, but only misleading his readers.

I did this: I bought fresh veal tenderloin, mixed large salt and a set of my favorite spices in a saucepan. Then washed under cold water, soaked, wrapped in gauze, tied with string and hung on the balcony. I have been looking for these recipes for a long time. Thank you so much! I will definitely prepare and write a review. But I think that I will succeed. Why spend money on the purchase of such an expensive treat when it can be easily prepared at home?

Red pepper, savory, hops-suneli, garlic, paprika and coriander are usually taken from spices. All spices are mixed in a bowl and then diluted with water (you can also use a little brandy or wine). Mass density should be similar to sour cream. Salted pieces of meat roll in the mixture and fade within two to three weeks.

Chaman is an essential ingredient for making basturma. Preparing basturma salting and drying. After this time, the home basturma will be ready. This is a respected corned beef, not basturma! In a dry, cool and ventilated room, basturma can be stored for 6-7 months. Basturma is cut into thin plates and served as a cold snack. Otherwise, it will not be basturma, but something resembling a "sole."

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