Diseases of open-field flower crops. Ways to combat plant diseases


Fusarium affects plants at any age, but more often during the budding and flowering period. The fungus settles on the roots, spreading through the vessels and causing yellowing of the lower leaves, and later of the whole plant. During flowering plants wither and shrink. The disease develops stronger in hot weather, on heavy clay soils, when cultivated in the same place for several years. The infection is transmitted with seeds and stored in the soil for several years. It affects asters, gladioli, lilies, daffodils.

Control measures.  Collect seeds only from healthy plants. To return asters and lilies to their former place not earlier than in 3-4 years, and gladioli in 5-6 years. Apply subwinter or early spring sowing of seeds in the soil, contributing to the production of healthy plants. Before planting, soak the seeds for 30 minutes in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or 40% formalin (1: 400). Sick plants dig up and destroy. Gladiolus corms before planting in the ground placed in hot water (55 ° C) for 15-30 minutes. More often update the material, propagating "baby". Bulbs harvested from the field to dry slowly at a temperature of 30-35 ° C and active ventilation for 1-2 weeks. Store planting material at a temperature of 4-5 ° C.

Septoriosis of the leaves.

During budding, angular, limited to the veins of the leaf, yellow-brown spots with black dots appear first on the lower and then on the upper leaves. Leaves dry prematurely. With a strong defeat flowering weakened. Strongly affected plants die. The fungus is preserved and overwinter on plant debris. In bulbous plants, underground organs are also affected. Asters, gladioli and phloxes are ill.

Control measures.  Collection and destruction of plant residues. Annual plot change. Processing of plants before flowering with copper oxychloride.

Viral diseases.

Viruses cause mosaic coloring of leaves. Borders and stripes or annular spots appear on them along the veins. Leaves become yellow or deformed, wrinkling and blistering swelling appear. Plant growth is delayed, flower stalks are shortened and bent. Viruses are transmitted by aphids, when grafted, are stored in tubers of diseased plants and spread during vegetative reproduction. Dahlias, gladioli, irises are affected.

Control measures. Destroy diseased plants, fight aphids, take cuttings only from healthy plants.

Bacterial rot.

Affected plants are depressed, bloom weakly. In irises leaves and young shoots dry up. On the rhizome and corms formed wet rot with an unpleasant smell. Bacterial rot affects many flower plants. The infection persists in the soil for 3-4 years.

Control measures.  Destroy heavily affected plants. On the roots of weakly affected plants, cut out the sore spots and wash with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution, 1% copper sulfate or 40% aqueous formalin solution (1: 400). Take cuttings only from healthy plants.

Core rot.

In the spring, the affected plants shoots are deformed, the leaves grow poorly. In the summer they turn yellow and dry up. On the rhizomes and bulbs found dry rot and black pads of sclerotia fungus. In wet weather, fluffy gray mold appears on the affected tissues. Infection persists in underground organs, on plant debris and in the soil. Many flower plants are affected.

Control measures.  Plant a healthy planting material. Cut rhizomes disinfect.

Penicillary rot.

Penicillary rot develops on gladioli and lilies during storage. Ill injured, poorly ripened and insufficiently dried tubers and bulbs. On the sides they appear large spots with a wrinkled surface. In cold and damp stores they increase and cover the entire organ.

Control measures.  Avoid mechanical damage to bulbs and tubers. Dry them immediately after digging for 1-2 weeks at a temperature of 30-35 ° C. Store at an appropriate temperature and humidity, avoiding sudden temperature fluctuations.


Black leg affects the asters seedlings. The disease manifests itself with excessive moisture, strong soil compaction and lack of light. Its development is promoted by weak airing, thickened sowing and the use of poorly matured seeds. The root neck and base of the stem turn black and rot, the stem thins, the plants fall and die.

Control measures.  Soil disinfection with 40% formalin or bleach. Formalin (250 cm3) is dissolved in 10 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough for 1 m2 of land. The soil is evenly watered and covered with film for a day. After that, it is shovel until complete removal of formalin odor.

Plants can be planted in the treated soil no earlier than in 10-14 days. Lime chloride soil is disinfected long before sowing, as it inhibits plants. Bleach (dose of 100-200 g per m2) Close up with a rake. During the entire period of growing the seedlings in water, potassium permanganate (pink solution) is added to water to prevent plant contamination. Overmoistening of the soil should be avoided, dive seedlings in a timely manner, prevent seedlings from being pulled out, do not thicken the crops.

Beautifully flowering and healthy plants in the garden are a source of inspiration for every gardener. To ensure the lush and long flowering of ornamental plants, you need to protect them from diseases and pests. The well-known rule says that it is easier to prevent diseases than to deal with their consequences. The precautionary measures are simple and accessible to every gardener. It is only necessary to carry out a series of actions systematically and regularly.

Typically, measures to control pests and diseases are:

  • Biological
  • Khimichskie
  • Mechanical

It is noticed that healthy and strong plants are more resistant to various types of diseases. If the agrotechnics of cultivation are disturbed, as well as the heat, light and food regime, the plant weakens and is more easily attacked by various garden pests. The plant world lives according to the same laws as man. Plants with weakened immunity get sick more often, and it happens that they die, failing to cope with the disease.

Therefore, it is believed that preventive measures - the best way to keep your plants healthy and luxuriantly flowering.

An important role in the fight against diseases and pests and plays the right choice of varieties of ornamental plants for your garden. After all, it is no secret that many inexperienced gardeners are trying to grow on their site varieties that are not initially suitable for your climate and the existing conditions of agricultural technology.

When buying seeds, bulbs, seedlings, a competent gardener should approach the future image of his garden in a comprehensive manner, carefully planning and studying all the characteristics of plants, their requirements for growing conditions, their preferences for neighboring plants, and a possible predisposition to certain diseases.

Only in this way, in the daily care of your plants and compliance with all the requirements of agricultural technology, you can get a beautiful well-groomed flowering garden - to the delight of yourself and loved ones.

Another equally important requirement for obtaining sustainable results in the fight against pests and diseases is the observance of all sanitary standards. We are talking about disinfecting greenhouses and basements, disinfecting the soil, keeping plants clean, removing weeds and timely destroying sick and infected plants.

The most significant group of pests of ornamental plants are insect pests. Depending on the structure of the jaws of the insect, these pests are divided into 2 groups:

  • Sucking Suck the sap from the plants. These include: aphid, mites, grass bugs, insects, etc.
  • Gnawing Gnaw various parts of plants. This group of pests includes: caterpillars of butterflies, weevils, grasshoppers, etc.

Harmful insects are often carriers of certain diseases. Insect pests can winter, being in the phase of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults.

The most common insect pests are:

Aphid. It affects young shoots and weakens the plant as a whole. It can also carry viral diseases.

Furry aphid. It affects coniferous plants. A characteristic sign - white fluffy bloom. This plaque is a kind of protection of insect pests, and protects them from drying out.

Mole miners. A characteristic sign - blisters, spots or winding passages on the leaves. When looking at the sheet on the lumen of these pests are often able to detect inside mined by them min (moves). Hence the name.

Cicadas. Characteristic - speckled spots. These pests damage the leaves by feeding on plant sap. With a large defeat cyclists leaves turn yellow. External adverse conditions (for example, hot summer) can enhance this effect.

Worms and shchitovki. These pests secrete sticky mucus that covers the plant with black bloom (black fungi). Affected plants stop growing and turn yellow.

(gallic, arachnoid, onion). Quite a famous garden pest. They pose a serious threat to plants - indoor and decorative. Dangerous bacteria and viruses can enter the plant cells of the affected plant along with mite saliva. Often pathological neoplasms are formed on the plant.

Earwigs. Pests that leave a characteristic feature are rounded grooves and holes in the leaves and petals. In small quantities, they benefit because they feed on aphids.

A characteristic sign - holes in the leaves. With a significant defeat, the plant can be left without leaves.

White fly. These pests suck up the sap of the plant. As a result, the leaves turn yellow and sticky to the touch. All this can lead to the appearance of black fungi on the plant.

Ants. For the plant, it is not the ants themselves that are dangerous, and the results of their vital activity. They lay underground tunnels that can damage the roots. But the main danger from ants is the constant appearance of aphids, which the ants breed.

Weevil. A characteristic sign of damage by these pests is small punctures on the leaves. They can cause great damage to flowering plants, as they gnaw at the flower buds that form and pick the stalk.

A large group of pests that cause great damage to plants. They differ in that they have a special structure of the oral cavity. Most dangerous in rainy summer. Sometimes able to destroy the entire crop.

A large group of pests. These are microscopic worms, in the mouth of which there is a needle, with the help of which they pierce the plant and suck the juice out of it. Breed very quickly. Also are carriers of various diseases.

Ways to combat plant pests

Pests What culture is affected Effective toxic chemicals
Acacia Fire Lupine, sweet pea Phosphamide (BI-58 or Rogor)
White fly Seedlings of all flower crops in greenhouses Aktelik, Karbofos, DDVF
Cruciferous flea Alyssum, Hesperis, Godetsiyakrkiy, Levkoy, Zinnia, Escholzia, etc. Hexachloran, Metaphos, Intration, Antio
Weevil Asters, marigolds, sweet peas, cornflower, lupins BI-58, Rogor or Fomfamid, Karbofos, Hexachloran
Litter lumpy Irises, daffodils, tulips Chlorophos, Karbofos, BI-58
Cabbage Whitefish Levkoy, nasturtium Hexachlorrane, Karbofos, Bolaton, Chlorophos
Gall mite Spur Colloidal sulfur
Spider mite Ageratum, asters, viola, cloves, gypsophila, sweet peas, nasturtium BI-58, Karbofos, Keltan
Onion Mite Gladiolus, daffodils, tulips, etc. Storage fumigation with sulfur dioxide
Meadow bug Asters, anemones, lupins, dahlias, chrysanthemums Karbofos, Chlorofos, BI-58
Medvedka Asters, gladioli, lilies, Zinc phosphide
Miners Chrysanthemum, carnation Damilin, Aktellik
Cabbage moth Iberis, Levkoy, matiola Karbofos, Chlorofos, BI-58
Moth meadow Spur Trichlormetaphos
Narcissus fly Daffodils Chlorophos
Fly clove Carnation Malathion
Delphinium fly Spur BI-58
Onion fly Lilies Fentiuram
Cabbage fly Levka, gladiolus BI-58
Asters, cloves, irises, daffodils, phlox Carbation, Tiazon
Wireworms and Loopwires Gladioli, irises, lilies, tulips Hexachlorane, BI-58, Karbofos
Rapeseed flower eater Alyssum arabis Hexachlorane
Blasters Hesperis, Levkoy, Brier, etc. Chlorophos, BI-58
Slugs Asters, carnations, dahlias, gladioli, irises Metaldehyde
Bitter elephant Carnations, gypsophila Chlorophos
Scoop gamma Dahlia, snapdragon, lupine, mallow, salvia Metaphos, Trichlormetafos, karbofos
Gorchak's scoop Asters, gladioli Chlorophos
Cabbage scoop Carnation, Iris, Brier Chlorophos
Aphid brown aconite Aconite, Levkoy, Brier BI-58, karbofos, primor
Aphis pea (gelichrisovy) Asters, helihrizum, sweet peas, calendula, nasturtium Tobacco Infusion
Aphid green Verbena, carnation Malathion
Cabbage aphid Levkova, feverfew Primor
Curly tlya Pelargonium, Cannes Primor
Thrips pea Carnations, gladioli, irises, beans, sweet peas, lupins Methylnitrofos, BI-58, karbofos, chlorophos
Earwigs Carnations, chrysanthemums Phenaxine
Khrushchi (grubs of the May beetle) Lilies, irises Hexachlorane

Bacterial diseases. Caused by various bacteria. When conditions are favorable for bacteria, they multiply very quickly and cause various growths, rot, etc. in the plant.

Viral diseases.  Carriers of viral diseases are sucking insects. Also, viruses can be transmitted through garden tools, which were used when pruning or grafting infected plants. Affected plants usually change the color of their leaves, flowers and stems.

Diseases of ornamental plants

Quila. Infectious plant disease caused by pathogen spores. A characteristic sign - thickening, swelling and growths, deformation of the roots. If you find a diseased, keeled plant, you must immediately and ruthlessly remove it. Kiel spores remain in the soil for a long time.

Blackleg. Fungal plant disease. A characteristic sign - the stem of the plant turns black, becomes thin, and soon dies. Often affects seedlings and young seedlings. Plants affected by this disease must be destroyed and the soil treated with a solution of manganese.

Black spot. Fungal plant disease. A characteristic sign - black spots with yellow edges appear on the plant. Roses are most susceptible to this disease. Affected plants lose their attractiveness. With the running form of the disease, the plant may die.

"Rust". Dangerous fungal disease. Characteristic sign - on the diseased plant, new growths of various shapes and sizes appear. When cracking this part of the plant, a rusty-colored powder is poured from it. This is the mushroom spores.

Gray rot. Because of the speed of propagation, it is often called the “fire” or “burn” of a tulip. A characteristic symptom of the disease is that the tissues of the diseased plant seem to be burned, the stem bends, the buds do not develop. All aboveground parts of the plant are affected.

Fusarium. Or wet rot. Especially great damage to tulips. Infection occurs through the roots and roots. Sick plants bloom poorly, flower size decreases.

Ways to combat plant diseases

Plant diseases What culture is affected Effective toxic chemicals
Alternaria (black spot) Carnation, Levkoy, Brier, TMTD (seeds), Zineb, Copper Chloride
Ascohitosis Carnation, Peonies, Sweet Peas TMTD (seeds), Bordeaux liquid, Copper Oxide, Tsineb
Bacterial scab Gladiolus TMTD (seeds), Zineb
Bacterial cancer Dahlias, gladioli TMTD (seeds), Zineb
Yellow disease Hyacinths Bordeaux liquid
Wet White Rot Botrytis Irises, daffodils, tulips TMTD
Gray rot Hyacinths, dahlias, irises, sweet peas, gusts, daffodils, peonies, chrysanthemums, tulips, calendula TMTD (seeds), Copper Oxide, Bordeaux Liquid
Brown dry rot Gladioli, Zineb
Heterosporiosis Carnation, gladiolus Zineb
Smut Anemones, gladiolus TMTD (to the soil), sulfur with lime to the soil
Powdery mildew Sweet Peas, Levkoy Zineb, copper chlorine
Mealy dew Aquilegia, asters, viola, lupine, forget-me-nots, chrysanthemums, phloxes, burrs, clematis, etc. TMTD (seeds), Acrex, Copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, Benlat (benomyl), Copper Chloride, Sulfur
Diversity and mosaic (viral) Carnations, gladioli, sweet peas, irises, lilies, peonies, etc. TMTD (seeds), Fentiuram (seeds), burning of diseased plants
Spotting (septoriosis) white Asters, Carnation, Phlox Nitrofen, Bordeaux fluid
Brown spot Gladioli, irises, daffodils, peonies Copper chlorine
Rust Carnation, gladioli, irises, lilies, clematis, etc. Zineb, Bordeaux liquid, Copper chloride, Iron vitriol
Late blight Asters, peonies, tulips Bordeaux liquid
Fusarium Asters, carnations, gladioli, daffodils, tulips, sweet peas, clematis Benlat (benamyl), Fundazol
Blackleg Asters, cloves, Hesperis, Godetia, sweet peas, Levkoy, tobacco, etc. Carbation (to soil), benlat (benamyl), TMTD (seeds), Tsineb, Colloidal sulfur

In order to maximally protect your plants from infection, you need:

  • Buy seedlings only from trusted suppliers
  • Burn all fallen leaves and affected shoots
  • Fertilize regularly in the right proportions.
  • Before the onset of winter, loosen the soil so that possible disputes would die during the frost.

Plant diseases are a serious problem for gardeners. A sick garden is a rather pitiful picture. The charm goes away and the energy that a healthy and flourishing garden gives to its owners is lost. Taking care of plants in your garden and timely preventive measures to combat pests and diseases will allow you to admire the flowering garden throughout the summer season. And then the terrible picture, when at the end of summer the plants in the flowerbed look eaten and burned, will not spoil your mood and general impression of the garden.

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It is a virus that affects not only, but also other pumpkin crops, such as zucchini, watermelons, melons and many others.


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Effective only if the local lesion and bacteria do not enter the vascular system of the plant. Contain diseased plants in a dry place, do not spray with plain water and do not wash in the shower. In the initial stages of the disease, it is possible to remove all the affected parts of the plant by capturing some of the healthy tissue. After cutting, treat the blade of the knife or scissors with alcohol each time. Then you need to water and spray the plant Bordeaux mixture or copper-containing drugs. If this treatment does not help, then the plant needs to be destroyed, while the best would not be to throw it into the flower bed under the windows, but to burn it. The pot can be left, especially if it is expensive pots, but thoroughly scald with boiling water.

“Black leg” in seedlings, description, reasons, prevention

Control measures.


. Dark brown or dark gray spots with a yellowish border (on the anthurium) appear on the leaves or, like azaleas, small reddish or reddish yellow spots, which gradually increase. Then blackening appears on the spots in the center - the fruiting bodies of the fungus, which can even winter on the leaves at minus temperatures and the disease will begin to spread in the spring. Peronospors sparsa

Ways to protect the ornamental garden from diseases

Bark beetle

Tumors or growths

How to protect a decorative garden from diseases


Diseases of indoor plants

Fungal plant diseases

Mealy dew

The most common symptoms of bacteria are the appearance of yellowish brown spots; the appearance of a watery spot on the leaves of the plant; the appearance of a bad smell and soft leaves; Heterogeneous growths - A disease caused not by a fungus or bacteria, but caused by over-wetting of the soil with a lack of light. In a diseased plant, cork growths are formed on the underside of the leaf. The affected leaves will no longer recover, but if the plant creates good conditions, then after a while new leaves will appear.

Removal and destruction of plants along with a clod of earth. Disinfection of pots with 5% copper sulfate solution, bleach. If the withering has just begun, you can try to treat the plant with Vectra or Benomyl. You can save the plant, and cut the apical stalk and re-rooted it. Disease caused by fungi of the genus

. The disease develops mainly on the leaves, but it switches to the stems and flowers under conditions favorable for its development. Initially, on the upper side of the leaves appear pale grayish-yellow spots with a mild, blurred outline, which increase with the development of the disease. On the underside of the leaves, on the affected areas, a light gray patina is formed, consisting of the mycelium of the fungus, which then darkens. Damaged leaves become wrinkled or crinkled, wither and dry. QUESTION.

Coniferous plants, undoubtedly - the best decoration of any garden, its zest, the pride of the owner. Different types of pine, spruce, fir are in special demand. We must not forget that one of the most dangerous problems for conifers are insect pests. Damage inflicted by them violates physiological processes, retards growth and development, leads to a decrease or complete loss of decorative qualities, and sometimes to the complete destruction of the plant. Deadly danger to trees is bark beetles. It is an insect (Dermestes tipographus, Lin.), Dark brown, woolly, elytra with 6 speckled stripes. From April to October, the insect larva attacks coniferous trees, penetrating them between the bark and wood, cutting through many moves there, which leads to a halt of sap flow.

Downy mildew

- increase the volume of the body; This disease is manifested in many plants, especially in legumes and pumpkin crops. Various indoor ornamental and flowering crops, such as Anthurium, Cyclamen, Dahlias, Iris, are also widely susceptible. Treatment is a rather complicated process that requires knowledge and application of certain methods and means of treatment. but in order to prevent infection with plant viruses, it is necessary to take precautions and closely monitor plants, namely to track the occurrence of pests (ticks, aphids). A lot of important is the destruction of infected specimens that are already carriers of the virus or disease. For a start, it is worthwhile to find out what the bacteria are. Bacteria are unicellular microscopic organisms that are represented as a group. They are ubiquitous, it is in the soil, in the air, and in the water and occupy a very important position in the circulation of substances on the planet. There are various types of bacteria, some of which are pathogenic, they are the causative agents of almost all types of diseases, both in animals and plants. The spread and entry of bacteria into the body of plants can be either natural, for example, through stomata, or through damage. After the bacteria enters the plant's body, they spread throughout the vascular system, and enter the inside of the plant cells themselves.The appearance of dark spots at the base of the stem of the plant, at the initial stage is difficult to notice and promptly take the necessary measures to treat the plant. In the process of development, the spread of spots increases and a certain sticky liquid appears.

When plants are affected by viral diseases, their growth noticeably worsens, so the diagnosis is usually reduced to a statement of nutritional deficiencies and unfavorable conditions. First of all, viral diseases are easily confused with chlorosis. In addition, viruses are difficult to identify immediately because the plant rarely dies. But sometimes a viral disease may also be accompanied by signs that put a flower grower into a dead end, for example, chlorosis of the leaves first begins, then they fall off, and the trunk decays. Such a pattern is characteristic of citrus xyloporosis, caused by fungi of the genus Verticillium. The plant is affected through wounds on the roots and stems - the fungus is preserved in the soil. As with fusarium, the disease is manifested by the loss of turgor and withering of the shoots. On the transverse sections of the stems of plants, the browning of the conducting vessels is also noticeable. But first, as a rule, lower leaves turn yellow and wilder, as if the plant had been poured. Then I begin to wither upper leaves and the whole plant. In the acute course of the disease, the plant suddenly fades and dies in a few days. At the same time, there are no obvious signs of the disease, and only a brown ring of nutrient vessels at the cut of the stems can serve as evidence of the disease.


Gray rot

A few years after the first harvest, I noticed light green oily spots on the leaves of young apples and pears in my garden. After some time they were covered with a brownish-olive velvety touch. Then on the fruits began to form round dark spots with a bright rim and the same velvety patina. Pears with such stains somehow skukozhilis and cracks appeared on them. By the fall, the harvest had lost the entire presentation. And, before you eat an apple, you had to cut off the entire peel. What kind of attack is this? And how to get rid of it? Bark beetleDeformations

This disease is often found on fruit crops such as apple, cherry, pear, plum, and especially on peach trees, and pot plants, which are also rarely affected by this disease, are no exception. For example, if a plum tree is affected, then a dark spot appears on its fruit, ripening, as a rule, occurs due to being late and the fruit is partially deformed, it is also possible that they may become not edible.

Good to know


Characterized by a variety of spots and stripes, white or yellowish on the leaves, light or dark on the flowers, which is caused by the disintegration of chloroplasts. Mosaic usually has a certain pattern - concentric circles, rings or stripes arranged in a certain order or pattern. In addition, the mosaic is often accompanied by deformation of the sheet - wrinkled or curly. Begonias, calla, hydrangea, pelargonium, primroses are most often affected.


Leaves or fruits - an uneven proliferation of healthy and diseased tissue; plants of the genus citrus are also exposed to viral diseases that cause dimples or small holes in the branches and stems. It is also worth noting the slower development of the whole plant, and the drying of individual parts of the plant, after which the plant slowly dies.The most common symptoms of the disease are viruses, this is the appearance of spots on the leaves; mosaic; change in plant color; deformation of the leaves of the plant, in particular flowers; growths and caps.


The most common symptoms of bacteria are the appearance of yellowish brown spots; the appearance of a watery spot on the leaves of the plant; the appearance of a bad smell and soft leaves; heterogeneous growths. This is not a uniform appearance of blackish brown spots on the leaves, which subsequently become with a yellowish halo. A viral disease in which numerous small spots of 1-2 mm in size appear on the leaves, which then dry out. The leaves become wrinkled, curly, the flowers are deformed. The disease may be accompanied by the appearance of gray-white or light yellow spots and lines. Often affects hydrangea, primroses, pelargonium, poinsettia.


- the same as with fusarium. Prevention of spots.Control measures.


"Kila" Almost all ornamental plants are often damaged by various diseases and pests. Failure to take timely measures not only leads to a decrease in the decorative value of plants, but often to their complete destruction.

Treatment is a rather complicated process, which requires knowledge and application of certain methods and means of treatment, but in order to prevent infection by plant viruses, it is necessary to take precautions and closely monitor plants, namely to track the appearance of pests (ticks, aphids). A lot of important is the destruction of infected specimens that are already carriers of the virus or disease. For a start, it is worthwhile to find out what the bacteria are. Bacteria are unicellular microscopic organisms that are represented as a group. They are ubiquitous, it is in the soil, in the air, and in the water and occupy a very important position in the circulation of substances on the planet. There are various types of bacteria, some of which are pathogenic, they are the causative agents of almost all types of diseases, both in animals and plants. The spread and entry of bacteria into the body of plants can be either natural, for example, through stomata, or through damage. After the bacteria enters the body of plants, they spread throughout the vascular system, and get inside the plant cells themselves.

The appearance of dark spots at the base of the stem of the plant, at the initial stage it is difficult to notice and to take timely measures to treat the plant. In the process of development, the spread of spots increases and a certain sticky liquid appears.


Or jaundice is a viral disease in which the leaves turn yellow or yellow green. Individual shoots or the whole plant lags behind in growth, the stems become brittle due to the fact that they accumulate a lot of starch, the cells literally clogged them. At the same time on the leaves may also denote a mosaic pattern of concentric circles and spots. Sometimes jaundice does not manifest itself on the whole plant, but on a separate branch - leaf chlorosis begins, while new leaves may appear, but small and already chlorotic ones. Control measures.Disorders of conditions of maintenance tend to contribute to the development of diseases, as a rule, warm and humid conditions; therefore, plants in greenhouses are most often affected, rather than in rooms. Avoid overcrowding and excessive watering. Ventilate the room regularly and provide good light. Water the plants using the drug Fitosporin-M. Remove all beginner leaves to dry out. If a part of a leaf is cut off, then it is imperative that you grab a part of healthy tissue, carefully removing diseased leaves and severely affected plants. Spraying of plants with 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or soda ash (0.5%), especially carefully underside of leaves. You can use the "oxy", "cuproxat". Begin treatment at the first signs of the disease and repeat every 7-10 days. It is necessary to carry out at least 5 treatments, a common mushroom disease of cabbage, which is most often encountered by many amateur gardeners. With this disease, growths of different size appear on the roots of cabbage.

The system of plant protection from pests and diseases includes a number of measures: adherence to high agricultural technology, contributing to the good development of viable, strong plants; cultivation of varieties resistant to pathogens, the use of preventive (preventive) and destructive control measures - the rotting of the tissues of plants and fruits;

Good to knowGood to know

Black fungus

Quite common factors in most plants. Manifestations of stalk thickening in the form of a tubercle formation, at the beginning of development they are smooth and bright, in the subsequent development they become rough and darker.

Treatment is possible only in the initial stages, by spraying with basezol, Vectra or Topsin-M in a concentration of 0.2%. Control measures.

Fusarium or tracheomycosis

The fungal disease, which most often affects the dying off parts of the plant, is caused by a fungus of the genus. Next, the main part of root hairs dies, which leads to a strong decrease in the amount of moisture and nutrients that the head needs for normal development. As a result, the cabbage heading is not formed due to this shortage. General precautionary measures include annual soil digging for the winter to kill pests and pathogens that hibernate in the soil (in flower beds, mixborders, under trees and shrubs, etc.), carrying out, in the most effective terms, various methods of plant care in such a way as to create conditions that maximize the plant self-defense properties, as well as reduce the number and harmfulness of pests.

WitheringThe most common symptoms of a virus are: spots on the leaves; mosaic; change in plant color; deformation of the leaves of the plant, in particular flowers; growths and caps.

The most common symptoms of bacteria are the appearance of yellowish brown spots; the appearance of a watery spot on the leaves of the plant; the appearance of a bad smell and soft leaves; heterogeneous growths. This is not a uniform appearance on the leaves of blackish brown spots, which later become with a yellowish halo.

Verticillosis or wilt

The exact definition of a specific viral disease presents great difficulties. The direct fight against viruses with chemical preparations is impossible. It is much easier and safer to prevent the disease, conducting the fight against sucking insects, which, as a rule, are carriers of pathogens. Carriers of houseplant viruses are aphids and thrips. But very often, the infection is recorded in the greenhouse before the plant goes on sale through the damaged roots of the roots or wounds on the stems and leaves. These are diseases caused by a number of pathogenic fungi of the genera

Removal and burning of diseased leaves. Treatment with systemic fungicide. Reducing watering, airing, cancel spraying for several weeks. If the leaves have already appeared suspicious spots, cancel spraying with plain water. You can use drugs: Vectra (2-3 ml per 10 l of water), colloidal sulfur (50-100 g per 10 l of water), strobe (in the system with other fungicides, 4 g per 10 l of water), Abiga-Peak (40-50 g per 10 l of water) , Bordeaux mixture (100 g of copper sulphate + 100 g of lime per 10 l of water), copper sulphate (500 g per 10 l of water). Repeat treatment after 7-10 days. Botrytis

Root Rot and Blackleg

Soil fungus is the causative agent of this cabbage disease. Timely removal of weeds from the site during the entire growing season and in the fall of all plant debris reduces the number of pests and pathogens. Insectivorous birds (primarily tits, nuthatches, starlings, woodpeckers, wagtails, etc.) are of great benefit in pest control. Arriving in the garden in autumn and winter, tits carefully examine each twig, destroying insect eggs and caterpillars hiding for the winter. Only one pair of blue tits who have settled in the garden will clean it of pests. Therefore, to protect the garden, it is necessary to attract at least a small number of birds, hang out birdhouses and tree houses for them and feed them in the winter - loss of turgor of the whole plant or its affected part;

Late blight

To get started is to find out what are the bacteria. Bacteria are unicellular microscopic organisms that are represented as a group. They are ubiquitous, it is in the soil, in the air, and in the water and occupy a very important position in the circulation of substances on the planet. There are various types of bacteria, some of which are pathogenic, they are the causative agents of almost all types of diseases, both in animals and plants. The spread and entry of bacteria into the body of plants can be either natural, for example, through stomata, or through damage. After the bacteria enters the body of plants, they spread throughout the vascular system, and get inside the plant cells themselves.

Good to knowAll affected parts of the plant must be removed and destroyed. After work, immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rub your used equipment with alcohol. Cuttings taken only from healthy plants. In dry and hot time, the plant pritenyat and often spray.

Red burn

Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora Disease caused by rust fungi, such as genus. Under favorable conditions, temperature and humidity also affects a healthy plant. The most common disease buds and flowers of plants in conditions of high humidity. A characteristic sign of the disease is the appearance of first brown or brown rotten specks covered with white, and then ash-gray, fluffy bloom (similar to gray loose cotton wool or mold). Inflorescences turn brown and fade, the affected areas soften. On leaves and stems, the disease manifests itself in the form of numerous small spots of various shapes, brown in color, or browning of the edges of the leaves. Spots grow and become covered with a fluffy bloom.

Bacterial plant diseases


Chemical and biological preparations (entobacterin, boverin), as well as plant extracts that kill pests and pathogens, but do not harm plants, are used as extermination measures.

Bacterial wilt

Good to knowQuite common factors in most plants. Manifestations of stalk thickening in the form of a tubercle formation, at the beginning of development they are smooth and light, in the subsequent development they become rough and darker.

Bacterial cancer

Immediately it should be noted that most ornamental plants, especially such fruit bearing crops like apples, pears, plums, are susceptible to bacterial damage. They are affected, as a rule, these plants are affected by a pathogen such as "Pseudomonas syringae", which was first detected and diagnosed for lilacs. A pathogen such as “Erwinia carotovora” affects many indoor cultures, such as Pelargoniums, Dieffenbachia, many succulents, and a large number of cactus families. In common people, many could hear the name of this symptom, like black leg disease.

Leaf spotting, similar to both fungal and bacterial or viral spotting, can be caused not by these diseases, but by nematodes.

Et al. Pelargonium is particularly susceptible. The base of the stalk or the roots, due to a fungus infection, turn black and rot. The overmoistened soil contributes to this with poor aeration of the earth. The source of infection is not sterilized earth mixtures, implements and pots after diseased plants.

Dropsy leaves


Plant viral diseases

Soon, the main work of gardeners will be sowing and caring for seedlings of vegetable and flower plants. Most people grow it in a room where the best conditions for it are not good: poor lighting, unstable temperature. Seedlings are often striking

Mosaic disease

In recent years, the use of gamma-radiation and chemicals for sexual sterilization of insects and ticks in combination with the use of attracting chemical agents (attractants) and agents that violate the physiological functions of harmful insects (antimetabolites, etc.) has been widely used.

Leaf curl

Pustules; ulcers

Yellowing leaves

The most common symptoms of bacteria are the appearance of yellowish brown spots; the appearance of a watery spot on the leaves of the plant; the appearance of a bad smell and soft leaves; heterogeneous growths.

This is not a uniform appearance on the leaves of blackish brown spots, which later become a yellowish halo. Immediately it should be noted that there are no universal remedies against bacteriosis, but there are the most effective drugs and various preventive methods of treatment and treatment, which rule based on copper content. When growing plants it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations, which will help avoid the defeat of bacteria by the plant. With external factors of damage, the plant is most susceptible to bacteria, it is also recommended to grow the most resistant and hardy plants, for example, pay attention to the Mulberry family, which contains excellent and highly resistant species of plants. When planting and transplanting plants, both young and older, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the root system, or individual parts of the plant, as well as monitor the quality of the planting material. As a preventive measure for plants against bacteriosis, it is recommended to use preparations with a copper content.


Plant viral diseases

This is a kind of root rot, the disease often occurs in Saintpaulia. At the same time, the plant first slows down growth, somewhat fades, the leaves lose their color, only then the roots rot and the plant dies. The first impression in this disease is that the plant lacks water, but after watering the turgor is not restored, and the leaves fade even more. In plants with leathery dense leaves, they do not fade for a long time, and at first they are covered with brown extensive spots, mainly along the central vein.

Regular airing of the premises, removal of dead leaves and thinning of the seedlings, good lighting. Avoid overmoistening the soil, especially when it is cool. Introduction to the soil before planting drugs "Trichodermin", "Barrier" or "Barrier".

Bubbles and caps

Black leg.


To protect ornamental plants from pests and diseases there are many different chemicals.

Mosaic jaundice

The appearance of dark spots at the base of the stem of the plant, at the initial stage it is difficult to notice and to take timely measures to treat the plant. In the process of development, the spread of spots increases and a certain sticky liquid appears.


At the beginning of the disease, the leaves begin to change color, and become gray-green in color, later they turn brown. The leaves also change and become softer and more friable, giving off thick oily liquid.

Plant viral diseases

Pumpkin Mosaic

Good to know

Tobacco mosaic

Cucumber Mosaic


Control measures.

Even in the name of this disease, its main symptoms are visible - in plants, the subflorescent knee rots, which at first turns brown and then becomes thinner. Before the death of the seedlings, the tissues soften and become watery. Their application requires special knowledge!

Discoloration of various organs.

Quite common factors in most plants. Manifestations of stalk thickening in the form of a tubercle formation, at the beginning of development they are smooth and light, in the subsequent development they become rough and darker. Immediately it should be noted that most ornamental plants, especially such fruit bearing crops like apples, pears, plums, are susceptible to bacterial damage. They are affected, as a rule, these plants are affected by a pathogen such as "Pseudomonas syringae", which was first detected and diagnosed for lilacs. A pathogen such as “Erwinia carotovora” affects many indoor cultures, such as Pelargoniums, Dieffenbachia, many succulents, and a large number of cactus families. In common people, many could hear the name of this symptom, like black leg disease.

Black spots

General rules and methods of preventive measures for the occurrence of viral and bacterial diseases.


Necrotic spotting

Oil stain

- make sure that the soil is not overmoistened. For reproduction, cut off only a healthy leaf. Be sure to sterilize the ground for planting, especially if you are planting plants that are very susceptible to blight (for example, violets). Pots before planting and equipment must be doused with boiling water.

Most vulnerable plants

. It is expressed in the appearance of orange-brown tubercles on the upper surface of the sheet, and pustules, oval or round, are visible on the reverse side of the sheet. Gradually the spots develop into strips, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

At the first signs of the disease, diseased leaves, inflorescences and whole plants are removed. Spraying with a solution of topsin-M (0.1%), basement (0.2%), copper-soap solution (0.2% of copper sulphate and 2% of laundry soap) or other systemic fungicide. Repeated treatment carried out in 10-12 days.

Details The use of toxic chemicals, the properties of which amateur gardeners do not know, can cause damage to plants, poisoning of people, death of birds, bees and domestic animals. Therefore, we recommend contacting our specialists if necessary.

Among the causative agents of infectious diseases, the largest group is

This is not a uniform appearance on the leaves of blackish brown spots, which later become a yellowish halo.

It should be noted right away that there are no universal remedies for bacteriosis, but there are the most effective drugs and various preventive methods of influence and treatment, which, as a rule, are based on copper content. When growing plants it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations, which will help avoid the defeat of bacteria by the plant. With external factors of damage, the plant is most susceptible to bacteria, it is also recommended to grow the most resistant and hardy plants, for example, pay attention to the Mulberry family, which contains excellent and highly resistant species of plants. When planting and transplanting plants, both young and older, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the root system, or individual parts of the plant, as well as monitor the quality of the planting material. As a preventive measure for plants against bacteriosis, it is recommended to use preparations with a copper content.


Plant viral diseases

First, it is necessary to monitor the spread and occurrence of ticks, aphids, and other dangerous pests.

Transmission and spread of viruses

Not many people know that viral diseases of flowers and plants are pathologies caused by viruses. It should be noted that viruses are non-cellular living organisms that are able to penetrate into living cells and multiply only in them. Virtually all plants are affected by viruses; there are no plant families that would be an exception. There are viruses that, by their nature, do not do much harm to the plant, and even can cause the so-called “Decorative Effect”, in other words, to make some changes in the appearance of the plant. For example, the decorative effect can be observed in tulips, which have a variegated color, but, as a rule, due to viruses there is a strong change in the plant, a certain "mutation", which very often leads to the death of the whole plant. There are many plants that are carriers of certain viruses, but the symptoms of viruses do not appear in plants. Such plants can be called carriers of latent infection. The manifestation of a pathology or symptom may be different, each plant has its own change, for example, the appearance of spots, a partial discoloration or the size of the leaves.

The main symptoms of viral lesions

Bubbles and caps

Control measures.



Mosaic jaundice

This is a whole group of diseases that have both fungal and bacterial nature.

Color change and pigmentation

Oh, how every summer resident can be sad and painful when something happens to our green pets .. Then she will attack me, the leaves will be covered with white bloom, or no blooms. From what? What happened? - we ask.


The following chemicals are used by our specialists for the prevention of disease and the protection of plants from pests on the territory of the nursery and at greening sites. It should be noted that to prevent the resistance (resistance) of each type of pests and pathogens to the active substance, alternating different drugs is recommended.

Plant viral diseases

Pumpkin Mosaic


Tobacco mosaic

At the beginning of the disease, the leaves begin to change color, and become gray-green in color, later they turn brown. The leaves also change and become softer and more friable, giving off thick oily liquid.

Cucumber Mosaic

Good to know

Mosaic fruit crop disease

Secondly - reproduction is carried out only healthy plants, patients try to remove, or destroy.

Citrus Viral Disease

A virus is an infection that can easily pass from one plant to another, for example, with the juice of a sick or infected plant during a pickling of seedlings, but to a greater degree the transmission and spread of the virus occurs by pests, in particular insects. It is also worth noting that plants, the reproduction of which is carried out in a vegetative way, also transmit viruses to new or young plants that were already in the parent plants. Viruses are capable of being practically everywhere, it may already be the dead part of a plant or in its individual parts, in carriers, i.e. insects, as well as in the planting and planting material.

Treatment and methods of combating plant viruses

With a large defeat rot cuttings destroy it. If a small part is affected, then it is removed, the cut is sprinkled with pounded charcoal or sulfur and planted in fresh, more loose soil. Late blight on plants is usually detected and determined at the stage when it is no longer possible to save it. But you can try to apply treatment Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur, cuproxate. Consists in uniform watering, decrease in humidity of air.

Bacterial plant diseases

Pathogens - fungi of childbirth

Yes, we admire our lush shrubs, flowering plants, outlandish varieties, but not always properly care for all this green wealth. And then there are pests right there, and diseases. Aktara, VDG.

Symptoms of bacteria

Black spots


Immediately it should be noted that most ornamental plants, especially such fruit bearing crops like apples, pears, plums, are susceptible to bacterial damage. They are affected, as a rule, these plants are affected by a pathogen such as "Pseudomonas syringae", which was first detected and diagnosed for lilacs. A pathogen such as “Erwinia carotovora” affects many indoor cultures, such as Pelargoniums, Dieffenbachia, many succulents, and a large number of cactus families. In common people, many could hear the name of this symptom, like black leg disease.

Necrotic spotting

General rules and methods of preventive measures for the occurrence of viral and bacterial diseases.

Oil stain

Thirdly - try not to damage the plants, and carry out periodic disinfection of plants, with the obligatory copper content in chemical preparations.

Most vulnerable plants

It is useful to knowViruses, although they are dangerous pathogens of various diseases that can lead to the death of a plant, but not all viruses are dangerous, some even on the contrary, have their own benefit. For example, there are viruses that are used to control the larvae of some insects and other pests. And it is worth noting that due to viruses, it is possible to purposefully infect certain pests, which in turn is a very important impact factor, especially in agriculture.

Ways to combat plant bacteria

It contributes to the color of all leaves in light yellow tones of color.

Disease characteristic of Hippeastrum. Caused by a kind of mushroom Control measures.

Ascochyta, Colletotrichum, Phyllosticta, Pestalotia, Septoria, Vermicularia

Diseases lead not only to the loss of the ornamental plant, but if not to take measures, then to the death of the whole plant. If you could not protect your "pet" from infection, it is best not to delay using the systemic fungicide (see the drugs used). If you are sure that this is a virus, it is better to destroy the plant with the pot before the infection infects other plants.

Used to combat aphids, whitefly, shield, lozhnotovchivkoy. This is a systemic insecticide of enteric-contact action with a long protective effect. Spray the drug on the outbreaks or continuous processing of plants when pests appear on them (according to the instructions for the preparation). Also, the drug has a systemic effect when introduced into the soil.


Plant viral diseases

With which it is possible to fight by spraying fungicides. Significant damage to plants cause

Transmission and spread of viruses

It should be noted right away that there are no universal remedies for bacteriosis, but there are the most effective drugs and various preventive methods of influence and treatment, which, as a rule, are based on copper content. When growing plants it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations, which will help avoid the defeat of bacteria by the plant. With external factors of damage, the plant is most susceptible to bacteria, it is also recommended to grow the most resistant and hardy plants, for example, pay attention to the Mulberry family, which contains excellent and highly resistant species of plants. When planting and transplanting plants, both young and older, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the root system, or individual parts of the plant, as well as monitor the quality of the planting material. As a preventive measure for plants against bacteriosis, it is recommended to use preparations with a copper content.

First, it is necessary to monitor the spread and occurrence of ticks, aphids, and other dangerous pests.

The main symptoms of viral lesions

Bubbles and caps

Not many people know that viral diseases of flowers and plants are pathologies caused by viruses. It should be noted that viruses are non-cellular living organisms that are able to penetrate into living cells and multiply only in them. Virtually all plants are affected by viruses; there are no plant families that would be an exception. There are viruses that, by their nature, do not do much harm to the plant, and even can cause the so-called “Decorative Effect”, in other words, to make some changes in the appearance of the plant. For example, the decorative effect can be observed in tulips, which have a variegated color, but, as a rule, due to viruses there is a strong change in the plant, a certain "mutation", which very often leads to the death of the whole plant. There are many plants that are carriers of certain viruses, but the symptoms of viruses do not appear in plants. Such plants can be called carriers of latent infection. The manifestation of a pathology or symptom may be different, each plant has its own change, for example, the appearance of spots, a partial discoloration or the size of the leaves.


The symptom appears on the leaves, namely on their vein, in the form of growths, as a rule, this virus affects fruit crops, but it can also affect ornamental crops. Caps are peculiar growths and seals are formed on the trunks and branches of plants, mainly adult plants are subject to this.

Mosaic jaundice

Color change and pigmentation



Remove affected leaves and branches. Apply spraying drugs: "Topaz", "Vectra", "strobe", Bordeaux mixture, cuproxate. The treatment is repeated 2-3 times in 10 days.

Plant viral diseases

Pumpkin Mosaic

Etc. At the same time, usually weeping or dry spots appear on the leaves of the plant, which with the spread of the disease grow in size, merge and affect the whole leaf. To spot diseases include such diseases as

Tobacco mosaic

Common fungal disease

Cucumber Mosaic


Mosaic fruit crop disease


Citrus Viral Disease

Good to know

Treatment and methods of combating plant viruses

Secondly - reproduction is carried out only healthy plants, patients try to remove, or destroy.

A virus is an infection that can easily pass from one plant to another, for example, with the juice of a sick or infected plant during a pickling of seedlings, but to a greater degree the transmission and spread of the virus occurs by pests, in particular insects. It is also worth noting that plants, the reproduction of which is carried out in a vegetative way, also transmit viruses to new or young plants that were already in the parent plants. Viruses are capable of being practically everywhere, it may already be the dead part of a plant or in its individual parts, in carriers, i.e. insects, as well as in the planting and planting material.

Bacterial plant diseases

As a rule, leaves are mainly exposed, which gradually reduce the size and size of the leaves, as well as curl up into a tube. Gradually, the plant loses its decorative effect and changes, the interstices decrease.

. At the same time, red narrow spots appear on the leaves, onions, and peduncles, on which later sporiferous crusts are formed. The diseased plant begins to deform the leaves and flowers, the flowering does not start or stops, the bulbs rot. Appears in the form of a dry soot film on aucubas, bucs, laurels. Called fungus

Symptoms of bacteria

Black spots

Anthracnose, septoriosis, phyllossticosis, ascochytosis and red burn.


Sphaerotheca pannosa

Necrotic spotting

Used to combat aphids, whitefly, thrips. This insectoacaricide is of biogenic origin, does not cause addictive pests. Spraying is carried out during the growing season as pests appear (according to the instructions for the preparation).

Oil stain

Most vulnerable plants

General rules and methods of preventive measures for the occurrence of viral and bacterial diseases.

Ways to combat plant bacteria

Thirdly - try not to damage the plants, and carry out periodic disinfection of plants, with the obligatory copper content in chemical preparations.

Diseases caused by bacteria do not always have a clear picture, possibly mixing signs of disease, for example, with root rot, oily or vitreous stains may appear on the leaves as with bacterial spotting, which then turn brown.



Plant viral diseases

All these diseases are not too dangerous at the initial stage, when only some leaves are affected, but if the disease has spread to the stems, the plant may die.

Transmission and spread of viruses

. At the onset of the disease, small powdery spots appear on the flowers and leaves. They are easily erased, but then appear again and increase in size, becoming saturated gray. Gradually mycelium compacted and becomes almost brown. Mealy bloom can be on both sides of the leaf. The leaves gradually wither, take out and fall off, the buds and flowers fall off, the plant growth stops. The most favorable conditions for the development of the disease - high humidity - about 60-80% and warm air within 18-20 ° C.


The main symptoms of viral lesions

Bubbles and caps



First, it is necessary to monitor the spread and occurrence of ticks, aphids, and other dangerous pests.

Mosaic jaundice

Not many people know that viral diseases of flowers and plants are pathologies caused by viruses. It should be noted that viruses are non-cellular living organisms that are able to penetrate into living cells and multiply only in them. Virtually all plants are affected by viruses; there are no plant families that would be an exception. There are viruses that, by their nature, do not do much harm to the plant, and even can cause the so-called “Decorative Effect”, in other words, to make some changes in the appearance of the plant. For example, the decorative effect can be observed in tulips, which have a variegated color, but, as a rule, due to viruses there is a strong change in the plant, a certain "mutation", which very often leads to the death of the whole plant. There are many plants that are carriers of certain viruses, but the symptoms of viruses do not appear in plants. Such plants can be called carriers of latent infection. The manifestation of a pathology or symptom may be different, each plant has its own change, for example, the appearance of spots, a partial discoloration or the size of the leaves.

Color change and pigmentation

The symptom appears on the leaves, namely on their vein, in the form of growths, as a rule, this virus affects fruit crops, but it can also affect ornamental crops. Caps are peculiar growths and seals are formed on the trunks and branches of plants, mainly adult plants are subject to this.


Promotes full discoloration of flower petals.

Plant viral diseases

Pumpkin Mosaic

This is a disease that is vividly expressed on such plants as “salad”, on berry culture, like “melon”, and also on a variety of ornamental and flowering plants.

Tobacco mosaic

Manifest in the softening and necrosis of plant tissues, then a semi-liquid putrefactive mass forms at the site of injury, most often with an unpleasant smell. Plants with fleshy succulent leaves and stems are most susceptible, as well as tuberous and bulbous. Bacterial rot can begin with roots and leaves and peduncles. The reason is usually in gross violations of the conditions of detention - over-irrigation, especially when the content is cool, over-application of nitrogenous fertilizers.

Cucumber Mosaic

Settling on secretions of aphids, whitefly, mealybug. The bloom itself is not dangerous for the plant, but it clogs the stomata on the leaves, thereby disrupting the breathing process. The plant slows growth and weakens.

Mosaic fruit crop disease

The disease, which is more susceptible to palm trees and ficuses. Causative agent fungi childbirth

Citrus Viral Disease


Treatment and methods of combating plant viruses

Used against complex pests. Organophosphate insectoacaricide with a broad spectrum of activity against gnawing and sucking insects. Acts contact. Sprayed during the growing season as the appearance of pests (according to the instructions to the drug).

​.​ Secondly - reproduction is carried out only healthy plants, patients try to remove, or destroy.

Bacterial plant diseases

A virus is an infection that can easily pass from one plant to another, for example, with the juice of a sick or infected plant during a pickling of seedlings, but to a greater degree the transmission and spread of the virus occurs by pests, in particular insects. It is also worth noting that plants, the reproduction of which is carried out in a vegetative way, also transmit viruses to new or young plants that were already in the parent plants. Viruses are capable of being practically everywhere, it may already be the dead part of a plant or in its individual parts, in carriers, i.e. insects, as well as in the planting and planting material.

It contributes to the formation of spots on the leaves, both light yellow and pale green. Spots can have various sizes, small and large, as well as of various shapes, on the veins and between them, where particular thickenings are formed.

Symptoms of bacteria

Black spots

This disease is manifested in many plants, especially in legumes and pumpkin crops. Various room ornamental and flowering crops, such as Anturium, Cyclamen, Dahlias, Iris, are also widely susceptible.


Manifested in the loss of turgor, first wilted tops of the shoots, then the whole plant. In contrast to wilting caused by fungi, the bacteria enter the vascular system of the plant and cause a water flow delay. They also emit toxic substances, but at the break or cut of the shoot one does not see the brown ring characteristic of blight.

Necrotic spotting

Control measures.

Oil stain

Colletotrichum, Cloeosporum

Most vulnerable plants

For the prevention of powdery mildew of roses and euonymus, it is good to conduct pollination with sulfur 3-4 times over the summer. Over-feeding of plants with nitrogenous fertilizers, especially during the budding period, increases the risk of powdery mildew. On the contrary, fertilizing with phosphate and potash fertilizers increases the resistance to the pathogen of powdery mildew. Ventilate the room often, avoiding cold drafts.

Ways to combat plant bacteria

Bacteria enter plants through stomata, water pores and lentils in the bark, and are preserved mainly with plant residues in the soil. Viruses multiply only in a living cell. Many phytopathogenic viruses breed in the body of insects and spread mechanically. Diseases of viral origin cause mosaic coloring of the leaves, curliness or wrinkling of the lamina and underdevelopment of the generative organs. Infected plants with viruses Thirdly - try not to damage the plants, and carry out periodic disinfection of plants, with the obligatory copper content in chemical preparations.

It is useful to knowViruses, although they are dangerous pathogens of various diseases that can lead to the death of a plant, but not all viruses are dangerous, some even on the contrary, have their own benefit. For example, there are viruses that are used to control the larvae of some insects and other pests. And it is worth noting that due to viruses, it is possible to purposefully infect certain pests, which in turn is a very important impact factor, especially in agriculture.

It contributes to the color of all leaves in light yellow tones of color.

It is a virus that affects not only, but also other pumpkin crops, such as zucchini, watermelons, melons and many others.


Plant diseases photos, plant diseases in pictures and plant protection from diseases

Plant diseases

This disease is often found on fruit crops such as apple, cherry, pear, plum, and especially on peach trees, and pot plants, which are also rarely affected by this disease, are no exception. For example, if a plum tree is struck, then a dark spot appears on its fruit, ripening, as a rule, occurs due to being late and the fruit is partially deformed, it is also possible that they may not be edible. Bacterial spottingTimely spraying against pests that form a sweet discharge. Wash affected plants with a sponge dipped in soapy water and treat with a systemic fungicide against pests. It is possible to treat with a soap-and-soap solution (0.2% copper sulfate and 2% household soap), etc. On the leaves of the affected plants dark brown spots appear, and dark brown streaks may appear on the ends of the leaves. Small reddish specks may appear, gradually increasing in size or brown with a gray or yellow border. Spots usually appear not on the edge of the sheet, as when drying the soil, but in the middle. Only then, due to eating disorders, the sheet begins to dry from the edges.

Topaz. Cure almost impossible

Plant diseases have long been known. Over time, information about them accumulated, establishing the causes allowed to develop methods and means of control. The manifestation of the disease, its symptoms depend on the cause and nature of its impact. On the etiological principle of the disease are divided into two main groups. The symptom appears on the leaves, namely on their vein, in the form of growths, as a rule, this virus affects fruit crops, but it can also affect ornamental crops. Caps are peculiar growths and seals are formed on the trunks and branches of plants, mainly adult plants are subject to this.

Promotes full discoloration of flower petals. This is a disease that is vividly expressed on such plants as “salad”, on berry culture, like “melon”, and also on a variety of ornamental and flowering plants.

Plants of the citrus genus are also subject to viral diseases that cause indentations or small holes in the branches and stems. Also worth noting is the slower development of the whole plant, and the drying of individual parts of the plant, after which the plant slowly dies.- spots appear as a result of necrosis of leaf areas, but unlike spots caused by fungi, these spots do not have such pronounced boundaries - they have blurred edges. Spots may be glassy or oily. Spots usually grow rapidly in size, the sheet may dry, turn yellow, and then die off. Warm wet conditions contribute to faster disease spread.

Common and dangerous disease caused by fungi of the genus Disease caused by fungi of the genus

If several leaves or buds are affected, they must be removed. Spraying every 5-7 days with special biological preparations to combat powdery mildew, as well as potassium permanganate (2.5 g per 10 l of water), 0.5% chlorine dioxide, 1% colloidal sulfur, a mixture of soda ash and soap (10 liter of water 50 g of soda and 40 g of soap). You can use drugs such as Topaz, Dectra, Scor and others.Systemic fungicide against powdery mildew, rust and other diseases with preventive and curative effects. Spray the drug during the growing season (according to the instructions for the drug). At the beginning of the growing season, prophylactic treatment is recommended to suppress the primary infection and prevent the spread of the disease. It is well combined with other drugs for complex protection. The period of protective action is 14-18 days.Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the complex of protective measures.


Types of plant diseases and plant protection from diseases

It contributes to the formation of spots on the leaves, both light yellow and pale green. Spots can have various sizes, small and large, as well as of various shapes, on the veins and between them, where particular thickenings are formed. As a rule, leaves are mainly exposed, which gradually reduce the size and size of the leaves, as well as curl up into a tube. Gradually, the plant loses its decorative effect and changes, the interstices decrease.This disease is manifested in many plants, especially in legumes and pumpkin crops. Various room ornamental and flowering crops, such as Anturium, Cyclamen, Dahlias, Iris, are also widely susceptible.Treatment is a rather complicated process, which requires knowledge and application of certain methods and means of treatment, but in order to prevent infection by plant viruses, it is necessary to take precautions and closely monitor plants, namely to track the appearance of pests (ticks, aphids). Quite important is the destruction of infected specimens that are already carriers of the virus or disease. Abnormal growth of completely healthy-looking plant tissues. On roots and sometimes on stalks tumor growths are formed. Other forms of bacterial cancer, which appear on the stems and fruits, are characterized by the appearance of small round spots first. Then on the leaves they grow into brown spots and exfoliated leaf deformations, and on the fruits they turn into extensive warts. With the strong development of these growths, the plants do not grow well and, ultimately, die. PhyllostictaIt helps well with powdery mildew with a mixture of antibiotics: terramycin 100 units / ml, penicillin 100 units / ml and streptomycin 250 units / ml in a 1: 1 ratio.Oxyh. Most plant pests are insects such as flies, beetles, butterflies. Pests also include ticks, nematodes, mice, hares and other animals. Insects cause the greatest damage to plants, this is primarily due to their biological characteristics, abundance of species, high fecundity and reproduction rate.Includes diseases caused by environmental factors unfavorable to plant growth - weather and soil conditions, lack or excess of individual nutrients, various kinds of mechanical damage. To

Plant pests

It promotes the color of all the leaves in light yellow tones of color. It is a virus that affects not only, but also other pumpkin crops such as zucchini, watermelon, melons and many others. This disease is often found in fruit crops such like apple, cherry, pear, plum, and especially on peach trees, indoor plants, which are also rarely affected by this disease, are no exception. For example, if a plum tree is struck, then a dark spot appears on its fruit, ripening, as a rule, occurs due to being late and the fruit is partially deformed, it is also possible that they may not be edible.

Good to know

Prevention of bacterial diseases

Diseases of conifers, plant diseases in pictures

. Plants are affected at any age. The fungus is in the soil and penetrates the plant through the soil and wounds. In young plants, the disease manifests itself in the form of rotting of the roots and root collar. In these places the tissues turn brown, the stem becomes thinner, the leaves turn yellow. The tops of the plants wither, which soon passes to the whole plant. The disease is mainly spread by foci. The infection spreads through the soil. Most weakly susceptible to disease are weakened plants. Moreover, the disease can occur both in acute form (the plant dies in 5-7 days), and in chronic (lasting for weeks). The toxins secreted by the fungi are transmitted through the conducting vessels and therefore if you cut the cutting off the affected plant, you can see a dark gray or brown ring of the vascular system on the cut of the stem.

. Dark rounded or oval spots appear on the leaves with a darker border along the border with healthy tissue. Often the affected tissue falls out and the sheet becomes holed. OrTherapeutic and prophylactic combined fungicide to protect against downy mildew. It has a contact and systemic effect, a long prophylactic effect. Spraying is carried out during the growing season for prophylaxis or at the initial stage of the disease development (according to the instructions for the preparation). Compatible with other pesticides.

Protecting plants from pests and diseases

Harmful insects

The second

Promotes full discoloration of flower petals.

This is a disease that is vividly expressed on such plants as “salad”, on berry culture, like “melon”, and also on a variety of ornamental and flowering plants.

Plants of the citrus genus are also subject to viral diseases that cause indentations or small holes in the branches and stems. Also worth noting is the slower development of the whole plant, and the drying of individual parts of the plant, after which the plant slowly dies.

The most common symptoms of a virus are: spots on the leaves; mosaic; change in plant color; deformation of the leaves of the plant, in particular flowers; growths and caps.

Consists in disinfecting soil, inventory and tools. When working with a sick or suspicious plant, it is necessary to treat it with alcohol and hands so that it does not infect it when it comes into contact with a healthy plant. Although carriers can be insect pests. When transplanting plants, old pots need not only to be washed, but also thoroughly rinsed with boiling water inside and out. When transplanting, try not to damage the roots, and if this happens, then sprinkle the damaged area with crushed charcoal. Prevention.

Fusarium. Fusarium affects many plants. Asters fade most often during the formation of buds or at the beginning of flowering. Sometimes plants die in the formation phase of 6-7 true leaves. The stems and leaves of affected plants turn brown, curl and hang. Dark streaks and cracks form on the stems, a pink bloom appears at its base - spores of the fungus.

Roots become brittle. Infection persists in the soil for a long time, especially when growing flowers in the same place. From the soil the fungus enters the roots and penetrates the vessels, preventing the movement of moisture and nutrients. The plant weakens and dies. The pathogen can also be transmitted by seed.

Bacterial rot. This disease affects all bulbous flower cultures. Sick plants are stunted, their leaves and flower stalks turn yellow and fade. In case of severe damage, rotten leaves are easily separated from the bulb. During storage, rot can be found on fleshy scales in the form of slightly depressed areas. The decomposed parts of the bulbs emit an unpleasant smell. Especially often bacterial rot develops on plants. Patients with fusarium.

Mosaic and dubolistnost. These viral diseases are similar in their development. When they damage the veins of the leaves and the adjacent tissues turn yellow, plant growth is delayed, it begins to bush. Mosaic appears on the leaves in the form of greenish-yellow spots of irregular shape. When planting tubers taken from diseased plants, shrubs become shallow, weakly blooming and soon die. Carriers of the disease are aphids.

Oak leaves appear on the leaves as light green strips of irregular shape, resembling the shape of an oak leaf.

Septoria. Septoria is a fungal disease. When charging them on the leaves appear yellowish-brown angular spots between the veins of the leaves, and then on the spots become noticeable pycnidia with fungal spores. The plant fades and dies.

Drying or yellowness of gladiolus. This mushroom disease affects gladioli of all kinds and varieties during the growing season and during storage. Plants turn yellow prematurely, starting at the top and then die before flowering begins. At the section of patients with corms visible darkened vascular system. The roots of the affected plants rot. The fungus can penetrate into the vascular system of young corms and even children.

In this case, the bulbs planted in the ground, do not germinate, and rot in the soil or give weak, defective plants, dying before flowering.

Mealy dew. A widespread fungus disease among flower crops, causing leaf to die, retard plant growth and shrinkage of buds. Outbreaks of the disease are usually observed in the middle of summer. At the same time, the stems and leaves are covered with white spider patina of the mycelium and spores, on which small black points later appear on the fungus's wintering stage. The pathogen overwinters on plant debris.

Brown Heart Rot. The core of the corms from the side of the stem turns brown and gradually completely rots. At high humidity, it turns into a soft, decomposed mass and becomes covered with gray bloom - spores of the fungus. The leaves form small brown spots with a red-brown border. With a strong defeat of the plant leaves turn brown and die. The disease can affect the stems and flowers. On the stems appear the same spots as on the leaves, and on the petals - merging watery spots, leading to the death of flowers.

Bacterial Root Rot. In spring, shoots of iris, charged with bacterial root rot, turn brown and dry. Grounding of the affected shoots and the adjacent part of the rhizome and rot, turning into a mushy mass with an unpleasant smell. Soon this mass dries out and takes the form of a whitish powder. The causative agent of the disease lives in the soil and persists for a long time. The development of the disease is promoted by increased humidity, mechanical damage, freezing, and the addition of fresh manure to the soil.

Ring mosaic. This viral disease manifests itself in the form of pale green spots and streaks, sometimes in the form of rings or curved lines. The affected leaves die prematurely, and the plants gradually die. Mosaic carriers are aphids.

Rust. There are 2 forms of this mushroom disease - stem and leaf. When stem form pathogen rust in the form of mycelium winters in the affected tissue of plants. In spring, orange dust appears on the stems at the root collar and near the opening buds - spring fungus sporulation. The affected shoots gradually thicken and bend.

When the leaf form of rust in mid-May, the plant leaves become infected with overwinter spores. On the underside of the leaves, small red-yellow pads of summer spores are formed, which develop throughout the summer and infect new leaves and plants. At the end of summer, the winter fruiting of the fungus appears in the form of small round black formations on the underside of the leaves. With a strong lesion the leaves turn yellow and fall prematurely, the shoots develop poorly, the plants are stunted and die.

The development of the disease contributes to the lack of moisture, dry and hot weather.

Gray mold. This is a common dangerous disease that affects many flower cultures, especially in conditions of high humidity. It affects all aboveground parts of the plant. On young shoots, brown spots appear near the soil, which gradually spread throughout the plant. Affected shoots wither and die. Leaves starting from the edges, turn brown and dry. Affected buds are blooming. In wet, warm weather, the diseased areas are covered with gray mold, and at the base of the diseased stems, small black bile fibers appear - sclerotia.

In the summer, the ants spread the controversy around the neighborhood. Mushroom overwinters on plant debris and rhizomes.

In most cases, flower cultures are used in combination with tree and shrub species and herbs. In some cases, flower crops are in close proximity to orchards, berries and even crops. Finally, many of the flower crops have relatives among wild plants: herbs and flowers. All of these plants, in addition to their specific diseases, have a number of common diseases and their causative agents. As can be seen from the materials on diseases of flower crops, the mutual transfer of many very dangerous diseases by these plants, the causative agents of which are either the same fungi, is completely real ( Botrytis cinerea, Verticillium species, Fusarium, etc.)  and bacteria ( Pseudomonas syringe, etc.).  either fungi and bacteria that are close to each other (species, forms, or differing only morphologically and distinguished into special species on very dubious grounds, for example Botrytis and Verticillium species).

Thus, there are very dangerous situations in which the gardener must be careful when approaching plants affected by the same diseases on the same territory, since in this case the pathogens will switch from one plant to another (see Fig. 1) . These situations are further complicated by the fact that often there is an import of dangerous diseases from other areas and areas with seed, bulbs and other means of cultivating flower crops.

Despite the quarantine measures to protect plants from the importation of new or dangerous diseases, the landscaper must in one way or another organize his own internal quarantine (in the sphere of his activity) in order to protect his crops from the defeat of diseases.

Flower crops often need different agrotechnical measures of protection and care specific to them, as well as well-organized storage of seeds, bulbs, tubers and tubers in order to avoid the transfer to them of various diseases and pests of flowers during the growing season.

The most important activities in the fight against diseases of flower crops are: sanitary, preventive, destructive, curative. Each of them can be carried out using a set of methods of struggle and means of struggle.

Sanitary activities  are aimed at preventing the occurrence of plant diseases, preventing the transfer of infection stocks to the active form, i.e., eliminating the possible activity of fungi, bacteria or viruses. In this respect, the main role is played by the destruction of the stockpiles of infection, their removal from the territory where they pose a danger, or the creation of conditions under which these stocks remain inert. For example, the destruction of fallen leaves, branches, roots and other parts of diseased plants, removal of debris and waste from the nursery, greenhouse and greenhouses, maintaining the temperature not higher than + 5 ° in storage of seeds, tubers and other materials to create adverse conditions for the vital activity of pathogens, germination of spores and other active phenomena on the part of the pathogen, these are all sanitary measures.

Preventive action mainly protect the plant from damage by diseases in the period when neighboring plants are affected by them and it is possible to switch to the surrounding specimens. Treatment of healthy specimens with fungicides prevents the pathogen from infecting healthy plants, since fungicides kill spores that fall on them. Examples of such disease prevention are spraying or dusting plants when powdery mildew, rust and other diseases appear among them; dusting seeds before sowing with granozan creates a zone poisonous to the fungus in the soil around the roots of seedlings, etc.

Fighter actions  are less distinct and often mixed with sanitation or prevention. However, there are fairly clear examples of destructive combat. For example, in the fight against fusarial lodging of seedlings, active control with the help of special disinfectants (potassium permanganate, formalin) is used. The method consists in destroying the pathogen in its active state and aims to deprive the viability of the mycelium that develops in the soil, and to prevent the possibility of its transition to healthy plants.

Medical events  aimed at restoring the normal functions or stopping the plant disease, very little has been developed in relation to flower plants, but they are of great interest, since they allow to save valuable specimens from death. Examples of treatment of shrub-type flower cultures are pruning of diseased branches, removal of affected stem sections, treatment of diseased leaves with antibiotics, restoration of normal functions in chlorosis of flower cultures caused by deficiencies in the soil of necessary nutrients or microelements.

In the fight against diseases of flowering plants, the following methods are of great importance.

Agrotechnical method widely used and p sanitary measures, and during treatment. Sanitation uses such techniques as deep frost plowing, which destroys the infection stock in the soil; destruction of plant residues in which pathogens usually nest; weed control, which are the second owners of many fungi, bacteria and viruses; soil liming, warning of a number of diseases (keel of levkos, rot of roots, etc.); the alternation of flower crops, warning fusarium, spotting and other diseases; introduction to the culture of disease-resistant plants, which deprive the causative agents of the possibility to be widely distributed among these plants, and other techniques. Agrotechnical methods are also used in the treatment of plants: against chlorosis and necrosis, the introduction of fertilizers and trace elements is used, which heals the plant, restores its normal functions and stops the painful phenomena; loosening the soil, watering, draining excess water, etc., techniques help grow healthy plants and restore normal plant functions, if there was, for example, a lack of moisture in the soil and other defects in growth conditions.

Biological method  protection of flower crops from diseases and their vectors has not yet been developed sufficiently, but it also provides significant results in the existing volume of practical applications. At present, carnivorous insects are of practical importance in the fight against disease vectors: corpse moths, golden eyes, hoverflies, etc. They destroy aphids, which are the usual carriers of diseases.

There are prospects in the fight against harmful nematodes through the use of certain fungi, the so-called predatory fungi, as they, feeding on nematodes, physically destroy the latter (see Fig. 20).

Antibiotics such as streptomycin are widely used against fungal and bacterial diseases of flower crops. Finally, it should be noted the possibility of combating plant diseases with the help of antagonistic fungi, for example Trichoderma, against sclerotinia, fusarium, rhizoctoniosis and other diseases.

The physical method of protecting and combating diseases of flower crops is carried out by using low and high temperatures, electric current, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and other physical means.

The most common heat treatment of seeds, in which the spores of fungi that are on their surface, die. It is often used to heat the soil with steam or dry heat to destroy the harmful soil microflora or microflora (bacteria), such as members of the genus Fusarium, Rhizoctonia  and other fungi or bacteria - Pseudomonas syringe  and others.

Electric current is sometimes also used to heat the soil, but especially widely for the destruction of soil insects.

The effect of ultraviolet and x-rays as a protective agent against fungi and insects is still poorly understood.

Chemical method  based on the use of fungicides, insecticides and bactericides. Of the fungicides most commonly used are the following.

Bordeaux liquid.  Neutral or weakly alkaline blue liquid. Prepared from quicklime and copper sulfate. It is used for spraying plants and gives good results in combating the spotting of camellia leaves, carnations and other flower crops, against rust of asparagus, chrysanthemums, iris, lily of the valley and peons, against downy mildew poppy, hydrangea, delphinium and other flowers.

Granozan  (NIUIF-2). White or gray powder, sometimes yellowish, with a strong unpleasant odor, poorly soluble in water. It is used for disinfecting seeds and dressing the soil to destroy the infection, especially often against fusarium seedlings. It is used in the form of a powder for dry dressing of seeds in order to destroy the infection on the surface of the seed and subsequently create protection of the roots of seedlings from soil infection.

Dinithorodan benzene. Yellowish gray powder, used against leaf spot, powdery mildew, rust and other diseases. Used as a 1% suspension for spraying plants.

Captan. Powder gray, applied against leaf spot and downy mildew. Used in the form of 0.3-0.5% suspension for spraying plants.

Copper-soap mixture. Blue liquid, prepared in the form of a mixture of copper and green soap in a concentration of 1-3%. Used 0.1-0.3% solution for spraying plants.

Copper basic sulfate.  The powder is green with a blue tint, well soluble in water. It is used against leaf spotting, powdery and downy mildew, rust and gray mold. Used in the form of 0.75-1% suspension for spraying plants.

Mercuran. Grayish-white powder with the smell of hexachlorane, greasy to the touch, insoluble in water. It is used against seed and soil infections, as well as against wireworms and other soil pests. It is used in the form of a powder that powders the seeds before sowing, in the amount of 1-2 g per 1 kg of seeds. The action of the drug is similar to the action of granosan.

Drug AB. Gray powder with a bluish or greenish tint. It is used against powdery mildew. Used for dusting plants at the rate of 2-3 g per 1 m 2 the surface of the foliage.

Sulfur.  May be in the form of paste and powders, gray or ground and colloidal sulfur. Sulfur is yellowish gray, yellow or light yellow. It is used against powdery mildew, rust, and also against spiderweb mite. Powder (ground or sulfur color) sulfur is used for dusting plants with a flow rate of 2-3 g per 1 m 2 of foliage surface; colloid sulfur in the form of 1-1.5% suspension is used for spraying. The optimum air temperature during use is from 15 to 30 °.

Linen soda  (calcined). White powder, soluble in water. It is used against powdery mildew. Used in the form of 0.3-0.5% solution for spraying plants.

TMTD.  Yellowish gray powder with a faint odor. It is used against powdery mildew, leaf spots, soil and seed infection. Used in the form of 1-1.5% suspension for spraying plants and for dusting seeds at a rate of 4-8 g per 1 kg of seeds.

Ferbam.  Black powder It is used against leaf spots and downy mildew. Used in 0.3-0.7% suspension for spraying plants.

Figon. Light brown powder wetted with water. It is used for seed dressing and against soil infection. It is used in the form of a 0.15% aqueous solution for treating seeds of shrub and tree species and in the form of a solution for dressing the soil at the rate of 250 cm 3 per 10 liters of water per 1 m 2 of soil.

Chloroxide copper.  Light green powder. It is used against leaf spots and powdery mildew. It is used in the form of a powder for dusting plants with a flow rate of 2-3 g per - 1 m 2 or in the form of 0.5-0.75% suspension for spraying plants.

Zineb. Grayish white powder. It is used against leaf spots and powdery mildew. Used in the form of 0.3-0.7% suspension for spraying plants.

Ciram. Grayish white powder. It is used against leaf spots, downy mildew and gray mold. Used in the form of 0.5-1% suspension for spraying plants.

In some cases, the simultaneous control of various pathogens or pests of plants is required. It is possible in some cases to combine various drugs, for example, Bordeaux liquid with DDT, Granozan with Bordeaux liquid, and the toxicity of Granozan increases fivefold, and so on.

Below are tips on the use of fungicides and other means for treating various objects in order to disinfect them.

The soil.  Soil disinfection with water vapor is carried out using a stationary steam sterilizer of the Svistunov system, a mobile greenhouse greenhouse installation of the VIZR system, etc. With the help of these installations, the soil is heated to a temperature of 95-100 °. The term of exposure to the soil with this temperature is from 45 minutes to 3 hours when the soil is infected by representatives of the genus Fusarium and some other fungi, as well as in the presence of nematodes dangerous for plants (gall nematode, etc.). Small portions of the soil (for pots, experiments, etc.) are ignited on baking sheets. It is possible to disinfect the soil by treating it with boiling water. Boiling water consumption up to 7-10 liters per 1 m 2 of soil. Using the method of overriding the soil in piles requires knowledge of the properties of the soil and the quality of manure. Soil disinfection with fungicides is achieved using formalin, bleach, granozan, TMTD and chloropicrin.

Formalin  used in solution strength up to 0.5% (800-1000 cm 3 40% formalin per 100 liters of water) with a solution flow rate of 20 l per 1 m 2 of soil. After watering the soil with this solution, the soil is mulched or covered with some material (tarpaulin, etc.), and in greenhouses it is covered with frames for 3 days, after which it is shoveled until formalin odor disappears. The use of formalin to disinfect the soil is widely used due to the fact that it completely evaporates from the soil. Bleach is used in dry form in amounts up to 200 g per 1 m 2 of soil. Submitted in the fall, so she had time to decompose.

Granozan  bring into the soil by watering its 0.5% suspension, based on the calculation of 10 liters of suspension per 1 m 2. After processing, the soil is shoveled.

Chloropicrin it is introduced into the soil either into furrows up to 10 cm deep at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, which are then repaired, or into pits up to 20 cm deep, staggered at 15-20 cm intervals, which are then also repaired. 60 g are consumed per 1 m 2 of soil, and 300 g per 1 m 2 of soil. The soil is processed in autumn. After treatment, the soil is covered with mulch or moistened to slow the evaporation of chloropicrin. When chloropicrin is disinfected in spring, it is necessary to mulch the soil for up to 10 days. After that, it is ventilated, i.e., left open for several days, and the end of evaporation of chloropicrin from it is determined by the absence of odor. Crops and plantings in this soil do not earlier than 10 days after removing the mulch.

TMTD.  Used 50% TMTD in a solution with a concentration of 0.6% at the rate of 10 l per 1 m 2 of soil.

Carbation  (like wapam). A 3% solution is used at the rate of 4 liters per 1 m 2 of soil.

Copper sulfate.  A 2% solution is used at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m 2 of soil.

Greenhouses, greenhouses and storage.  From time to time, these premises require disinfection, since the spores of ichbacterium fungi, as well as spider mites nest in shelves, crevices and on the surface of walls, on garbage on various objects. Accumulating, they pose a great danger to plants.

For disinfection used a number of ways.

Wet disinfection. It is usually carried out by spraying bleach, formalin, kerosene-lime emulsion and some other fungicides. Bleaching powder is used in the form of infusion 400 g in 12 liters of water, which takes about 2-4 hours. Lime precipitate can be used to coat greenhouse pipes. Formalin is used in the form of a solution with a strength of about 0.5%. Kerosene-lime emulsion is used with a strength of 4%. To prepare it, take 400 grams of kerosene and 800 grams of lime per 10 liters of water.

Gas disinfection.  In the rooms they plug all, even small, holes, using clay for this. Fumigation (fumigation) of the room is carried out by burning sulfur on the trays for 2 days. Sulfur consumption - 30 g per 1 m 3 of room. Chloropicrin at the rate of 20 g per 1 m 3 of room can also be used. To speed up its evaporation, it is advisable to soak bags, rags, etc., with large surface materials, which are then hung in the greenhouse. Fumigation lasts one day at an ambient air temperature of 10 to 20 °, and at a temperature of up to 10 ° - two days. A gas mask is needed when working with chloropicrin, as it is poisonous.

Fumigation of greenhouses and storage facilities should be carried out in the fall, and greenhouses - in the spring. You can take advantage of the opportunity and simultaneously with the fumigation of the room, disinfect the small inventory by placing it in the treated room.

Seeds.  Seeds can be infected outside and inside. In the first case, there is a “contention” of seeds, i.e., the presence of fungi and bacteria on the surface of spore seeds, and in the second case, mycelium in the seed tissues.

For disinfection of seeds, chemical and physical methods are usually used to prevent germination of seedlings as a result of seed infection and, in some cases, to protect seeds from rotting and other diseases and damage caused by fungi and bacteria.

The chemical method is used exclusively for the purpose of decontamination from the surface and can be carried out both before the sowing and in advance.

The following methods of disinfecting seeds are distinguished: dry, semi-dry and wet.

Dry way  dressing is the treatment of seeds with powdered fungicides: usually granozan, mercuran and drug AB. Granozan and mercuran are consumed in the amount of 2 g per 1 kg of seeds. Seed treatment with dry preparations is very simple: either the seeds are placed in a bottle with a dry preparation poured into it and, shaking it, they are powdered, or the seeds are placed in barrels, rubberized bags, etc. Tare and dusting is also produced by shaking it up. Processing is possible with the help of special dressing machines used for the same purposes in agriculture. If the seeds have a normal moisture content, they can be treated with drugs in advance (2-3 months before sowing), but then they should be stored in dry conditions.

Semi-dry method  seed treatment is usually carried out by treating the seeds with a solution of formalin of high concentration (1 part of 40% formalin per 80 parts of water). This solution is sprayed with the seeds and then “weary” them, i.e. they are kept in the wetted state under a tarpaulin for 2 hours, after which the seeds are dried in the shade in the open air.

Wet way  it is applied very widely and consists in immersing seeds for various periods in weak solutions of fungicides. Formalin solution is usually used (1 part of 40% formalin per 300 parts of water), but granosan and mercuran (1 g per 1 l of water with an exposure time of 10-15 minutes), NIUIF-1 against bacteriosis (10 cm 3 of the preparation for 3 liters of water at an exposure of 10-15 minutes).

It should be borne in mind that for each flower culture it is necessary to adhere to the specified period of exposure (exposure) of seeds in the fungicide solution, as they have individual resistance to the action of the fungicide and too long exposures, as well as high concentrations of solutions can be harmful for them.

Levka  (and other cruciferous). Semi-dry dressing is applied in a suspension of granosan (1 g / l) or TMTD (4 g / l) with an exposure of 15 minutes and a further weeping for 2 hours (against bacteriosis and fusarium).

Aster.  The seeds are pickled in a formalin solution at a dilution of 1: 400 with an exposure in it for 25 minutes (against fusarium). Carnation Seed treatment is carried out in a solution of potassium permanganate at a dilution of 1: 1000 (against Alternaria) with an exposure of 5 minutes.

Lupine.  Seed treatment is carried out in a formalin solution of 1: 600 at an exposure time of 5 minutes (against verticillus).

Tobacco.  Seed treatment is carried out with formalin in a solution of 1:50 with an exposure time of 10 minutes and subsequent washing in running water for 15 minutes (against alternariosis, gray rot and fusarium).

Violet.  Seed treatment is produced by formalin solution at a dilution of 1: 300.

Planting material.  Tulip bulbs before planting pickled in 25% suspension of granosan, cerosan or 50% TMTD for 2 hours (against bacterial rot); gladiolia corns are pickled with a 0.2% suspension of granosan or TMTD for 15 minutes or in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Iris rhizomes before storage are pickled with a 0.12% formalin solution for 1.5-2 hours; Geranium cuttings are disinfected by immersing them for 2-3 seconds in a 1% solution of ferrous sulfate, followed by drying under a canopy for 1-2 hours.

Thermal method is to warm the seeds, cuttings and corms at a certain temperature to destroy the infection inside the tissues. There is very little information about the heat treatment of seeds of flower crops. However, it has been found that this method of seed disinfection is promising: it reduces the internal and external infection and at the same time increases the germination of seeds of individual flower cultures (carnations, violets, etc.) by 10-20%. Temperature and exposure to heat treatment of seeds are different. Therefore, a preliminary seed test is recommended. To do this, put the experience with a small number of seeds, which determine the germination of seeds three days after heat treatment. If the reduction in germination is no more than 5%, then the seeds can be disinfected in this way, but if the reduction in germination is more than 5%, then the seeds should not be disinfected by thermal means.

Thermal disinfection of seed material is carried out both before sowing and 1-1.5 months before the start of sowing, and even in the fall, if the seeds are then dried to normal moisture and stored strictly according to existing rules.

Asters.  Disinfection of seeds by heating is carried out in water heated to 45 ° for 30 minutes.

Sweet pea.  Soak the seeds for 4 hours in warm water and then for 5 minutes immersed in water heated to 50 °. After that, the seeds are immediately cooled. Temperatures above 50 ° C adversely affect seed germination.

Levkoy  (and other cruciferous). Seeds are heated in water at a temperature of 48-50 ° for 20 minutes.

Lilies, daffodils, hyacinths and lilies of the valley.  Heat treatment of the bulbs is applied against the mosaic by immersing them for 30 minutes in water heated to 50 °.

Tulip.  Bulbs can not be thermally processed.

Gladiolus.  Corms warm 15 minutes in water heated to 50-55 °.

Measures to combat nematodes.  The fight against nematodes is often very difficult, since, in addition to chemical and thermal measures, a series of agrochemical and other rules are required. For example, in the fight against chrysanthemum nematode provides for the implementation of the following agrotechnical rules:

1) it is impossible to plant chrysanthemums, asters, delphinium and other unstable crops on areas where in the previous year there was a significant spread of nematode plant damage;

2) it is necessary to destroy weeds and their residues in areas where the cultivation of these flowers is projected;

3) leaves affected by nematodes need to be cut off and destroyed during the entire growing season;

4) when nematode lesions of plants appear, it is necessary to stop watering plants from watering holes and hoses, at which the above-ground parts of the plant are moistened, and to be watered only under the root. This rule must be observed due to the fact that nematodes are sensitive to moisture and usually when wetted, the affected tissue areas come out of them and move to other plants;

5) when transferring plants from open ground to greenhouses, the pots should be carefully washed from adhering soil.

Special recommendations are available for the control of nematodes in greenhouses, in the selection of healthy plants, in relation to equipment used in growing flower crops, and in relation to planting material. Inventory and other items are treated with a 3% formalin solution, shelves are watered from watering cans, etc. The pots are immersed in a 3% formalin solution and then covered with sacking for 2 hours.

Mother liquors, in the absence of healthy ones, are processed long before grafting with a wet thermal method at a temperature of 50 ° for 10 minutes or at 55 ° for 5 minutes. The direct protection of plants consists in spraying them with thiophos (10 g per 10 liters of water) and watering with thiophos (50 g per 10 liters of water) under the root at the rate of 4 liters per 1 m 2 with intervals between treatments of 10 days. To protect the bulbs, it is recommended to treat them with water heated to 44 ° for 3-4 hours, followed by drying.

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